
What Are Your Salary Expectations?

A question about salary could be one of the most difficult ones during a job interview. The employer always has a set maximum budget for a certain position but they still want to hire the best people for the least amount of money so it is almost certain they will ask you this question. Below please find some tips on how to handle this question.

Firstly you have to decide how much money you really want for this position and what is the minimum salary you would accept. Those numbers may differ. Of course everyone would like to make more than they made in their previous job and they have some expectations towards their future salary. At the same time, everyone has certain minimum compensation in mind.

When thinking about a new job, take into account not only the job description and the set of responsibilities but also the location, how long it'd take you to commute, and last but not least - the whole package offered by your potential employer including health insurance, paid holidays and other benefits. Time is money - if your new position is closer to your home, you will be able to spend more time with your family or on your studies. You will also save yourself a stress of a long commute. If the salary package includes many extras , you may consider taking a bit of a pay cut, if you really like the job.

Furthermore, on the internet you can find information regarding typical salaries in different companies, sectors and locations. This should give you an idea on the salary that might be offered for the position you are interviewing for. One you have calculated the minimum compensation you'd accept for your perfect job, and your desired salary, you are ready to tackle the "what are your salary expectations" question.

What you have to remember is that you do not have to disclose your exact previous salary. Neither this information can be released by any of your past employers. It is up to you whether you want to share your past compensation details with your potential employer. You can give them the real number or exaggerate your past salary just a little in order to justify your present expectations - just don't go too far with this! A couple of £k isn't a big deal.

You might consider saying something along the lines of:

"I would expect that salary for this position corresponds with the level of responsibilities and duties - what starting salary do you offer for this job?" - this answer does not give any details and it moves the negotiations back to them, just what you would like to see.

As mentioned above - the budget for the position is already set; all you can do now is agree on the exact number.

Your potential employer may respond to your question in several ways:

o The money offered is lower than your expectations and a minimum number you have set for yourself - this job is probably not the best fit for you.
o The money offered is lower than your desired salary but in line with your minimum compensation - you should think of some convincing arguments for a higher starting salary.
o The money offered meets your expectations - take the offer.

The second response of your potential employer calls for a bit of haggling. Before your lie down your financial expectations and bluntly ask for more, re-consider your situation. The budget for your position is set but the managers might not have offered you a maximum and there is still room for negotiations. If so, you may try to win a slight increase on your starting salary. You may use an argument that your last salary was higher or that you would have expected higher starting salary to go with the increased set of responsibilities for this position.

You may also inquire as to salary details - mentioned in the third paragraph of this article. Ask about extras included in your salary package: days of paid holidays, insurance, family benefits. Your potential employer may also offer some travel allowance or financial help in obtaining professional certifications. You should also ask about the terms and date of the salary evaluation.

Regardless of the approach you take, you should always end it with a question. You do not want to put forward an argument with no scope of discussion - you need to keep the discussion moving in your favour by always giving your interview an opportunity to respond (rather than leaving the conversation wide open which could result in them changing the subject). Your goal is to reach the agreement in your favour with your interviewers.

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My Clients Won't Pay Me - What Now?!

The question: My client won't pay me? Do I have to bed?

It happens, that's all I can say. And in order to continue freelancing and work from the comfort of your own home, you'll have to accept it. One of the biggest perks about working from home is being able to organize your time and dictate your own schedule. The biggest problem we will have...is sadly, payment.

If the project is already confirmed and better yet, if there are documents and agreements signed between you and client, you can safely pursue this client by dropping bomb-sized hints via email. The excuse of 'My boss is harassing me about your payment' cannot be used because...you're the boss! But you can say things like "I was just wondering...." Or "No rush but when can I expect the payment" or "My computer needs an upgrade and I plan to do it tomorrow. Can I get the payment soon?". And perhaps, you can also say things like...."I heard a hurricane hit your State. How are you doing? I hope you're doing well". Sometimes, when you voice your concern about their wellbeing and health, they will start feeling guilty and pay you.

Telling the clients off won't work too well in your favor because you still want their business, so, don't tell them off. Maybe they are trying work some things out on their side or trying to get THEIR clients to pay them so that they can pay you. It's true. Some clients are mere in-between people. And if this is the case, they may need to ensure that THEIR clients pay them so that they can pay you.

Whether their clients pay them or not...is not your concern. It's got nothing to do with you. The work has been done and the job delivered on time. So, you SHOULD be getting your payment whether their clients run away or not! Remember that...and if your client gives you the same line....say, "I really understand and sympathize with you but...I can't help you there! Now, when can I expect the payment?"

Send them an email every other day. If they don't respond, your senses should be tingling by now. By the third time they ignore your email, say something firm but not nasty. If they still don't respond, send them another invoice. Some payment processors like paypal, stormpay and ikobo allows you to send invoices to payors, so, do that. If this is already the fifth time you're sending the email, send them repeated invoices every day.

By then, they should get the message.

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e-Marketing Strategy: 7 Dimensions to Consider (the e-Marketing Mix)

What is e-Marketing?

e-Marketing is still quite a controversial subject to talk about, since no one succeeded to unify the various theories around it; however there is one thing upon which there is no doubt - that e-Marketing first appeared under the form of various techniques deployed by pioneer companies selling their products via the internet in the early 90's.

The frenzy around these new marketing techniques created by e-tailers and supported by the internet rapidly gave birth to a new dimension of what we knew as Marketing: the e-Marketing (electronic Marketing).

There are many definitions to what e-Marketing is, the simplest and shortest one being formulated by Mark Sceats: e-Marketing is Marketing that uses the internet as manifestation media. A working definition is that coming from a group of CISCO specialists: e-Marketing is the sum of all activities a business conducts through the internet with the purpose of finding, attracting, winning and retaining customers.

e-Marketing Strategy

The e-Marketing Strategy is normally based and built upon the principles that govern the traditional, offline Marketing - the well-known 4 P's (Product - Price - Promotion - Positioning) that form the classic Marketing mix. Add the extra 3 P's (People - Processes - Proof) and you got the whole extended Marketing mix.

Until here, there are no much aspects to differentiate e-Marketing from the traditional Marketing performed offline: the extended Marketing mix (4 + 3 P's) is built around the concept of "transactional" and its elements perform transactional functions defined by the exchange paradigm. What gives e-Marketing its uniqueness is a series of specific functions, relational functions, that can be synthesized in the 2P + 2C+ 3S formula: Personalization, Privacy, Customer Service, Community, Site, Security, Sales Promotion.

These 7 functions of the e-Marketing stay at the base of any e-Marketing strategy and they have a moderating character, unlike the classic Marketing mix that comprises situational functions only. Moderating functions of e-Marketing have the quality of moderate, operate upon all situational functions of the mix (the classic 4 P's) and upon each other.

1. Personalization

The fundamental concept of personalization as a part of the e-Marketing mix lies in the need of recognizing, identifying a certain customer in order to establish relations (establishing relations is a fundamental objective of Marketing). It is crucial to be able to identify our customers on individual level and gather all possible information about them, with the purpose of knowing our market and be able to develop customized, personalized products and services.

For example, a cookie strategically placed on the website visitor's computer can let us know vital information concerning the access speed available: in consequence, if we know the visitor is using a slow connection (eg. dial-up) we will offer a low-volume variation of our website, with reduced graphic content and no multimedia or flash applications. This will ease our customer's experience on our website and he will be prevented from leaving the website on the reason that it takes too long to load its pages.

Personalization can be applied to any component of the Marketing mix; therefore, it is a moderating function.

2. Privacy

Privacy is an element of the mix very much connected to the previous one - personalization. When we gather and store information about our customers and potential customers (therefore, when we perform the personalization part of the e-Marketing mix) a crucial issue arises: that of the way this information will be used, and by whom. A major task to do when implementing an e-Marketing strategy is that of creating and developing a policy upon access procedures to the collected information.

This is a duty and a must for any conscious marketer to consider all aspects of privacy, as long as data are collected and stored, data about individual persons.

Privacy is even more important when establishing the e-Marketing mix since there are many regulations and legal aspects to be considered regarding collection and usage of such information.

3. Customer Service

Customer service is one of the necessary and required activities among the support functions needed in transactional situations.

We will connect the apparition of the customer service processes to the inclusion of the "time" parameter in transactions. When switching from a situational perspective to a relational one, and e-Marketing is mostly based on a relational perspective, the marketer saw himself somehow forced into considering support and assistance on a non-temporal level, permanently, over time.

For these reasons, we should consider the Customer Service function (in its fullest and largest definition) as an essential one within the e-Marketing mix.

As we can easily figure out, the service (or assistance if you wish) can be performed upon any element from the classic 4 P's, hence its moderating character.

4. Community

We can all agree that e-Marketing is conditioned by the existence of this impressive network that the internet is. The merely existence of such a network implies that individuals as well as groups will eventually interact. A group of entities that interact for a common purpose is what we call a "community" and we will soon see why it is of absolute importance to participate, to be part of a community.

The Metcalf law (named after Robert Metcalf) states that the value of a network is given by the number of its components, more exactly the value of a network equals the square of the number of components. We can apply this simple law to communities, since they are a network: we will then conclude that the value of a community rises with the number of its members. This is the power of communities; this is why we have to be a part of it.

The customers / clients of a business can be seen as part of a community where they interact (either independent or influenced by the marketer) - therefore developing a community is a task to be performed by any business, even though it is not always seen as essential.

Interactions among members of such a community can address any of the other functions of e-Marketing, so it can be placed next to other moderating functions.

5. Site

We have seen and agreed that e-Marketing interactions take place on a digital media - the internet. But such interactions and relations also need a proper location, to be available at any moment and from any place - a digital location for digital interactions.

Such a location is what we call a "site", which is the most widespread name for it. It is now the time to mention that the "website" is merely a form of a "site" and should not be mistaken or seen as synonyms. The "site" can take other forms too, such as a Palm Pilot or any other handheld device, for example.

This special location, accessible through all sort of digital technologies is moderating all other functions of the e-Marketing - it is then a moderating function.

6. Security

The "security" function emerged as an essential function of e-Marketing once transactions began to be performed through internet channels.

What we need to keep in mind as marketers are the following two issues on security:

- security during transactions performed on our website, where we have to take all possible precautions that third parties will not be able to access any part of a developing transaction;

- security of data collected and stored, about our customers and visitors.

A honest marketer will have to consider these possible causes of further trouble and has to co-operate with the company's IT department in order to be able to formulate convincing (and true, honest!) messages towards the customers that their personal details are protected from unauthorized eyes.

7. Sales Promotion

At least but not last, we have to consider sales promotions when we build an e-Marketing strategy. Sales promotions are widely used in traditional Marketing as well, we all know this, and it is an excellent efficient strategy to achieve immediate sales goals in terms of volume.

This function counts on the marketer's ability to think creatively: a lot of work and inspiration is required in order to find new possibilities and new approaches for developing an efficient promotion plan.

On the other hand, the marketer needs to continuously keep up with the latest internet technologies and applications so that he can fully exploit them.

To conclude, we have seen that e-Marketing implies new dimensions to be considered aside of those inherited from the traditional Marketing. These dimensions revolve around the concept of relational functions and they are a must to be included in any e-Marketing strategy in order for it to be efficient and deliver results.

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How To Recover Files From Your Computer Hard Drive After A Crash

There is no denying the fact that every computer user will eventually experience the nightmares of hard drive failure. Much as we try to prevent hard drive failure in our computers, we cannot prevent the intrusion of viruses or other system intruders. These bugs can often cause our computers to crash.

The sad truth about hard drive crashes is that most of the time, we end up losing several important files that we have accumulated over time. Although some people may be lucky to have that hindsight of creating back up for their files, there are those who never bother to secure another copy of their files. Worst, those who do not bother to back-up their files often store very important data is just one place that when their computer actually breaks down, they are completely at the lost as to where and how to recover their life's work.

The continuing dilemma on how to recover important files from a malfunctioning computer has been the subject of much study and discussions over the years. As thousands of computer users are threatened by the fact that their computers could crash down and wipe out their files completely, the importance of data recovery could not be overly emphasized. This is the reason why many software companies came up with data recovery tools to solve the problem of lost files. With the use of data recovery software, almost all hard drives can be recovered.

The good thing about these data recovery programs is that they are user friendly. You don't need to be a computer wizard to know that your files can still be recovered with the use of these tools. As long as you can still hear your hard drive ticking or making those scratchy sounds when you attempt to recover your files with the data recovery software, there is still hope that you can actually recover most of your files from your malfunctioning hard drive.

Although in most cases you can easily recover your data using the data recovery software available in the market, there are instances when the hard drive is totally compromised that you can no longer recover your files using the software.

In the event where you could no longer recover your data using those data recovery software programs, it would we best to send your hard drive to a computer technician for data recovery. Most computer technicians could rebuild your hard drive and recover your files. Whether your hard drive is just a simple 2GB or the huge 300GB type, as long as there are important data in it, you should always send it to the technical advanced computer geeks when you could no longer recover your data using the data recovery software.

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The 5 Best Cell Phones on the Market

There are literally hundreds of cell phones out there made by dozens of manufacturers. It is hard to determine which are the best of the group - or at least, which is best for you. The decision is a difficult one, and we hope the information below will help you make a wise choice. The five cell phones listed below are truely the best of the best in terms of quality design, dependability, and overall user satisfaction. Although there are a lot of great cell phones out there, we are sure that these are some of the very best.

Motorola i860 Video and Camera Mobile Phone

Manufacturers Description: The sleek Motorola i860 is packed with more than a dozen top-of-the-line features including 10-second video capture and playback and a 0.3-megapixel camera with 4X digital zoom. In addition, it allows users to easily exchange digital photos and contact information with others.

”The Motorola i860 handset is another example of how Motorola strives to meet our customers’ needs by offering one mobile device to streamline communications," said Rey More, senior vice president and general manager, Motorola’s iDEN® Subscriber Group. “Its multimedia services enable users to easily capture the moment when it happens and share it with others, wherever they may be.”

The phone’s 10-second video capture capability includes a short-range LED spotlight to provide additional light for close-up pictures. The camera allows users to take pictures in a variety of sizes suitable for sharing, in-camera viewing, wallpaper designs, and picture caller ID. Users can get themselves in the picture using the self-timer.

With the Motorola i860, users can share their pictures and audio recordings by sending and receiving multimedia messages.1 The phone’s integrated Media Center allows users to conveniently manage all pictures, voice recordings, ring tones, videos, and wallpaper designs from a single area.

Other features of the Motorola i860 that are new to iDEN handsets include:

Picture Caller ID - allows a previously-assigned picture of a caller to appear in the external display when a phone call is incoming from that contact

Larger external color screen - displays up to 3 lines of text and pictures

Larger internal color screen - displays up to 11 lines of text in vibrant color

Push-to-Send My Info2 - allows users to send their contact information via the “push-to-talk” (PTT) button. Users can limit the amount of information sent or send a virtual business card to network more efficiently.

Push-to-Send Contacts2 - allows users to easily share another user’s contact information via the PTT button

Media Downloader application – available for download from the Internet, this free application allows users to transfer photos and videos from their phone to their PC via a USB cable (not included)

25 MB of memory available to end users - for ring tones, voice recordings, videos, pictures, messages, wallpaper designs, and Java™ applications

MP3 ring tones - including music and voice

Openwave 7.0 Internet microbrowser - lets users browse graphic-rich xHTML sites

Push-to-open button - offers convenient, one-handed operation of the flip-style phone by mechanically opening the flip when pressed

The phone also has many of the features associated with Motorola’s iDEN technology, including location-based services, integrated speakerphone, voice recorder3, voice dialing, downloadable applications, and a two-way radio for instant communication at the touch of a button.

The Motorola i860 handset weighs 4.77 ounces and measures 3.45 x 1.96 x 1.01 inches with the included high performance battery.

Overall Value Rating: 9.7 / 10 - Excellent

Price: $250 - $400

Nokia 6230 Cell Phone (Cingular)

Manufacturers Description: Offering the best and latest technology and features, the Nokia 6230 meets the requirements of the most demanding mobile phone users. The tri-band (GSM, GPRS, EDGE 900/1800/1900, GSM, GPRS, EDGE 850/1800/1900) mobile phone offers multiple connectivity options via EDGE and Bluetooth wireless technology, a removable multimedia memory card as well as an integrated VGA camera to capture pictures and videos. Sleek and compact, the Nokia 6230 is expected to start shipping in Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific and Americas in the first quarter of 2004.

"Traditionally, mobile professional are early adopters of mobile technology, demanding advanced functionality and higher data speeds to keep them informed, entertained and connected while on the move," said Kai Öistämö," Senior Vice President, Nokia Mobile Phones. "With EDGE, Bluetooth technology, an integrated camera, MMS functionality and even an integrated MP3 player, the Nokia 6230 addresses these needs with an impressive range of features to help balance a busy work schedule with after-work responsibilities."

One of the key benefits of the Nokia 6230 is a compelling multimedia experience. With an integrated VGA camera and a display with 65,000 colors, pictures and videos taken with the Nokia 6230 appear sharp and bright. The video player adds the ability to record, send and receive video clips with audio, as well as receive streaming video content in 3GPP video streaming format. High quality video and images, voice, presentations, files and music can be stored on a removable multimedia memory card. Users can also create, send and receive multpicture, multimedia messages with Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) technology. SMIL technology allows users to compose multi-image messages that display text, sound and images in a pre-determined order.

For flexible and efficient wireless connectivity, the Nokia 6230 phone offers Bluetooth wireless technology and infrared connectivity as well as HSCSD and GPRS support. Bluetooth enables a wide range of new exciting enhancements for seamless connections and comfortable wearability, like the Nokia 610 car kit phone and the stylish Wireless Boom Headset also announced today. The complete list of Bluetooth enhancements compatible with the Nokia 6230 can be viewed at [http://www.nokia.com/products/Nokia6230].

Using the high-speed packet-based EDGE connectivity of the Nokia 6230, business professionals can enjoy faster browsing, messaging and downloading. With a downlink data speed of up to 236.6 kbps, downloading with the Nokia 6230 via EDGE enables downloads more than 4 times faster than with GPRS.

In addition, the Nokia 6230 has a mobile email client that lets users manage their email quickly over EDGE, GPRS and HSCSD networks. The advanced xHTML browser gives fast access to mobile services and information, and the integrated TCP/IP technology** enhances both the ease and speed of over-the-air file downloads. Data synchronization capability allows users of the Nokia 6230 to update personal data remotely over the network. Local synchronization of personal data can also be done via Bluetooth, IrDa, USB and the Nokia PC Suite.

With the presence-enhanced contacts service, users of the Nokia 6230 can share their availability, intentions and whereabouts with colleagues, family, friends and other contacts. For example, a business professional can change his phone profile to 'Meeting' and advise his colleagues to reach him by SMS or MMS. Exchanging instant text messages is another interesting possibility with the presence-enhanced Chat function, where users of the Nokia 6230 can create their own private chats and invite others to participate, or even join public chats of their interest.

The Nokia 6230 also includes a digital music player for AAC/MP3 music formats. In addition to enjoying high quality stereo music, music enthusiasts can set their favourite music as wake-up tones as well as alert and ring tones.

Key features include:

Active TFT color display - with up to 65.536 colours

Integrated digital VGA camera

High speed packet-based EDGE and GPRS connectivity


Digital camcorder and video player

Video streaming including AMR audio

MMC Multimedia card support

Java MIDP 2.0

Presence-enhanced contacts and chat

MP3/AAC music player and built-in FM stereo radio

xHTML browser for enhanced mobile browsing experience

Advanced PIM functionality (calendar, phonebook, to-do list, notes)

OMA Digital Rights Management version 1.0

Mobile Wallet

Integrated hands-free speaker

Polyphonic ring tones (supporting up to 24 instruments)

Infrared, USB, PC Suite

76 cc, weighs 97 grams

Talk time of up to 5 hours and a standby time of up to 300 hours.

Overall Value Rating: 9.6 / 10 - Excellent

Price: $150 - $300

Motorola A630 Cell Phone (T-Mobile)

Manufacturers Description: Following in the footsteps of the game-changing Motorola StarTAC and the company’s revolutionary two-way pagers, the model A630 is yet another innovative new product from Motorola. Packaged in a unique, multi- functional design featuring a QWERTY keyboard hidden inside a sleek candy bar form, the Motorola A630 lets you call, text or email with style and ease.

From the outside, you see a fashionable, compact mobile handset. Once opened, the device reveals a full QWERTY keyboard that makes texting, email exchanges and Instant Messaging easy. The A630 does not stop there. For multi-media fun, the handset comes with an integrated camera with 4 x zoom, multi-media messaging for sending and sharing images, dedicated gaming keys and a vivid color display that offers portrait as well as landscape views. When its time to be productive, the A630 offers integrated Bluetooth® wireless technology, an office quality speakerphone and email support including POP3, SMTP and Imap4. The Motorola A630’s fusion of the mobile and messaging worlds without sacrificing weight, size or style makes it the ideal device for today's text-savvy trendsetting consumer.

With the debut of the model A630, Motorola delivers a uniquely designed handset that stands apart from the pack, promising simplified voice and messaging communications supported by the latest technology,” said James Burke, Sr. Director of Product Operations for Motorola, Inc. “With its clever combination of fun and function, the model A630 is sure to please style-conscious movers and shakers."

The Motorola A630 features include:

Full QWERTY keyboard with 5-way navigation for easy messaging, fun gaming and more

Integrated VGA camera with dedicated photo button for quick shoot and send power

220 x 176 pixel color landscape display capable of supporting up to 65,000 colors

Built-in Bluetooth wireless technology

Advanced messaging including Multi-Media Messaging Service (MMS), SMS, e-mail support (POP3, SMTP, Imap4) and multibranded IM (Instant Messaging)

GSM tri-band capabilities

J2ME™ downloading functionality

Integrated hands-free speakerphone

Polyphonic speaker for the ultimate sound and cool MP3 ringtones

Overall Value Rating: 9.3 / 10 - Very Good

Price: $150 - $350

Samsung p735 Cell Phone (T-Mobile)

Manufacturers Description: Featuring a package of design and multimedia features, the imaginative p735 is Samsung's first GSM megapixel camera phone in the U.S. With options that entertain, enrich and enhance a consumer's wireless experience, the p735 boasts an eye-catching twist and flip display and advanced multimedia technology, including a megapixel camera phone, video recorder, MP3 player and expandable memory.

The phone's distinct feature is a swivel form factor that allows the consumer to twist the display so that the vibrant 262,000-color screen rotates to a horizontal position, giving the phone a more camcorder-like feel and making picture taking and video recording easier. And with a megapixel camera, film-quality pictures can be stored and printed at sizes up to 4x6.

For moments such as upcoming holiday gatherings that require more than a quick snapshot, the video recorder is practical and convenient, and video and pictures can be shared wirelessly via T-Mobile's messaging services. While the phone's 64MB of internal memory provides space for pictures and video, the p735 comes with an RS MMC media slot and additional 32MB multimedia card so no moment is ever missed. In addition, the expandable memory slot offers space for easy and quick access to supplementary applications and games.

For those that still have the gamer in them but are too busy to play at home, the p735 acts as a gaming device with access to 3D games, including Metalion and Zio Golf. For music download addicts, the p735 comes equipped with a personal MP3 player, so downloading, playing and sorting music wirelessly becomes a convenience, not a hassle. Sounds come in clear with T-Mobile's HiFi Ringers and the device's pre-packaged headset provides a heightened auditory experience.

The p735 will change the way consumers view their wireless phone” said Peter Skarzynski, senior vice president of Samsung's wireless division. Whether using the phone to download and listen to music, or snapping pictures and video clips to send back to the office while on a business trip, the p735 will enhance consumers' digital lifestyle.

This is a truly fun phone” said Todd Achilles, director of handset product management for T-Mobile USA. “From the bright screen, to cool swivel design, and MP3 player to the megapixel camera, there's a lot to keep you entertained”


Integrated MegaPixel Digital Camera - Take pictures on the go. Enjoy one megapixel pictures plus digital zoom, multishot, and more.
RS MMC Media Slot - Add memory, applications, and store photos with a memory card.

MP3 Player - Download, play and sort your favorite tunes to listen to on your phone.

262 TFT Main Color Display - Makes everything come to life on your phone including photos, picture caller ID, and more.
Video Messaging - Record up to 15 second clips with sound and send them to other compatible phones.

Overall Value Rating: 9.0 / 10 - Very Cool

Price: $400 - $550

LG VX4600 Cell Phone (Verizon Wireless)

Manufacturers Description: The attractive VX4600 is the perfect mobile phone for consumers who are looking to express themselves with high-end quality, style and essential functionality. Its ultra-cool clamshell design, high-resolution internal color display, and innovative external OEL (Organic Electro-Luminescent) screen make an undeniable statement of style.

Basic Information:

Talk time: 200 minutes Standby time: 165 hours Size: 3.43H x 1.81W x 0.98D inches Weight: 3.38 oz

Basic Features:

1.9 Ghz PCS, 800 MHz CDMA (All Digital)

Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) to send and receive text messages with graphics and sound

E911 Emergency Location-capable

2.5mm headset jack to accept universal hands-free headsets

65K TFD Main Color Display (120 x 160) 8 lines of Text

OEL Sub Display (96 x 38) 3 lines of Text

Blue Backlit Keypad

5-Way Navigation Key

CMX MIDI (musical instrument and games digital interface) for sounds and ringers

Large Phone Book: 499 contacts (each stores 5 numbers and 3 email addresses)

36 Embedded Ring Tones and download more

Vibrate and Silent Modes

Voice-Activated Dialing

Speed Dialing (99 Entries)

Bilingual (English and Spanish) capabilities

Personal Organizer: Calendar with Scheduler, Alarm Clock, Voice Memo, Notepad, EZ Tip Calculator, Calculator and World Clock

External USB Capable

1-Year limited warranty

Meets FCC SAR limit. Manufacturer's highest FCC reported SAR 1.22 at ear, .74 on body. Actual SAR may vary.

Overall Value Rating: 8.8 / 10

Price: $100 - $200

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Sony's PlayStation Portable is a great gaming console since its release. It supports almost all games that can be played in other platforms like PC, Wii, Xbox and in many other gaming consoles. Because of its portability and versatility of use it was a great hit in the market in a short period of time. It support many features like playing games, watching videos, movies, music, wall papers, softwares, emulator, video recording and much more. Almost all games which are released in other platforms are also released for PSP. Hence the PSP gaming industry has grown well in a short period of time. This article describes about downloading free games for PSP. This article won't discuss anything about downloading free demo games. Instead it will deal about downloading full version games for free.

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10 Hot Jobs And The Certifications You Need To Get Them

While scouting for the top 10 hot jobs, we combed through tons of data offline as well online. Making a small list for just 10 hot jobs has taken some important considerations like the following ones:

1. Longevity of relevance of the job

2. Salary and growth potential

3. Universality of the field

While most job seekers looked for higher positions and salaries, others considered permanence of their job was their priority. It is noteworthy that the definition of job security has changed substantially in the last decade and it is all about continuing in the same job but under different employers. Ready? Here we go!

10 Hot Jobs And The Certifications You Need To Get Them

The top hot jobs were all of a high profile nature and most of them were in the field of computers.

1. CISCO CERTIFIED NETWORK EXPERT: This hits the top for the second successive year. Candidates consider themselves lucky to pass this test even on their second attempt where the percentage success rate is just 15. This hits the top because of its ever-increasing popularity, salary potential and vast potential.

2. MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYSTEMS ENGINEER: The MCSE certification has stayed on top for many years now. The job involves working with operating systems and security issues. The popularity is also because it doesn't require additional certification to get through to your dream job. Job profile: Systems Engineer and Systems Analyst.

3. TEACHER: Why do you think this found its way to Top-3 slot? Close to 1.3 million teachers need to be recruited in the next 5-6 years. Teachers in the K-12 bracket: 724,000 and post secondary teachers: 603,000. We had to give this position its due. All states offer various educator preparation programs for aspirants through their respective boards of education.

4. REGISTERED NURSES: Registered nurses are going to be in top demand in the next 5-6 years due to the government's spending on healthcare programs. This had to happen sooner than later after the recent well-publicized nursing shortage. Certification: The boards of nursing in every state administers the certification exam, National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). Minimum qualification to appear for this exam is graduation from approved nursing schools. Average salary, $53,000

5. COMPUTER SOFTWARE ENGINEER: CNN reports that 307,000 computer software engineers will be required in the next 3-4 years. This is one interesting job with lots of code writing or fixing for making the computers of the world work. Certification: University graduates with computer science as a major, with physics and math can jumpstart their careers. Some top certifications are MCSE, Sun Certified Java Programmer, MySQL and Red Hat Certified Engineer.

6. INVESTMENT AND FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Tops the salary charts for both federal as well as private employers. Based on the risk profile and risk-benefit analysis, they advise their clients on personal and business financial matters. Salary ranges from $28,500 to $145,600. Certification: College graduation along with a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification can enhance prospects.

7. CISCO CERTIFIED INTERNETWORK EXPERT (CCIE): If difficulty, prestige and recognitions are any thing to go by, here it is. CCIE is not among the most sought after certification but it is very difficult. This simply is the most feared exam of all. Certification: By CISCO

8. RED HAT CERTIFIED ENGINEER (RHCE): Increase of interest in open source code has shot up the popularity of this job. This is hailed as the MCSE of Linux certifications.

9. MEDICAL SCIENTIST: Broad category that involves medical research. This career is hot because of the large amount of research activity initiated by the government and private organizations on AIDS, cancer, Parkinson's Syndrome and many more. Certification: Doctorate: $100,000 and above.

10. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER: This job ranks high because of its high growth index in the next 2-3 years itself. Salary indicated ranges from $38,950 to $92,940. They work in laboratories in universities, governments, or research firms etc. Stringent environmental regulations are expected making the job a much preferred one. Certification: College graduation and degree in Environmental Engineering or Geology.

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What is Win32 Heur and How to Remove Win32 Heur Virus From Your Computer

Computer infected with a virus? People often ask me what is Win32 Heur? Win32 Heur or Win32/Heur is actually a deadly trojan virus that releases a firestorm of malicious activity throughout your computer. If you have come under the attack of this virus then you need to remove Win32 Heur as soon as possible.

A trojan virus is a malicious file or program that gets onto your system by pretending to be benign or desirable. These can be acquired several ways. Among them are:

• Through online P2P networks. Be very careful when downloading files from programs like Bearshare and Limewire. Try to avoid any exe files and video codec installers. These are the most frequent methods of infection.

• Installing any free or low cost programs and applications. Very often these programs are free for a reason. They come bundled with spyware, adware, and viruses. Always perform a quick scan of your computer after installing new software off the net.

• Visiting a website that had planted viruses or browser hijackers that force infected your computer. You are probably well aware of this problem as a bunch of pop ups appear and your browser is redirected. Without excellent real time virus and spyware protection, malware like the Win32 Heur virus can sneak onto your system.

Once your computer is infected, viruses can do a couple of dangerous things that can cause a lot of damage. First they use spyware and keyloggers to record private information like passwords, credit card, and bank account numbers. This is why identity fraud is the fastest growing crime on the internet. Don't allow yourself to become the next victim.

The other dangerous side effect is the corruption of your registry and possible collapse of your computer. The virus can inhabit your registry and alters vital system files. This can cause computer crashing, the windows blue screen, and other malfunctions. It could cost hundreds or even thousands to get it repaired or buy a new system.

Remove Win32 Heur

To manually remove the virus manually click "Start" and then "Search". Run a search for either "win32 heur" or just "heur". If the infected file appear then simply delete them. Don't just delete any file that reads win32 because it could be a necessary system file. Make sure you know the file is infected before removing.

For those who cannot remove the infection manually, fortunately I have found a Win32 Heur removal program. It can not only remove Win32 but also provide real time protection to protect you against future threats.

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4 Ways to Stop Computer Freezes and Game Lag

If you are an avid online gamer, you most certainly have suffered from game lag and computer freezes. Many have spent hours trying to tweak in-game graphical settings in order to increase the frame rate and boost the performance of their favorite games. However, in more case than not, those efforts award the player with only a slight improvement in overall game play. Your system might even meet the recommend hardware specs for optimum performance but the game causes computer freezes when the action gets heavy. However, tweaking the in-game specs and upgrading hardware may not be the best way to overcome game lag and computer freezes.

This irritation may be attributed to conflicting software that is competing for your system's resources or improper configuration. Most online games such as World of Warcraft should run smoothly on an average setup. Game manufacturers assure us that their recommended specs should run the game smoothly. However those recommendations are calculated when the games are tested on PCs that were optimized for those particular games. There are very few who are willing to dedicate a whole computer specifically for a single game. Nevertheless, there are a couple steps that you can take to free up more resources for your game play. These tips will allow you to better optimize your PC for smoother game play booth online and off-line. .

Stop Game Lag and Computer Freezes Tip #1: Get more bang out of your bandwidth.

There are literally dozens of services running on your Windows operating system. These programs have no respect for your online play. They need bandwidth and system resources just as much as your online games. Many of the programs automatically startup when you log on to the net or at the moment Windows loads. Windows service programs can perform a host of operations from searching for updates, downloading, and even sharing applications with your games. The task is to cut down on the amount services running while your are playing the game in order to free up bandwidth and resources. This is a great tip to stop game lag and computer freezes. Here is how.

1. Click on "Start"

2. Click "Run"

3. Type services.msc

4. Select "Extended" from the Services Window to view a detailed description. Also note the status of the service in question.

5. To stop the service, select "Stop the service" or right click the service, choose "All task" then click "Stop"

6. Click "OK"

Stop Game Lag and Computer Freezes Tip #2: Turn off your Anti-virus/Anti-spyware programs during play.

I am sure the suggestion scares you. However, these programs are very taxing on your computer. They can cause game play lag and computer freezes by initiating a host of small applications and processes during game play. Turning these programs off during your game play is not entirely risk free but you will be amazed at the results by doing so.

Stop Game Lag and Computer Freezes Tip #3: Making sure hardware and software can "communicate"

This an extremely important step that many gamers tend to miss. DirectX is essential to most next generation Windows games. High multimedia graphics and sound cards require lighting fast APIs, application programming interfaces, to deliver high end graphics and sound. The API acts as a kind of bridge for the hardware and the software. In essence, APIs provide the language for hardware and software to "communicate" with each other. If there is some "miscommunication" caused by improper setup, you will suffer from game lag or computer freezes. The task here is to make sure that your audio and video hardware is properly configured with Windows DirectX technology by using DirectX diagnostics tools. Here is how:

1. Click "Start"

2. Click "Run."

3. Type dxdiag and press enter to load the "Direct X Diagnostic Tool" menu.

4. Click the "Display" and "Sound" tabs.

5. Verify that DX features are enabled and there are no problems.

Perform the test were need. If there are any problems reinstall Direct X and update your hardware drivers. Also you can open the Task Manger by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete and viewing the process tab to gauge which services are taking up the majority of system resources. Visit the "Cause of High CPU Usage" page for more details

Stop Game Lag and Computer Freezes Tip #4: Clean and Organize your Hard Drive.

A simple yet overlooked necessity to stop game lag. The faster your game can find files the less you have to worry about game lag and computer freezes. By defragging you help to cut down on the amount work the hard-drive needs to find files. Cleaning your registry cuts down on the errors and will create more free space for your RAM and CPU to work more efficiently. These two steps are a necessity to stop computer freezes. The link "4 Ways to Speed Up Your Computer" will show you how to perform these steps.

Without a doubt the habit of upgrading your computer's hardware for the next generation of games will allow take advantage new graphic and sound card technology. However, this act makes PC gaming a more expensive hobby than it really needs to be. Hopefully, the tips above rewarded you smoother game play and will help to end your days of computer freezes and game lag.

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The Serious Dangers of Mold and Mildew in Your House

Two years of severe hurricane hits along the Gulf Coast and heavy rains and flooding this spring in the Northeast are providing a nationwide breeding ground for indoor mold and mildew growth (some deadly) now that summer heat is here. What is the solution?

The subject is surrounded by controversy. The Centers for Disease Control, Institute of Medicine, as well as scientists and doctors at Harvard University, Mayo Clinic, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, and several State Health Agencies have all looked at the problem. There have been several studies conducted by medical researchers over the past few years looking for any linkages between various respiratory and physical ailments and deaths and the presence of molds in our living space. While some say there is a linkage, others say the facts don’t support that.

Here are the facts. Mold is everywhere; inside and outside. Some molds are good (penicillin), some are very toxic and emit gases that can be inhaled (Stachybotrys “black mold”). Although some people apparently aren’t bothered by mold, all varieties have the potential to cause illness. Mold reproduces by generating spores that are released into the air, where they land on moist surfaces. They can grow on any organic surface such as wallpaper, ceiling tiles, carpeting, wallboard and wood. They thrive in dark, warm, moist locations, like under carpets, inside walls and ceilings. They will also contaminate items that come in contact with those surfaces.

Mold can trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks in many. Complaints of flu-like symptoms, chronic fatigue syndrome, memory impairment, migraines, sick building syndrome, dizziness and nosebleeds are common. These are the mild symptoms. Many researchers claim that mold can attack several main body systems, including the brain, central nervous and immune systems and have been the direct cause of some deaths. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, who wants to smell mold/mildew and inhale spores from household fungus? They can lodge in your lungs (remember dark, warm and moist). Asthmatics, infants and individuals suffering immune system deficiencies are particularly susceptible.

So, what should you do if you think that your home might have a mold/mildew problem? Here’s a suggested 5 step process:

• Mold Inspection- retain a qualified, certified mold inspection firm to evaluate your home and determine cause of mold and severity of infestation.

• Isolation of the Area- if there is a mold problem, you will want to isolate the area carefully to prevent carryover into non infested areas during clean up.

• Clean Up/Remediation- care should be taken to not stir up the mold; if it is severe, or in the walls, a specialized remediation firm (in space suits) may have to be used and materials removed in hazardous waste containers.

Repair of the Cause- if there is structural damage or leaky plumbing causing a moisture problem, fix it.

• Maintenance/Prevention- an ongoing program to ensure no recurrence of the cause and use of proven purification technology to maintain a clean environment and kill mold growth.

On this last point, emphasis is placed on use of technology that has a proven track record of mold abatement. HEPA filters and electrostatic filters that are called purifiers are not effective on mold/mildew. There is, however, affordable, proprietary and safe technology currently available that has a demonstrated ability to sanitize surfaces from a variety of microbials and to stop mold/mildew growth. This effective technology has become widely accepted since it’s use by the government during the 9/11 Pentagon cleanup, is currently in use in several government facilities and is available to the general public through an authorized dealer network. For more information visit www.freshair2u.info [http://www.freshair2u.info]

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Product Positioning Strategies

Positioning is what the customer believes about your product's value, features, and benefits; it is a comparison to the other available alternatives offered by the competition. These beliefs tend to based on customer experiences and evidence, rather than awareness created by advertising or promotion.

Marketers manage product positioning by focusing their marketing activities on a positioning strategy. Pricing, promotion, channels of distribution, and advertising all are geared to maximize the chosen positioning strategy.

Generally, there are six basic strategies for product positioning:

1. By attribute or benefit- This is the most frequently used positioning strategy. For a light beer, it might be that it tastes great or that it is less filling. For toothpaste, it might be the mint taste or tartar control.

2. By use or application- The users of Apple computers can design and use graphics more easily than with Windows or UNIX. Apple positions its computers based on how the computer will be used.

3. By user- Facebook is a social networking site used exclusively by college students. Facebook is too cool for MySpace and serves a smaller, more sophisticated cohort. Only college students may participate with their campus e-mail IDs.

4. By product or service class- Margarine competes as an alternative to butter. Margarine is positioned as a lower cost and healthier alternative to butter, while butter provides better taste and wholesome ingredients.

5. By competitor- BMW and Mercedes often compare themselves to each other segmenting the market to just the crème de la crème of the automobile market. Ford and Chevy need not apply.

6. By price or quality- Tiffany and Costco both sell diamonds. Tiffany wants us to believe that their diamonds are of the highest quality, while Costco tells us that diamonds are diamonds and that only a chump will pay Tiffany prices.

Positioning is what the customer believes and not what the provider wants them to believe. Positioning can change due the counter measures taken at the competition. Managing your product positioning requires that you know your customer and that you understand your competition; generally, this is the job of market research not just what the enterpreneur thinks is true.

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What the IP Address Means

Behind all the names on the urls of Internet websites are a series of numbers called IP (Internet Protocol) addresses. IP stands for Internet Protocol, and constitute the primary network layer for use on the Web.

The IP

This particular IP address, also called a local host, is the basis for which loopback network connections are processed. Loopback means going back, and that is what does, because it is the address of your machine. Using telnet, ftp, or try in any way to get to, you will be transported back to the host machine, yours. However, it is only the initial three numbers (127) that are needed; use any number combination with 127 and the result will be the same.

A frequent joke among programmers is to get the greenhorn to connect to this IP address. However, in reality the IP address has serious functions.

Uses and Purpose

There are several practical uses for this IP address. The most common example would for a software developer or network systems administrator to try out new applications or experiment with unique set ups. This can also be used by programmers who design software that talks to each other through the computer.

This IP address is also used for beta testing a host of web applications, from Java applets, Active X controls to web browsers.

It usually begins with the client sending out a message to server, which would be possible only if the address is used. The result would be, if a web browser were to relay the request, a return to the host page of the site

The other popular usage of the local host IP address are gaming servers, which are interconnected to local hosts. By using the local hosts, the process and the flow of information becomes more streamlined and efficient.

Because it functions as a loopback, this IP address cannot be used in any network element or node.

Testing the Loopback Properties of

You do not need to be a computer programmer to test the loopback function of this address. You can go to the command prompt of your operating system, and at the c:\ type the following: "ping". After hitting the Enter key, you will get an answer like "Reply from".

If you type in "ping localhost" instead of the numbers, the result would be the same, as localhost and are the same.
You can also try it on telnet: assuming that the computer assigned to you has the name "Dan" you will get the following result:

# telnet
Connected to dan
Escape character is '^]'

Currently IPv4 is the standard in use on the Internet today. Aside from, other reserved addresses are (for private networks), (for link local),

Others are (relays from IPv6 to UPv4), 255.255.255 (for broadcast), for Multicasts (former Class D network), for Class E Network, for Documentation and example code and for Network benchmark tests; is also used for private networks.

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Merger and Acquisition - A Strategy for Corporate Growth

Two companies that are recognized as among the best at making successful acquisitions are General Electric and Cisco Systems. These companies have been star performers in growing shareholder value. The core principal that runs through almost every acquisition is integration. Over the past 10 years Cisco Systems has acquired 81 companies. Their stock price is up a remarkable 1300%. GE outperformed the S&P 500 index over the same period by 300%. There are several categories of strategic acquisition that can produce some outstanding results:

1. ACQUIRE CUSTOMERS - this is almost always a factor in strategic acquisitions. Some companies buy another that is in the same business in a different geography. They get to integrate market presence, brand awareness, and market momentum.

2. OPERATING LEVERAGE - the major focus in this type of acquisition is to improve profit margins through higher utilization rates for plant and equipment. A manufacturer of cardboard containers that is operating at 65% of capacity buys a smaller similar manufacturer. The acquired company's plant is sold, all but two machines are sold, the G&A staff are let go and the new customers are served more cost effectively.

3. CAPITALIZE ON A COMPANY STRENGTH - this is why Cisco and GE have been so successful with their acquisitions. They are so strong in so many areas, that the acquired company gets the benefit of many of those strengths. A very powerful business accelerator is to acquire a company that has a complementary product that is used by your installed customer base. Management depth and skill, production efficiency/ capacity, large base of installed accounts, developed sales and distribution channels, and brand recognition are examples of strengths that can power post acquisition performance.

4. COVER A WEAKNESS - This requires a good deal of objectivity from the acquiring company in recognizing and chinks in the corporate armor. Let me help you with some suggestions - 1. Customer concentration; 2. Product concentration; 3. Weak product pipeline; 4. Lack of management depth or technical expertise and 5. Great technology and products - poor sales and marketing.

5. BUY A LOW COST SUPPLIER - this integration strategy is typically aimed at improving profit margins rather than growing revenues. If your product is comprised of several manufactured components, one way to improve corporate profitability is to acquire one of those suppliers. You achieve greater control of overall costs, availability of supply, and greater value-add to your end product

6. IMPROVING OR COMPLETING A PRODUCT LINE - this approach has several elements from other acquisition strategies. Successfully adding new products to a line improves profitability and revenue growth. Giving a sales force more "arrows in their quiver" is a powerful growth strategy. You take advantage of your existing sales and distribution channel (strength). You may be able to improve your competitive position by simplifying the buying process - providing your customers one stop shopping.

7. TECHNOLOGY - BUILD OR BUY? This is a quandary for most companies, but is especially acute for technology companies. Acquiring technology through acquisition can be an excellent growth strategy. The R&D costs are generally lower for these smaller, agile, more narrowly focused companies than their larger, higher overhead acquirers. Time to market, window of opportunity, first mover advantage can have a huge impact on the ultimate success of a product. First one to establish their product as the "standard" is the big winner

8. ACQUISITION TO PROVIDE SCALE AND ACCESS TO CAPITAL MARKETS - In this area, bigger is better. Larger companies are considered safer investments. Larger companies command larger valuation multiples. Some companies make acquisitions in order to get big enough to attract public capital in the form of an IPO or investments from Private Equity Groups.

9. PROTECT AND EXPAND MATURE PRODUCT LINES - This has been very effectively done in the pharmaceutical sector where a new technology is acquired to repurpose and re patent drugs.

10. PROTECT CUSTOMER BASE FROM COMPETITION - The telephone companies have done studies that show that with each additional product or service that a customer uses, the likelihood of the customer defecting to a competitor drops exponentially. Get your customers to use local, long distance, cellular, cable, broadband, etc and you will not lose them. Multiple products and services provided to the same customer dramatically improve retention rates.

11. ACQUISITION TO REMOVE BARRIERS TO ENTRY - For example, a large commercial IT consulting firm acquires a technology consulting firm that specializes in the Federal Government. The larger IT consulting firm has valuable expertise that is easily transferable to government business if they could only break the code of the vendor approval process. After many fits and starts, they simply acquired a firm that had an established presence. They were able to then bring their full capabilities from the commercial side to effectively increase their newly acquired government business.

Many larger firms have established business development offices to execute corporate growth strategies through acquisition. These experienced buyers search for companies that fit their well-defined acquisition criteria. In most cases they are attempting to buy companies that are not actively for sale. The win for the successful corporate acquirer is to target several candidates, buy them at financial valuation multiples, integrate to strength and achieve strategic performance.

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Advantages of Dynamic IP and Static IP

One of the techie words that you would often come across when you sign up for your home broadband package or business package is IP address or Internet Protocol address. When you get a broadband connection, you are normally offered an IP address so that other PCs in the world wide web network can connect and communicate with your PC (if you are a home user) or your web server (assuming, you are hosting a website on your web space).

Non-technically speaking, IP address is a unique number often assigned to your PC in a network. If you are connected to internet, just check the internet options to go to LAN settings. You would find the IP address of your PC. This address helps other PCs to identify your PC as well as helping your PC to get information from other PCs which have similar unique numbers.

IP addresses are of two types: Dynamic IP and Static IP. What are their features? Why do you get dynamic IP free, why does getting a static IP cost you a bit? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type?

Remember, when your PC is not connected to internet, it can have any type of IP which is offered by the administrator. Usually, in a LAN network, the IP address of individual PC will be unique and that is the only required in such a network unless the PC is connected to internet.

Dynamic IP

Dynamic IP is usually offered free by all ISPs and this IP will change every time you log on to internet. This means your PC will be assigned different number codes at different times.

Advantages of Dynamic IP

In a network that is administered by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), the allocation of IP address and network configuration are done much faster.

All the computers (clients) get IP address, DNS, gateway from the DHCP server, automatically. This also makes your task of adding new computers to the network much easier. Regardless of the size of the network, dynamic IP is quite useful as it is easy to allocate, distribute and manage.

In a large LAN network, dynamic IP administration helps you to save your time as you need not configure hundreds of computers manually.

Dynamic IP also helps you to log in as an anonymous user.

The main disadvantage of dynamic IP is that it is not suited to web hosting. You would require static IP then. However, home users will not find any difficulty in using this type of IP.

Static IP

A few broadband providers offer this option which has some distinct advantages. It is a useful feature when you consider web hosting as the server often needs this type of IP address as the DNS will be able to interpret the domain names as IP addresses which never change in the network. Static IP is quite helpful to identify a specific PC in a large network of PCs. Hence, static IP is often used in a large infrastructure environment.

Advantages of Static IP

As static IP never changes in the internet environment, a specific PC can be accessed and controlled and maintained from any place.

For web hosting purposes,static IP is very ideal. If you are a business user and want to promote your business via internet, go for a business broadband package which sometimes may provide you with a free static IP address. Businesses can see better growth and be in touch with their customers when they have their own websites. If you are looking for a cheaper option, find a business package that comes with free static IP and free web space.

Make sure that you pick the right business broadband package after going through the extras provided by the ISPs like free emails, free domain name, webspace etc.

Just think that you can create your own email addresses with your domain name. If your email accounts have some unique identity, they make a huge difference and become an important part of better management of your businesses, it is better to have your own email accounts with your own domain name. It will also help your company to cut a niche among your competitors.

If you are a gamer and use a dedicated broadband connection for that purpose, take a static IP and find the difference. It would definitely help you to have an significant edge over others. This is because the FTP servers make the data transfer much faster.

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How To Fill Out A Job Application The Right Way-5 Easy Steps To Success

While it may not seem as important as a resume, most people don't realize that a badly filled out job application can be much more costly than a bad resume. A recruiter will see hundreds of application forms, so any that are filled in badly will stand out for all the wrong reasons. These tips should help you avoid problems like that and show you exactly how to fill out a job application the right way!

Read through the application before you begin filling it in, and follow any instructions to the letter. While most applications will ask for similar information, they will not all do it in the same way, so it's a good idea to make sure you are following the guidance given. If you make a mistake here, the potential employer will likely think "This candidate doesn't know how to fill out a job application correctly, why should I trust them with anything else?" And there go your hopes of getting an interview!

Do a practice run- Photocopy the form and have a practice run at filling it out. This will help you get an idea of how many words you can fit into the boxes etc, and will definitely improve the way the finished article reads.

Be consistent. One of the things that people often overlook when learning how to fill out a job application is the consistency of their data. Make sure the form is filled out with information that matches with your resume. If you "stretched" the dates on your resume because one of your jobs ended prematurely, you will need to make sure your application information covers exactly the same dates. A smart recruiter is well aware of such tricks, and finding you out to be dishonest at this early stage can only be a problem.

Check it. How to fill out a job application 101-Make sure there are no mistakes! Read through it once immediately after you finish it, and then if possible you should leave it a day or two and re-check it. It's much easier to spot mistakes and other errors when the document is not fresh in your mind, and for this reason it's a good idea to give yourself some "edit time" between filling it out and sending it away.

Never volunteer negative information. The object of filling out an application is to get yourself in for an interview, and giving out negative information will only hamper this goal. Try and give all your answers as positive a spin as possible, and leave the lengthy answers for the interview. There are many different schools of thought on how to fill out a job application, but one thing is for sure, it's very hard to use the small space on an application form to explain away any negative information that you have volunteered.

As you've seen, the methods of how to fill out a job application can be every bit as tricky as writing a resume, so just make sure you stick to those guidelines and you should be a winner every time!

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Samples of Thank You Letters of Appreciation - No Need to Struggle With Your Thank Yous

Samples of thank you letters of appreciation can help when you're wanting to write an appreciation letter or a thank you note, and you find it hard to express on paper what you're feeling inside.

Perhaps your friend, family member, employee, teacher or colleague has achieved a great accomplishment and you would like to let them know how much they are appreciated for a job well done.

Other reasons for writing thank you letters of appreciation are:

Interview Follow-up
Personal Favors
Helpful deeds or advice

Maybe you've received a financial gift or a substantial contribution of some kind and you would like to show your gratitude, but you need to see samples of thank you letters of appreciation in order to help you express outwardly the thoughts within your mind and heart.

The following are good samples of thank you letters of appreciation:

"Dear Mrs. Mason:

We would like to express our appreciation for your incredible service as a member of the Local YMCA. The contributions you have made to our local branch over the past year have been invaluable to us.

We wish you much success in all your endeavors.


Mary Jones, Administrator"

Another example of a thank you letter of appreciation would be:

"Dear Uncle Jonathan:

Just a note to let you know how much we are grateful for your lovely card. Your thoughtfulness towards us at this time of sadness in our life has been so comforting.

You will hear from us again once we've gotten through all of this.

With all our love,
John and Samantha"

Basic guidelines for writing appreciation letters are to be always concise, sincere and warm. In other words state what you are appreciative for and briefly state the reason why. Write your appreciation letter within a few days of receiving whatever deed of kindness occurred. Remember, personal notes should be handwritten and business letters should be typed on letterhead stationary.

If you search online, you're sure to find great samples of thank you letters of appreciation for your own personal or business needs - just make sure the interpretation is your own, and that you convey what is real and sincere.

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3D Wallpapers - The Best Choice For Your Desktop Background

A recent survey has shown that the first personalization that people tend to do when they buy a new desktop computer, is to set the background to a wallpaper image that is unique to them and a 3D wallpaper is possibly the best way to do it. 3D wallpapers for desktops are now widely available and for a fraction of the price that they used to be. They are something that will be viewed and used every single time that the computer is switched on so having a special 3D background that shows something personal about you or your life is definitely worth a small investment.

With the modern computer monitors and screens being of such high quality and definition, a great 3D desktop wallpaper will jump out of the screen and bring joy into the onlooker. Many of the tasks that require the computer nowadays involve a great deal of stress and very often involve paying bills or departing with cash so a happy and lively 3D desktop background is a great way to relieve some of that inevitable stress.

3D backgrounds are available in all sorts and sizes from the bright, bold and colourful to the subtle and sublime. There are 3D wallpapers for desktop computers around that depict exquisite nature scenery's of forests or fields where the trees and bushes jump out of the screen and give the viewer a sense of being in the middle of the fantastic out doors. There are also the more simple black and white 3D desktop backgrounds that defy the laws of reason and gravity.

Sports teams now also produce 3D desktop wallpapers of the club badge and the favourite players in the middle of an exciting action. This type of 3D background is hugely popular thanks to the high quality of the wallpaper and the massive popularity in sports teams. It is also possibly the best way to show your affiliation with that certain team. A good 3D desktop wallpaper will invoke conversation about the subject and in the case of sporting teams will spark nostalgia about when the team or players have done something great.

Some of the great 3D wallpapers are the ones that deceive the eye of viewer and make them try to guess what is going on. Spiralling structures and staircases that make absolutely no logic to the human eye are great for setting as a 3D background on the computer. This type of 3D wallpaper will actively engage the brain to try to figure out where the spiral or stairs are leading to and how they can possibly make sense. Some of the most clever and intuitive 3D desktop backgrounds have been designed to incorporate slots and spaces where the computer programmes sit on the screen. These will add the effect that seems like the programmes and documents on the desktop are jumping out of the screen.

Therefore, whatever your taste there will be a 3D wallpaper for desktop background that will be perfect for your home computer.

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Sample Performance Appraisal

A performance appraisal carried out for professional and administrative personnel and a confidential employee performance appraisal contains the names and job titles of employees and the department for which they work. It also states the names of the appraisers and their job titles. Performance appraisal sheets are normally divided into three main topics that are, evaluation or job performance area, ratings, and comments. The evaluation area comprises of various factors. These factors include job knowledge, professional competence, and managerial ability. Apart from these, productivity, quality of work, problem solving ability, communication, and initiative are also areas that need evaluation. Factors such as attitude and cooperation, personal leadership, adaptability, and self-improvement also cannot be ignored while evaluation.

Based on the appraisals, professional and administrative personnel can be rated as outstanding, excellent, acceptable, marginal, or deficient. The comments section contains improvements, suggestions, goals to be achieved, potential of employees, etc. Performance appraisals show the overall effectiveness of employees in their job performance, that is, it is a summary of all comments. Plans for professional growth is a section that supervisors and employees should develop cooperatively. This section includes additional responsibilities, management opportunities, special courses, committee assignments, etc. While evaluation, it is advisable to give examples of strengths and weaknesses of the employees as and when possible.

Confidential employee performance appraisals also contain other job requirements such as focusing on specific needs of business or needs for individual improvement, public contact, ability to stay within cost guidelines, etc. They also give a performance summary, which shows the employee's outstanding and strongest points, employee's shortcomings and weaknesses, and specific accomplishments and changes since last performance review. They also help in deciding goals for improvement, that is how the employee can be more effective and what additional training can be helpful.

Performance appraisals also have an employee feedback section. This section contains the employee's most important accomplishments on the job, weakest job performance areas, areas in need of improvement, and other work concerns they would like to discuss. It also provides the date scheduled for the next review and the areas targeted for improvement.

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Best Cheap Tablet Android You Can Get For Under $250

The world is computers, ever since its inception has so numerous technological innovations and the trend has been evolving ever since. From large frame computers to desktop computers, from laptops to tablet computers, there has been unbelievable growth in this market. With innovation, even consumer behavior has evolved. Consumers are now more interested in looking for sleek and smart gadgets that are easy to carry and provide optimum functionality. One such gadget is the android tablet that has taken the world by a storm.

Its remarkable popularity comes down to the fact that it has a lot of easy functions and is equally affordable as well. We all know and have even experienced how recession has affected the purchase patterns for the modern consumer. Our desires and wishes are now dogged down by the hike in prices we are seeing all around. Although, that doesn't mean you do not fulfill your wishes of owning sleek and sexy gadgets. This article will provide an insight on the best cheap tablet android available in the market despite the unfavorable economic climate.

If you research a bit online, you will find a lot of options for the best cheap tablet android. It is important to decide a price cap of affordability in your mind. This will help you take a swift decision, whether you should buy tablet or not. Best cheap tablet android could be bought at a price as less as two hundred dollars.

You will get a price range that is around that two hundred dollar mark. For example, getting a 10" android tablet now is no more a dream you cannot achieve. Yes, that's right. At an unbelievable price of $230, you can now get a 10" android tablet. Of course, not all its functions can be matched with a gadget like iPad. But it is still worth the amount of month you are paying for it.

However, there are certain factors about the 10 android tablet that you should learn before making a decision. It is slightly slower in speed than regular personal computers. Although being a gadget, it should not really be a problem considering it is the best cheap tablet android. Also, you might not get support for all applications available. However, most of the popular ones can be easily run on a 10" android tablet.

People might wonder that such a steep reduction in price for the best cheap tablet android would mean that compromises must have been done with the product quality. That is untrue because the 10" android tablet is a gadget that is like none other provides great features and optimum functionality. They have only tried to take a competitive advantage by offering the best cheap tablet android on the basis of money. That is primarily because of consumers are naturally inclined towards products that are relatively cheaply priced.

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Legacy Audio Drivers - Resolving Missing Sound

Missing or corrupt legacy audio drivers are perhaps one of the more common problems that you may be encountering with your home set up at any point of your computing experience. Just a quick look on the various tech forums reveals that this is indeed quite a problem for many people out there and the extent of Microsoft's technical support will be to ask you to uninstall and reinstall the product, which in most cases is not very helpful.

True, some of the time, you can solve this problem using this method but more often than not, the problem lies much deeper than just removing and adding the product back to the device manager field. The common visual marker of this problem happening to you will be that the 'Sound, Video and Game Controllers,' category will indicate to you a yellow exclamation mark, which is telling you that there is a problem with your legacy audio drivers. What you will hear is essentially nothing, because there will be no sound coming through your speakers no matter how loud you turn the volume knob up.

The problem is down to the fact that Windows was unable to load the device driver because either it is corrupt or missing or some of the device profile aspects will show you that the device is not even installed in the first place. This means that your legacy sound card is sitting inside your PC inert and not functioning, with the motherboard unable to activate it with the proper use of software drivers.

Even using the PC Doctor will result in it telling you that the drivers are possibly not installed properly. You can use diagnostic tools like DriverAgent, which is a software that runs through all your legacy drivers and tells you where and what file is the problem, and may even give you a solution to the problem. AC'97 Audio drivers are one way to fix the problem, by replacing the legacy audio drivers that are corrupt or incompatible with the motherboard or OS of your system.

Before you think about replacing the drivers with universal ones, you also might want to try and get a copy of the drivers that have been given to you on CD, as sometimes, they are incomplete and corrupt due to the CD being damaged or a bad data transfer process. Use the second option first, and then if that does not work, try to replace them with universal drivers.

Another possibility could be an internal conflict within the Windows environment itself, and all you might need to do is to go online and key in your product and the problem it is giving you. 99% of the time you will be able to find other people who have encountered the same problem as you have, and you would then be able to resolve it rather quickly.

Your last resort would have to be sending the product back as there may be a problem with the hardware itself. With these simple steps, you might be able to resolve missing sound from your legacy audio device.

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Grand Theft Auto Online Game

From the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City game to the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas game the action, the weapons the vehicles and even the terrain itself just keep getting bigger and bigger. Considering the mind blowing success that Grand Theft Auto games have had in their PC and PS2 versions it's no wonder that the Grand Theft Auto online game is already a favorite among players. All you need to do is connect to the Internet and you get to live in San Andreas and play the game as your favorite character. Together with your friends you can rule the city of San Andreas.

The Grand Theft Auto online game is a modification of the script for Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and it is designed for multiple players. When playing the Grand Theft Auto online game you actually get to live in the city of San Andreas. Like any other citizen you get to earn money, deposit the money in a bank or manage a bank account. When you start playing the Grand Theft Auto online game you get to choose which character you want to be, you can buy a house and a car in San Andreas, take a drive around the city, and spend the money you have earned any way you like.

Like any other player you can also join a gang or even start a gang of your own. On the other hand, if your favorite character is a policeman you get to join the police and fight against the neighborhood gangs. The possibilities are unlimited when you are playing the Grand Theft Auto online game. The game will remember your online actions and when you return to play it will resume the action from where you left it the day before.

The Grand Theft Auto online game is a multiplayer game and therefore it does not have a particular script and it allows the action to unfold according to the players' wants. You and your friends can go online, live in San Andreas and make the rules or break the rules. The action and adventure are as intense as you want them to be, because you control everything that happens in the city.

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How to Recover Deleted Text From Android Devices

There are a variety of different reasons why an individual would want to recover deleted text messages and other data from their Android cellular device. There are times when people accidentally delete text that they intended on saving for future use, there are numerous individuals that would like to catch cheating partners committing infidelity, employers that are trying to catch thieving employees, and parents that have worries that their teenager is engaging in sexting, bullying, or even using illegal drug substances. Each of these situations can cause a tremendous amount of stress, pain, and excess worrying, and are perfect cases where a cell phone forensic investigation could be beneficial.

When you consult with an expert that performs cell phone forensic investigations on Android cell phone devices, they know how to expertly recover deleted text and other helpful information that can give you the information you need to confront your spouse or partner about the infidelity that they have been engaging in. Besides being able to undelete deleted text, they can also obtain other deleted information that would include the call history that has been removed, device properties, names and telephone numbers of contacts, the browser history of websites that have been visited, data that has been erased from the file system, and any pictures or graphics that have been removed from the cellular device.

The important thing that you should note before trying to recover deleted text messages on your own, is you should never try to use SIM card readers that can be purchased over-the-counter. It is a one in a million chance that you will be able to find one that works just right with your device, and in many cases all they end up doing is completely destroying the very data that you are trying to undelete. Even professionals with tools that cost thousands of dollars generally will need to try several different tools before they find the perfect one that works with a specific cellular device.

If you suspect that your wife is texting another man, or your husband is deleting text messages, it would be worth your while to have an expert recover deleted text and other data from the device so that you will know for sure. What is so great about this type of service is all that you are required to do is send in your Android device and the expert will take care of the rest. Once they have undeleted deleted text and other data, they will send you a disk that contains all of the evidence that was found on the phone.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

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