
AT & T offers great Uversa as an economical alternative to cable television

AT & T Uversa offers packages that are offered to customers as an alternative to cable TV and satellite TV. AT & T is basically a phone company to make a journey into the television market through its new technology called Uversa is not only able to service quality digital video, but high-speed Internet and telephony, and to facilitate decision-making.

Although the concept of Uversa is relatively new to the market compared toCable TV companies that have been for decades, you know, a good deal for the customer, as well as being convenient, proves to be economically and in the long run to offer.

Of all the AT & T offers Uversa that have been offered by the company, is for the customer to analyze all the offerings and then mix and match with his election to a range of services in one package. In this way not only acquire the customer is a combination that fitshis needs, but also make additional payments for the package of services that have already chosen.

The packages offered by the company often changes from time to time, and while the choice to install this service, customers are invited to learn about the latest offers and existing, that are used for the promotion of this technology.

AT & T Uversa technology does not require any satellite dish, but it has a fiber, the bulk of UseTerminal in each area with copper cables deliver the signal in each of the houses. The client for the Internet Uversa can choose between different levels of speed while expressing the lowest and the highest service of Uversa Max18. Tenders may also be long distance calls, voice mail and caller ID and call waiting service.

AT & T good Uversa are based on a cash-back offer and are therefore beneficial for the organization and the customer.This, however, offer an extra effort on the part of customers to use the selection process and chose all the options. These vouchers can be either through an Internet service or through various websites that can be purchased in conjunction with the organization.

Almost all offers are flexible because ATT Uversa select the customer, the number of television channels, the amount of Internet services requested and select the other as other services allowPlay online or a favorite sporting event.

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The value of Microsoft Certification MCSE and career path

The development of a professional career in the IT industry requires knowledge, computer training and dedication. Earning a MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) is a reference work that your precious experience in the design and construction of infrastructure for business solutions on the Microsoft Windows server and Microsoft Windows 2000-platform.

Since January 2000, Microsoft certification effectively a number of benefits for those who usefor an MCSE certification, the industry achieved starting from the recognition of knowledge and skills working with Microsoft products and technologies.

This computer training offers a discount of 50 percent and a reduction only on an annual subscription to Microsoft TechNet or TechNet Plus during the first year of certification, even if they are able to satisfy the details, according to the present location, in this case , more details are available in the welcome kit.

In fact, theTechNet offers MCSE certification with a portable IT survival kit, updated monthly, contains the complete Microsoft Knowledge Base as well as supporting Microsoft uses service packs and other kits of great value to Microsoft certification.

Computer training opens the access to Microsoft technical information and product directly from the MCP Member Site, with exclusive discounts on products and services, not only from Microsoft but also by many electedCompanies.

Another big advantage is taken into account the individual who is currently certified in other areas, you can learn more about exclusive discounts on MCSE Certification and some other Microsoft certification by visiting the MCP Member Site.

This page is also the turnkey to free access to Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online, the career, the critically acclaimed magazine for professional development, as well as invitations to Microsoft conferences, technical training, generalComputer training and most of the events.

A side note on comments, advanced content security of Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online site includes the current problem for those who MCSE certification courses and additional online-only columns and content is written, in addition to MCP-only database and chat regularly with Microsoft and other technical experts.

As with any Microsoft certification, students receive their logo MCSE certificate, walletCard, transcript, and lapel pin, identifying them as a MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) to colleagues or clients. Part of this material is the exclusive site for the MCP certification for download.

MCSE Certification values ​​by itself, as part of your professional career. They offer you computer training required, and specializations in messaging, security, MCSE on Microsoft Windows 2000, MCSE on Windows Server 2003, and special offers on subscriptions to Windows &. NET Magazine, considered the main source of independent, how-to information for Microsoft Certification and IT professionals on a Microsoft Windows platform.

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Problems connecting two wireless routers in the same house

If you have a big house or office that requires you to have the connection to the Internet on a warehouse far away, you may need to connect the wireless router to distribute the connection. This happened to me recently when I wanted to access a clear connection to the internet in my garage. Connect two wireless router was the only solution for me.

We all know that just plug in both your router and start using them, but soon discover that this can cause problemsbetween the two wireless routers.

One of the main problems that I noticed when you use two routers in the same house is that you must activate the connections when you move from one end of the house to another. This annoyed me no end, as I go around like my laptop. I want to be in the middle of something and realized that my connection was down and tried to connect to another network. Sometimes I want to be something in the middle of editing to be online and all my updates arebecause the transition between the two wireless routers is lost.

If this problem occurred, it would also change my IP address, which could also cause problems when trying to share files or connect to other remote desktop computer. I really need to clarify how to use more than one wireless router in the same house.

It was pure laziness that I had put in this situation, because they had to work together to make two wireless routers are not really difficult. It was only a matter of recordtime and effort to ensure that the two routers should work well together.

I had two options when you connect two wireless routers in the same house:

1 One was to connect the two wireless router with client mode. This method is not so great because it can reduce the speed of internet connection. Another downfall of this method is that as far as readers of the second router, the worse the connection gets. That made me look for another option for my solutionProblem.

2 The next option was to connect the two routers with bridging. This method is a little 'complicated, but it works better and also not to reduce the speed of your Internet connection. It can be a little 'technical, but I think with some good instructions to do any work like that. Fix is ​​not difficult, you just have to figure out how to do it.

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Faster Computer - How to Make Your Computer Run Faster

Your computer is slower? If so, it's time for you to optimize your computer. A computer starts slow and have a variety of system failure, after using for a long time without proper maintenance. How you can make your computer faster and avoid some system error? You must follow the instructions below.

Repair Registry Errors

Correct errors registry is the first thing to do when you want, shouldto make your computer faster. Why? Because the registry is the database of a computer that contains important information and settings for all drivers, software and system software on your computer. The data defined in the registry, such as running Windows system, and how you run a 'operation of software.

Registry is very important for a computer. But it is extremely vulnerable. A simple uninstall a software or a virus can lead to damage. Ifsome registry keys are deleted or corrupted, Windows system, devices and programs will not be able to run fast and work properly. What is worse, it can lead to severe PC problems like freezes, program not responding, blue screen and even crash. To improve computer performance, you need to repair registry errors regularly.

Clean Up Junk Files

When you use your PC, Windows would record each operation and save some temporary files on your computer. And when you open a website, IE would keep it in the browsing history and save the pages. And some programs also record operations and save some temporary files.

These temporary files do not do you a favor. On the contrary, they slow down your computer. Because when you boot up Windows, Windows needs to load necessary program files as well as the temporary files. They will slow down the computer. That is why we call these files as junk files. To make your computer run faster, you need to clean up the temporary files from your computer.

Optimizing computer performance is a very complicated thing. Besides repairing registry and cleaning up junk files from your computer, you still need to repair dll files, disable unnecessary startup items, tweak memory and so on. It's hard for you to do all the things manually.

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3 simple steps to obtain Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification for Microsoft Office 2003

Microsoft now offers two new versions of popular Microsoft Office certification. They are the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) and Microsoft Certified Application Specialist (MCAS). Should follow the version of the certification, a person depends on the version of Microsoft Office application and want to certify. This article will focus on Microsoft Office Specialist certification.

The Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification is for individuals who useand want to certify Microsoft Office 2003. There are seven possible MOS exams available. Of the seven possible tests, there are two possible titles, and names of a person who earns MOS exams. The names are Microsoft Office Specialist and / or Microsoft Office Specialist Master. The credentials you earn depends on that of the seven exams you take and how many tests you take. The seven tests are available:

Word 2003 Core Word 2003 Expert Excel 2003 CoreExcel 2003 Expert PowerPoint 2003 Access 2003 Outlook 2003 Core Core Core

If you are one of the tests above you to a Microsoft Office Specialist in that product. So, if you pass the Microsoft Word 2003 Expert exam, sent you a certificate issued by Microsoft says that a Microsoft Office Specialist Word 2003 Expert. If you drop the basic examination of Outlook you will be a certificate that tells you a specialist in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 Core, will be sent. AfterThe disclosure of the above tests, it is like "Microsoft Office Specialist" certification, and you can at this time with MOS designation after your name and logo on business cards MOS, curriculum, etc.

If you have four specific tests you pass the MOS Master Microsoft Office Specialist certification to earn / designation. The tests required for the Master, MOS State:

Word 2003 Expert Excel 2003 Expert Outlook 2003 Core PowerPoint 2003 or Access 2003 Core (youonly the 1-2 of the pass) If you've spent these four required exams, Microsoft will mail a certificate that the Microsoft Office Specialist Master says. The certificate will say which of the four required exams you passed. If you have decided this is the certification for you because you are using Microsoft Office 2003 and want to have to control your abilities, you should proceed as follows.

The first step is training - training, you live in 2003,Applications and skills that will be tested on. Search in the search for training that begins with the application and also covers the basics and advanced topics. The tests are difficult, so we want to make sure that the training is complete and includes exam objectives. You should go for training, including practical activities alike. All exams are specialized practice exams. When taking the test, there are questions that appear on the bottom of the page. TheApplication being tested are open at the top of the screen and you need to "do" the tasks necessary to answer questions. The tests are also temporally. Each test lasts 50 minutes, then you want to be sure they are ready to make any objective investigation. Training includes practical exercises, will learn and retain information.

Phase two is practice-tests - Several vendors sell the Microsoft Office Specialist practice exams. These tests simulate the practicethe test environment. It allows you to deal with the type of questions that ask how the questions are formulated, the expected responses, and is an excellent way to develop your skills before the real test to refine.

The third step is Real Exams - Exams are administered only through the official Certiport Testing Center. You have to go to a physical location for testing. Here you will find a test center online through the website and then call Certiportto plan for the site, and pay for the test. Beware, not Microsoft Office 2003 exams there to offer online. You must go to the center of physical tests and pass the certification exam will be "certified".

Good luck!

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Do Computer Repair Classes Make Sense for You?

There is a lot to know if you plan on repairing computers for a living. Even if you simply plan on moonlighting with a computer repair business, the amount of information you are expected to know can be daunting. Computer repair classes may make sense for you if you have both time and some money to invest in some training.

The first thing you'll want to determine is what kind of training you will need. Do you need advanced training or are you looking for simple techniques? Knowing what kind of training you need can reduce the time it take you to find the right class for your training needs.

How much of a budget have you set aside for training? Most computer training takes money. The more advanced the training, the more money it will cost. The cost will also depend on whether you follow a course of study. For the computer repair industry, compTia's A+ certification is the one most recognized. Most computer training centers will offer a course on A+ certification.

Other training that makes sense for a computer repair technician includes computer networks including compTia's Network+, Microsoft's MSCE certification and CISCO certifications. You could also benefit from computer security certification like compTia's Security+, MCSE security, Cisco security and even an ethical hacking cert like CISSP training.

Know what you plan on focusing your energies on. If you plan on working for someone else, know what area you plan on concentrating on. If you plan on owning your own business, you should also know what your area of concentration is going to be. Don't take the MSCE certification if you intend to focus your business on Linux based products. While this may seem obvious to some, I've encountered people who were confused on this issue.

Bottom line, choose a computer training firm that has been around a while and is known for their thoroughness and expertise. There is nothing worse than paying big bucks for computer training that fails to prepare you properly for the field. Do some research, ask some people in the industry. In the end, if you've done your homework, you'll be fine.

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WAN Network Protocols - DSL, SONET, HDLC, DWDM, DLSW+


This article describes the implementation of protocols in the WAN enterprise network environments today HDLC, DSL, SONET, DWDM and DLSw +

High level Data Link Control (HDLC)

HDLC is a Cisco proprietary protocol designed to send data over serial links. It defines an encapsulation method for data link layer for transporting data over a public or private network. This protocol is used toTDM leased line. TDM circuits are probably the oldest types of circuits from circuit switching technology developed by the Public Switched Telephone Network carries traffic that uses the phone. The difference is that companies need to carry data traffic speed model 256 Kbps to 45 Mbps is just a circuit that requires the data at the beginning and at the end, what a phone line for conditioning and formatting data for these speeds.

The TDM network is working withSteps called digital signal zero (DS-0). A DS-0 is a 64 kbps channel (56 kbps, when in-band signaling), is the part of the DS-1 specific industry standards. A DS-1 defines a standard for the design of transmission on a T1 circuit at 1.544 Mbps with 24 channels DS-0. A DS-3 standard defines a frame for transmission over a circuit T3 44.736 Mbps with 28 channels DS-1. Some service providers offer what is called fractional T1 (Frac T1). It 'a circuit that operates at a lower speed1,544 Mbps as well, as there is a subset group of 24 channels.

The common fractional T1 speeds of 384 Kbps, which is composed of six DS-0 channels. Many routers have a serial interface function, the shared channel or a T1 circuit. This is useful if you do not want to pay for a full T1 circuit. This is done by differentiating each specific channel full T1 circuit. Europe is called something other than standard circuit speed E1and E3. The E1 circuit is composed of 30 channels DS-0and operates at 2.048 Mbps, while E3 is made up of 20 T1 channels and operates at 34.368 Mbps.

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)

Digital Subscriber Line is one of the latest broadband technologies that are used for remote access and dial-office. It 'very affordable when compared with ISDN and T1circuits, because it is faster and less expensive. The problem with DSL is that it should not be higher than 18,000 feet from the center service provider. The demand forHigh-speed Internet access service is the installation of DSL equipment on many key points. This increases the chances of availability in your area, if it is not an option today. The current specification defines three key technologies, asymmetric DSL (ADSL), Very High Data Rate DSL (VDSL) and symmetric DSL (SDSL) are.

Asymmetric DSL (ADSL), as the name implies, is the ADSL technology, which allows higher speeds downstream of theService provider for the customer to the upstream speed from client to service provider. The project corresponds to the flow of Internet and video applications, because usually the customer to download more information and will not send them. Depending on the distance from the service provider's central downstream speeds can be faster than 6 Mbps and upstream speed can be up to 640 Kbps as a conservative with bridge taps and wire diameter greater(Pressure) will increase the speed of transmission from client to service provider.

The ADSL modem or router at the customer with a standard 2-pair telephone line for service provider DSL Access Multiplexer (DSLAM) terminates interface. At this point, the service of their DSLAMs interconnection with a variety of different devices, such as T1, T3, SONET, Frame Relay, ATM or DSL circuits for transmission over the Internet or to another office.As already mentioned, some customers for sharing the ADSL line to use their phone as well. The DSLAM is removed from the data traffic and voice traffic is routed, a Class 5 switch, which is sent over the PSTN via a protocol such as SS7. Many enterprise customers a line for additional data, the increase in costs, however, when the number is not available, has decided to no impact on their Internet connection.

Very High Rate DSL (VDSL) is greaterspeed DSL specification that will transmit data at distances between 1,000 feet and 4,500 feet across copper telephone lines. Distances of approximately 1000 feet will support speeds of 55 Mbps while distances of 4,500 feet will support an approximate speed of 12 Mbps. There are some technical differences with line encoding however the modem will split off the telephone service as does ADSL for phone calls.

Symmetric DSL (SDSL) is somewhat new and as the name suggests transmits data in both directions at T1 speeds. The distance specification from the central office is 21,000 feet and it should be noted that there must be a separate phone line since SDSL won't split off phone traffic. That is currently an issue that is being addressed and should be available this year. SDSL is an always-on service, which reduces the issues with call setup. That and the higher upstream traffic rates make it better suited for web hosting applications since your file downloads sent with downstream traffic is sent with their upstream traffic. There are tremendous opportunities for service providers to sell cost effective high speed Internet access to many clients across the United States today. Telecommuters and business clients can reduce costs with higher speed circuits for sending voice and data from home, access and distribution offices across the Internet.


The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) specification describes a high speed fiber technology used by service providers for transporting voice and data traffic. A SONET network is built with a series of ring segments that are inter-connected. Each SONET segment is comprised of dual counter rotating rings for link diversity should one of the rings be unavailable. The standard OC-1 interface is 51.8 Mbps. The SONET network ring is built with Add/Drop Multiplexers (ADM) which terminate the SONET signal at various metropolitan and national locations. They are Time Division Multiplexers that mux/demux SONET signals from an OC-12 to OC-48 traffic stream. Each ADM has an active and a standby connection to the SONET ring. When a network failure with the active connection is detected, the standby connection is immediately activated. The SONET frame structure is 810 bytes that is comprised of overhead and payload bytes. The overhead is comprised of section and line signaling. The payload bytes are comprised of path signaling and payload. Customer routers such as the Cisco 7507 that support OC-3 interfaces that can interface with an ADM.

Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM)

Dense Wave Division Multiplexers (DWDM) are used to multiplex optical signals at various wavelengths onto a single fiber strand for transport across an optical network at speeds from OC-48 to OC-192. Each wavelength can run at speeds of up to 10 Gbps. Current optical systems can multiplex as many as 100 wavelengths or channels per fiber strand which is almost 1 Terabit (1000 Gbps) aggregate speed. Current efforts are focused on developing multi-terabit transport on 1 fiber strand. This technology is somewhat of a demarcation between the fastest enterprise core networks and the long haul ISP core networks which aggregate hundreds of enterprise customers. The enterprise customer can connect with DWDM networks using ATM switches and IP routers with OC-48 interfaces. Public and private SONET network providers have rings that connect using equipment with interfaces running at OC-48 speeds as well. The Cisco 12016 Gigabit switch router is available with OC-48 interfaces. Companies today are utilizing 400 OC-48 router interfaces at the 12016 to build a Terabit WAN core.

Data Link Switching (DLSW+)

Data Link Switching is a Layer 2 protocol used for encapsulating SNA frames across an IP WAN. It is an IP encapsulation method that integrates SNA workstations and servers with the IP enterprise network. Encapsulation of SNA is required since there is no Layer 3 addressing defined with its protocol stack. Routers that are configured with DLSW+ will establish peer relationships with local and remote DLSW+ routers. Each SNA Frame is encapsulated in an IP packet before it is sent across the WAN to a peer router configured with DLSW+. Each local router will terminate LLC2 data link layer frames from each workstation and send local acknowledgments to each local workstation as packets are sent and received. That eliminates LLC2 timeout issues that can occur between workstation and server when acknowledgments must travel across a congested WAN circuit.

SNA is connection-oriented and must receive data link acknowledgments every few seconds or the session will timeout. Bridge protocols such as Source Route Bridging (SRB) limit the number of bridges and rings that an SNA packet can span. There is no issue with the number of Rings utilized with DLSW+ since the RIF field is terminated at the router. DLSW+ integrates many different data link technologies such as Ethernet, Token Ring, SDLC and Frame Relay. There is a translation as well between different frame types such as Ethernet and Token Ring at each router for those data link technologies. Promiscuous mode is configured at DLSW+ routers which allows for many connections from remote peer routers. An example would be 7500 Data Center routers that have peer connections from many distribution offices.

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Review of ASA5540-BUN-K9

The ASA5540-BUN-K9 provides a wide range of high performance, high-density security services with Active / Active high availability and Gigabit Ethernet connectivity for medium and large enterprises and service provider networks, with a modular, reliable device. With four Gigabit Ethernet interfaces and supports up to 100 VLANs, businesses can segment their network into numerous zones for improved security.

ASA5540-BUN-K9 scales with businesses as a safety netRequirements grow, offering exceptional investment protection and scalability of services. The advanced networking services and level of application security and anti-x defenses, as ASA5540-BUN-K9 may be improved by using a high performance Security Services Module.

Companies can sell their IPSec and SSL VPN capacity through multiple means to support more standard mobile workers, remote offices and business partners. VPN performance and endurance can be increased through the use ofIntegrated VPN clustering and load balancing capabilities ASA5540-BUN-K9 to assist with support for up to 10 devices in a group for a maximum of 50,000 VPN peers per cluster.

Businesses can also scale up to 5000 IPSec and 2500 SSL VPN peers on each Cisco IPSec ASA5540-BUN-K9 for the installation of a VPN upgrade license. With the optional security features within the ASA5540-BUN-K9 companies can provide up to 50 virtual firewalls within an appliance to enablecompartments control of security policies, the Department or client, and give general guidance and reducing support costs.

Avoid interference of business-critical applications and services due to security breaches by implementing the most used enterprise-class firewall, IPS industry, application security and protection against worms. Reduces the costly process of cleaning up after the infection by preventing the infection from occurring in the first place.Reduces cost of deploying and managing and monitoring the security solution by standardizing on a single platform for security services are linked, and also reduces the company's exposure to liability for damage to data or inadequate corporate controls by implementing the access control and protection of all the services against threats in a single device.

Cisco ASA 5500 Series IPS Edition IPS Edition protects the server infrastructure of an organization, and without hisAbility to use it as a business tool. With its solid firewall and advanced features of Application Security, Cisco ASA 5500 IPS Edition robust and stable implementation of the policy. As a market leader in intrusion prevention and anti-worm capabilities enable the Cisco ASA 5500 Series IPS to protect the property from edition to sophisticated attacks. In combination with the suite of monitoring and management, Cisco ASA 5500 Series IPS Edition unparalleled security ascritical resources and infrastructure.

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What is DHCP?

DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. An easy way to remember what it takes to clear his name, to break its foundations.

Dynamically, when used in the calculation of these terms, would be to update your content regularly, or a change of activity. A host instead, refers to the computer with data from other computer through which you can access via a network or modem. Configuration is essentially how the components of a brandSystem. Since the log refers to a standard method in which adhered so that the transmission of data between computers are properly regulated. If those four words are put together, it basically means that there are a number of procedures (Protocol), which automatically assigns (dynamic configuration), the IP address of a computer to a network (host) to set.

The address automatically happens when a system with a DHCP client that a computer is started, whichDHCP is used to configure the IP address. What happens is that a transmission request is sent to the DHCP server to respond. The DHCP relay agent, one who listens to these requests and forwards the message to a DHCP server is configured. The DHCP server controls to give the customer free of charge, but a proper IP address. Then the DHCP server sends a message with the address information "back to the DHCP relay agent to deliver the message toCustomer. After the client receives the information, which tells the server that is using the specified address. The server then tell the customer that you are given the lease to use the address for a certain period of time.

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Upgrading Computer - New Vs Used

I am a computer administrator for a company selling and I recently had a task to update three computers up to date technology. With budget in mind, I started with a dilemma, if I go with both new or used computers, both had their advantages and disadvantages. After you should compare the prices, I realized that computers used as a new cheaper, not a surprise to anyone.

After moderating several bids on eBay, I realized that some of the greatSeller restructuring also offer a guarantee. I was skeptical at first, but I ordered two software packages, including LCD monitors, keyboards, mice, speakers and computers. After I have my calculations, I realized that I bought used two computers for the price of one. Once I have been addicted to computers, I was perfect in every way. Windows XP Pro comes with authentication sticker and everything was one hundred percent and running. Since my experiencewith the seller was so good I purchased third computer from him as well. Once I received my third computer it turn out that hard drive was that came with it was dead. I have contacted the seller and he mailed me a replacement right away. I was shocked by this very good service.

Used computers may not be the best option for everybody as some people need operating system support. Those that need it should look for new systems as those tend to come with extra level of support. But there is also another option to go with buy a used computer, save some money and If you ever encounter any problems you could contact one of the top line remote computer repair services that allow technician to connect to your computer the same way big manufactures would to run diagnostics and fix problems.

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What can make a connection to the Internet for T1

Two examples of really fast ways of connecting lines, T1 and T3 lines. Both lines can also be a fast broadband Internet connection. Technically speaking, the T1 line to connect a fiber optic line or a compound of copper, which is normally isolated from a traditional phone line. However, the T1 connection or any other functions of the phone and a broadband connection can be used.

T1 and T3 in the rule of all commercial enterprisesthe reason is that they provide high speed data transmission. This is very interesting for companies, especially those who need to send or transfer large amounts of data every day. T-lines also offer Internet access, which is very reliable with the ability to run multiple events such as the Internet and the errors are largely controlled.

As for the speed of T1 lines, the power, turn to 1.5 Mb / s, while the T3 line operates at speeds of 44.6 Mb / s, which meansT3 lines are up to 30 times faster than T1 lines. These connection speeds are very beneficial especially for those who are Internet high traffic and demand may also be situations where network coverage is available to many users. A T1 line at full speed up to 24 users, which is about 64 Kbps to work much more for this type of connection to the Internet.

Businesses that require faster connection speeds to the Internet without a doubt love the T3 because it is the fastestInternet access is available on the market today. T3 lines provide sufficient bandwidth for multiple hosts, including the need for high-traffic Web sites and links to organizations, schools and other groups who have access to the Internet at the highest levels.

The types of broadband Internet connections such as T1 and T3 are typically used and widely available in almost every part of the world. This kind of Internet connections is what companies use in their activities over the Local Area ConnectionLAN or on the World Wide Web

Most Internet users today do not really need the services and benefits of T1 and T3 lines, but because of its high speed they want, many are now regularly using the Internet, the rapid loading and discharge experiences. T1 and T3, the performance does not slow down, even if many users are using the Internet. It 'also use what the internet's largest coffee. Users can also talk on the phone and not lose their connection to the Internet even if your phoneLine is used.

In terms of costs, T1 and T3 lines are definitely a great service, but somehow, a little 'expensive. You need to pay more money for this type of connection than a cable or DSL. But, of course, what you paid the cost in return you get a very fast internet connection. Productivity is bound to grow rapidly and Internet access will be faster than ever.

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Repair Computer Basics for Beginners

It is possible for regular Joes to your computer without the need to establish a specialist to appeal to computer repair? Yes! You can easily, and these techniques can repair computers easy to learn in this article that I wrote. You are told exactly what you need to know and do to get your computer repaired and work as you want!

There is always the possibility that a company like Geek Squad, theBest Buy, if the additional cost of $ 350 to repair your computer. Let us also their vision of the state of computer repair is not what you need if you ever for someone at home with the intention of selling the software is not required instead of trying to come to repair the computer. Later, I enjoy reading all my experiences with this company, and how much fun it brought to my world

If only through the computerRepair techniques we need to know, I do not want to waste your time with nonsense confusion about how a computer works or how you have your computer in the first place you need computer repair break down? Who cares right? What happened, can just fix the darn thing.

I'll show you how to do computer repair, best and easiest way possible. We care about our current situation better computer, as it isright now they need free computer repair.

He presented the basics of computer repair and articles that follow here to delete more than enough to repair 90% of problems on home computers, all the way to solve all so no need for "computer repair" is no longer on the Internet and how to solve computer problems.

You might think, as I have when I get a lotlittle about computer repair or that it will be almost impossible to understand this mysterious sound square towers or how they work, not less. It is much easier than you think! You just have to know what information is important to repair the computer than to discard all the useless things, to say that most computer repair companies in order to confuse you, so take them. We do not need them! We have our own and Gosh darnWe decided to draw this useful article, the basic repair of computers.

Stages of repair of computers are all the same.

Again, steps are computer-repair the same if it's do or does a computer engineer. The engineer is, but the basic steps in the repair of a computer system, the same procedure as we move forward in this article. You might know what they put on this occasion10% when a computer is more than normal, damaged, but we're not even care about the strange coincidence.

There are hundreds of non-computer gurus to develop new and innovative ways to repair computers. Computer repair techniques have already been assigned to us and has shown, you can only use other peoples work and knowledge to repair the computer, after all it is free and legal!. Consider the same situation where you watch a line recipe for cooking a meal of fantasy, it's the same idea!

Now I am preparing for a long time to tell you why I'm doing this. You know you can do it, you just have to believe in yourself and repair of computers one step at a time. I can not stress enough. Computer Repair in steps ... To be performed 1) before 2 ha). Yes, it seems obvious, but its strictly to himself, especially when learning toFor computer repair>, will make it easy on yourself.

Normally, when we fix something in life, we must identify the problem .. blah blah. Direct identification of the problem! (Not, as we learned in school or not?) Lets not even try, a problem that the repair has yet to be identified with our computer!

First, make a couple of basic notions of very simple computer repair, who wants almost all computer problems problems (shhh overpriced Geek Squad or noteverybody to know this).

Getting Started in Computer Repair

1) Click on the Start menu, a button that is visible while the mouse is over the Start menu, the button "run". Click the Run button and a small window at the bottom of the screen is left.

2) Type "msconfig" (without quotes) in the field that is inside the window.

3) Another window will appear as a tab on the right "start up"

4) At the bottom of the window is a buttonClick on the name of "Disable All" button

5) Then click the "Apply" button directly below the "disable all" button.

6) X out the window (to close the window) and it opens another window. Choose the option "Restart Now".

And that's it! You've just learned to be very simple to do computer repair technique to solve most problems of computer repair.

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Network Security Model - Defining a security strategy


These are the top five security groups that are designed with any security model of society into account. These include security policies, perimeter, network, transaction costs and security monitoring. These are all part of an effective strategy for enterprise security. Every company has a perimeter network, all devices and circuits, which represents external networks, both public and private connection. The internal network consists of all servers,Applications, data and equipment used for business operations. The demilitarized zone (DMZ) is a position between the internal network and the extension of public servers and firewalls together. Allows some access for users outside the network server and block the traffic that would be to get to internal servers. This does not mean that all external users are denied access to internal networks. On the contrary, to prescribe an appropriate strategy of security, access to what and whowhere. For example, remote workers VPN concentrators will be used on the perimeter for Windows and Unix Servers. In addition to the business partner may be an extranet VPN connection to access the S/390 mainframe companies. Define what security is needed on all servers for enterprise applications and protect files. Identify the transaction logs needed to safeguard data while on the trip segments safe and unsafe network. Monitoring activities should be established that hisexamine the packets in real time as a defensive strategy and proactive protection against internal and external attacks. A recent survey has shown that internal attacks from disgruntled employees and consultants the most common attacks by hackers. Detection of the virus should be allowed, because the sessions of vectors capable of viruses at the application level with an e-mail or file transfer can be addressed.

Security Policy Document

The security policy document describesdifferent policies for all employees using the corporate network. It is determined that employees must do and by what means. The directive contains no employees and consultants, business partners finished, customers and employees. In addition to defining security policies for Internet e-mail and virus detection. It defines what is a cyclical process, if you are used to test and improve security.

Perimeter Security

This describes a firstLine of defense, external users need to authenticate the first network deal. There is no security for the traffic whose source and destination is an external network. Many components are used to protect the perimeter of a network. The evaluation of all devices currently in use in the scope. Typical perimeter devices, firewalls, external routers, servers, TACACS, RADIUS servers, dial-up servers, VPN concentrators and modems.

Network Security

This isdefined as all servers and legacy host security, which will be implemented for authentication and authorization, internal and external collaborators. If a user has been authenticated through the security perimeter, it is known that with the first of all applications should be treated. The network exists to carry data traffic between the workstation and network applications. Network applications are implemented on a shared server that can run an operating system like Windows, Unix or mainframeMVS. And 'responsibilities of the operating system to store data in order to respond to requests for data and maintain data security. Once a user is authenticated to a Windows ADS Domain with a specific user account, have the privileges that are granted to this account. These privileges would launch some directories on a server or server applications to access and manage some or all of the Windows server. When the user authenticates to the Windows Active Directory Servicesdistributed there is no special server. These are huge benefits and availability that since he received all the accounts from a security point of view of central and copies of the database are managed on different servers across the network. Unix and mainframe hosts usually require registration on a particular system, but the network rights can be distributed many hosts.

· Network domain operating system authentication and authorization

• Windows Active DirectoryAuthentication and authorization services

· Unix and mainframe series of authentication and authorization

· Server license for every application

• File and data approval

Transaction Security

Transaction Security working in a dynamic perspective. An attempt is made to ensure that each session, with five primary activities. It is non-repudiation, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and virus detection. Security of transactions ensures that the session datais, before securing the entire enterprise, or transfer on the Internet. This is important when it comes to the Internet because the data is vulnerable to those who use the valuable information without permission would be. E-commerce has around industry standards such as SET and SSL, which is a set of protocols that describe how non-repudiation, integrity, authentication and confidentiality. In addition to virus detection provides transaction security by examining the data files for signs of virus infectionbefore it is sent to an internal user or before being transported over the Internet. Described below are industry standard protocols security of transactions.

Not resignation - RSA Digital Signatures

Integrity - MD5 authentication, the path

Authentication - Digital Certificates

Confidentiality - IPSec/IKE/3DES

Virus Detection - McAfee / Norton Anti Virus Software

Security monitoring

Monitoring network traffic for security threats,Vulnerability and unusual events for each security strategy is essential. This assessment will determine which strategies and applications that are used. Below is a list that describes some typical monitoring applications. Intrusion detection sensors are designed to monitor the traffic information in real time as you arrive at your perimeter. IBM Internet Security Scanner vulnerability assessment is an excellent tool for testing should be considered for your company. Syslog Server is a messagingStandard Unix program to many companies, security events to write a log file is located for testing. It 'important to include audit trails for changes in the network and contribute to the isolation of security issues. Large companies that use a lot of analog dial-up modem for dial-up scanners sometimes employ open lines that could be exploited by hackers to determine the security forces. Safety equipment is typically badge access to equipment and servers that host mission-critical data. Access badge systemskeeping time on each employee entering the space and telecommunications on the left. Cameras record sometimes, what specific activities were carried out as well.

Intrusion Prevention Sensor (IPS)

Cisco Intrusion Prevention sensors protect markets (IPS) to business customers to improve the security situation in the corporate network. Cisco IPS 4200 Series sensors are used in strategic locations inside and outside the network switches, routers andServer from hackers. IPS sensors monitored the network traffic in real time or offline, compared with pre-defined signatures packages. When the sensor detects suspicious behavior, it will send an alarm message, delete the package and some evasive maneuvers to counter the attack. Can the sensor line IPS IPS, IDS, where traffic flows are not used by the device or a hybrid device. Most of the sensors within the network of data centers is to counter the IPS mode with its dynamic characteristics are known security attackswhen they occur. Note that IOS intrusion prevention, today with the router as an option.

Vulnerability Assessment Test (VAST)

IBM Internet Security Scanner (ISS) is a vulnerability assessment scanner for enterprise customers to assess the vulnerability of the network from internal and external point of view. The software runs on agents and scans of various network devices and servers for known vulnerabilities and potential vulnerabilities.The process consists of network discovery, data collection, analysis and reporting. The data collected from routers, switches, servers, firewalls, workstations, operating systems and network services. Potential weaknesses are checked by destructive testing and made recommendations to correct security problems. There is a reporting system is available with the scanner that the information presented to employees of the company results.

Syslog ServerMessaging

Cisco IOS is a Unix program called syslog, which on a variety of devices and activities, reports error conditions. Most of the routers and switches generate syslog messages that are sent to a particular Unix workstation for review. If the console network management (NMS) is with the Windows platform, there are utilities that can be viewed from the log files and sending files between Unix syslog and Windows-NMS.

Copyright 2006 All rights reserved Shaun Hummel

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Fix Svchost exe Errors With Registry Cleaners - Repair Svchost Exe Error

Sometimes your computer with annoying error svchost exe is getting harassed. These errors are basically a couple of very common problems that every computer will have to face sooner or later. In case you do not behave properly and in time the solution may seem rather complicated. Here are some suggestions to correct the error svchost exe with ease and confidence. The svchost is a central component of Windows. E 'stands for Service Host is responsible forto provide the support necessary for many vital operations windows. The first and most important advice you can overcome this problem is to remove svchost at any price. If you delete the entire system can be turned off. This is a basic file in Windows that keeps going. Some of the most common symptoms of svchost exe error are as follows:

* The computer is slow and the svchost.exe eats almost all the RAM.
* You get the error svchost exe when the PCBoots.
* Restart your experience, or suddenly crashes, the blue screen of death.

The problem of obtaining the error svchost exe with the Windows registry. The files in the registry are more likely to be damaged and the entire system could be seriously damaged if it does not solve the problem in time. Do not ever groped to delete files by mistake only to remove manually, as this could be very risky. The error svchost exe must be removed with the aidThe registry cleaner software.

You need a program that can scan properly diagnose and correct the error svchost exe and registry cleaning, at the same time. The registry cleaner software is very easy to download, install and run any computer user.

If you're thinking of buying software, registry cleaner, you should consider factors such as the time needed to clean up all registry entries, and takes the number and type of errors in softwareto discover and solve the problem. You can try some of this software for free using the trial versions available for download and testing. Through the implementation of the registry cleaner on a regular schedule and the constant updating of software to solve the situation, the error svchost exe and have a better computing experience.

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How to Choose the Right Computer Training Class for Web Developers

The rapidly growing field of computer training has several key questions for people who are interested in both site training provided computer or computer courses online. Web developers are among the career fields that need to address the problems of education. It is not enough to feel, experience and training has already qualified for a position as Web Developer. Technology is changing almost daily and education really never ends. If you have not received certification trainingIT training course or class lately, you are more than likely, late in a hurry.

If you worked as a freelance web developer, you may feel that you do not need training at all. You can rely on talent alone. This is probably a mistake, and you'll quickly enough to meet your expectations. So if you make the decision to seek additional training, where the best place to start?

In almost allToday the area is the first choice is between on-site training or traditional classroom and online training or distance learning. This choice depends on many factors, including cost and time-effect free, but the most important factor is often the personal training diary. If you are the type of person who needs the experience and hands will benefit from the assistance of an instructor in the flesh, on-site computer training is the best choice for you. In the long run is notWhether to save money, or go online when to do better in planning. If you do not have the self discipline or a sense of independence necessary for success in online education, it is better to have a good site computer training course.

A new trend in on-site training computer is what is called computer training boot camps. It is intense and focused certification programs, which are kept on site and provide hands on training and leadershipexperienced professional instructors. The classes available at the boot camps are widely varied. If Micro Soft training classes are what you need to secure a Micro Soft Systems Engineer certificate, you are sure to find plenty of them at the IT boot camps. There are many factors to consider to find the right training for you once you admit to yourself that the rapid technological explosion requires ongoing training. There are also many options, and you must research every available one and weigh the pros and cons carefully before you make a final decision. Treat your training decision with the same care you would give to selecting a college or university for your child. The extra effort will pay off in matching your training needs to the right training institution.

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Repair Internet Explorer 8 - IE 8 as a series of problems quickly and easily repaired

Looking for ways to repair Internet Explorer 8? Although the latest version of Microsoft's browser, it still has some problems of stability and the possibility of collapse. And there are a lot of questions that can mess with it.

Although Internet Explorer 8 is designed to be easy to use and easier to use than IE 7, it has a lot of loopholes and streams. You may experience problems when you start the program. You may respond very slowly freeze and not respond.Worse, it can suddenly shut down and also to bring the computer to crash.

What are the causes of a series of IE 8 Problems? There are three main reasons that can cause problems with IE 8 browser. The first BHO (Browser Help Object). If you install a BHO as Google Toolbar, Yahoo Toolbar IE browser and other objects, increase the ability to break IE. Because if one has problems BHO, Internet Explorer will be shot down. To resolve thisProblems caused by BHO, you must find the cure for a BHO manager on your browser.

And if you happen to find some websites, the site can be installed with an emphasis malicious plug-in for your IE eighth This can also lead to a series of devastating consequences. The malicious plug-in can not only bring your browser, but can also steal your personal data. If you think your browser is extremely slow to recover to its original state and get rid of all malicious plug-in.

EThe third cause of IE 8 problem will be registry errors. The registry contains critical information on all device drivers and programs on your computer. Internet Explorer 8 is also included in the registry.

More than 70% of the questions browser registry errors can be attributed. If you work your IE is not correct, turn on at random times and causing other problems with your computer, it's time for you to fix your registry errors.

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Linksys VPN Router - an enterprise solution

As part of the communication is everything, so you might consider the Linksys VPN router. This type of router is ideal for those who need to group multiple computers. In a home office or small office VPN router provides the resources to each of the devices that are unbeatable. In short, if you want them to avoid any physical device via a cable, is the Linksys Wireless Router is right for you.


One thing you can have the VPN router, choose a higher level of security. Linksys does not do it as a filter, and URL filtering and time filtering. These are the most common methods for other devices to filter content coming through the connection, make sure it is secure. Rather, with the Linksys Wireless Broadband Router, the system avoids this kind of limited connectivity (since it is often slow and cumbersome) and instead uses a statefulPacket Inspection firewall. And 'one of the best security features available.

Additional data protection

If you have a business on a network like this, there are limitations in terms of data security. However, if you use a Linksys router VPN, there is more security in several ways. For example, you can connect to the security of enterprise servers right form your home office, if necessary. Alternatively, you can connect to computers on the corporate network from their mobile device.This allows you to take your company provide information and data with you without the back. This is ideal for entrepreneurs who want to stay connected. Remember that this configuration is successful, all data securely through it safely.

Business Connectivity

Within businesses with the ability to connect multiple computers, laptops and wireless devices can be authorized. They are no longer limited to information that is available to you by your staff in the limitOffice. Meetings can be much more profitable in many ways. However, you need not worry that your data is missing or damaged in any way.

For those companies who want more connectivity, but require complete protection for your data security, the Linksys router VPN is the way forward. It allows you to connect multiple computers together and share data easily from one place to another network, without compromising the data.

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Free Computer Fix

Computer free to regulate the signs are continuous. But to repair a free computer that works in reality does a quick scan of your computer to find out where the problems are. After doing this, you can easily solve your computer problems.

Fix Uninstall Free Software Old computers

The computer may have software installed that you no longer use. The removal of this software will help youFree computer repair, because the free space. Uninstall the software by clicking on the Start menu, Control Panel, select Add or Remove Programs. This is the will to help a lot of software no longer used.

Computer Fix-Get More Disk Space

Running out of disk space is a common problem, especially if you use the computer a lot. Between the installation of a variety of software, downloading many files, and clearing out old Data will begin to fill your computer free space quickly.You can very easily in the C: drive and right click Properties. From there you can run Disk Cleanup.

Get more memory fix

You can install the purchase of new storage to your computer to be faster, but usually is something that the time it takes commitment, money and experience. You should first try some of the solutions before beginning the light fixComputer> with the addition of new memory.

The simplest solution of the computer for free

Run a full scan your computer for any problems happening on your computer. From there you can easily decide which problems to solve and go to a lot of time, energy and money to resolve, however.

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Your computer has slowed to a crawl? The correct way to fix without spending money

If you happened now? Your computer has slowed down in style? It 's always taking applications and web pages to load, even if it was lightning fast Internet connection? If you start or shut down the test computer, the process will take forever and a day? There are times when the computer crashes just all of a sudden?

One might ask, and if this happens, yes. Well, the answer is that the Windows registry isdamaged. How do you give? To respond now, we begin to look at what look like the registry, and what it does. The registry is the database of which files and entries that Windows is, run on your PC in a group of fashion stores work. The computer would not work without this recording. Windows also places files in the registry on an ongoing basis. For this reason, the registry will eventually be too large, and this is when you see the system slow start. There areThere is no way to avoid this.

So how do you solve this problem? You must take your computer to a repair shop? Fortunately not. They have a lot of know-how to solve alone. Well yes, but also those who possess these skills are often not the registry, because of all the things that can go wrong. Instead, opt for a registry cleaner, and you should too. It will scan your PC for repair registry problems, and kills them inthe future.

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The history of Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL training is important to know that IT professionals like you interested in working on the product. A history of Microsoft SQL Server is also very important. In essence, the code for MS SQL came from the Sybase SQL Server, the first database Microsoft attempted. He competed with Sybase, IBM and Oracle. Then he worked for Sybase, Microsoft and Ashton-Tate together to create the first version of SQL Server. It 'turned out to be more or less the same as the third edition ofSybase SQL Server. Then, Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 is available in 1992. If the 4.21 version was available, was both the Windows NT 3.1. The first version of SQL that does not include had no help from Sybase to Microsoft SQL Server v6.0.

If Windows NT, Sybase and Microsoft moved an issue to pursue their own interests. This allowed Microsoft exclusive rights to versions of SQL that were written for Microsoft systems to negotiate. SybaseServer actually changed its name to Adaptive Server Enterprise to keep them confused with the Microsoft version. Many changes have been made without the help of Sybase, since the two parted ways. The database server first written record of the GUI was a complete change of the Sybase code.

Currently, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is the latest version. It was launched alongside Visual Studio 2005. Free download SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is available which is a niceBonus for people who need them. Since the release of SQL Server 2000 there have been many advances and changes in the product. Performance has been improved, complementary systems are now included in the system available to clients and IDE tools. Some of the new systems are included, Analysis Services, ETL, and messaging technologies such as Notification Services and Service Broker.

With all the changes to each edition, it is important to take SQL 2005 IT techniciansTraining. With SQL Server 2005 technical IT training are better able to support users who have SQL 2005 and other versions. There are few classes available online for SQL training or other classes are offered in person in boot camps, evening classes or weekend courses. You need to find just the right class for you, take, then you are ready to work on all SQL servers.

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Introduction to Computer Forensics

If you hear of computer forensics, perhaps the first thing on his mind opens to become a Crime Scene Investigator, pulls out the plastic wrap from a computer and check for signs of a struggle. No one has ever talked about forensics in everyday life, until they started making those cop shows scientifically accurate early evening, so naturally, there's just no word association rule "Something to do police officers, is not it?" In forensic

Among other things, science It is really behind computer forensics is not much different from that of the forensic science of crime scene. In both cases, the forensic team is looking for a track or test experts. In any case, the investigator is on, see what happens, determine how it happened, and designs that could be responsible.

The main difference between the two is that while an investigator is on the scene of a robbery or a violent crime are looking for physical evidence, the> Computer forensics investigators are looking for digital evidence.

And 'interesting, in which the physical tests are often misleading, confusing, ambiguous and difficult without the help of evidence, digital evidence tends to occur in a much more direct.

A computer keeps track of everything that has happened to him. For example, in addition to the browser history, there is also your temporary folder of the Internet, where informationbe saved from the web on your computer. So, for example, the staff is watching on YouTube all day, if it actually works. Even if they are smart enough to have to delete your browser history, temporary Internet files may yet prove to merit a warning.

This is just a very simple example, of course. Computer Forensics addresses everything from crimes of misconduct of employees, daily tasks like virus scanners do not find out why. Work

The point is that everything you do leaves a mark on a computer. Deleting a file from the hard drive is not the same as deleting all the evidence that has ever been there. Just like any room in the house has some DNA evidence, be it a hair, saliva, or a toe nail clipping, no matter how good you vacuum and shampoo your carpets, there are some indications that this is home. The same is true with computers. You can do anything without a computerComputer expert is able to understand exactly what you did.

One problem that many are confused with regard to computer forensics ... How legal is it?

This depends on the context. That's all you need to know if you are considering is taking a team of computer forensics, but I'm not sure if you can:

If you break a policy of employee or even against the law of a computer, the company is assuming you havethe right to look at the computers were working, when you want.

It gets a little 'complicated when a staff member who works on your computer. This is not a dead end, but it can be a bit' more complicated. Fortunately, it is not always on their computers trying to prove what they have done on their computers to find. In any case, go ahead and call your lawyer the people, and should be able to advise you on how far you can go and collect theThe test is necessary to act.

In fact, only the art of computer forensics, a test run on computers that simple. You never know if you need these services, so it's a good idea to keep in mind if you ever make.

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Charges to send e-mail client like Outlook Express Backup?

How many people have lost their e-mail data?
It 'important to protect your email client before loosing important emails?
You're thinking it will not happen to you?

Now, for those who use a mail client and lose their e-mail is one of the worst nightmares. Unfortunately, this situation is very likely.

There are several reasons for this:

- Hard Drive Failure

- Viruses and Trojans

- Windows crashes

- Some time non-expectedThings

Hard Disk can fail for several reasons: logical problems like bad partitions, hardware problems, making them work or something on it, or, sometimes, are no longer simple. You can have different data recovery tools like GetDataBack or Acronis, which could save days. But you may not be able to return a byte.

Viruses are increasing their numbers day by day. It 'hard to keep up, even for big players like Symantec or Kaspersky. It reduces the reaction timeTime for a new virus, but if you are unfortunate accidents, the virus on your computer before you can apply anti-virus.

Well, we all know how reliable is Windows. There is no person who says that will never have a "blue screen". Since the data for multiple clients to mail, e-mail accounts and settings stored in My Documents, Program Files or Windows registry. When you reinstall the operating system that you lose it all again. Even Microsoft CEO Bill Gates has admitted that they expected 5 percentthe entire Windows-based computers to crash twice a day. Here is a brief report: - September 1, 2005.

The best way to prevent such situations is to ensure e-mail on a CD or another hard disk. People who bit a 'Windows computers and can do it by hand. Outlook Express is still the most used email client.

If you want to back up Outlook Express by hand, you must save the registry keys and DBX files. To store messages, signaturesand address book can be performed, but also for the settings you have to search through the Windows registry within the email client. It can be very hard to do for a beginner.

After a long search now I found a tool that can do this job automatically. Adolix Outlook Express Backup. You can use this software for Outlook Express, IncrediMail and some other mail client safely. There is an e-mail Saver Utility to restore the backup and can send e-mail addresses, folders, signatures andOptions.

What can not, is the backup and restore Outlook Express, Pegasus Mail, for example. Synchronization can be between different instances of the same e-mail client to be taken.

It can be used to move emails from one computer to another. For example, if you have a laptop and a PC, you can transfer emails between them. In addition, you can use Outlook Express from Windows98 backup and restore Windows XP.

Adolix Outlook Express Backup has a wizard modefor beginners, but experienced users may use the standard mode for more speed. The cost is only $ 24.95 and I think it's worth too much.

It 'pretty clear that losing any e-mail. To back up your email client is important, but you have to decide whether to do it manually or buy a tool like Adolix Outlook Express Backup.

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Can you keep a small network of computers? So why are not your boss?

If the skills and the ability to get a small business computer network, there is absolutely no reason why you should be able to start a computer consulting its own and become your own boss. I can promise you from personal experience, there is no more rewarding career choice that can make what ever happened to belong to.

It 'very easy to build a profitable customer base, if you build a managed serviceMaking the model, and if so, you have an unparalleled level of job security, no limitation on earnings can be done, great freedom in your daily schedule and more free time for your personal life than you have probably never, if you 'King of working for someone else.

With so many potential benefits, because you choose to work for someone else?

I do not think you can get enough customers?

Nonsense! If you can setup companies under the correct model of flat-feeServices, each customer pays a fee every month (and I can show you how to ensure, to collect this fee the first of every month! No waiting 30, 60, 90 days for payment!) Small businesses with an average of 10 employees gladly pay a vendor managed service fee of $ 1200 per month or more to know that their systems are monitored 24x7 and that support can now be made available (you can do it easily with one hand, the cost of web-based utilities). Only fourable to generate small customers stable, reliable salary of about $ 58,000. Each left with the desire to succeed and some decent piece of marketing material for four or more small customers end up very quickly and easily.

Worried you can not sell?

Suppose that instead of starting your own business, you need to find a new job, rather than elected. How else do you think that going to an interview from the sale of a potential client on a managed service? I will tell you howdifferent ... The sale to a potential client is so easy!

In an interview, you are probably in competition with dozens if not hundreds of other potential candidates. Many of them probably have the same if not more experience than you can. But if you tell a potential client for consulting, you will compete with two or three other candidates at the most. And if you were your potential customers to get you through a referral(The best way to find new customers among others), it is likely that it will not be competing with someone!

In the search for new customers, you should go to places where they are actually looking for you (business networking, through referrals, job listings by the customer, etc.) to go. These companies are already looking forward to using your services. Unless you can show how the service can be an advantage and provide value to these potential customers, you might want toSale.

I'm not sure if you are qualified to run your own business?

If you can keep a small business computer network, you are qualified to do their consulting work in the computer! Thanks to the convenient system monitoring and remote access applications available today, you can easily sustain a small base, but very profitable of small business customers. Because you will be able to get your customers 'systems' without on-site for each executionsmall problem, and as they ensure the ability to be a much more stable operating environment with the monitor, you can support your entire customer base just a few hours a day. Starting a business consulting computer as an independent computer consultant needs almost zero start-up capital and very little monthly cost. Leveraging the use of current technology, there are few business opportunities that are easier to start than thecomputer that operates as an independent consultant managed services provider.

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The Basics - How Information Technology and The Internet Has Changed How We Do Business

Introduction: If you are technical in nature, we can expect to see words such as TCP / IP, NAT, Spanning Tree Algrorithm, subnet mask, edge routers and Cisco IOS. But this short article is not intended for you, is an accurate picture of how communication technology has developed the economy of the United States is a world-wide.

Information technology (IT) is defined as "the use of computer technology, electronics and telecommunications to process andDissemination of information in digital form and more "(ref:. Encarta Dictionary) information technology, particularly telecommunications companies based applications that help an enterprise's triumph over time to build and maintain geographic and financial constraints to business This happened three tactical skill. telecommunication networks emphasizes the many e-business applications can help users to capture at remote locations as the end of a business and information quicklyrelatively inexpensive solution, as well as support the company's strategic goals. It can combine with the technology of telecommunications not only employees, customers, consultants, subcontractors and suppliers, but I hope potential new customers! Some details of the specific areas such as communications technology adds value to a company and supports a greater return on investment:

Eliminated time constraints:

Enter the required information on a(This can be internal employees of the company or current and potential customers.) Real-time remote users when creating a point of sale transactions, credit card authorization, without hesitation, thus closer to an operation without paper. International travel does not fit into their plans, how this technology can replace these meetings. You no longer need to spend hours at airports unproductive or suffering upon arrival / return of jet lag.

Prohibitive costsRemoved:

Minimize the cost to the company for long distance calls, international rates, or pay to use video conferencing sites. You can also find the need not to allow video conferencing and conference table, purchase! With more COTS communication techniques, the use of the Internet is a very economic solution for many companies can be compared to the cost of traditional means of communication.

Geographically-Existing constraints:

The information on operations from remote locations. Use the Internet to receive customer orders from the sales staff around the world to a central corporate database. Combine the information in their own order processing and / or inventory management applications without human intervention. This approach provides better customer service, since a further delay in processing customer orders and reduce delivery times betweenand billing for the available funds. With this technology, you can remove the need for expensive business trips or meetings of collaboration with customers.

Strategic capabilities of e-business examples of business value

The evolving trend in computer and telecommunications market is more volatile than the growth of the Internet.

The Internet has become the largest network and most significant identified to date, and has migrated towards a global information societyInformation superhighway. The Internet is constantly intensified, as more companies join forces and other organizations (and their users), computers and networks to this global society. The interconnection of thousands of network routers, switches and other devices provide the means for the millions of computer systems and users around the world can communicate. These computers from companies, universities, customers and business partners of joint ownership. The Internet has become an importantStage for a rapidly growing list of information services and business applications, including e-commerce system that meets the public on items that are buying directly from manufacturers.

Web sites offer information and support systems for order directly to e-commerce between businesses, their suppliers and consumers. E-commerce usually offer all products and services of regular trading. Many companies have created business-to-business transactionAccounts provide an immediate confirmation of orders or the buyer about the status of your order. Internet also offers "discussion forum" made up of thousands of special interest newsgroups. You can contribute news or discussions on the topics below for other users to read and respond. In addition, you can search on-line search sites and search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, ASK, and others. To facilitate and relatively fasttimely means of communication, you can use to communicate "chat" software applications in real time.

This is very appropriate to answer a quick question or provide information to those who need it. Commercial use of the Internet has expanded into a great platform for enterprise applications targeted. The collaboration between business partners and suppliers, providing customer support and electronic business processes are important for the industry uses the Internet. The companies are alsoInternet technologies for marketing, sales and customer relationship management applications, as well as cross-functional business applications and applications in engineering, manufacturing, human resources and accounting with Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software or applications included in many operating systems (Linix, Windows, etc.) by company engineers can now hold virtual meetings in which the designs are displayed in real time, on a virtual "whiteboard". Participants canmonitor, edit and annotate the drawings as the meeting is held. An example is the implementation of IBM's "Same Time ®", created in the global meetings with the board can come close. If the company discovers the value, you can refer their clients to visit anywhere in the world. This joint effort is to be priceless, because the experience is all over the world can save only one error in the design or improvement of a cost proposal to reduce the cost of the productor service.

Primary uses of the Internet's are:


Transfer data, electronic files, software, reports, articles, information, drivers and applications to your local system.( Insure your computer is protected with virus and spam/malware protection software!)


Participate in discussion forums or post messages on specialized forums created by thousands of special-interest groups.


Hold real-time text conversations in chat rooms with Internet users around the globe. Text orientated cell phones are now enabled to participate in this means of communication.


Navigate to hundreds of thousands of hyperlinked websites and assets for information, leisure, or electronic commerce.


Use e-mail to exchange electronic messages with other clients, customers or business partners. This has become the standard in timely communications between and within businesses.


You can purchase anything via e-commerce retailers, service providers, and other websites offering "shopping carts" and checkout applications.

Remote Access:

Log on to your corporate computer system and resources. Utilizing a VPN (Virtual Private Networking) application is paramount to providing a secure medium through the Internet. This is valuable to insure your data is not intercepted or used by unauthorized users.

Video Conferencing:

This is the most efficient means to communicate with other business partners or your corporate employees. Using a inexpensive webcam and free application software can make this a very cost effective means to interface with others.

Each year, companies develop other uses for the internet, which as replaced many older means of telecommunications. Gone are the old modems, dial-up circuits, and leased lines. VPN via the Internet has replaced many dedicated communication circuits, as Internet Service Providers (ISP's) have taken on a greater role. Service Level Agreements (SLA's) have become second nature where a company is guaranteed a predefined level of service (quality) relative to their data circuit operation. At this point in time, the Internet is evolving again, noted as Internet 2.0. Software as a Service (SaS) is becoming a new business model for developing business applications. SaS allows a company to use application software located on a separate computer across the Internet, to support their business. It is less costly than "buying" the software, as you only pay for the time it is being used. Also, having this as parts of your disaster recover and backup planning can also simplify your business processes.

In 1964 Gordon Moore, of Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation in the United States, predicted that the number of transistors that could be fabricated on a processor chip would double every year. Known as "Moore's law", this roughly holds true (actually about every two years). It is unknown where or how the Internet will eventually evolve. However, many of us have not known this medium until we joined the working force. Now our children are exposed to this in school, any many know more about its operation and usefulness than many adults. What will it look like to our grandchildren?

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Free Registry Cleaner - Registry Repair Windows

The majority of PC users are not aware of the importance to perform maintenance on your PC with free registry cleaner tools. Most people are willing to keep an eye on PC-functionality problems, but what you do not know is that over time this error is built and then used for the destruction of their operating systems. So we know that registry cleaners are the solution to cure the mistakes of the PC, but what makes them do it to the registry and why so manyProblems.

The registry is basically like the central database of the computer, information regarding the windows in constant operation to allow programs to function and tasks is execute.The information contained herein, the hardware, software, system settings and user profiles has , contains the stored form of keys. As time passes and your PC becomes a victim of recurring hardware and software changes will lead to an expansion of this database a large amount of untapped information that will have a negative impact windows, the ability to process information from them. This is why regular error messages may be unknown, the system freezes, application functionality and poor performance degradation.

After these words, free tools for registry cleaning are the only reliable solution to repair this fault system component. These programs are designed to scan the ground system to isolate the problem or invalid registry keys and> Repair them accordingly, without problems. You can also back up the registry and automatic scans to ensure that the PC is optimized and is kept in good shape.

When it comes to choosing a PC repair tools, I recommend Reg Cure. Free Registry Cleaner This is the best in its class with its powerful scanning and repair capabilities evaluated and continued to keep my pc error.

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How much bandwidth required for VoIP phones?

A long discussion about the potential VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) consumers is "How much bandwidth does a VoIP phone for the quality they have?"

First, the possible bandwidth, the data (such as a VoIP call) is defined by one point to another within a certain time. The higher the bandwidth speed you have, the more data can be sent via broadband Internet connection.

There are two types of bandwidth at your location:Upload bandwidth and download bandwidth. The upload bandwidth is the amount of data sent to the Internet and download bandwidth is the amount of data you can receive from the Internet. The more Internet bandwidth you have from your ISP (Internet Service Provider) the better.

In most cases, the ordinary VoIP calls to 90 Kbps (kilobits per second). If you have an internet broadband services provider does not have a lot of bandwidth then most VoIP providers give youthe possibility that the VoIP voice quality by reducing the bandwidth used for VoIP calls at 60 Kbps or really to save bandwidth, reduce 30 Kbps. Most people may not understand the difference between the three settings. We recommend the setting of high sound quality (90 Kbps in most cases) if the band is not a problem. High VoIP voice quality is usually the default, but if you run into a situation where you have your bandwidth is limited, you can use the VoIP bandwidth adjustment for athe lowest settings. Some consumers with 128 Kbps upload connections can receive less VoIP service quality due to a poor quality ISP (Internet Service Provider). Selecting a lower quality VoIP bandwidth setting of the width, this problem can be avoided.

If you are planning a VoIP service provider, you must use a DSL or cable provider? In general, DSL upload bandwidth starts at 128k where the Internet bandwidth cable starts at about 600k upload. Cable Internet is a bit 'more expensive, but it is also about 4-5 times faster than residential DSL and a little 'friendlier than a VoIP call. That said, DSL and cable modem high-speed is sufficient bandwidth for broadband Internet access to one of the leading VoIP providers to support. If you are experiencing low bandwidth, broadband Internet service providers, we suggest you try Packet8 VoIP. Packet8 VoIP is a technology used in higher compression each active voice lineonly about 23Kbps of total data throughput, upstream and downstream.

The amount of bandwidth, which requires a call to a VoIP provider of quality is only one thing to consider when choosing a VoIP provider. In fact, there are many things to consider when choosing a VoIP provider. A knowledgeable consumer generally results in a satisfied customer.

Please see the article ( from a list of things VoIPmore things to consider when choosing a VoIP provider. You can also compare VoIP providers side by side for the price and features of

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Knowing what CCSP Certification

Cisco Certified Security Professional (CCSP) certification is an advanced level that some prior knowledge of Cisco network design, security management, firewall, intrusion detection systems and VPN requires. Professionals Choose this path to change their career. IT professionals who passes the certification Cisco CCNP CCSP certification as an ideal, because they all have the basic knowledge of computer networks, firewalls andSecurity. Cisco Certified Security Professional candidates for IT professionals preferred when IT professionals can be set in multinational companies in the world.

CCNA is a prerequisite for the Cisco Certified Security Professional, because you know enough to go for it. You must pass an exam and three elective required to become Cisco Certified Security Professional. Mandatory testing is 642-504 (SNR), 642-524 (Snaf) and642-533 (IPS). On the other hand, you have a choice exam 642-591 (Canac), 642-545 (MARS) and 642-515 (Naad) to choose. The selection of the choice depends entirely on you to test your interests and fields. These tests provide a comprehensive knowledge on various aspects of computer networks, because after the past has become an EN to have a competent professional who can work efficiently in an organization.

It is not an entry-level certification, because you must pass CCNAappear in it. CCNA certification is a basic level, to start your career, so it can be considered entry-level certification. CCSP Certified IT Professional has a variety of job functions in an organization. It has bright prospects, more opportunities in other organizations to obtain. He can be in different positions, as Senior Technical Support Engineer, consulting architect to work in IT company, the technical support and technical assistance. Those who have additional knowledge aboutComputer networks and computer systems in different positions in the workplace as well.

Cisco Certified Security professional content varies according to the skills, knowledge and experience. In 2007 the average salary of a professional was $ 56 000 per year. The performance of candidates helps determine the employee's salary. When a candidate shows a good performance and has more than 3 years of experience, can have $ 80,000 or more per year. This stipend variesif any additional knowledge, skills, or a command in the field of computers because it brings more benefits for the company. If you want your career change or are interested in security, then the Cisco Certified Security Professional (CCSP) is the best choice for you.

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