
About AIS Certification exam

AIS can be said as a modern information security. This certification is awarded by the university's security. It validates skills and knowledge necessary for expertise in information and prevention in the management of security risk. A total of eight fields of knowledge could confirm the number of candidates in the design, construction, deployment, maintenance of security applications and advanced technologies. This certification is sufficient knowledgelatest security technology for the candidate. Other certifications that provide a good basis for this AIS GIAC certification and SAS.

AIS certification requirements:

The following are the requirements for candidates for those who wanted to apply for certification AIS, and they are:

1) The candidate must have attended at least eight or more courses of the roadmap and AIS is also necessary to pass an examination, after completingof each course.
2) All of these eight courses and eight total this creates AIS certification exams. Candidate will be awarded this certification after passing these eight tests.
AIS tests:

Here are the tests for certification of AIS and the candidate must be able to focus on these tests to get certified. They are:

1) Network penetration testing methods
2) network security and VPN
3) patch management, virusAnalysis and incident response
4) Incident Response and Computer Forensics
5) Record version of Statement 2: Systems for monitoring network
6) Apply Security Architecture
7) Applied Network Security Policy
8) 2 PKI PKI exposed.

Candidates are not required to write all these tests within a week or two weeks. They can take their time, but after all these tests must be completed within the year.

AISCertification costs:

Total cost of the examinations of the candidates are about 1200-2500 dollars, which is subject to change due to local taxes and the exchange rate on the open market (this is applicable only candidate for an international application for certification exam). Recertification requirements do not apply and the candidates can get their life cycle valid certificate, if this test has been completed.

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10 tips on exam preparation CCIE

CCIE certification is one of the most respected and widely known in the IT industry. It is sometimes compared PhD in network. People with CCIE certified experts are certified in one or more areas of networking. The routing oldest and most widely used in the CCIE and switching, but there are other CCIE tracks. Security experts are certified network security CCIE, CCIE Voice Experts such as VoIP, for example. Other songs are service providers, wireless, storage andService Provider Operations. Any way, one thing is certain - as a person CCIE preparation has gone through grueling and difficult even given hands-on test site, provided by Cisco Cisco certification, but as a respected and largest network of Certified . competence and performance accepted by all.

The greatest value of this certification is that there are no shortcuts, tricks and so-called "brain dumps" that can be used!Since it is on-site, hands-on examination, lasting eight hours, it is not hard to imagine why. In addition, Cisco CCIE loved his program in 1993. CCIE certified individuals bring many benefits to their companies, such as access to better / faster for the relevant support team within Cisco, but more importantly, by experts, which can be used.

What you need to do to get CCIE? Here are ten tips for effective CCIEPreparation.

For at least 6-9 months of long days and even longer nights of study and hard work to prepare! If possible, include at least one month prior to the examination of case studies in full!
Expert CCIE level of certification and, as such, those who are CCIE certified experts in their fields. This requires a lot of reading and a lot of practice. Become familiar with the Cisco web site and products, as well as books available from its publicationCompany, Cisco Press.
Choose the CCIE track that best suits your current interests and expertise in the network. Just as a reminder, tracks: Routing and Switching, Voice, Security, Service Provider, Service Provider Operations, Wireless and Storage.
Study, prepare and pass a written aptitude test for the selected track. For the most popular songs, Cisco Press Certification Guide published and usually this is not a big problem for most students.Preparation will pay for the qualifying exam should be available during the preparation of the laboratory, since this solid theoretical background.
Choose reliable training partner CCIE, combined with a proven track record and methodology of blended learning solutions that include a complete self-study material and instructor courses for the second part of the certification process - the dreaded CCIE lab.
Understand the theory and advanced concepts associated with the selected track and beginFocus on technology, targeted learning through video-on-demand viewing, listening, audio-on-demand products as well as the practice of specific technologies. Watch videos and listen to teachers in their free time is a great start for CCIE preparation. Especially for those who want to follow a structured approach to learning for CCIE certification.
Strengthen the theory, knowledge and advanced technologies to work together in multi-protocol at the beginning of the lab practical workbooks.
Strengthen their knowledge by attending an advanced course instructors. These classes are popularly known as "CCIE Boot Camp" and known as its nickname suggests, are very intense. They are usually a week and will be used to fill any gaps you may have at this point in your preparation.
Polish advanced knowledge and ability to solve problems, using advanced and complex exercises. Most reputable CCIE self-study materials to manufacturers offer trainingwith varying degrees of difficulty. Beginners or experienced engineers could easily be overwhelmed by complexity levels available in a material. These difficult challenges, and labs should be allowed to late-stage pipeline.
Practice in the laboratory with the visit even more specialized "Lab Experience" training courses offered. As in the case of self-study materials, training institutions have a good week of lab experience in which students are immersed in a very practical set of exercisesLaboratories, followed closely by teachers with the objective sought to imitate the experience of taking actually delivered hands-on lab exam, Cisco. As the last stage of exam preparation help, this can be invaluable!

If you follow these simple 10 tips, you should prepare to become one of only 20,000 CCIE certified experts around the world.

Once done, why not continue? There are only about 1500 people who have multiple CCIE certification. If youdiffer even more, what's better is that most of CCIE certification?

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The thin client technology, laptops and identity theft

The laptop theft epidemic

Perhaps one of the worst robberies can happen to you, is the theft of the laptop. Whether your PC or on a company computer that you are taken on a business trip, keep your laptop unexplained information that probably does not even know yourself is there. A lot of information in the form of passwords and Web URLs that give a thief access to everything from numbers of his bank account to yourCredit card statements, federal and state tax forms, and the Holy Grail Holy Grail of all - Your Social Security number. Data on your computer is of course fully accessible to the thief.

According to Laptop Theft Resources, 20% of data loss in 2008 due to laptop theft.

Beyond the personal nightmare

But beyond the personal nightmare of being stolen from them information about your customers' identities, both for your personal or businessthe company can work for you. Recent heard horror stories of stolen laptops, insurance companies, which keep the personal data of 10 of those thousands of customers. These were employees who had stolen the computer from the office some work at home.

It is estimated that a typical notebook contains $ 972,000 USD to disclose sensitive information, and some were able to save more than eight million dollars. Theft of a laptop makes more than 54% of identity theftAnd accidents since 2005, over 150 million data breaches have been identity theft (Absolute Software) what. But it seems to be an inexplicable apathy over stolen laptop. Starbucks, for example, in 2008, a robbery, which involved 97 000 reported non-encrypted data records, social security numbers and passwords, but according to the resources stolen laptop, media coverage was minimal, and the crowd seemed uninterested .

The thin client solution for identity theft

While the lion's share of information on a remote server and accessed through the encrypted passwords, a thin-client laptop leads effectively processes all the information reach the identity thief. The theft of a laptop would be involved only the hardware, and since the value of a thin client 's is only $ 500 - $ 600 (or less), this means a loss much lower than a full-featured notebook able to run well over $ 2000. And with modern theftRecovery services such as LoJack, the thin client can be restored easily.

So, because there is a strong demand for thin-client laptops?

Little demand for notebook thin client?

So far, the examination of thin client technology has been practically limited to the Company. Consumers seem to have little demand for them. Several reasons may explain this: 1) consumers want their software, data storage, and under its direct control.2) The infrastructure is not yet fully developed. Google is the back-end services that work for thin client solutions. 3) The solution "plan" is not yet fully developed. This solution is activated, the data in places where Internet access is not available work. 4) The need to improve wireless network security and bandwidth. 5) the security of remote servers and databases would be absolute, and not hackable. Hacking remote systems would befar more devastating than the theft of a single laptop. Instead of putting 96 000 people exposed to identity theft inconceivable 100 million when the system will be universally accepted.

Is there a future for thin client notebook?

But perhaps the main obstacle to the acceptance of thin client notebook consumer apathy towards identity theft. Despite the horror stories appear every day in newspapers and on the Internet, we seem to clingthe attitude that "it happens the other guy, but it can not happen to me." Nothing could be overcome with the truth, but until we as the consumer, the fact that each of us be sacrificed at any time, face, there will be really ready, our love is closed under control, and possession of all our data on our computers.

Data can be absolutely sure on a remote server, we have the technology to do so. In this sense, it is obvious that thinLaptop clients are the ultimate answer to notebook theft of identity. But one day we all of our processing data remotely if a laptop theft involves the theft of hardware only? Will that day come?

It depends ... It's up to you and me, and if we are willing to enter into the new paradigm of our data and computing power on a remote computer not to take, in our direct ownership. We must first recognize that identity theft can be a horror, in fact,to us, and it changes everything you need to pass in order to prevent it. Secondly, we must recognize that the data that we think is under our control, can easily fall into the hands of a thief and will not be in our possession.

Then we will be ready for "thin client" laptop.

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What is a firewall?

In short, it acts as a barrier between your computer and the Internet. To protect you from crackers, hackers and malware.

If this is your DSL or cable modem has a firewall should be used as a direct connection to the Internet you get a target for attack.

Firewalls can be hardware or software based. Firewalls configured with ACLs or access control lists to allow or block traffic.

There are three ways to block traffic firewall.

1 PackagePacket filtering is analyzed in order to filter sets of firewall rules. Firewall drops the packet that are not allowed in the firewall ruleset.

2 service proxy information from the Internet through the firewall and made contact customer service via the proxy.

3 Criteria stateful packet inspection searches a database of reliable information. To see if the package contains everything you would

or deny them in the network.

Firewallcustomizable so that their own set of rules to block IP addresses, some protocols such as Telnet, FTP, ICMP, UDP, SMTP, and can
many others.

Firewalls can be tailored to specific ports or even to block keywords.

There are many software firewalls available, such as firewalls Tiny, which are designed to keep hackers out of your network and blocks spyware.

Zone Labs ZoneAlarm makes it bcause I like has a simpleInterface, home users to configure it with the same ease.

For hardware firewalls are:

Cisco http://www. Cisco. Com The brand is called PIX firewall.

By users at home, I like D-Link DI-604, this is a cost-effective firewall that works well. Best of all this fits in almost any pocket.

Linksys (now part of Cisco) has a router / firewall, and VPN supportDMZ.
[Http: / /]

There are hardware solutions including the creation of a firewall on a * nix box. I like the best, as you check the firewall administrator. Personally, as OpenBSD for security, I would go with Unix, as it is safe. There were very few exploits against this platform.

I will write more articles about firewalls shortly.

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Questions that a school computer repair, before your money

Most people recognize that getting a good workout from a school computer repair for a job is a wise thing to do. Choosing a computer repair school that gives you bad training can lead to frustration on the other side. Avoiding a negative experience will make it to the right questions.

How long have you been in business? This is to ask the first question. You do not want to be guinea pigs for a school. If this is the first or second year ofOperating system for them, keep your eyes open. I know someone who should be first, and is very likely to get a lower price for tuition, but usually not worth the risk. Running a professional school is not for the faint of heart. There are many lessons to be learned. Why let them learn lessons about yourself?

'M Taking as many people in the program I Planning jobs in recent years have found? A good computer repair school will give you the numbers. Even better, ifare willing to give references with names and phone numbers. Unless you do not have to open your own business plan will, there is a job for you at the end of your training is important. Do not underestimate this part of your research. If they call you names, they call. Even if you have this information over the phone, ask them about the school. What they wanted and what they do not like. Better yet, ask if the training received by the school, was worth the pricehave paid for their education.

How much real life experience of our teachers in the field? You want to get not just theory. Do you need some practical advice to go ahead with the theory. Occasionally, his practical advice on land more valuable than theoretical knowledge.

Why should I join the training program on the program of another company? This question can help you, the strengths of the vocational school you are investigating.Note, however, that the answer to this question is usually a sales pitch. It's getting something out of the research to verify all the information you school.

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Stroke Troubleshooting

There are several parts of a network, what can go wrong. You must make sure that every part of the network is functioning properly, including network cards, cables, connectors, switches, hubs, routers, network hardware, etc. is not the only thing that needs to be configured correctly, can be software problems as well.

Here we will discuss some of the hardware aspects of the turntable. A hub and a switch have much the same function. Hubs, switches they replaced, so that when the search for goodTroubleshooting for a hub is tough, try a search for information Ethernet switch can be easily implemented in a hub.

The speed of the network will only work as fast as your slowest component, if you have a 10/100 megabits per second shot. If you have an old computer with a 10 megabits per second (Mbps) network adapters have to upgrade to a 100 Mbps network card.

The length of the cable also plays a role in the speed of the network. The maximum length for an RJ-45a network of 10 or 100 Mbps is 328 feet. The cable length between two 10/100 Mbps router must be 15 feet or shorter.

Control how the cables are positioned, if you have long cable. Make sure the network cable is not connected to each other in roles. This can lead to electromagnetic fields that the data transmission between the two Ethernet ports for the mind.

It 'important for the correct routing of the Ethernet cable. Try to keep the cables close to lamps, power outlets and power supplies. Thismay emit strong electromagnetic interference between the two Ethernet ports, and create.

Make sure the connectors on the Ethernet ports line up. Pins 1, 2, 3 and 6 must be aligned exactly, or you may have trouble connecting. Use a CAT5 cable for best results.

You can no more than two 10/100 Mbps hubs together. To connect the hubs together to ensure that the uplink port. If there is no uplink port, then you have crossed with a network cable.

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Free Windows Registry Repair

Has your computer started to become slow and unresponsive? If this is the case, then the chances are high that you have problems with the registration. Despite the fact that many people do not know what is the Windows Registry that we all know that without the tools to repair the Windows Registry to fix the solution of these problems automatically. The only thing is you have to remember that if you do not run regular scans with a free registry repair tool for Windows, then theThe errors are based on the system and then cause the PC to stop functioning in time to stop. Lets talk briefly about these system components and discuss why it is usually in the middle of problems can occur.

Registration is very important for the Windows operating system as the central database of all hardware, software configurations and profiles, which are processed and stored by Windows during the operations. Unfortunately, most PCs will beVictim of repeated changes in software and hardware to keep the information in this database to ensure that expand with new voices, while others will become obsolete. And 'this unused and old entries and moves partial software drivers that cause problems in Windows when it came to read the program and activity information from the registry attempts.

This leads to frequent error messages, sluggish performance and fewer features. Other symptoms occur aremissing program files, shortcuts, deleted, corrupted DLL files and unused items in the Start menu. The only solution to repair the Windows Registry is common to use registry repair tools, deigned to crawl deep into the system and correct any errors that may be.

When it comes to the use of free tools repair Windows registry, I can highly recommend Reg Cure which has continued to gain huge popularity because of its powerful scanning and repair capabilities. If youwant to download the latest version and scan your PC now please visit the website below.

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Phone Call Manager and Design - The Basics of design phones


Business priority needs with the large companies today is to reduce the capital and support costs, while improving the effectiveness of their network infrastructure, security and management. Cisco IP telephony solutions that meet these requirements and provides a migration developed by PBX switches in a cost effective manner. PBX switches are both expensive to purchase and support. IP telephony offersAlternatives to the company PBX with Call Manager software that runs on a Windows server, replaced. The current version of Call Manager has features such as unified messaging integration, call routing with failover and migration easy to telecommunications infrastructure and ongoing management that is integrated with CiscoWorks.

From the Call Manager is designed to replace the phone system, there are all the telephony features you would expect in any other voice switches. It 'important to distinguishbetween IP telephony and Voice over IP, Voice over Frame Relay and Voice over ATM. The router voice interface module with the existing PBX at each site and do not use IP phones. IP telephony replaces the option PBX in every office with Call Manager for switching and routing all calls. In addition to the data lines are used to as Voice over IP Call Manager. This is an investment with the purchase of IP phones for use with Call Manager's workSoftware. How beautiful it is an inexpensive option called Softphone that runs as an application on the client desktop.

To consider the needs of employees to determine what is best for its employees. As mentioned above, there is diversity (failover) built-in IP telephony from a circuit, the routing of calls and the prospect IP phone. If the current PSTN circuit can fail over the IP WAN circuit can be used not available. The PSTN circuit is configuredTransport of voice traffic during periods when the circuit is overloaded or if WAN IP is not available. Call routing diversity with Call Manager clustering, a group of servers, processing continues to require, when a server is not available is called. The IP phone can be connected to another port such as desktop or campus switches can be connected to the same port and have separate VLANs, data and voice traffic. By connecting the phone to switch to other than the desktop onebe used to prevent both phone and non-availability of a campus switch should fail, however, is very expensive.

Quality of service is important, for every migration project voice from voice traffic is sensitive to delay. Bandwidth must be allocated to reduce or eliminate jitter. IP phones can prioritize voice traffic before it reaches the switch campuses. The campus switch examines each packet and bandwidth for packets that are designated as top prizePriority.

Project Example

This project uses Call Manager in an office with hundreds of employees. This implementation is the desktop phone and IP, the port of the switch itself, which is the least expensive option for connecting an IP phone network. There are three options for powering the IP phone. Some switches offer a campus in-line power module to power the phone. If the switch type is not available for your company, you can use the phone in a 120-pinV via an adapter or buying a skirt patch, which sends power on pins 1 and 4 of the RJ-45 phone.

Call Manager on a Windows server that is connected to the switch installed. A voice mail server with the server for Call Manager for processing requests associated with personal answering machine. Cisco offers a voice mail server called OOD. The switch connects the voice-enabled router 3660 with 100 Mbps Ethernet connection. The router running IOS Voice GatewaySoftware, the E.164 address resolution and offers WAN-Call Admission Control. There are two options available for the design of the circuit fail. The primary circuit will be used for the circuit data is with Voice over IP. The PSTN provider charges typically the customer through the use, it is important that your data with additional bandwidth for additional voice traffic. This address design requirements for performance while minimizing congestion andAfter the traffic on the PSTN.

As mentioned, the voice packets have priority for each IP phone, end-to-end quality of service at level 2 and 3 of the OSI model. Packet prioritization at Layer 2 has 3 bits in the field of 802.1p 802.1q tags. 802.1q is a day for each packet is appended with the VLAN membership of the package. If the package is sent via a local line switches, each switch will read the tags 802.1q VLAN membership for the determinationPackage.

6 that a higher priority features package from the default value of 5 - defined the 802.1p priority field of the 802.1Q specification for setting up these 3 bits for a value of 0 used. The switch examines the 802.1p priority field, and to packages with a number higher than those with fewer. Priority level 3, with 3 bits of the controlling differentiated services (DSCP) field of the type of service (ToS) byte, each with a specified IPHeader. 6 to favor a preference for voice packets show - These 3 bits are set to a value between 0.

Each IP phone must request an IP address, subnet mask and default gateway IP with DHCP services. There is also an option for items with static IP addressing, requires a configuration, when you assign the IP phone is implemented. The best way is DHCP, it is much less administrative overhead. The IP phone registers the IP addressand telephone number with the Call Manager before voice packets on the network. Cisco IP Phones are designed to use the G.729 voice compression for all traffic.

Once the traffic is compressed, sent to the campus is connected switch. When the switch comes, 802.1p and DSCP fields examined for prioritization. The voice packets are marked as a priority, then go through the campus before packets of data processed. Call Manager checks the numbers andforwards the packet with the correct routing information to the router. The router checks the DSCP field, because it is a Layer 3 device and give priority to voice packets before data packets for transport over the WAN. The call destination server manager controls the routing information packets and forward this item to change the campus, where it is connected to the IP phone.

Call Manager has both centralized and distributed models, which define defined in the Call ManagerThe servers are located throughout the enterprise network. The decentralized model is a manager in the office every call and calls are routed between servers in each office. The model can support 100 branches with 8 CallManager servers per cluster. Each office is helping 10,000 people per cluster. The centralized model has one or more of the Call Manager cluster at a particular office, all calls are sent to this office over the WAN for routing calls between the offices. A typical call Cluster Managementhas three servers with the central model, employees will handle 2,500 calls. And 'possible to implement additional cluster in the central office for scalability as the company grows.

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DIY Laptop Repair - Tips and Advice

Repairing laptops are used for a process to be very expensive and cumbersome, but now this must not, even as repairs to make our laptop has become an increasingly popular and offers many advantages over what is a laptop including a repair service to receive the benefit of time and cost savings for all of us. In this sense, I would like to take a moment to explain the process of self-repair for your notebook, how, andwhere you gather resources to ensure that the repair of the laptop is so fast and easy as can be, and the maximum financial benefit.

The first thing you need, when you plan to repair the notebook, and it alone has the knowledge to ensure that you can solve with ease and confidence - that does not mean that you need a technician to complete the task and have the great information available on the Internet you can try and getthis knowledge from the comfort of their homes and in their own time. This laptop repair makes your home more accessible for many a solution, which means that any gain from this process. Make sure you take the time to learn the basics of laptop repair, will understand, will ensure that they succeed and get the maximum benefit of time savings offered by this method with them.

Until recently, when using laptop repairWould without a computer for days, even weeks, while the laptop was sent for repair, the repair can now be done in a day and running again, whether for business or personal use is that this is something we all like have at our disposal - the mobility and convenience of a well-functioning laptop. Once you understand the lessons learned and what you need for the implementation, in order to be a laptop repairsuccessful you have to do to the source and spare parts for repair.

If there is to consider the purchase of your laptop is necessary that the parties will win to complete the repair of the laptop financially with the other numerous advantages - this factor in mind that you need to make sure you have quality components at a price Quality and fast. This is something that can be done online and gives you the right and saves shipping the same day,more financial gain and time-saving benefit of repairing laptops around the house.

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It is a point-to-Point T1 Better Than Frame Relay?

Frame Relay is a communications protocol. His name as it provides data and information needed in order to communicate properly in a "frame", which consists of different areas. Provides data to be transmitted, surrounded by four other fields, information about where the data frame should contain and how it should be treated in a particular area. A user has installed dedicated lines to the sites, the frame relay network to connect to their carrier. Then theUses vector, which transmit a "permanent virtual circuit" or "PVC" for the data within the network announced.

The main advantage is over Frame Relay point-to-point, which allows only need to connect from anywhere, so you can be connected to all sites. For example, if I have 4 offices, each of them (called a network "mesh" ") must be connected, I would need six circles. But with Frame Relay, Frame Relay, I need only 4 allows me to do this work with 1 / 3fewer circuits. In addition, a user can also be a PVC using the Internet to integrate both the LAN / WAN network and Internet bandwidth to be on a network architecture.

When you buy from Frame Relay, you must select the bandwidth of the PVC that buys it. This is the "fixed" data rate or bandwidth they have. You may also have a "burstable" bandwidth / frequency data. Burstable means that may be on an as-needed "burst" at a higher speed, and only payfor the bandwidth when you actually use.

An example of this is that a customer needs is a normal course for 512 kbps of bandwidth between the sites has. In addition, once a month, back up all data from any point on the main page that requires a "burst" of 1.544 Mbps for a few hours to reach the data transfer. In a point-point, the customer would be forced to buy 1.544 Mbps of bandwidth for all locations, even though it was only at full capacity once a month.For these and similar reasons, Frame Relay, the dominant mode of data communications service for business customers for many years.

So what does a customer? Depends on a number of factors, but mainly (1) how many seats they need to network and (2) what types of communication they want to use the network. Today, very few companies on the implementation of Frame Relay, unless we find it already in place. New plants are usually the choice between MPLS andCarrier Ethernet options. I will not try to deepen the other two services here in this post, but suffice to say that if a customer has only two or three sites, they can go well with the point-to-point, or simply a connection via the Internet and Internet-based applications to meet their voice and data communications. If they need to perform multiple positions, signficiant requirements of bandwidth, and / or the desire for voice, data and video between locations, are more likelyMPLS better, especially because it allows them MPLS Quality of Service, which is the most be a factor when working with mixed services and real-time services like voice and video control.

In lay terms ..... I will try to simplify it further.

1 With a point to point connection that you pay for a connection between two points. You pay a commitment rate for this connection, per year or per month. There are several variables that affect the cost.

A) What is the distance between thecolon
B) There are several telecommunications companies to connect the dots or simply a vector
C) If the points are in different cities, states, countries, continents
Q) How fast you want to connect
E) the connection you want to always be available or if available (such as ISDN or dial-up --- are both versions point to point, furnished only required)

With 2 Frame Relay or ATM, or MPLS, or any other number of connecting ordinary .... TheirBuy only '"last mile" connection at both ends, while sharing the center with other users. You pay your operator to separate the traffic within the center (usually as a "cloud" is described as an abstract concept, the system operator can implement any case it is needed) and provide guaranteed bandwidth. Some airlines to sell the ability to "blow up" the speed is higher, so that sometimes (but not always) can use higher speeds inQuestion. The connection speed is the lowest among the "last mile" connection speed at each end or with a special course you are limited by the carrier purchased. The carrier will be described with a name like CIR, Committed Information Rate the speed with which it was purchased.

A) removal is not a determinant of the price
B) There are several telecommunications companies to connect the dots or just a support (you have to pay the costs of last mile even on both ends)
C) If the points are in different(The price is likely to affect prices and taxes, as well as regulatory) cities, states, countries, continents
Q) How fast you want to connect
A) In general, you should always pay for a connection, called a permanent virtual circuit. It is really only consume network resources when data is sent, but it is always there for you immediately.

3 Finally, you can pay for the part in the middle completely through virtual private networks over the Internet. In this case, you canto pay more for access to both sides, but no one pays for the middle class. There are also some disadvantages:

A) Because no one providing the means, you are alone to support and secure
B) the traffic is comingle with Internet traffic. It is up to you to ensure that it is safe. They do this by using an encryption protocol greatly appreciated and a very strong first key.

In short, to ensure the best data point by point, but Frame Relaycost-effectiveness. Analysis of what the requirements are determined, the actual need for a comparison with the other and set the ROI (Return on Investment) for the application requirements defined once. To help find work through this analysis for the right solution for you .... I suggest using the free support receive

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Benefits of CCNA

The CCNA certification (Cisco Certified Network Associate) is an entry-level certification network. At the end, candidates must be able to productively any number of key tasks of network maintenance and troubleshooting such as installation, configuration and management of LAN, WAN and dial access services for small networks. They should also be able to have a good knowledge of protocols such as IP, IGRP, Serial, Frame Relay, IP RIP, VLANs, Ethernet andAccess Lists.

There are no prerequisites for CCNA, but should be treated as an intermediate step of certification. Those who have no prior knowledge of the network should also lay the foundation for CompTIA. CCNA is a prerequisite for itself ', and CCNP CCIE CCSP.

Greater responsibility than salary:

Higher wages for the dream of everyone, but you should be committed and dedicated to your work. The responsibility for that and you get doubledYou have to work twice in less time. It will also budget constraints. Fortunately, your certifications and have trained you well oiled. The personal satisfaction you feel after completing the activities and appearance of your face, allowed employers to be invaluable. Clients and colleagues now look at how one of his favorites is in society.

Recognition and knowledge and skills:

Upon receipt of such a recognition of your trustYou get to a better future and prospects. The experience that you will receive after certification to improve and move up the ladder of success, you always want to get certifications. Their skills and knowledge to greatly improve and maintain an ongoing relationship with your work and certifications would be the top priority.

Our experts and professionals agree enable certification should be the primary concern of every IT staff, because without your foundationwould be very fragile and would not be able to get up throughout your career.

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How to Pass the final DIPF


I have the support of students through their qualifying DIPF for almost two years and this article is all about best practices, tips and strategies that will help you to share a really good sign in this difficult exam with others.

I want to share with you some tips, I worked on the review of reports, students who over the years and I share with you a really good structure, you can prepare ahead.

Firstwhat the control is everything?

How does the test work?

This is a 3-hour written, soon came to consider as you digest a case study in advance and then need a carefully written report to your customer convenience.

The case study is provided in advance, about two weeks. You have time to prepare, check the areas of weakness, along with some numbers and write the report in full in advance. And you should too, why not?that's why I will send it in advance.

The day of the exam, you will get a few Wobblies, some 'minor changes to the review work to change your relationship, but it could have done your preparation well enough, these last minute changes will not cause too many problems .

Picture of clients

The case study is as real as possible, there will be some anomalies and these must be controlled. However, it should be a real treatPerson and that person issuing the report, not the mayor, even if you want to impress him or his victory at Brands. Attention also much more impressive as it could conflict with the inspector could write one for more than they do the technical aspects.

Plain text is so important to keep in mind to understand the client and write to them. Image is sitting with a cup of tea with her feet, trying to read the report, and head or tail of it, because they enjoyof beer.

The identification system

It 'important to understand that I gain from the paper, so you can concentrate on the right.

You will receive a total of 150 marks -

10 for the short introduction,
10 for the calculation of the cost
30 for presentation, language, style
100 for options, suggestions and advice.

So little 'time to spend on a well-done introduction, calculations and style, and will already be more than 50 points, and is only 75 topass.

The venerable structure

The purpose of this report
A summary of the situation
Summary of objectives
More information
Risk attitudes
Accessibility Evaluation
Immediate improvements / solutions fast
Next Steps

The structure, explains


Start writing the report to the client and address him or her by name and speak in first person as "Brian, we talkedabout your desire to buy a home abroad, and for that I am looking at ...."

Agree the purpose of the report, and this should be in conjunction with its objectives and target groups. Talking about the information you have collected, but said in short, not only going to repeat what the phenomenon is. Keep your words and language to suit the customers agree

And 'here we recommend you begin, some assumptions so that we realize its objectives clear. This may be followed by someQuestions to ask if you need more information or to confirm or clarify something. Assumptions are fine as long as you know how this should be clarified or just ask you to confirm the customer. I know that in real life you could not think of anything, but you know?

Only when you know your customers and where you're going you can really get in the report and decides to take the steps to him.

Accessibility Evaluation

Here you can earn some 'practicalMarkers to display your knowledge of income tax and social security for the customer to know how much money you can afford it, will recommend for your product you have to pay regular income.

Do not space out the calculations as a textbook, but writes them to understand for the customer. Tell each line of numbers so that they know what to say and can follow.

To be precise, of course, you get points for correct answer. But you have to score more points for the function outon the road. And 'how to do the math test at school.

Immediate improvements / solutions fast

There may be some things really fast, you improve your customer and do not deserve a title in the recommendations might be.

For example, changing the name of investments to minimize tax man or a woman paid with a credit card or other high-interest loans with money from the deposits.


This section isvalue of 100 marks and the flesh of the full report. Break down your advice to pieces and distributed over time, how important they are. Try to decide how many notes, the auditor may assign to each section and then spend much time on each of them.

Try to put them in order of priority, as this is a good practice of financial planning.

Set options for the customer, explain, and talk with customers as you go.

Make your recommendations andto justify why they use the real numbers, where you can. Do not let it go for the customer, and too many open "will decide this when we meet again."

You want to make the brands with a strong recommendation for any valid reason why.

If you are not qualified to advise, to give someone, or another professional like a lawyer.

Think of your five W - what, who, how, why and when, for example

What is the consultation
Who is involved
How are you doingWork?
Because they need
When should you start?

Next Steps

The last part of the report, the next steps section. Here you want to pack the things that give a clear direction for the customer, know his next step, confirming the review process, fee structure, perhaps.

Some final tips

Keep an eye on the time - 3 hours is a long time, if you sit on the beach doing nothing, but it is very fast, if you are enjoyingitself. But seriously, not to plan your time and make sure you end the relationship. Obtaining the maximum marks in the first minutes of the section must, at least to start each section.

Representation and structure. It must be clear and looks like a real professional reports with titles, subtitles. Maybe tables, a series of bulleted lists, charts, illustrations. Why not, after all is for the customer, so it might work better as a risk chart a wall of words. MorePeople today are visual in nature and can paint a thousand words, images.

All technical terms explained. Do not throw in a technical term without explaining just do not. Something more complex to explain in words, to understand the customer. Beware of the TLA - three letter acronyms - our world is full of them, you know what they mean, but your customer?

Less is more. Good communication is a powerful and used only a few words, just look at the posters andFlyers, are conservative with their use of words. Because wafer when a short concise statement will do. In addition, you must write only 3 hours.


Some ideas and tips here, I hope you agree. Remember how much preparation to do before, to maximize your success in the exam. Good luck

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Free Registry Repair - Cure your computer at no cost!

Is not it great when you can free registry repair and save money? This article will show you how to repair your computer with freeware registry cleaning is completely free!

I need some of the downside of using free software registry repair:

No. Bad 1 - Error detection is not so effective, you need more free cleanser for the satisfaction of getting results.

The lack of automated backup - Bad # 2. Free registry cleaners does notare generally equipped with auto-backup prior to repair, we must be careful when using them.

Bad # 3 - not a problem of proof. Free Registry Cleaner requires human intervention to determine if such an entry may be safely removed.

Bad # 4 - Lack of support.

That said, with several free software registry repair, you can only downside is another weakness, with its features! 3 of my favorite free registry cleaners are:

EEnter - Repair the registrywithout human intervention, it is also possible to use the entire Windows registry without backing up regedit.

RegSeeker - Nice looking interface and software, but require a license for commercial use.

CCleaner - Clean your computer with garbage, which includes the Windows registry.

Another popular free software registry repair is EasyCleaner - similar function like CCleaner, but I do not use anymore because I have the other 3!

The rule to use is cleaner freewareBackup, data backup and protection. Never use a detergent with no backup if you feel a lot 'of time and certainly with him. For a faster and more efficient management, scan and repair your Windows, I would still recommend the commercial product: RegCure Registry and easy.

(C) Copyright 2008 Kok Choon - Feel free to this article in its entirety, on condition that all links and author resources box in place.

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Useful tips to help you repair the error code 4


"Error Code 4 and can not copy of Setupdd.sys, press any key to exit"

"Error: LiveUpdate encountered one or more errors in the return code = 4". LiveUpdate Status window in the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager

"Could not load file ... Ntkrnmlp.exe
Error code 4 "

Code 4 error is usually when you try to install the Windows operating system. If this happens, the installation may be terminated immediately. You may already know that it is necessary to continuetrying to install the new system does not help. If you want to delete the error message, you should learn how to solve the problem now.

We strongly recommend a quick scan to check the error code scanning to your PC and run the bug fix.

Brief Introduction to the error code 4

During installation, it is likely that the error code 4 when something goes wrong in the process. It could be a sign of an outdated software, or it could indicate a problematic file Arcinst.exewould be to create partitions on your computer problems. Also, if something goes wrong in the EISA Configuration Utility is in your operating system, you can also use the error code 4 error.

How to deal with error code 4?

You must be tired of error code 4 when the error message continues to appear and interfere with the installation of the operating system. Fortunately, the error is not a complicated error are not too tight. If you paygreater attention to the state of the system and learn how to correct the error, you could get the maximum performance back.

If the error message when you install a program or to receive the application to access the Internet and update the program or application.

Sometimes the error occurs when you are in the middle of the installation of Windows NT. In this case, you should consult the Microsoft website for help. You can read the article"Problems in creating partitions with Arcinst.exe" to see if there is anything that can help solve the problem.

The workaround for you is to download the utility from ECU in December and use the program to save all the EISA configuration settings.

If you're tired of a slow computer, there are some other tips for you to maintain and accelerate the process.

Always make sure you have enough free space on your hard drive. They should not be too much memoryFiles such as pictures, music or movies, you do not use frequently. These files would be too much space and slow down the office until the end.

Defragment your hard drive at regular intervals. This will help you clean up your hard drive and remove the fragments. It's not very often, just to apply every three months.

Scan for viruses of the calculation. Some applications would be unsafe in the background of your computer, which eventually hit the correct implementationSystem performance. It would also lead to problems in the registry. So it is essential that regularly scan and clean up the registry.

Hope that the information will be presented in this article useful for you to solve problems.

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Working Tutorial - For 9 runtime error on your PC repair

9 shows the runtime error when you run a Microsoft Visual Basic form a Visual Basic for duplicate experiments. When you click on "Run-time error '9 ':' and see" index range "means that the settings are illegible Visual Basic, so that errors in your computer.

This type of error usually occurs when you just "copy" and "paste". This method of transferring exact copies of the sheetsExcel workbook is causing the error. You can verify that this is the case, if the code looks like this:

"ThisWorkbook.Sheets (" Module2 ") a copy first. ActiveWorkbook.Sheets = (1)".

In some cases, the error message when the copy was manually into Microsoft Excel or when a printer is not correctly defined in the computer. This is simply a case of misconfiguration. To remove the right things and you get the error message, the following instructions.

The first step is to add a printerthe system by going to Control Panel. You can use it after opening the START button to find. From there find "Printers and Faxes" and select it by double-clicking. Then double-click again on "Add Printer" option. After that, a wizard printer, you breeze through the process and all you have to do is follow. Excel or Visual Basic is often whether to install a printer confused. The only way to eliminate confusion for one. Once this is done, return to the controlControl Panel and select "Windows Update". Thus, the system automatically updates all the updates it needs to run smoothly. Normally, the lack of updates required is sufficient to cause the runtime error 9.

The third step is always a reliable antivirus program. Viruses leave damage, especially in important programs on your PC. If these programs are infected, they become unreadable and can not handle the commands of the computer correctly. This is causing the error to show,with a virus scan, the virus can be detected and the infection can be removed.

The final step includes a tool registry cleaner. A large part of why the error occurs because the registry. Maintains the registry keys, files and settings that used to run the computer system for various functions. If the system does not have the necessary files it needs to run correctly, then some errors pop up as the ninth Runtime Error To resolve this problem, aRegistry cleaner should be used to be, of course, the registry database.

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Fusion hybrid model acquisition for connecting emerging companies with large companies

No risk, no reward is one of the oldest proverbs in the economy. This formulation of strategic risks was the first time in writing by the Greek scholar Herodotus in 450 BC for the expression

In the area of ​​mergers and acquisitions, the challenge for many companies in a desirable product or technology has been preserved, while the risk capital as possible.

While growth through merger and acquisition strategy continues to be very popular - in 2006 there were a record $ 3.6Billions of dollars in mergers and acquisitions, according to Thompson Financial - offers many CEOs and CFOs to remain cautious. In a recent survey of major corporate executives by Accenture, 45 percent reported their recent merger and acquisition does not provide all had the expected result.

A solution for real tradition is a fusion hybrid model of acquisition. It is becoming increasingly popular.

In a hybrid of merger and acquisition agreement, alarge public institution is involved in (typically from 10 to 50 percent) in a smaller company (public or private). Generally, this equity infusion comes with a call option to acquire the right to forgive the entire company in an evaluation metric later date.

The hybrid model has been successfully implemented by Cisco Systems, which began more than a decade. Between 1993 and 2007, Cisco 119 acquisitions, many of which are in start-ups or small businesseswith limited power.

There are three main advantages for the parent company's equity in the hybrid model:

Diversified investments to reduce the overall risk.

Access to new technologies and products obtained at minimal cost.

Managed resources are not dissipated.

For example, a company is willing to spend $ 250 million in a direct purchase of a company established to invest or take a dozen $ 5 million $ 25 million equity investment in start-ups.

InConsumer goods sector, we can look at Dean Foods, the leading U.S. manufacturer of liquid milk and dairy products, an example of an acquisition successful hybrids.

Dean Foods supermarket buyers know organically through its many local brands as Borden, Pet, Country Fresh, Meadow Gold and Horizon.

One of the most successful acquisitions was Dean White Wave, a company of organic food. It 'was founded in 1976 by Steve Demos, a pioneer in organic food. He took Silk soy milkin 1996, as well as the boom in organic food has begun. In 1999, Dean Foods has bought a 25 percent to $ 5,000,000. Dean favored by "smart money" product sales increased by more than $ 250 million in 2004, when Dean acquired the remaining 75 percent of White Wave for $ 224 million.

Dean, as part of the tradition of Cisco, has left an entrepreneur demo and its management team in place and allow the company to operate with great autonomy. The result was a winning result. Until 2005, Dean Foodsmore than $ 10800000000 in sales and was the largest of Kellogg and HJ Heinz.

With successes like these, it may seem surprising, we do not see the offer more hybrids. The reality is the hybrid concept aiming points of resistance for both the seller and the buyer. Among these entrepreneurs who by the splendor of venture capital are attracted, and CEOs and CFOs of large companies that continue to equate ownership with control.

Retrieve an attachment from a venture capital firm has a largeCharm for entrepreneurs. Many believe that the entrepreneur first, means that more VC money on it "big leagues." From What we often overlook are the chances of length.

According to Jim Caspari, founder and CEO of the Alliance Venture received, the chances of a first-time entrepreneurial venture funding are less than 3 percent. He reported that in 2005, 125,000 of pitches to prospective venture capitalists, supported only 2939. The average amount drawn to $ 7.4Million €.

If an entrepreneur has the eye of a VC firm can be punished with reviews face high costs and lengthy review by multiple parties.

From the perspective of the buyer, the resistance comes from the hybrid fusion of traditional culture in many companies, who found the "property" is equivalent to 100 percent and a centralized control, top-down decision-making process.

However, there are more and more companies in the world to understand accelerated the 21 CenturyCompetition is essential to diversify its product development, investing in different projects. You are seeing the advantage of promoting entrepreneurship within the wider corporate structure to improve motivation and creative thinking.

A purchase hybrid can provide a company with an effective vehicle to learn about new products and technologies. It can also serve as a platform for further acquisitions.

C-level executives,however, must understand that dealing with the employers require a particular mentality. Many founders are very proud of their company and the protection of their products, and want to maintain a high degree of control.

If both sides realize the benefits of hybrid acquisition, synergies can be very rewarding place. Because we always pay to see more hybrid acquisitions, the concept is apparently no longer dared, but a fundamental part of many mergers andAcquisition strategies.

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Wireless Router Reviews - Tips for choosing your next wireless router

Wireless router only luggage? Tired of endless reviews wireless router? Maybe you even faster access to the Internet and want a beefier machine for those who need to have movies, new tracks and everything else. Relax - this article will give you some tips on how to find the right piece of kit at the right price.

Did you know the best wireless router is not necessarily the cheapest? I will show you the quickest and cheapest way to achieve these objectivesFlash streaming movies and fast iPod downloads without any problem.

So where do we start? What is a wireless router and why do I need? It is not a science - a wireless router lets you access the Internet via your broadband Internet connection and your (yours, your partner, your family / roommates, etc.), laptops, PCs, Macs, iPods , PS3, Wii, iPad, or whatever you want to connect.

Achieving this goal quickly, easily and reliably is our goal, but I'm sure that youis not just someone in a position to pack the connection, perhaps as you spend, nab your credit card, personal information or what is dearest to your computer in order to ensure that up-to-date security is a must must have. Questions that will not be answered in this article are from a technical point of view as "how can I configure the router?" - There are many items that, if you really want.

So what's the first step? Well good reviews from the coal faceThey are a must as well as some tips on the best products and where to get them. It 'hard to imagine a world without wireless router and network now, but not so long ago, was the stuff of science fiction and technology continues to develop rapidly - does not mean it is easy to correct select.

We focus now on the way home / small office market - there are many different types of routers on the market for different needs. Like many other things in life there are a number ofPrices depending on your needs - everything from "get go fast" for the models that the data backup and probably wash your car ... for a price.

To discuss the wave of hype, we're looking to start your stay in the usage data. If you just want to browse in the lounge or on the terrace? We simply want to create or you're willing to wade in? If you are a player or a business? Guidance, such as traffic prioritization, virtual server or virtual private network support, but mayhave a higher price (but not always!).

A basic criterion is that the characteristics of a router has more than more expensive it will be for sale. At lower levels, if you have older laptops with 802.11b wireless cards can be (probably more than 3 years) you'll probably need probably just a basic router. For example, tent-N150 Wireless could be on for a fast, with only b and g connectivity

A little 'technical knowledge - do not worry its painless and you can savea few cents! Use older 802.11b and 802.11g devices use the 2.4 GHz while the bandwidth 802.11n wireless 2.4 and 5 GHz latest possible - the band it is better for throughput-intensive networks, such as games or streaming movies. End of the technical bits.

The basic laptops do not use a flashy new router, but can escape with only one band 2.43Ghz N Router - is compatible - I'll show you a quick way to set things up in a later article - something like the CiscoE1000 can fill this niche. However, if you have a new laptop then with a single, manages both bands is a better bet (do not worry about the DLink DIR-825 can do for you!).

If you have a Mac, but looks a router etc. iPad Apple may have a good bet.


I will continue to look at safety and some other features you need and some do not! As we have seen, is not too hard to get up and running with a wireless router, but what about the poorTo cut the guys on our credit cards and infect your PC? How can we stop them? I really want my next leech all the bandwidth? What happens if my credit card is lost? How can I prevent it from happening before?

Well, surely it can happen - I have secured the wireless network for a friend - not long after his neighbors said, "it seems that it would be better now own broadband connection ...". A little 'can go a long way - the security must not quarrel, by following these simple tips:-
Make a password for your wireless network - the router's configuration on the device, do not enter a password - make sure you give something only you should know and always follow good password Security Advisory - Gallery "good passwords" for more information.
Connect the router to the Internet until you have set your password!
If you set access control for your children are sure to buy a router with access control - for example, DLink DIR-825 can control accessthat restrict certain sites, users can also watch as the clock using the Internet (stop teen wet eyes remain all night on Call of Duty!)
Access for guests is a great feature for home and small businesses - you can give access to the Internet (but not files) for the visitors.

All this can be withdrawn if they are the basic rules for connecting wireless devices, such as regular virus updates and security patches to keep up with (for example not to followWindows machines with Windows Update) and do not write your password on a Post-it on your laptop!

So, to catch up with the immortal words - "Do not panic", but do not close your eyes, and you should be fine.


Would you like to browse in your garden? Get iTunes into the kitchen? Watch Movies in the bathtub? Well, maybe you want to stream movies in the bathroom?

What should you look for when choosing a router, in order to meet these criteria? The router can only insofar as the workable to project their radio signals - which is a big problem if the router with a poor performance in this area (unless you live in a small apartment, of course!) choose. If access to your favorite site on the rise (garden, tool shed, etc.) because it has scrimped on features then it could be money down the drain.

Look at the area as an essential feature if you have thick walls and floors just between you and your favorite surf spots - is the key to select the router antennas (antennas to U.S.Readers) are either external (sticks sticking out the back of the trout) or internally are - the outside is usually much better, but internally is looking better all the time. For example, Sitecom WL-341 has no external antenna, while the DLink DIR-655 is the fourth

Since it is not - probably - the display of the router in your fireplace you choose instead of the router with the highest performance in appearance. What is a frame in which you can not get reliable access? If you have a smallResidence with plasterboard then an internal antenna may also be sufficient - the key is to make sure that your suppliers right to withdraw if problems develop - sites like Amazon and excel in this score. It is well worth saving too little when we do not give a refund or exchange?

While external antennas mounted on a wall can be used, are expensive compared to the router - be a better choice for wireless home network power (or view powerlineNetworking) as Netgear WGXB102 (like many other brands available) - Simply connect a cable from the router and connect it to the wall jack - plug another device in your desired area, and - voila - you have wireless access.


Look at all the wireless router to check and see, touted new features, what if you're better and grow your hair - if you just spend the extra 30 € ($ 50)! They themselves say that the characteristic X or Y really Widgetsthings easier - but how often is it really so?

As I said earlier, a list of many features - the key is knowing when to pass and when to say "gizmo that looks really cool, but I use it again"
Do you really think a digital photo frame built in router? The one sitting behind the couch or behind the printer? Well, as always when a strain on the neck look pictures of little Johnny then maybe ...
What is the connection fallback if your DSL or cablefails? It would be a 3G USB slot for your 3G card help?
Ask yourself what I really regularly - for example, can also function as an avid reader of the port forwarding utility for playing online without having to make annoying delays,
with a file sharing client BitTorrent could be a great feature to schedule downloads and videos so that your laptop be awake all night
Could provide access control and VPN capabilities of your employees work safely customer,road, or even allow you to upload your shots at the home of Orlando, when the memory card is approaching capacity, such as Billion BiPAC 7402GX.
Connecting to the latest features like the ability to external storage devices to the router might be a good idea, if not to keep all your music or movies downloaded from a central place fro Replay PS3 in the living room, laptop in the garden or simply bath.

At the end of the day is not a function of sliding, if you use it and value -just to maintain control. For more information on Wi-Fi router review of research on Google. The last word - "Do not panic!"

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Convert Windows iMac - a story that needs to be told

Finally, after twenty years working with Windows, I decided to take the plunge and upgrade to new iMac from Apple Computer. I had no legitimate reason for the change was anemic, but after years of negotiations, such as Apple made it look like Windows, I decided it was time to see for himself what was happening.

I did my homework before buying an iMac. The biggest challenge I saw was to protect my investment in Windows software that I use in my work and personal life. I researcheddifferent ways to run Windows on Mac OS, and decided that VMWARE was my best option. VMWARE you can create a guest operating system (eg Windows) to run a host operating system (ie Mac OS). I also discovered that I needed to purchase a copy of Windows startup. My current computer does not have a bootable copy of Windows ship. It 'was an image of a disk partitioned. So I could not load under VMWARE. I decided to buy Windows 7 Ultra Edition. My last purchase was the softwareEyeTV, cable TV interface unit that connects to a USB port on your iMac. My current Windows computers have a built-in TV interface. I liked the TV in the privacy of my office and I had no intention of giving up.

I bought the iMac 27-inch I7 8 gigabytes of RAM from a local computer store. It 'was twice as expensive as a comparable Windows machine. This got me thinking, but I decided to take the plunge anyway. The staff was young, educated, speaks in the MAC, but have notTalk Windows. Mac I do not speak in a foreign country. I decided it would be better if I had studied on my own, the questions I had.

I started my conversion efforts by listing all the software and drivers (eg network printers) I had to and / or upgrade my Windows computer to keep it current. Then I moved all my Windows files containing personal data (such as Outlook e-mail) on your network drive. At the same time I moved the files, I also changed the folderStructures. This was something I had promised to do for a long time. Finally, I backed up my computer the entire Windows. I did it because I was practically de-install all my Windows software and without a recovery strategy, would be vulnerable to a disruption in my business.

I got my new iMac at home and quickly set it up. There are only three parts: a 27-inch monitor (system drive included), a wireless keyboard and wireless mouse. I found a little 'difficult, the on / off button that is mounted flush on the back of the device found. However, when lit, my iMac has a good attitude to work, find my home network connect, and it is.

I had no experience with the iMac, the Internet browser Safari, which I just download and install Firefox, the browser of choice. Then I downloaded and installed all the drivers I needed devices. The iMac with drag and drop model for software installation was a welcome and pleasantSurprise. I was even more surprised, because it made both my network printer scanner and my network without problems. I felt a warm shiver of satisfaction.

The whole time I was downloading and installing, I was with the user interface of the iMac without the benefits of taking the tutorial. I found the keyboard difficult to operate. It is simply too small for me and not available on that I'm used to. Secondly, I found the iMac anchor the menu bar of the application (egFile, Edit, etc.) to the top of the screen a little 'irritating. In the Windows menu bar at the top of the window is docked. Neither were great disadvantages, but after a few hours do the wrong buttons, I decided that I had a full size keyboard that I bought needs to receive the next day.

My final challenge was the installation of VMware, Windows 7, and the software that I needed to run under Windows. I installed VMWare and Windows 7, I was surprised at how quickly and be amazedthe trouble was. Finally, I got all the software from my machine running Windows and installed in VMware. MS Office 2007 Professional, from Mindjet MindManager, Cisco Network Magic 8 Professional and Adobe has been big, and they all installed without problems. I found it odd that all the software functions correctly and that all the work devices. Cisco Network Magic also seemed satisfied with the new rules. I have credit for VMWARESuccess.

I felt pretty sure of myself at this point so I decided to purchase and install Office 2008 for Mac I wanted to start my transition from caterpillar to butterfly in the shortest possible time. I downloaded and installed Office 2008 without problems and we have it. I found that was more similar to MS Office 2003 MS Office 2007. Then came the biggest disappointment. This was not an MS-Access and MS Office Outlook 2008 has been replaced by Entourage.

I watched Entourageand thought I could live with him and looked for opportunities to import MS Outlook PST files. I came across a big obstacle here as Entourage does not import data directly from MS Outlook 2007. I researched on the Internet, but found no conversion software that meets my needs. I was finally forced to MS Outlook on my Windows VMWARE, what I did not install, and fill it with my PST file. Currently they are waiting like MS-Outlook with Entourage archive and forward. I hadupload my contacts from my Blackberry with Entourage. I still can not believe that Microsoft would allow something like that happen within their own product line.

The last piece of software that was installed EyeTV and I again found the installation easy and the TV works fine.

The conversion is complete and my computer with Windows is shut down forever. Finally, I found the whole experience was a good conversion. Finally, the interface used to iMacand probably 75% of my work under Mac OS. However, I still question the cost (about $ 3,500) and are still looking for productivity gains.

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Select the green to the wireless network router and you care about better environments

Why do you need a router green? Green-router, you can save money in energy costs, regulatory compliance and the most important reason you must protect the environment.

Energy consumption in relation to technology, including wireless devices such as routers are growing rapidly. Consequently, this also creates a revolt in technology, including amounts charged to the increase of electricity, toxic elements in the materials, put together the hardware, such as cadmium andMercury. E 'therefore the need for electronic devices with the green logo is very important in order to save energy and environmental care.

Why do you need a router green?

There are many reasons why it is green-Router. Green-router, make sure you use energy and the recycling of other hardware, thus helping to save energy and regulatory compliance, and the important thing is that protecting the environmentto heal the Earth and make it nice and clean.

There are many ways for producers, green plants including green routers for the production, such as:

Production devices that require less energy than normal through the design of products with less energy, such as the power minimized waste and energy saving design features of the software, firmware and hardware.
Reduce the amount of toxic waste produced and the use of more recyclable materials.Unfortunately, the fact that almost 70 percent of the total toxic waste discharged equipment.There electronic routers, there are many green products on the market today, such as the following:

Airlink101 AR675W Wireless N Router 300Mbps Green

Airlink101 AR675W is to save the Green Ethernet technology, designed for more power. The router is powered by the powerful, 802.11n wireless technology for wireless high-speed data up to 300It includes two 3 Mbps dBi antenna provides wider coverage area, to eliminate dead spots.

Other features:

To reduce the Wireless On / Off the power, if you do not need wireless networking.
WPA2, WPA provides a more comprehensive security protection for wireless
To set priorities for HD streaming media and voice, the router supports Quality of Service (QoS) WMM
NAT and SPI feature to protect the internal network from all types of Internet threats
Supports VPNPassing, but for secure remote access over the Internet. TEW-672GR 300 Mbps Dual Band Wireless-N Router Gigabit Green

TEW-672GR Wireless Router GREENnet technology, which provides the energy consumption by up to 70%, reducing the power supply to the unused ports, power, and the use of Energy Star-certified power supply external to help consume less power. It 'also with the on / off the wireless functionality with the WLAN on / offToggle switch to save power when not using wireless.

Other features:

Driven by Wireless-N dual-band technology offers and 3 external antennas with MIMO smart antenna technology for speeds up to 300 Mbps and greater coverage
Equipped with a Gigabit WAN port, compatible with most Internet providers cable / DSL service using Dynamic / Static IP, PPPoE, PPTP and L2TP. For the wired connection, the router includes four Gigabit EthernetAuto-MDIX ports
Advanced double firewall (NAT and SPI) to protect internal network against all threats
Limiting access to the Internet with access control, scheduling, URL and MAC filtering
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) for automatic detection and configuration support of Internet applications WNDR37AV Wireless N Gigabit Router for video and games

WNDR37AV is a powerful new Wireless-N Router Gigabit and video games, which is also being designedNetgear green technology, including energy on / off button is, 80 percent of materials recycled packaging, and wireless switch off, the cable length, and Energy Star Power Save, etc. WNDR37AV different with others, especially because video and games with green technology.

Other features:

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Video Quality of Service, a private video network that allows video data in a network while surfing the Internet are in the selection of InternetIn wireless router, make sure to select the routerGreen technology with the Energy Star logo, on / off wireless, recycle packaging materials, and so on. Selecting a wireless router with an eye to green technology, protecting them for a better environment, helps to heal the planet and make it nice and clean.

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Secure network computer remote access options for remote workers

There are many benefits to offer members of your organization or business with reliable, safe and full of options for remote access. The term "telecommuting" refers to an alternative model of work that employees who work primarily from home or on the move are leading. Remote access options in many flavors. Here are some of the most secure remote access solutions are in use today.

A virtual private network or VPN provides a secureBack link from a remote location to headquarters. A multifunction firewall VPN router or a dedicated server operating system, which includes VPN support should be installed and configured in a central location for an endpoint for VPN remote clients. Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols are commonly used by VPN services for encryption and security for remote connectivity over the availableInternet.

The one way to connect teleworkers? In most cases, a VPN connection or through the software, which launched on a client computer or hardware based. Support for Microsoft operating systems (XP, Vista and Windows 7) is a built-in VPN connectivity. Cisco, SonicWall, Netgear, Fortinet and many other providers of VPN products to provide all clients and client (sometimes called a thin client), VPN connectivity options.Clientless VPN connectivity is usually through a Web browser with a small Active X control or Java applet in conjunction with SSL to provide secure connection to headquarters. A hardware-based VPN client is usually a router, able to establish a secure connection to your office at home.

Once a remote secure connection is established, remote workers can access what resources are available explicitly. The most common applicationresources and delivery is usually via a server or desktop remote terminal session. Remote Desktop connections, experience, "as if you sit there in the office." Based on remote servers and services that meet multiple users on a single server at the same time to connect. A desktop computer, the remote session is possible, usually 1-1.

Secure remote access from home or on the road to greater productivity and efficiency can be promoted. Movea virtual office employees or teleworkers model also has the added advantage of potential cost savings by reducing the need for the traditional space headquarters.

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Useful tips to help you repair the error code 4


"Error Code 4 and can not copy of Setupdd.sys, press any key to exit"

"Error: LiveUpdate encountered one or more errors in the return code = 4". LiveUpdate Status window in the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager

"Could not load file ... Ntkrnmlp.exe
Error code 4 "

Code 4 error is usually when you try to install the Windows operating system. If this happens, the installation may be terminated immediately. You may already know that it is necessary to continuetrying to install the new system does not help. If you want to delete the error message, you should learn how to solve the problem now.

We strongly recommend a quick scan to check the error code scanning to your PC and run the bug fix.

Brief Introduction to the error code 4

During installation, it is likely that the error code 4 when something goes wrong in the process. It could be a sign of an outdated software, or it could indicate a problematic file Arcinst.exewould be to create partitions on your computer problems. Also, if something goes wrong in the EISA Configuration Utility is in your operating system, you can also use the error code 4 error.

How to deal with error code 4?

You must be tired of error code 4 when the error message continues to appear and interfere with the installation of the operating system. Fortunately, the error is not a complicated error are not too tight. If you paygreater attention to the state of the system and learn how to correct the error, you could get the maximum performance back.

If the error message when you install a program or to receive the application to access the Internet and update the program or application.

Sometimes the error occurs when you are in the middle of the installation of Windows NT. In this case, you should consult the Microsoft website for help. You can read the article"Problems in creating partitions with Arcinst.exe" to see if there is anything that can help solve the problem.

The workaround for you is to download the utility from ECU in December and use the program to save all the EISA configuration settings.

If you're tired of a slow computer, there are some other tips for you to maintain and accelerate the process.

Always make sure you have enough free space on your hard drive. They should not be too much memoryFiles such as pictures, music or movies, you do not use frequently. These files would be too much space and slow down the office until the end.

Defragment your hard drive at regular intervals. This will help you clean up your hard drive and remove the fragments. It's not very often, just to apply every three months.

Scan for viruses of the calculation. Some applications would be unsafe in the background of your computer, which eventually hit the correct implementationSystem performance. It would also lead to problems in the registry. So it is essential that regularly scan and clean up the registry.

Hope that the information will be presented in this article useful for you to solve problems.

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What is the role of Manager for the development of the offer?

Have you ever wondered what is the role of Bid Manager in the development cycle proposed? If you want to know more about this role, then this tutorial helps. This person works as a project manager who organizes all aspects of the response to the request for proposal and to ensure that it is submitted on time. To do this, are responsible for the following:

Proposed high-level planning
Leading the team of individuals involved in the proposal and all partiesInformation
Coordination of all activities proposed, such as printing, production and supply
Control of the proposal development process, so that all the offerings of the IT system is entered and tracked as they are accepted, written and evaluated
Make sure that the offer is compatible with the request for proposal guidelines
Increase the proposed win-ratio

Offer daily management tasks

Depending on the size of the company, may be involved in the following phases:

ForwardsCost proposed kick-off meeting
He leads the team through the process of writing a proposal
The proposed revision
Determined management sign off
Overseas, the completion of the proposed
Gets the proposal submitted by the deadline

This includes team-building decisions, the refinement process, the development of issue and delivery quotes / no-bid decisions.

The Manager also offer status reports and other communications to stakeholders. Ie, they may also be involvedin:

Create management processes proposed
The implementation of proposals
Support for the production of technical proposals
Management, writing, editing, graphics and production equipment for all offers
Participate in the writing and editing of proposals, where necessary,

IT and computer skills

The Offer Manager role is the development of the proposed software or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, all aspects of the trackOffer process. For example, the software will help the business proposal from the bidders:

Maintain a database of questions and answers for each offer
Keep blocks of text for each proposal
Create Award-tracking database
Prepare the supporting budget documentation for all contributions
Ensure that offers compliance testing
Make sure that each request is answered in the final offer
September developmental milestones
The calendar management of project tasks and team
Evaluation of the proposed teamvarious stages
Calendar Bid / No-Bid Meeting
Organize the graphic designer, proposal coordinators and technical writers
Proposal to maintain the files, legal files and other documents
Keep track of the multiple offers and coordinate the on-demand presentations

Getting started as a bid manager?

There are different ways before you enter this field. A bachelor's degree and experience in the management of capture are very useful, because the communication andManagement skills. And, of course, is like writing in the heart of the development proposed, the ability to write excellent material under pressure is crucial.

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Computer Worms Spyware Porn

The security experts at MicroWorld Technologies advise technology users to be careful, an e-mail that looks like a ZIP file, promising Indonesian and Japanese pornography. The system carries a worm called, which infected computers and launched a campaign of mass distribution of e-mail addresses in the victim.

The names of Doc attachments, files and Miyabi how these numbers are generatedaimlessly. The recipient of the shipment infected when you download and run to get the plant.

This has left some valuable comments edispatch Worm-skin. As found on the car shipping company address, it falsifies the victims of ID as a mission of ID. After removing the file shows an icon of a folder, even though it is actually an exe file. The authors unaware try to open the folder and run the exe tricks in the trade, says Vikas Vishwasrao, apprentices -R & D of MicroWorld Technologies.

What follows is even more interesting! obtained an exe file in every folder on the computer, crafts, with the name of the file, the same as that of the parent folder. Again, the file shows an icon of a folder. The worm then attempts to assign a doubling in single file allocation. And 'keystrokes can access and expertise to facilitate an intruder to steal character, also seekingSwitch off antivirus applications.

In addition to the direction of assigning edispatch of public folders and P2P applications as well. This will allow the worm to target a large complex in a span of few hours, forcing the blocking of complexs in some cases.

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Nokia E7 revised - Keep the other in the back of the smartphone competition

Particularly suitable for business users to "requirements, Nokia E7 was launched September 14, 2010 at Nokia World in London for life. Smartphone running the Symbian operating system ^ 3, showing a four-inch touchscreen, which with the polarized AMOLED technology is incorporated. The touch screen has a resolution of 640 x 360 pixels, which offers a great media experience.

Other guarantees multimedia add-on Nokia E7 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi, USB On-the-go support, GPS,and headphone jack with TV-out. This device provides a great 8-megapixel camera and free Nokia Maps with navigation system. This device provides a great experience that is guaranteed by their keyboard OWERTY full touch screen capabilities. It is also light and thin, measuring just 4.8 x 2.4 x 0.5 inches.

Nokia E7 comes with pre-installed business applications such as Ovi JoikuSpot, Microsoft Communicator Mobile, F-Secure Mobile Security, Bloomberg, and SymbianSalesforce.

Nokia E7 specifications and features


• full keyboard and a stunning 4-inch touch-screen
• Microsoft Mobile Communicator and Mail for Exchange
• Support for intranet and extranet portals on Microsoft
• Direct access to corporate resources and systems


• Pre-installed applications such as F-Secure anti-theft and Vlingo
• support for OMA DM, which includes encryption and executiveThe control device, including Bluetooth and camera
• SSL VPN from Juniper and Cisco supports the addition of IPSec VPN
• Security features of Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, ensure
• Solutions for security companies, such as device management, secure intranet access, block and delete

Browsing and media experience

• The built-in Via Michelin and Lonely Planet with advice on hotels, weather, restaurants andTravel
• Satellite navigation is available throughout the world for cars and walk from Nokia Maps in over 70 countries
• Live from Renren, Twitter and Facebook updates
• Three customizable home screen
• HDMI and Dolby Digital Plus surround sound system integrated
• Shoot, edit photos and video on an 8 megapixel camera
• High sound quality film and imaging features

Technical profiles

• Operating system: Symbian ^ 3
• FormFactor: Touch and full keyboard
• Display: touch-widescreen 640 x 360 pixels polarized AMOLED
• Battery: BL-4D 1200mhAh
• Memory: 250 MB of internal memory, 16 GB, 256 RAM 1024 ROM
• Supported Codecs: WM DRM, OMA DRM 2.0, WM AMB AMR-NB, WMA, eAAC +, eAAC, AAC and MP3

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Wireless Network Security - Basics of Securing a Wireless LAN

Network Authentication Process

The process of a client associates and authenticates with a standard access point. Shared key authentication must be selected on the client, there are additional packets sent confirmation of authenticity key.

The following describes EAP network.

1 The client sends probe to all access points

AP 2 sends information frame with a speed of data transmission, etc.

3 customer selects the next appropriate accessPoint

4 Access point client scans in order of 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g then

5 selected data rate

6 customer has access to it with SSID

7 authenticated using EAP, the client network with a RADIUS server

Open Authentication

This protection has a string to an access point or multiple access points defines a logical segmentation of the wireless network as the Service Set Identifier (SSID). The client can not connectwith an access point, unless it is configured with this SSID. The use of the network is as simple as determining the SSID of the network for each client. The Access Point can be configured to broadcast the SSID does not improve the security of being something. Most companies implement to be static or dynamic keys to integrate the security of the SSID.

Static WEP

Configure the client adapter with a little private static equivalence (WEP) key increases the security of your wireless networkTransmissions. The access point is configured with the same key 40-bit or 128-bit WEP and comparison during the Association of cryptographic keys. The question is, hackers can intercept the wireless packets and decrypt the WEP key.

Dynamic WEP (WPA)

The use of dynamic WEP encryption keys per session strengthens the security of a hash algorithm, the new key pairs generated at certain intervals to make it harder to spoof. The standard protocol includes 802.1xMethods of authentication with TKIP and MIC. Authentication between the wireless client and RADIUS server authentication allows proactive management of safety. It should be noted that any type of authentication will be Windows-platform. PEAP is an example that requires Windows XP with Service Pack 2, Windows 2000 with SP4 or Windows 2003 on each client.

802.1x is a standard user authentication and session encryption, with thissupported EAP: EAP-TLS, LEAP, PEAP, EAP-FAST, EAP-TTLS and EAP-SIM. Credentials to authenticate network users have nothing to do with the configuration of the client computer. Any loss of computer equipment has no impact on safety. TKIP is the encryption with a best encryption standards to improve WEP encryption, hashing each packet (PPK), verifying the integrity of messages processed (MIC) and broadcast key rotation. The protocol uses 128-bit key to encrypt data and 64-bit keyAuthentication. The transmitter adds a few bytes or MIC, a packet before encryption and the receiver decrypts and verifies the MIC. Transmitting key turning into unicast and broadcast keys at certain intervals. It is a fast-EPA feature that is available allowing employees, without re-authentication with the RADIUS server must move to change rooms or floors. Is cached, the user name and password from the client to the RADIUS server for a givenPeriod.


• Implements symmetric key algorithm to create secure tunnels

• RADIUS client and server side, the mutual authentication

• The client sends the username and password credentials in the secure tunnel


• SSL v3 builds an encrypted tunnel

• RADIUS client side and server-side PKI certificates associated with mutual authentication

• dynamic user session key to encryptData

PEAP (Protected EAP)

• Windows client with any EAP authentication method implemented

• server-side authentication with RADIUS server root CA digital certificate

• client-side with the RADIUS authentication server from Microsoft MS-CHAP v2 client with your username and password encrypted credentials

Wireless Network Client EAP authentication process

1 Associate Client access point

2 Access Point802.1x traffic

3 client authentication RADIUS server certificate

4 RADIUS server sends the user name and password to the client encrypted

5 The client sends username and encrypted password to the RADIUS server

6 RADIUS server and client to deduce WEP keys. RADIUS server sends the WEP key to access point

7 Access Point with 128-bit key encrypted transmission that dynamic session key. Send to the client.

8 Client and Access Point using the session key for encryption / decryptionPackages


WPA pre-shared keys for some functions of static and dynamic WEP key protocols. Each client and access point is configured with a static password specification. The access code is generated using the TKIP key for encryption of data per session. The access code must be at least 27 characters to defend against dictionary attacks.


WPA2 implements the WPA authentication methods with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).This encryption method is with the government implementations, etc., where the highest security requirements must be implemented to use.

Application-level access code

SSG uses a code at the application level. Client can not authenticate when they know the access code. SSG is implemented in public places like hotels, where the customer pays for the password to access the network.

VLAN assignment

As companies use Access Point notedSSID with the task of identifying the logical wireless networks. The SSID access point will be associated with a VLAN on the wired network that segments of traffic to specific groups, such as with a wired conventional network. Wireless deployments with multiple VLANs, then configure 802.1Q trunking ISL between access point and Ethernet switch.

Miscellaneous Settings

Turn off file sharing of Microsoft
Implement anti-virus software and firewalls
InstallCompany's existing VPN Client
Turn off automatically connect to a wireless network
Do not use the AdHoc mode - this allows laptops to connect to unknown
Avoid signal with a good passing inspection
Use a minimum transmission power control

Anti Theft option

Some access points have a secure option available with anti-theft lock and wiring devices, and used in public places. This is an essential feature of implementations of public access points where it can be stolen, or youMust be some reason for which they are mounted under the ceiling.

Security attacks

• Wireless packet sniffers is captured, decoded and analyzed packets sent between the client computer and the AP. The aim is to decipher the information security.

• Dictionary attacks try the key for decryption of the wireless network using a set list or a dictionary with thousands of records access code is typical. The hacker gathers information from the authenticationProcess and examine each word in the dictionary against the password until it finds a match.

• The specific mode assigned to each wireless client security. Ad-hoc mode is the least secure authentication option without AP. Every computer on the network can send information to computers hoc neighbors. Select Infrastructure mode, if available.

• IP spoofing is an attack on the common network with fake or replace the source IP address of each packet. The network devicethinks that his communication with an authorized computer.

• SNMP is sometimes a source of security compromised. Implement SNMP v3 with complex community strings.

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