
What is a firewall?

In short, it acts as a barrier between your computer and the Internet. To protect you from crackers, hackers and malware.

If this is your DSL or cable modem has a firewall should be used as a direct connection to the Internet you get a target for attack.

Firewalls can be hardware or software based. Firewalls configured with ACLs or access control lists to allow or block traffic.

There are three ways to block traffic firewall.

1 PackagePacket filtering is analyzed in order to filter sets of firewall rules. Firewall drops the packet that are not allowed in the firewall ruleset.

2 service proxy information from the Internet through the firewall and made contact customer service via the proxy.

3 Criteria stateful packet inspection searches a database of reliable information. To see if the package contains everything you would

or deny them in the network.

Firewallcustomizable so that their own set of rules to block IP addresses, some protocols such as Telnet, FTP, ICMP, UDP, SMTP, and can
many others.

Firewalls can be tailored to specific ports or even to block keywords.

There are many software firewalls available, such as firewalls http://www.tinysoftware.com/home/tiny2?la=EN Tiny, which are designed to keep hackers out of your network and blocks spyware.

Zone Labs ZoneAlarm makes it bcause I like has a simpleInterface, home users to configure it with the same ease. http://www.zonelabs.com/store/content/home.jsp

For hardware firewalls are:

Cisco http://www. Cisco. Com The brand is called PIX firewall.

By users at home, I like D-Link DI-604, this is a cost-effective firewall that works well. Best of all this fits in almost any pocket.

Linksys (now part of Cisco) has a router / firewall, and VPN supportDMZ.
[Http: / / www.linksys.com]

There are hardware solutions including the creation of a firewall on a * nix box. I like the best, as you check the firewall administrator. Personally, as OpenBSD for security, I would go with Unix, as it is safe. There were very few exploits against this platform.

I will write more articles about firewalls shortly.

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