
Cisco Telepresence Magic

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5 Tips for Dealing With Difficult Clients

Sure, the customer is king, but let's face it, some of them are just irrational, difficult and downright horrible. Luckily, they do not have a majority. So what do you do when you are with the client from Hades that you prefer to serve as a gas face? Put the following steps in practice, of course.

1. Do not take it personally.

As difficult as it may be to believe, where the customer is hurling insults at you, the> Client does not have a personal problem with you. It could be a case, the customer has a problem with the company you represent, or the service, but not you personally. It could also be a case that he or she has had a bad day and unfortunately, you do not pay. It is not true, but it happens. If you decided to put their anger as a personal attack on you can see, it can affect the future relationship with the customer, when their anger had subsided. Maintain the right attitude andrefuse to act defensively. You may be surprised to see how the same client can respond to another day when things are better for them.

2. If you are wrong, admit it.

Only very few things that anger people more than in dealing with people who do not admit they are wrong. If you are in the wrong by showing professionalism and honesty to admit it. In some cases, a sufficient excuse. In cases where there is not enough to be willing to go the extra mile to show thatthat you are serious about clean up the situation. Offer a discount on the next bill or the provision of free hours service are just a few ideas. Customers will often judge the level of your service, how well you are in a difficult situation and will most likely forgive you and your company more if you deal with the situation and elevates the experience.

3. Put yourself in their position.

As a customer, nothing annoys me more than providers who do notYou can find a theme in my opinion. Recently I called a service provider to find out whether their services in my area. I was told that I had to sign up for the service and then waited for the activation. After months of waiting, I contacted the company again, only by a manager that the service could not be told in my area for another year. I was pretty excited and was very vocal to express my displeasure, because I suffered a terrible drawback. It hurt, really my Feelings when the manager told me to stop making a big thing and the fact that people make mistakes all the time. Obviously 2 months wait for a service that is not even available, which I have received from another vendor could not guarantee a response. Be nice to your customers think, how they, by they feel in their position.

4. At all costs, avoid the confrontation.

The last thing you want is in a war of words with a get> Client. Your goal should be to reassure the customer and to diffuse a potentially explosive situation by maintaining peace and professionalism. It should never win an argument, as you can only lose a client. Give your customers the opportunity to vent their feelings without interrupting them. After they had to say in full, then you have to sell. Be sure to check your tone and your body language because you do not come as a rude orindifferent.

5. It is ok to say, goodbye.

Some customers can not calm down. If you tried all the above and there is no improvement in the relationship, politely advise the client that may in the interest of both parties, it is advisable that they take their business elsewhere. Because there is no rule that says you need to stay in a relationship that does not work.

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Cisco's On Stage Telepresence Experience

Cisco demonstrates an "On-Stage TelePresence Experience at the launch of its latest Globalization Center in Bangalore, India. See Cisco CEO John Chambers introduced to interact with a life-size representation of Cisco SVP Marthin De Beer, assembled the quantity of San Jose. More information about the Cisco TelePresence on the authoritative website on the Internet for telepresence and effective visual collaboration: Telepresence ...

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Cisco 800 Series Routers Video Data Sheet

Learn more about the features and specifications of the 800 series router. For more info:

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Representing the Unrealistic Client

One of the most difficult issues that face lawyers representing customer relationships with an unrealistic client. It is easy to see how a customer may, in the autumn, which is, objectively, an unrealistic expectation about his situation. For many customers (corporate and individual are) deeply invested in their matter, and many people (especially people) will probably have some legal issues so that those who do it, is of crucial importance, stress triggers and wrappedwith a variety of emotions.

Since, by definition, attorneys deal with a variety of cases, the loss of relatively low to very complex, it is easy for lawyers from the eyes of the customer "s perspective on a topic. We usually get a feel for the client 's perspective early in the presentation, but especially when something is largely on paper or on an urgent time schedule, it is easy to slip that in the press of business can be. And that's where it is dangerousand unpleasant.
The top customer relations skills, then it can be observed to keep the customer's point of view from case to case and in view that in dealing with the presentation. The result is that if the case takes a small but unfortunate bounce, you could not choose to customers by phone or meet with her and send the messages via e-mail or letter.

In addition, the customer's keep perspective in mind, you can see if and when a customer slips intounrealistic expectations about his case, such as finance (whether) the attorney's fees, costs or damages that expected liquidation value or the cost of the transaction, or the speed at which the matter should be clarified. The quickest way to a dissatisfied customer is out of sight, as the client is just what happens to lose your representation. The second fastest is to fail to take into account your individual communication with the customer, as he looks to takeThings.

What to do when you realize that your client is a recovery in the millions is expected when you think (and have even suggested that the client) that is the case only in the range of U.S. $ 10,000 worth? Or, if you find that your customer believes a complicated family matter should be resolved within 2 weeks? How do you deal with the unrealistic customer?

1st communication. Find out why your customer thinks, what he thinks. They areoften discover that he is consulting with a well-meaning but underinformed friend, a solicitor or other "experts". We all know that is one fact, a case of "high value" to "dog", and it is a fair bet that the customer is only part of the facts have revealed that know the "experts do not," the law in the area, or was the conversation casually sorry, and the customer commented on a much more serious than it was planned.

2.Written notice. We've all had the experience at a particular time of the hearing to a wealth of information and recall just a few. Of course, this also applies to the customer. One might therefore consider is preparing a detailed engagement letter, including information such as expected time to resolution, the expected fees for the various stages of engagement, and / or your initial assessment of the case - all of course with language indicating that She is your best estimatebut that later events or discoveries, the situation could change dramatically. Writing such a letter have not only confirmed that you discussed these issues, there are also the customers something back to the brush down the line to his memory.

3rd address the unrealistic expectations of the same. Once you feel that your client is a certain expectation operation that we consider realistic, coping with his. Immediately. And you can be sure that other attorneysand support staff who are with the clients willing to unrealistic expectations on notice and let you know about it immediately. Grow mold on cheese, unrealistic expectations, if not cut off.

4th Explain why things are as they are. For example, if a customer believes that any negotiations take a long time, if it's average, and share your experiences with your customers. Let him know how long things like this usually take, which causesa delay, and whether you think the delay is reasonable. Depending on the situation, this step could be to be a paralegal could be delegated or to be incorporated into a regular thing update to the client. Be active in other words, if possible.

5th Review the client intake process. A good client-screening process is important to the practice and your sanity. If you hold a number of clients, unrealistic expectations, perhaps finding thatInformation about the way you communicate with customers in the first session. (The same applies when you are surrounded by difficult customers.) Consider whether you spend more time and energy on customer need assessment before accepting the representation. It is impossible to screen every customer, the challenge is, but when you get to keep these customers, you will be well served by investigating why this is so.

Keep this handy checklist and review itat regular intervals. Although these are steps that unrealistic tailored client, they are regular for every customer. Sticking to it helps you provide customers with excellent service.

If you find that you have more than your fair share of difficult clients, perhaps a tune-up in sales and / or business development skills would be useful. I work with lawyers who want to major customers who are not only making rain to bring needed skills, butand understanding of managing client expectations and client communication.

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Business Building: Securing that Potential Client - Sample Thank You Letter

Great! They have succeeded in a meeting with the major potential customers have you wanted to make sure. You set the time and let down your presentation just right. Finally the big day comes and everything goes well at your event. What now? Sit back and wait for it to call prospective clients?

Someone that could make a lot of money once said: "Happiness is in the follow-up." So go out there and follow-up!

The first thing you shouldwill be done, they send a thank you letter. Go one step further and make it personal by writing the potential customers a greeting card with a thank you note into his hand. Here's a sample thank-you letter, you could after a meeting with a potential client to send.



It was wonderful, with the possibility to meet you and know you learn a little better. I always loved the opportunity to hear about your trip to Europe. As I said earlier, it is aPlace I want to go in the near future. It sounds like I could really are a few tips from you, where you go, while I am there.

John, I can see how much value you bring to your company and how much you want to succeed. I want to show you for the opportunity you and your company, what we can do for you, to thank assist you in your goals.

If there is any further questions, feel free to answer it for you, do not call us.

I look forward to the opportunity towork with you on this project.

Jane Doe


As you can see, a thank you letter after a meeting with a prospective client does not need to be fancy, but it should be personal, if necessary. Make an attempt this past relationship just business, so that potential clients will see you really build on their interests.

Sometimes, however, a formal relationship is required. Here is a sample letter of thanks after a meeting with apotential customers that may be little more formal.


Mr. Doe,

It was wonderful today and learning more about ACME, Inc. I would like to thank you WIDGETS Corp. the opportunity to earn your business. I see that this project is important for your business, and I want to assure you that WIDGETS Corp. will do everything for that, we offer you the best possible service.

Do you have any questions we can answerplease contact me.

Jane Doe


Whether your communication is formal or informal, shall be sent a thank you letter for more than reaction in the form of a greeting card. It has more impact and is memorable, the two keys to a good presentation.

Password After sending the letter of thanks, not you, follow-up in a few days to a week with a phone call. Often, prospects will be given busy and need that push to get going on a project. If yourCompeting demands before you do who is likely to make the business?

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Cisco Training CCNA IP Addressing - Part 6

In the last video, we saw how computers work out subnets, host and broadcast addresses. Here we look at some tips and tricks so that they do so quickly into a test situation.

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Shwayze ft Cisco - Buzzin Official Video

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Cisco CCENT - CCNA Certification Exam Tutorial - Logging Synchronous And Exec-Timeout Commands

Throughout my CCENT and CCNA tutorials, you will notice these two curious commands on the console port:

line con 0

exec-timeout 0 0

Logging synchronous -

I recommend these commands together for many years, CCNA and CCNP candidates from their own home labs, but they can come in handy at work as well. Let us consider these commands one at a time, starting with the logging synchronous command.

If the router wants you to know something, it wants you toknow right now. If the router sends a message to the console while you're entering a config, by default the router will interrupt your work to show you that message.

In the following example, I opened a Serial interface, which will always result in at least two messages relating to the physical and logical state of the interface. I started typing a sentence immediately after I opened the interface to show you what happens. I've bolded the sentence I was entering.

R1(config)#int s0

R1 (config-if) # closed

R1 (config-if) # ^ Z

R1 # So here I am

4d04h:% SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by CONSOLETYPE

4d04h:% LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0, changed state to uping and

4d04h:% LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0, changed state to interrupt upi've very bad!

4d04h:% LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0, changed state to down

This may seen trivial, but if you have a long commandEntry interrupted by a console message, you are wondering how to prevent it. (If you stop crying to the router, that is.) By configuring the logging synchronous command on the console port, tell the router to keep those messages until there is no input from the keyboard and no other exit the router recognizes as a show command output.

R1 (config) # line console 0

R1 (config-line) # logging?

Synchronous synchronous signal output

The secondCommand I always enter on the console port of a house lab router or switch, exec-timeout 0 0. This disables the default timeout of 5 minutes and 0 seconds. If you change the timer, instead of to disable it, the first number represents the number of minutes of inactivity in the timer and the second number is the number of seconds.

R1 (config) # line con 0

R1 (config-line) # exec-timeout?

Timeout in minutes

R1 (config-line) # exec-timeout 0?

Timeout inSeconds

R1 (config-line) # exec-timeout 0 0 disabled (the inactivity timer)

This command can also be configured on the VTY lines, and that the inactivity timer for Telnet or SSH and disable users. Here we find the VTY line inactivity timer to 10 minutes.

R1 (config) # line vty 0 4

R1 (config-line) # exec-timeout?

Timeout in minutes

R1 (config-line) # exec-timeout 0?

Timeout in seconds

R1 (config-line) # exec-timeout 10?

Timeout inSeconds

R1 (config-line) # exec-timeout 10 0

Some network administrators hate this command, and I personally do not like to disable my router Telnet and SSH inactivity timer. They're great commands for your current or future home lab, and I also recommend for your CCENT and CCNA exams!

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Basic Configuration Tutorial For the Cisco ASA 5505 Firewall

The Cisco ASA 5505 firewall is the smallest model of the new Cisco 5500 series hardware appliances. Although this model is ideal for small businesses, branch offices or even home use are likely to be the firewall security features such as the largest models (5510, 5520, 5540, etc.). The Adaptive Technology of the ASA Firewall Security provides solid and reliable firewall security, advanced application security features, Denial of Service attack protection, and much more.In addition, the implementation of the ASA 5505 appliance supports 150Mbps firewall throughput, and 4000 firewall connections per second, which is more than enough for small networks is.

In this article I will explain the basic configuration steps are necessary to set up a Cisco ASA 5505 firewall to connect a small network to the Internet. We anticipate that our ISP has assigned us a static public IP address (for example) as an example, and that our internal network area. Weis Port Address Translation (PAT) to use to translate our internal IP addresses to the public outside of the interface. The difference between the 5505-model from the larger models, ASA is that there is an 8-port 10/100 switch, which acts as a Layer 2 only. This means you can not configure the physical port as a Layer 3 ports, but you have to create VLANs and assign the interface to layer 2 interfaces in each VLAN. By default, the interface Ethernet0 / 0 assigned to VLAN 2 and it is the external interface(the one that connects to the Internet), and assigned to the other 7-interfaces (Ethernet0 / 1 to 0 / 7) by default on VLAN 1 and are used for connecting to the internal network. Let's see, the basic configuration setup of the most important steps you need to configure.

Step 1: Configure the internal VLAN interface
-------------------------------------------------- ----
ASA5505 (config) # interface vlan 1
ASA5505 (config-if) # nameif inside
ASA5505 (config-if) # security-level100
ASA5505 (config-if) # ip address
ASA5505 (config-if) # closed

Step 2: Configure the external interface VLAN (Internet connected)
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
ASA5505 (config) # interface vlan 2
ASA5505 (config-if) # nameif outside
ASA5505 (config-if) # security-level 0
ASA5505 (config-if) # ip address
ASA5505 (config-if) # closed

Step 3: AssignEthernet 0 / 0 to VLAN 2
ASA5505 (config) # interface Ethernet0 / 0
ASA5505 (config-if) # switchport access vlan 2
ASA5505 (config-if) # closed

Step 4: Check the other interfaces with no closed
ASA5505 (config) # interface Ethernet0 / 1
ASA5505 (config-if) # closed

Do the same for Ethernet0 / 1 to 0 / 7.

Step 5: Configuring PAT on the outsideInterface
-------------------------------------------------- ---
ASA5505 (config) # global (outside) 1 interface
ASA5505 (config) # nat (inside) 1

Step 6: Configure the default route to the ISP (assume default gateway is
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----
ASA5505 (config) # route outside 1

The above steps are absolutely necessary stepsYou need to configure for the manufacture of the device in operation. Of course there are many more configuration details that you need to implement to ensure the safety and functionality of your device, such as Access Control Lists, Static NAT, DHCP, DMZ zones, improving authentication, etc.

Visit my website in my resource box below for more information about Cisco products and solutions. You can also configure all Cisco ASA 5500 firewall here.

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