
PS3 Won't Turn on - What to Do to Fix Your PS3

So you get into your gaming mood and try to turn on your PS3 but you quickly realize that nothing is happening. This is a very common PS3 problem and the only options you have to fix it is either call Sony and send it to them or do it yourself.

The only problem with the first option is that Sony will take around 2 months to fix this SMALL problem and will charge you around 120$. This problem is usually do to too much dust build up in your HDD (hard drive disk) and power supply cable.

How To Make My PS3 Turn On?

First you should carefully take out the hard drive disk from your PS3 which should be full of dust. Reset it and then place it back in. Then you should check if your power cable is still working. This is easy to do, just replace your computers power cable with the PS3 one. If your computer boots up properly, put back your pc cable in the pc and the PS3 cable in the PS3. Once done, turn your PS3 and everything should be working.

If you are not sure how to do the above steps properly like resetting the HDD and dusting the inside properly, you should look for a step by step guide. There are many available online and the best part is that they include fixes to other PS3 problems so if ever you have another problem, you will be able to fix it in a jiffy without forking out hundreds of dollars to Sony.

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