
Quickly Generate More Personal Trainer Business Clients

One of the biggest challenge for a fitness trainer running a personal trainer business is to attract new clients. Training clients are the lifeblood of any fitness training business. To run a profitable service it is important to continue to increase prospects, and turn them into long term, paying clients.

The number one complaint of personal trainers is they don't have enough clients. This should not be such a challenge if you have a game plan in order to attract more clients. It is the personal trainer who just wings it, and does not have a well thought out marketing plan that never seems to have enough clients.

Do you want to own a personal trainer business that has a continuous influx of training clients?

Below are 5 simple ways of getting training clients to line up and practically beg you to work with them. Please incorporate them into your personal training marketing plan.

1. Utilize the 3 foot rule.

Everyone within three feet of you has the right to know about your business. Do not keep it a secret. You are a fitness professional and run a personal trainer business. Since health and fitness should be a top priority for people, they most definitely need your expertise, and training services.

Make sure you brand yourself, as well as your business. Have personal trainer business cards printed up so you can hand them to people. I always recommend putting your picture on the front of the card, and a motivational slogan on the back.

Do not be shy! Tell people about what you do, and how you can help them.

2. Build a network with other health care professionals.

If they sell fitness, fitness products, or promote to your market, you need to approach them.

A referral network is always good. An example would be a nutritionist suggesting a client to exercise. Why shouldn't the nutritionist recommend you, or your personal fitness training business? If you have a good network of healthcare professionals that you have developed a fitness business relationship with, then the prospects will begin to flow right in.

3. Joint venture with fitness equipment stores.

When fitness enthusiasts buy a piece of exercise equipment they generally need instruction from a qualified personal fitness trainer. Why can't that be you? When establishing a joint venture it is important to present yourself in a very professional manner. Bring potential partners professional sales literature introducing yourself, and your personal training business.

4. Power up your public relations. Educate yourself on PR, or hire a PR firm to aggressively market your firm. Become the celebrity expert, or go to personal trainer in your field.

Whenever you can get press coverage take advantage of it. Give back to your community, and always be searching for opportunities to get your name out.

Personal training public relations is the best form of advertising because it is news, and offers a third party endorsement.

5. Do speaking engagements/seminars. You can do monthly, or weekly orientation seminars getting potential fitness training clients information about how to get fit, supplemented with an insight into your personal trainer business.

Share with seminar attendees how fitness training can benefit them. Attracting new clients does not have to be as difficult as it appears. It just takes action. Just do it! Do not let anything hold you back.

The best personal trainer education I can offer you is to give you a few client attraction tips that have worked for me. All you need to do is follow the attraction tips above, and you will see fitness prospects lining up at your door ready to patronize your personal trainer business.

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