Accent offers digital signaling Cisco Belgium and the Netherlands
The working practices and recruitment with the fastest growth in Belgium and France and the Netherlands also operates will continue with the installation of Cisco's digital signage and direct attractive last-minute and 70 branches in Belgium and Holland this year. Based on the power of Cisco Digital Media System, Cisco Digital Signage Network Solution for the creation, management and publishing of digital content on the spot with a high-definitionDigital display.
The use of digital signage helps Cisco Accent to communicate with their employees, applicants for employment and customers in a more dynamic and user-friendly.
The Cisco Digital Signage plays a key role in supporting the launch of this year's brand new Accent. Besides introducing a new logo, a redesigned website and an advertising campaign in style, Accent is also in the process of renovation of its officesin Belgium, the Netherlands and northern France. The focus of the new office concept is a dynamic idea of submission Cisco Digital Signage to display the group is shown, any last minute information about the offer
Business and labor on jobs and opportunities.
"In a highly competitive market, where demand exceeds supply for staff, it is important qu'Accent can be as much as possible apart from the competition, anda positive, "said Conny Vandendriessche, Chief Operating Officer of Accent Jobs For People." Therefore, not only invest in the quality of our services, but also how we come to the outside world. "Our offices are nice cards in this direction, and a modern, vibrant and help us attract potential candidates, taking advantage of their customers another reason to use our services. The display of dynamic content on digital displays with Cisco Digital Signage increases significantlyAttractiveness of our offices. In addition to our superior service we can offer potential candidates a richer and more compelling as a customer when they visit us. We also have a positive effect on motivation and commitment to the work of our employees are now in a work environment, modern and attractive exit visa, "said Vandendriessche.
Accent, the publication of content management software for taking Digital Media OnlineCisco, sales support its center of Roeselare function. The manager of digital media allows Cisco Accent easy to use standardized templates for its content, Accent help strengthen their brand and to maintain consistency in communication.
The content can easily be programmed for display at certain times, and then to offices, regions, languages and target groups adapted to the wide network of the group are delivered to digital mediaReaders installed in each Cisco office. To ensure timely information, vacancies to be filled automatically by the screen as the opening position is updated in the system management Accent away.
"Typically, consultants operating from our offices and published in the print window openings to the latest and most urgent," said Wim Vanhaelemeesch, IT Manager at Accent Jobs For People. "With the Cisco Digital Signage, the process ofand time-consuming manual is fully automated, resulting in significant savings of time and trust of our consultants, the information is still correct.
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