
Good Massage

For a good massage hands is the primary tool for every therapist. For them, fingernails should be kept clean, filed and short so that you don't hurt the client while massaging. To ensure a good and healthy massage, hands should be washed properly with a good hand washing soap so that the disease isn't transferred to another client.

Positions for the masseur and patient for a good massage therapy

Being a masseur you need to keep in mind lots of things like maintaining a good posture while giving a massage. You cannot throw your body to the client or take support of his/her body. You need to stand straight and provide gentle strokes to the person ensuring they have a nice time. Additionally, the table at which you will provide the massage needs to be of your height so that it's comfortable for you as well while providing the massage therapy. Hence, your position as the massager is very crucial to determine the comfort you are providing to the client.

On the other side, positioning of the patient is equally important. They must be laid on a comfortable table. A pillow must be tuck under the ankle to make sure the feet are comfortable. Ensure that the patient is comfortable in the position you have put them into. If not, make sure they are by providing the necessary requisites. Try to communicate with the client as some might not say anything even if they are not comfortable because of their nature. So, proper communication is required to make them comfortable.

So, some of other tips to ensure good massages are:

• Make your hands warm before applying it on the patient body
• Do not wear any accessories on your wrist like watch, bracelets etc
• Clean room is a must
• Proper amount of oil/gel/lotion should be used
• Use pillow under patient ankles
• Do not take off your hands after you have started the massage
• Work toward the head
• Maintain a good posture

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