
How to set up a secure proxy

The need to establish a secure proxy is created when a computer can not directly to a desired network. This may be due to the fact that the safety requirements is not sufficient for direct connection, so you may need to function as an intermediary to act on your behalf.

Secure Proxy can also be chosen so that the firewall administrator for access to inappropriate web sites. In some cases Secure Proxy is accessed as a fast connection, too oftenLocations. These are used to accelerate access to Web sites that are visited constantly, and keep an unwanted sites. Computer connects to the Internet through a single IP address, such as Local Area Network (LAN) works. Since not pass data through a series of gates, the data is secure.

The proxy settings actually differ from the firewall, since the application level, the 7th layer of the OSI model to use as a firewall to use the lower layers. Setting up a secureThe proxy requires platforms other protocols such as the firewall, and it is therefore difficult. The proxy server must be customized for the proper functioning of a number of applications, such as HTTP, SMTP, SOCKS or configured. Only a well-configured proxy server will work in a safe and smart to check outgoing requests whose URL addresses, and make routine, HTTP GET and POST messages.

This allows administrators to grant access either in cash or other sites. In contrast WebsiteDomains in the news not to read through the firewall. Proxy servers also filter content within the application of information received. In many proxy server for Windows, set a secure proxy can be guaranteed if you do your due diligence and check the reviews first.

Use a proxy server, such as the above WinProxy, a transparent proxy server with NAT and supports all protocols including HTTP, FTP, NNTP, etc. any other software installed on our computer,thus to accelerate the development and efficient operation of servers later. In addition, the proxy client is not recognized by computer. Because of this the client computer is virtually nothing about proxy 'server existence.

Setting up a Secure Proxy Server as WinProxy requires some simple configuration steps. First, it requires the TCP / IP on the network computer to install, and then select the Setup Wizardwill guide you through the installation. To activate the wizard, the product keys are required. Select your Internet connection and the name of the selected connection.

The method is then as simple as access to all of your Internet connection: After selecting your Internet connection, you must type your username and password for the same. External and internal configuration of IP is that, as a single address automatically given to all devicesLocal area network (LAN). Now disconnect the Internet, and navigate to the last stage, when WinProxy, confirming through the entire setup following successful implementation of all configurations. Now, the Secure Proxy is available for use. Although the creation of a proxy is difficult to secure, protect your data.

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