
How To Fix Nv4_disp Dll Errors - Repair Errors Caused By Nvidia Graphics Drivers Today

Nv4_disp.dll is a file used by Nvidia Graphics Card Drivers to help them render many of the important graphics & settings that your system needs to use each day. Although Nvidia are normally very good with their software & driver updates, in February 2010, they released an update which caused many computers to enter into an infinite loop, leading to the blue screen of death. The error shown will normally implicate Nv4_disp.dll as the cause of the error - making it a high priority to repair the file & settings causing the error to show.

The error specifically forms when the Nv4_disp.dll file causes your system to enter into an infinite processing loop. This prevents your PC from being able to process the graphics & drivers your system requires to run, leading it to just show you an error. To ensure that this problem is not a major issue, you need to be sure you can both fix the driver issues on your computer and prevent it from recurring.

The first step to fixing this error is to actually use a patch developed by NVidia forum members. This patch is a small software tool that will edit the various files / settings that are specifically causing the problem and will lead your system to run much smoother again. Although this patch is a third-party development (not an official Nvidia release), it's been used by several hundred people to quickly repair the worst this issue has to offer. You can download the patch from the NVidia forums. You may also want to try and update the NVidia driver on your PC, either automatically or manually - as NVidia may have repaired the issue with a later release.

You should also use a "registry cleaner" program to scan through your computer and fix any of the problems that it has inside. A registry cleaner is a powerful type of software which scans through your system and repairs any errors that are inside the "registry database". The registry database is one of the most important parts of your system - storing a huge number of vital settings that Windows requires to use each time it's running. The only problem is that the registry is continually being damaged and corrupted, preventing your computer from being able to read the files it requires to run. This often causes a multitude of errors, and is a big reason why the Nv4_disp.dll error will form. To ensure there are no registry errors on your PC, it's recommended you use a registry cleaner program to scan through your system and fix any problems it has.

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Corporate Promotional Gifts : The Fridge Magnet Is Dead, Long Live the Computer Desktop

Corporate promotional gifts come in all shapes and sizes. They can
range from the very common personalized pens, calendars, mugs,
caps and fridge magnets to very sophisticated company branded
software programs that are placed on the desktop or taskbar of
a computer. Like every aspect of business in the modern age,
computers and the Internet are changing the very nature of even
these simple promotional tools.

Promotional business gifts or freebies can be a very effective
branding and promotional tool for any company. No matter what
you're selling, branding your company's logo, motto and sales message
can play a significant role in the success of your business. You must
promote your company. You must get your company's name or product
out there in the marketplace. Therefore, some effort and planning
is required if you want your promotional strategy to succeed.

In a very competitive world, companies must work hard at getting
their brand name into the spotlight. Promotional tools or corporate
business gifts should be used to capture the goodwill of the
buying public, whether it be a free sample or some simple company
gift. Personalized 'tokens of goodwill' do work; that's why companies
use them.

In order for these personalized or branded business gifts to be
really effective, they must be useful. Your customers or potential
customers must want your free gifts, they must have some use for them.
Whether it's a cool looking company cap that keeps the sun out their
eyes or a favorite mug that displays your logo as well as serving
up a mean cup of coffee; your business gifts must be used by your
customers. The more they are used, the more effective your
promotions will be.

When choosing your business promotional gift you should keep this fact
in mind and pick something that your customers will use every day.
That's why simple products like mugs, pens or caps are often chosen
by companies.

However, we are moving into a different era, things have changed
somewhat. You may have noticed, but we have a little thing called the
Internet that's stirring everything up. There has been a gradual
shift in how business or commerce is done in the world. More and
more business in done through Computers and the Internet. If not
directly, then indirectly; most business transactions, buying,
selling, promoting, etc. is being filtered through the Internet.

Even if consumers don't buy the products directly online, they use
the Internet and Search Engines to research and gather information
on the products they're thinking of purchasing. As each new generation
of very savvy computer users enter the marketplace, the influence
and power of the Internet and Computers will only grow stronger.

Why is this a significant trend or factor? We are talking about
fridge magnets here?

It's important because you must also shift your promotional material
to capture this ever growing consumer base. You must put your
branded company logo, sales message and contact information into
this Computer/Internet mix. You must adjust your promotions to
take full advantage of the Internet and Computers.

How do you get your company's promotional tool or vehicle onto
all your customers' computers. Although this task may seem
complicated at first glance, it's really quite simple. You just
need a software program or utility that fits onto your client's

There are many examples of this, screen savers and wallpaper come
readily to mind. Very simple to design and a very effective way
of promoting your product or company. Many software programs also
offer free trial downloads that are placed in the taskbar or on the
computer desktop. These are in essence, taking the place of the
old fridge magnets, although most also have a practical use besides
just advertising your company's message.

Another great example of an unique corporate gift is a desktop
eCalendar, that virtually (pun intended) takes the place of the
old traditional promotional calendar you have on your kitchen wall.
These eCalendars are very practical and useful promotional gifts
that sit directly on your customer or potential customer's desktop.
It's accessed every day and is front and center of all this
Computer/Internet business or commerce.

The computer desktop is the perfect spot to have your company's
logo, sales message and contact information. Right in the heart
of the matter. These eCalendars are prefect examples of how your
promotional techniques must change with the times.

What ever method you use, the next time your company plans
a promotional business gift, think beyond the refrigerator
door. Try some promotional product that will place your
company's logo and message directly onto the computer desktops
of your clients and future clients. Take full advantage of
the Internet. It has to be good for something.

Why not put it front and center, right in the heart of your
next corporate promotional gift!

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Network Security - The Risks of Having an Unsecured Network

One of the reasons why it is necessary to make sure that your network is fully secured is to ensure that it cannot be hacked or any of your information passed on to third parties; this is primarily because extremely important information will invariably be passed from one computer to another computer, within the network during a working day. If the network is not secure at the logical as well as the physical level, one is definitely not going to know that important information is being funnelled through channels up on the Internet to possibly your rivals as well as your competition.

That is the reason a good network security company is going to make sure that every single security tool and other necessary features, such as firewalls, are in place. Fundamentally, the primary reason for doing all of this is quite simply to protect your hardware as well as the data to the best of your ability. The way in which this is carried out, including the methods and tools is all very much dependant on the network that you have and what your business requirements are.

An unsecured network on which internal management as well as external penetration and hacking tests have not been done are definitely a security hazard for any company out there. That is the reason why a company's key assets need to be protected in the strictest manner possible.

One of the most biggest risks about having an unsecured network is that the moment you go online on an http:// (including intranet) connection, there is a chance of every sort of vital information being transferred from your computer. In the same manner important information can be downloaded straight from your different hard drives, just because some other computer has managed to bypass your security measures. That is one of the more risky aspects of working on a computer on an unsecured network.

If your company has a number of computers that are connected to each other through a faulty and unsecured network, it isn't every single business transaction between them easily accessed by anybody connected to that is at risk from hacking. Private information including credit card information and any other data, which you may have stored in your computer system is also obtainable to unscrupulous information thieves and hackers out there if given the opportunity. That is the reason why it is necessary to look for a company which can give you exceptional security measures including extremely efficient firewalls so that there is absolutely no question of any sort of information being transferred to computers outside the network.

If you find yourself upon an unsecured network, you should be particularly wary when exchanging any personal information and sending anything online. In the same manner, it is always a good strategy to make sure that you disconnect the link when you are not using it, especially when you do not know whether the network is secure or not. This goes a long way in keeping your computer and network safe from unwanted access from external parties.

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Cannot Access Internet After Connecting to VPN (Cisco, Sonicwall, Etc)

Sometimes when in the IT Support field you will almost always have to deal with remote users. These users typically require VPN access to connect to the network to access their data and company data. Whether they are using Microsoft's VPN, Sonicwall GlobalVPN Client, or Cisco VPN, you may all run into this issue.

If a user complains that once they are connected successfully to the VPN, but is unable to go out into the internet, you can try these steps. Sometimes there are things like "Split Tunnel" which can be turned on, but in some cases, even if this is on, it will not resolve the issue. When this happens, you can create a batch script and have the user run these commands to resolve the issue. It is sort of a workaround, but can be used for crutch situations.

1. Open Command Prompt by Clicking Start > Run > Type CMD > Hit Enter.

2. Type these following commands:

route delete
route add mask

*Important: CHANGE to your local GATEWAY address (router/firewall address)*

3. Done

You can create a batch script and the user launch it after connecting to VPN, as once they disconnect and reconnect they will lose the settings. This can be done by opening up notepad, inputing the two commands, and then saving it as a.BAT file. Once you save this file, the user can launch this after VPN connection.

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What Does a Registry Cleaner Do?

The system defined database called registry was designed by Microsoft to speed up the operating system. But this very intention and design could prove detrimental to your system if the system database is not serviced and maintained regularly using a good registry cleaner to clean the system of useless entries that are slowing it down and taking up disk space.

There are many names associated with registry cleaning programs such as the PC Mantra's registry cleaner, PC and Windows XP that can spruce up your system and make it much more enjoyable to use. These programs scan the system and traces obsolete or outdated data. Then after determining the good and bad entries it deletes the redundant data enabling your PC to perform error free and more efficiently than before running the program.

Ensure The Registry Cleaner Has A Good Backup Function

Before using a registry repair program it is of paramount importance to ensure if the software has a backup function. This is important because in case the cleaner goes wrong the system will crash and will need to be restored with this backup to get the system back to its previous level of functioning. This can occur if the cleaner inadvertently deletes some file in the system database that was required by the system. You can download a free version of any registry cleaning program or a trial version. However, a free or trial version will not have all the features enabled in the download so it is always good to have a licensed version of the software. In fact it is always good to have a licensed version of any software to keep your system running error free and efficiently.

A Corrupted System Registry Will Crash The System

If the system defined database of an operating system is damaged or corrupt the entire system will crash or become very unstable. This could render the system unusable. So, the registry is a vital part of the computer that has to be kept in very good working condition. If this part of the computer gets filled with trash, such as broken links caused by uninstalling software and not removing the entries from the system database, or outdated entries that do not need to be there the whole system will slow down drastically. Believe it or not a single day on the system can enter more than a thousand entries in the database. Forty percent of which will be useless after the days work is done. These entries will have to be removed with the help of a good registry cleaning program. Though a few thousand entries will have no significant effect on the system they will over a period of time.

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Video Conferencing - An Introduction

With videoconferencing people can interact as if they were talking face to face with both images and sound relayed in real time. This article is designed to guide you through the various options to arrive at the system type best suited to your purpose.

There are various types of videoconferencing; which is suitable for your application will depend upon the IT structure available and what it is that you actually want to achieve.
Video conferencing has in the past been relatively expensive, but prices are coming down and it is possible for anyone with a fast enough internet connection to operate a video conference.

Systems are available for hire, lease or sale.

Systems may be installed at all or any of the following: -
on the desktop PC

a dedicated videoconference suite

mobile - for use when and where the need arises.

Each has various advantages and limitations which may be critical to your purpose.

Paradoxically it is far more critical that audio connections are maintained than the video. You may loose a video signal or it may be intermittent but the conference will still proceed - if you lose audio, nothing can be achieved (unless both parties are versed in sign language!)

Video speed for equipment is often shown as frames per second abbreviated as FPS.

In the UK video from most sources runs under the PAL standard which 25 frames per second - e.g. domestic VHS players. In the USA the system is NTSC which runs at 30 frames per second. Videoconference equipment commonly is specified as 15 fps or 30 fps. In layman's terms - 15 fps will be jerky, it shows every other frame, 30 fps is full motion video.

The higher the frame rate the greater the data load, so the faster the connection required.

A minimum requirement for full motion video and audio between two points is 768 Kbps.

This made up of:- an encoding rate of 384 Kbps (typically used) is selected. This is broken down into two parts -
64Kbps is for the audio

320 Kbps is for the video.

The resulting 384 Kbps stream is compressed and sent (from you - the source) to the remote point (the destination). Similarly a 384 Kbps stream is received from the remote point to you. Thus twice 384 Kbps in bandwidth is required.

If there is a lot of motion in the video, very little compression is achieved. If there is little or no motion in the video, the savings can approach 50%. It would, however, be foolish to design a system which relied on the participants being forced to remain static.

There are two types of video conferencing, each has sub-types.
Point to point - a live video / audio communication between any two locations.

Multipoint - links between a three or more locations

Point to Point (P2P)

Point to point - a live video and audio communication link between any two locations.

P2P - Application

Where the need is to communicate between two points only at any one time: -
Two offices of the same company

Yourself and a business partner company, e.g. Yourselves and a major supplier

Senior management/ teams from two divisions - e.g. research and manufacture.

P2P - Use

Virtual meetings on a one to one basis

Project workgroup co-ordination of effort, live adjustment of data, drawings, documents or prototypes

Virtual board meeting between two groups of people in specific locations - say 5 in one and 4 in another

P2P - Limitations

Bandwidth required increases in proportion to the amount of data being exchanged.

Audit trail of actions taken by whom with a timeline sequence often required.

Extra equipment is necessary to show physical objects, using a visulaiser for say engineering parts

Point-to-Point Videoconferencing

Consider two videoconference terminals (vct) that are connected to the Internet.

The vct and its associated peripherals allow the user to make a call to another client, send the local audio/video stream to the remote client, and hear/view the received audio/video stream on a local speaker/monitor that is connected to the vct.
Assume one user (the local user) uses a vct to call a user at a remote vct by entering the IP address of the remote vct. The clients setup a call between the stations following the specifications of the H.323 protocol. Once the call is setup, the clients exchange audio/video streams over the Internet. The point-to-point videoconference continues until one of the users "hangs up" the call.

IP numbers are difficult to remember; some users have dynamically assigned (DHCP) IP numbers that can change every time they boot their system and problems in using IP addressing when different vendor systems are used.

The Gatekeeper

To alleviate the problem of IP dialing, the H.323 standard defines the use of a gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper is a system that connects to the Internet just like the client terminals. The IP address of the gatekeeper is configured into the client terminals and when the clients "power up", they communicate with the gatekeeper and transfer certain information to the gatekeeper that describes the vct.

When the clients register with the gatekeeper, they pass their IP numbers, H.323 alias, and H.323 extension to the gatekeeper where it is stored. This allows a local user to dial a remote user by entering the remote users H.323 extension in effect their video telephone number.

The local vct communicates the H.323 extension to the gatekeeper. The gatekeeper then checks to see if the remote client is registered with the gatekeeper, then sets up the call between the two clients.

Once the call has been setup, the audio/video streams flow directly between the clients over the Internet.


Live video and audio links between a three or more locations.
To handle this situation, the H.323 standard introduces the concept of a Multipoint Control Unit (MCU). The MCU can be thought of as a "video bridge". The MCU connects to the Internet and registers with the gatekeeper.

A MCU, depending on its design capacity, can handle a certain number of simultaneous videoconferences each with each videoconference being logically separate from the others and with each having a specified number of users.

When users want to join a particular videoconferencing session, they dial the service number/password combination. The gatekeeper checks to see if that service has been registered by a MCU. The gatekeeper completes the call by connecting the client to the specified videoconference on the MCU.

Once the call has been connected, the client's audio/video stream is then sent over the Internet from the client to the MCU. Similarly, other clients connect to the session and send their audio/video streams to the MCU. The MCU selects one of the audio/video streams on the videoconference and returns that audio/video stream to all of the clients (that is all except the client whose stream was selected).

There are several methods for selecting an audio/video stream. Audio switching and chairman control are two alternatives. Typically, the method that is chosen is audio switching where the MCU selects the stream that currently has active audio (someone is talking or is talking the loudest).

As the user(s) at one site stop talking and the user(s) at another site start to talk, they capture the MCU. The process is repeated with the video from the newly selected site now being sent to all the other sites.


To participate in a H.323 videoconference, users must have appropriate videoconferencing client terminals and have Internet connectivity with sufficient bandwidth to support the videoconference.

Some users may not have these capabilities but would still like to be able to participate even if that meant that they could only see and hear conference participants but not be able to interact with them. (Watch and Listen)

Users can receive the stream using a browser on a computer. They enter the URL of the server, and the server starts the encoded audio/video stream over the Internet to the computer.
Plug-Ins for the browser exist that are capable of decoding both RealVideo and Windows media streams. The user can thus see and hear the participants in the streamed videoconference in near real-time.

Alternatively, a user can connect to the server at a latter date and view the archived version of the videoconference.

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Computer Repair Solutions

We are increasingly warming up to computers as we use them to do almost anything these days. Therefore, if a computer was crocked and we did not know what to do to get them running, we would be knee deep in trouble.

Often, you will find that some computer users have the basic genius to sniff out any hardware and software causes of computer failure unlike some. The brightest idea right now is to have a repair book tucked somewhere in your shelf. Have one with simple English though!

The mistake some book writers make is that they write instructions in a coded language that only geeks can crack. Unfortunately, you only realize this when you have a blank screen. Go for simpler language.

When you come across a computer repair book, it will only be relevant if it gives you tips and ways around common PC repair and upgrade. You should be able to troubleshoot basic computer failure issues like missing system files and stuff of that caliber alongside upgrading software and hardware.

If you are a fan of movies games and other entertainment applications, you will agree that there are times you wished your computer could do better in terms of performance. Therefore, a decent computer repair nook will give you all the know-how and tips required to do an upgrade.

The best solutions are those that are not just cosmetic to ensure that you are safe for the moment. You should seek solutions that are more permanent and therefore a book that has a bias towards these will be a good advantage. Other basic tasks will include issues like scanner and printer malfunction.

When you are about to make a purchase decision, you should now focus on reading other reviews and understand the idea behind how practical the book is in soling problems.

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Video Talking: The Latest Technology to Connect You to the World

Every once in a while a new communications technology comes along that changes everything. I was able to see and experience this technology. So excited about its unlimited potential was I that I decided to place it on my blog and write about it as well.

Hearing someone's voice over the phone shortens the distance between callers. Video chatting closes the gap because now you can see each other as well! This new wave of communications technology brings people into each other's offices, living rooms, and their lives. Remember the old slogan, "Reach out and touch someone?" Now video chatting has taken it to the next level making it as close to reaching out and touching someone as you can get without actually being in the same room!

Catch the wave: Almost everyone has 3-way calling on their home telephone. Now the technology is available to have a video 3-way call! Today's technology features a multiparty robust live streaming audio and video web chatting platform that does not require any downloads. This breakthrough communications technology permits member-to-member communication via multiple, resizable video windows.

Users can make video windows as large as desired while sustaining exceptional audio and video quality. Incorporating easy-to-use features for a multi-party video web chat session, this technology includes multi-room and multi-user text, audio and/or video chatting.

Put yourself in the picture with streaming video email whether at work or at play.

Streaming video email: Record, save, and send is all it takes to "put yourself" in the home or office of the people in distant locations with whom you want to communicate. Now you can do so on a regular basis. Fully customizable video screens allow for branding and personalization.

Streaming video on demand: IT has been proven that visitors stay at a website 50% longer when it contains video, yet only 1% of the 50 million websites online are utilizing video! With today's technology you can create your own videos or use commercially produced videos on your website for pennies on the dollar. Enhance your website and ensure that visitors see and hear what you have to say! See and be seen in real time.

"Video email will replace text messages as the online communications mechanism. Text-based email will seem as archaic as black and white TV." - Forrester Research

Today's communications technology has such versatility that offers the latest and most extensive high-end features for the corporate-user, but is so user-friendly that the personal-user may send greetings to friends and family members with ease. Whether you are a small business owner exploring a cost-effective form of advertising or a corporate executive looking to streamline training and company communications, it time to move up to today's latest in communications technology: video chatting.

Here are some features to keep in mind:

* Add video to your website with ease. There's no need to wait on a webmaster or content upload service to update your website. Within minutes you can add video to any website. Streaming video on demand is a simple, cost effective approach to a more effective website.

* Not only see your prospect's phone number, but actually introduce yourself live and in person. When a visitor to your site has questions, they may click the connect button and you will be notified. You may then start a live video feed to them so that they may see and hear you while they ask questions over their microphone or text. What a powerful way to answer questions, share your story and above all, build that relationship. This technology extends the customer relationship marketing that is essential in business.

* If you're juggling schedules, travel, and other commitments that are making it harder for you to coordinate an upcoming meeting? Take advantage of group collaboration without the expense and hassle of travel. Conduct face-to-face interaction with a web conferencing system. Invite an unlimited number of participants to join. All participants have text chat capabilities while six participants may be visualized on the screen for audio and video participation. From all corners of the globe you may join together in one central meeting location. Share presentations, documents, desktops and other applications as if you are sitting around the same table.

* Today's communications technology is more than just one-way broadcast communication. It is true interactive communication. The web-based system eliminates the need for messy downloads or software installations. No additional hardware is required. Its meeting-quality and reasonable pricing make it a feasible solution for anyone needing to assemble a group for an interactive meeting.

* With an exclusive web meeting room available to members 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year, you have a special room set up as a place where your representatives may check in, share stories, exchange strategies, bounce ideas off each other while in the comfortable atmosphere of your home or office. Talk about tele-commuting to the max! Enjoy the advantage of having a training room full of friends available whenever you need them!

* Today's communications technology: The Ultimate marketing tool! This is the first ever internet marketing system that integrates streaming video into every page. This tool is essential in enhancing customer and employee relationships that are so important in keeping a business or organization afloat. Using a combination of recorded and live video, you have the ability to get personal with your prospect. The lead capture system notifies you when you have an interested prospect.

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Security and Software Development: Secure Coding Standards

Algorithmic vulnerabilities are technical flaws in a manmade component, typically hardware and software. In software, the flaws can be design flaws or implementation flaws, commonly coding errors. Software infected with bugs has been a problem for decades, software engineering was invented to find ways to minimize them, and formal methods were invented to eliminate them, but attaining the goal has been quite elusive. In the preceding years, security issues have occasionally raised awareness of problems, notably buffer overflow attacks that were eventually resolved by improved coding techniques. SQL injection attacks are, in some ways, an evolution of buffer overflow and can also be prevented by proper coding.

Coding standards are a classic solution to the problem of preventing coding flaws from infesting new software. In many shops, the standards were used to assure maintainable software was produced. The typical standard consisting of a list of requirements to be applied by programmers when writing code. They were then enforced during code reviews and other activities linked to quality control.

The same approach can be applied to a list of techniques to prevent exploitable algorithmic vulnerabilities. Any number of authoritative sources are readily available, so generating a list of techniques is more a library exercise than a laboratory one. Further, consultancies specializing in advising on solutions can be easily found by simple Internet searches.

There are several advantages to creating and using an in-house standard. Involving programmers in researching, writing and reviewing the standard helps overcome resistance and generate a sense of ownership. Also, language-specific issues can be focused on, ensuring the result is appropriate to the environment.

A coding standard should be regularly reviewed to ensure it remains fit for purpose, as new attacks appear that focus on previously unrecognized vulnerabilities, the Standard needs to be updated to address techniques to prevent the vulnerabilities, minimizing the new risks.

Vulnerability scanners have been in use for at least a quarter century. Scanners specializing on applications are available and are useful in identifying problems.

Secure coding standards provide agreed requirements used in the software development lifecycle, usually in the coding and testing activities. Test Plans should provide procedures for testing based on the standard's requirements.

Application programming in not often thought of as being relevant to security; this is an oversight, as it certainly is very important. Secure coding standards corrects this error by providing requirements for avoiding exploitable algorithmic vulnerabilities from appearing in new code and systems.

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Do it Yourself Computer Repair Hassles

Do it yourself computer repair allows you to do perform immediate repairs for your usual computer problems. However, this task requires you to have a thorough understanding of the details of your computer hardware and software. If your confidence at doing this task lies on a few pages of how-to and repair manuals, there is a good chance that you might do more harm than good in correcting the problem. Although performing do it yourself repair gives you the power to make the final decision in your every move, it may not be the best decision to make.

The Do-It-Yourself Type of Computer Owners

It is understandable for self-reliant people to perform a do it yourself repair. While it dictates the speed as well as the efficiency at which the adjustments, updates and all necessary troubleshooting tasks will be done, it also helps yield huge savings in doing simple to complicated computer repair jobs. However, just like any form of repair, you need to first understand all the nitty-gritty stuff about your computer. You need to be knowledgeable about computers.

Simple Computer Repairs Made Easy

Simple computer problems like virus and worm attacks and slow operations can be remedied with routine maintenance tasks. To restore smooth and quick responding computing operations, you need to maintain regular schedules of defragmenting your hard drive, running disk cleanup, installing or updating anti-virus software and data backup and recovery applications. These maintenance measures are helpful in preventing your computer from crashing. They are also crucial in keeping all your files and programs protected against the usual attacks of annoying spyware, malware and computer worms and viruses.

How to handle more complicated Computer Troubleshooting

You need to have the correct tools to do computer repairs. In addition to hand tools like screw drivers, solder irons and others, software like anti-virus and registry mechanic programs are also considered computer repair tools. These tools can be used to perform minor repairs to simple and common computer problems like installing updates and upgrades to existing programs, correcting registry problems, installation of hardware and software accessories and more. However, when it comes to dealing with more complicated problems, which mostly involve software and file problems like system recovery, corrupted files, automatic shut down and more, you really need to consult with an experienced computer repair technician to avoid further damage or loss of data.

Once your computer crashes, you need to have an idea of what could have happened before you perform a do it yourself repair. Never attempt to fix and correct any problem that you know nothing about. Try studying, reading and understanding various repair manuals. But if you want to confidently restore your computer to its smooth humming condition, consider finding an on-site computer repair technician.

Why Professional Computer Repair Services

Having well-trained professional computer technicians fix your computer eliminates the guess work on computer repairs and instantly restores your personal productivity. Instead of becoming a slave to the ever changing study of basic computer repairs, online computer repair services provide you with an affordable and practical option to troubleshooting your computer problems regardless of the extent of its difficulty.

Professional Repair Services for your Convenience

It is nice to have the right skill and knowledge to perform a do it yourself computer repair. However, you need to consider that allowing a pro to do these repairs can help you save time and money as they are fully trained in handling all types of computer problems. More importantly, it will save you from the confusion and frustration of possibly doing improper or unnecessary repairs. Thus, you get all these solutions at affordable costs.

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Cisco CCNA / CCNP Home Lab Setup Tutorial: How To Buy & Build A Frame Relay Switch

One of the major topics on your CCNA and CCNP exams is Frame Relay. Additionally, Frame Relay is one of the most popular WAN technolgies in today's networks. Getting hands-on experience with Frame Relay in Cisco networks isn't just a good idea, it's a necessity. Let's face it, your employer is going to get a little touchy if you start experimenting with your network's Frame Relay setup.

To practice all your important Frame Relay commands for your exams, you need a working Frame Relay cloud in your home lab. A production network's Frame cloud consists of a lot of Frame switches, but if you choose wisely, a single Cisco router can act as your home lab's entire Frame cloud!

Before we look at the configuration of such a router (hereafter referred to as a "frame relay switch"), let's look at the physical requirements.

The more serial ports you have, the better. You should get a router with at least four serial ports. For frame switching purposes, it doesn't matter if the ports are synchronous or asynchronous - you just need the ports.

You will also need some DTE/DCE cables. The DCE end of the cables will be connected to the frame switch.

A great configuration for a CCNA practice lab is three routers that serve as "production" routers, and a 4th router as a frame relay switch. (You'll want an access server as well, but that's another article.)

What I use in my student and customer pods is a setup where R1 is connected to the frame switch's S1 port, R2 is connected to S2 on the frame switch, and R3 is connected to the frame switch's S3 port.

Now comes the tricky part - the configuration. A frame relay switch's config can be hard to find, so here's a copy of mine. Pay particular attention to the config on ports s1, s2, and s3.

version 12.0

service timestamps debug uptime

service timestamps log uptime

no service password-encryption





ip subnet-zero

no ip domain-lookup

frame-relay switching




interface Ethernet0

no ip address

no ip directed-broadcast



interface Serial0

ip address

clockrate 56000


interface Serial1

no ip address

no ip directed-broadcast

encapsulation frame-relay

logging event subif-link-status

logging event dlci-status-change

clockrate 56000

no frame-relay inverse-arp

frame-relay intf-type dce

frame-relay route 122 interface Serial2 221

frame-relay route 123 interface Serial3 321


interface Serial2

no ip address

no ip directed-broadcast

encapsulation frame-relay

logging event subif-link-status

logging event dlci-status-change

clockrate 56000

no frame-relay inverse-arp

frame-relay intf-type dce

frame-relay route 221 interface Serial1 122


interface Serial3

no ip address

no ip directed-broadcast

encapsulation frame-relay

logging event subif-link-status

logging event dlci-status-change

clockrate 56000

no frame-relay inverse-arp

frame-relay intf-type dce

frame-relay route 321 interface Serial1 123


interface BRI0

ip address

no ip directed-broadcast

encapsulation ppp

dialer map ip name R2 broadcast 2335552221

dialer-group 1


ip classless


dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit


line con 0

exec-timeout 0 0

logging synchronous

transport input none

line aux 0

line vty 0 4




The key command in the global configuration is frame-relay switching. You must have this configured before you can configure the interfaces.

The interfaces will be configured with the frame route command. Let's take a look at what each value means in the command frame-relay route 122 interface Serial2 221.

frame-relay route - the command

122 - the incoming DLCI on this interface

interface serial2 - the interface the data will be sent out

221 - the outgoing DLCI

This command on S1 means that anything that comes in on this port on DLCI 122 will be sent out interface serial2 on DLCI 221.

It's a good idea to hard-code the interfaces to act as DCEs with the frame intf-type dce command. Since these interfaces are acting as DCEs, the clockrate command is needed for the line protocol to come up.

Once you've configured your frame switch as shown and have configured the frame map statements on the "production" routers, you can test the frame switch configuration. On the frame switch, run the command show frame route.

FRAME_SWITCH#show frame route

Input Intf Input Dlci Output Intf Output Dlci Status

Serial1 122 Serial2 221 active

Serial1 123 Serial3 321 active

Serial2 221 Serial1 122 active

Serial3 321 Serial1 123 active

You should see "active" for all the interfaces. If you see "deleted", make sure your frame switch interfaces are open if they are, check the router configs.

Keep in mind that you can still configure routing protocols to run on ports that you're not using for frame switching. The router we used here had an ethernet port and BRI port, and the BRI port has been configured as part of the production network. Running frame switching does not disable IP routing.

Purchasing and configuring your own frame relay switch is an invaluable part of your Cisco education. By practicing your frame commands and configuring frame connections over your own frame relay cloud, you're polishing your Cisco skills and gaining knowledge that cannot be duplicated by simulator programs.

To your success,

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How to Use a Laptop to Control a PC Tower

I wanted to get rid of the my bulky monitor and replace it with a LCD monitor. But like most of us, it was just not in the budget. I did have a laptop and it was connected to my home network. I had to set up a home network to share my internet connection with my son.

So I thought, it would it be great if I could use the laptop to run my tower. That is when I discovered what the Remote Desktop Connection can be used for. This program is included in the Windows XP Professional version. To start with, the Host Computer (the pc tower with XP Pro) should be running and connected to a router or hub.

To set up Remote Desktop Connection

(RDC) on the host:

Start > Control Panel > System Select the Remote Tab.

Check the box to Allow users to connect remotely to this computer. Note the Full computer name, this will be needed for the laptop to find the host computer.

You will also need to set up an user account with password for the remote connection to work. This may be already set up for you, if you have to enter a password to login to your desktop computer. Then the Client (the laptop with XP Pro) should be running and connected to a router or hub. If your laptop is not XP Pro, you will have to download the client portion of Remote Desktop. This program allows other versions of Windows to remotely connect to a computer running Windows XP Professional with Remote Desktop enabled. On the laptop, start the RDC client program, enter the host computer name in the drop box marked computer. Then enter your username and password, the one you use to login to the host computer normally.

Press the connect button and watch what happens next. Your laptop will act like it is connected directly to your pc tower. You will see the entire desktop screen, just as if you were looking at the monitor connected to the computer. This is great for older laptops with a small hard drive and slow processor. The host computer does all the hard work and can even store the files created during the remote connection. Have fun and enjoy this practical laptop trick!!

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Is It Time For You To Upgrade To A Wireless N Router?

Considering replacing your old Wireless G Router with a Wireless N router? In this article we'll look at the performance advantages of Wireless N over Wireless G. We'll also discuss several other features that come with many Wireless N routers which you may find exciting and useful.

Speed And Range

The two obvious advantages over Wireless G are speed and range. The typical Wireless G router tops out at about 54Mbps. This is way faster then the old B standard which maxed out at only 11Mbps but not nearly as fast as an N router. Wireless N routers reach speeds up to 300Mbps. That's almost six times as fast as a G router. Wireless N range is about double that of a wireless G router.

The question is do you really need all this extra performance? Well if you have only one or two people on your home network at a time and each of you do little more then surf the web and print an occasional document the answer is not really. If you are playing games or doing a lot of downloading Wireless G speeds can get a bit cumbersome. If you are streaming HD video throughout your household a wireless G router will quickly become a frustrating bottleneck.

Usage Considerations

Another thing to consider is how many people you expect to use your wireless home network at once. One or two people on a wireless G network is no big deal. If you have 3 or 4 people on at once things may come to a screeching halt very quickly.

Wireless N routers use a system of multiple antennas to increase signal strength and increase range. This is called MIMO for Multiple Input Multiple Output. When you combine MIMO with Wireless N's speed and range 3 or 4 people should have more then enough bandwidth and range to surf, download and print effortlessly.

Even more performance is available with routers which are designed for gaming and HD video. These routers have high speed processors and additional memory designed to handle the most demanding games and streaming HD video. Connect one of these high performance routers to your XBox, PlayStation or Bluray player and enjoy intense gaming and HD video streaming in any room of your home.

More Wireless N Features

Another interesting feature of Wireless N is it can operate on a much less crowded frequency band then wireless G. Wireless G's 2.4GHZ frequency band is shared with cordless phones, baby monitors, garage door openers and other wireless routers. This can easily cause interference problems which are hard to pinpoint. Wireless N operates on the 5GHZ frequency band which is more "wide open" then the 2.4GHZ band. Most dual-band wireless routers take advantage of this feature by allowing you to run two networks at the same time. One on the 5GHZ band and the other on the 2.4GHZ band. This ensures your gaming and video streaming activities don't interfere with your day to day web surfing and emailing activities.

Another cool feature many N routers offer is a built in USB port. This USB port can be used to make the contents of most memory sticks and USB hard drives available to all the devices on your wireless network. Some routers further enhance this functionality with a built in media server which can allow you to stream video and music to all your computers.


Now that you understand all the benefits of purchasing a Wireless N router the only concern you may have is price. The good news is prices have come way down. Every time a manufacturer upgrades a certain model the one that preceded it comes down in price. This is great for people who don't need to have the "latest and greatest" version of everything that hits the market. There are now very good N routers available for little more than the price of a typical G router. The other consideration is compatibility. While N is backward compatible with G you lose the speed and range benefits of N unless you upgrade your wireless adapters to N as well.

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HP Motherboard - Repair Or Replace?

If you have an error with your HP motherboard you are left to make a decision, do you repair or replace the HP motherboard? This can be a tricky question to answer at times, but 75% of the time a replacement of the motherboard can be faster and cheaper than a repair. When you opt to repair the board you are left with troubleshooting, fault finding and a lot of testing, all of which takes time and if you are not in a position to do this yourself, money also. However, if you opt for a straight replacement of the HP motherboard you can whip the old one out, get a replacement part and fit the new one in all in a few hours and be back up and running again in no time.

As the greater percentage will benefit more from a replacement HP motherboard as opposed to the repair of the motherboard I would like to take a moment to look at ways we can go about this, how to benefit when we do buy a replacement HP motherboard and how to make sure you receive a quality part that is in a good working order.

Firstly a main benefit of cost and time saving can come from purchasing your replacement HP motherboard online as opposed to from a computer store or other high street store, this is due to online stores having a lower overhead cost than that of a retail store, which means any quality online shop will bounce these savings onto their customers. The next benefit is in the shape of dedication and professionalism, if you select the right store to trade with they will be a site that is dedicated solely to laptop spares and accessories, meaning that you are purchasing your motherboard from a real dedicated site - which means they know their business.

On top of this and to ensure you get the quality you deserve, not only select a dedicated site, but also a site that tests their parts prior to shipping and offers a guarantee on your HP motherboard, such as a Never Fail guarantee, so you know in the unlikely event that something is wrong upon receipt there will be no stress or hassle trying to explain it to the company, just a straight and simple swap for another motherboard within a couple of days of postage.

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How to Become a Professional Tarot Reader

Tarot card reading goes in and out of favor with the public on a regular basis. When it's hot, you can make a lot of money - perhaps even enough to live on. When readings are not the rage, as with any freelance career, you'll need to keep your day job.

Either way, if you're good at:

1. reading the cards

2. relating to people

3. marketing yourself

you can be assured of earning money.

How to Be a Popular Card Reader

The first thing to remember about reading cards professionally, is that your client can tell if you're sincere or not. You've got to be sincere. You've got to truly want the best for your client.

Secondly, you must always reassure your client that whatever comes up in the cards is not written in stone. Tell her that she alone determines her own fate. Remind her that the cards are simply reflecting patterns. They don't dictate what will happen to her.

If you get a "bad" card, for instance, don't just tell the client the "bad news." Tell her that she has an opportunity now to overcome a problem. Frame your card interpretations in a way that encourages her to find solutions to her life problems. You want to energize your client, fill her with hope and ambition, no matter what cards come up. Check out the Tarot section of the Psychic Tea Shoppe - all the readings, even the "reverse" cards, are hopeful.

Getting Work

You can go at this from many angles.

1. Get yourself hired by a telephone-based or Internet-based company. The company gets the clients and forwards them to you.

When you work for a phone-based company, you must have a dedicated phone line with no add-on's like call waiting. Log in to the company's computer when you want to work, and sit by the phone with your cards during the time you are logged in.

2. Go freelance. Like any professional, you'll need business cards and a website. You can take out ads in local periodicals if you'll be reading for people face to face. If your clients will come to you via phone or the web, you might consider Internet advertising.

3. Join a networking group - either a local in-person group, or an Internet group.

Freelance Tarot card reading opportunities include:

Reading at parties
Renting a booth at "psychic" or "new age" conventions and doing readings and promotion from there
Arranging for a table at a restaurant or bookstore, sometimes paying the establishment a percentage of your earnings and other times letting the bookstore use your services to draw in more store customers
Setting up an Internet reading site (requires getting a merchant credit card account and Paypal)
Setting up your own telephone Tarot reading business (again, you must get a credit card/Paypal account)
Reading the Tarot cards in person from a storefront. You can arrange for your storefront to be a part of an existing store, and pay rent. (For security reasons, don't read for clients out of your home, and don't go to anyone else's home - unless it's for a well-populated party.)

There are many laws, ordinances, restrictions and town rules on the books, no matter where you read your Tarot cards. If you're reading for money, you absolutely must do the legal research first.

Keep records and pay taxes. I would suggest a computer-based bookkeeping program. And make back-ups every night! Keep the back-ups off-site in case of fire or theft, or purchase storage space on the Internet.

You're in a business that is not mainstream, and without excellent record keeping and impeccable tax returns, you're going to create problems for yourself.

And finally, I would suggest purchasing an inexpensive insurance liability policy.

Reading People

Being a professional Tarot card reader is an awesome opportunity to observe others, to get out of your own problems and needs, and to make your clients feel good about themselves. Observe them as they come in, sit down, make small talk. Don't be afraid to ask questions or let them talk out a problem. Catch their eye, make a connection. You'll get a better card reading.

The flip side is this: Don't let yourself be taken advantage of. When people start talking, they often can't stop. Set a timer when the client sits down. You're going to get many types of people as clients. Some will have big issues. Don't take it personally if someone becomes angry with you. And do usher the client out if they are rude or disrespectful.

Be good at reading the cards. Be intuitive about people. You'll make a fabulous Tarot reader.

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How To Start A Home Based Computer Consultancy Business

A small business computer-consulting firm can be set up once you are
clear about the economics of the venture, skills required for setting up shop and the various options available to start a business on your own.

Economics of a Computer Consultancy Business:
A typical billing rate for a small computer consultancy business would be in the range of $100 an hour. Setting a rate at this level would be appropriate for a start-up firm, as anything more would require you to move into the really big league with highly skilled sales and technical staff. Taking a 40-hour week with a 75% utilization rate, the billable time works out to 1500 hours a year. This yields gross revenue of $150,000 per year, which can typically be deployed as under:

Salary for Sales Executive: $40,000

Marketing Expenses: $10,000

Taxes, Insurance and Overheads: $50,000

Technical Staff salary: $50,000

Total $ 150,000

Skill Requirements:
Besides pure technical skill, setting up a computer consultancy business also requires business skills to ensure that you are up and running.

o Data Management: A good knowledge of a spreadsheet program like Excel will help you to manage the data for your client and your own business.

o Communicating Effectively: Good verbal and written communication skills are a definite asset. The ability to come across effectively on the phone while dealing with prospective clients and retaining them is essential. Hone your ability to write effective and grammatically correct emails. You may also be required to give presentations to small groups of people. Familiarity with packages like PowerPoint will be an added advantage in setting up effective presentations.

Options for Setting Up:
Essentially, there are two routes you can take when taking the decision to set up your home consultancy. Either you could decide to set up your business entirely on your own, or alternately you could buy into a franchise. Whichever course you decide to take, you must be prepared for some hard work, especially in the initial startup phase. You will be required to meet with prospective clients, follow up on the promising prospects personally and on the phone. The final decision will depend on how much time and financial capital you are prepared to invest in your venture.

o Franchising: The franchiser will have certain rules and procedures that you will be expected to follow. You will also have to part with a fixed percentage of your revenue. If you are looking for independence and flexibility in running your business then you may not like to follow this route. Alternately, if you have the requisite capital, you could also consider buying up an existing business.

o Starting Your Own Enterprise: Starting your own business can be done with a few thousand dollars, a home office, a business phone number and a business card. In addition, besides the legal licensing registrations, you may require an attorney and accountant.

Starting your own computer consulting business does require hard work initially. However, the rewards of being able to get your venture up and running would well be worth it.

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Repair Registry Windows XP - 5 Reasons Why Repairing Your Registry is Vital to Your PC's Health

To get the maximum life out of your Windows XP operating system, you will need to run a periodic diagnostic check against the Windows Registry and repair any errors when and if they are found. Your best bet would be to actually schedule a registry scan to run once per week or perhaps even every time you restart your computer.

But why is repairing your registry vital to your PC's health? Here are 5 reasons:

If you install a software program and then later uninstall it, remnants of the old installation are not always cleanly removed from the registry.
If you attach a USB device to your PC and then remove it, or install a piece of hardware and then later remove it, information about that hardware device will remain in the registry.
If items are not cleanly removed from the registry, then referential integrity errors can creep up, due to invalid or obsolete references.
The larger your registry it, the longer time it can take for the operating system or your applications to traverse the registry and find the information it is looking for. If that occurs, your operating system can slow down, freeze up, and even crash.
Errors in your registry can also cause your applications to become unstable, to freeze up and hang, or even crash, if information that is being searched for is not found.

How common are registry errors? Unfortunately, they are more common than you think! But when you run a Windows registry repair utility, you can typically experience a noticeable performance improvement immediately.

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Linksys Broadband Wireless Router - Find It On Sale!

Looking for a brand new Linksys Broadband Wireless Router on sale?

Please read on and you will find one of the best sources of this product at a cheaper price online from one of the reputable retail stores in the net today and with a proven track record in terms of quality products and delivery performance

Why are people looking for this Linksys Broadband Wireless Router?

One of the known best internet broadband internet router these days is the Cisco-Linksys WRT54GL Wireless-G Broadband Router. It has multiple excellent features that are useful when multiple servers need internet connection all at once.

The Cisco-Linksys WRT54GL Wireless-G Router package contains 3 devices. The first device is the wireless access point which allows wireless-G and wireless-B devices into one network. The former runs at 802.11g at 54Mbps and the latter at 802.11b at 11Mbps. The second device found in the package is the full duplex 10/100 switch with four ports to connect wired Ethernet servers together. The last is the router that allows big network sharing with high-speed internet access.

Another best feature of the wireless device is that it is protected with industrial-strength WPA2 encryption and powerful SPI firewall. Internet attacks are very common nowadays but using this device allows users to have maximum protection against outside intruders in a one's network. It also supports Virtual Private Network connection for a more secure network sharing. The system can be con figured easily if there's a need to control internal user's access to internet.

This unit is very practical for business or home use. It can also be used by companies, universities and government agencies that need a big network. Internal sharing of its many servers can be done and maximum protection against outside intruders during use is achieved.

The Cisco-Linksys WRT54GL Wireless-G Broadband Router is the best device to use if there's a need for high-speed wireless internet connection in an area. It allows multiple servers to be connected into one big network and allows all to function at once under a high-speed DSL or cable connection. It also allows fast and easy communication between servers because all is connected under a big network.

Where to Find the Best Deal Online?

If you are looking for a good price of this unit, you can use the internet to check on many websites selling the device but it will take luck and most of your time to access those sites with no assurance that you can find it in a day,

OR you can

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Windows Vista Repair - How to Repair Windows Vista Errors Without Spending a Fortune

Are you looking for windows vista repair? Most people bring their computer to shop for expensive repair and the next time their computer need repair they have to pay again. We waste so much money for computer maintenance while professionals utilize powerful programs that cost so much less and get the same result. After researching I finally found their secret and now I am saving a lot of money.

There are just so many things that could go wrong with vista and repairing them all at the shop is just too expensive. I bet you have seen one or some of these examples:

1. Your Computer starts up and shuts down slowly.
2. Windows vista keep reporting errors.
3. Your PC keeps freezing randomly and your Computer runs gradually slower.
4. You keep getting Physical Memory Dump or Blue Screen Error.

According to Computer professionals, all these problems are caused by windows registry. Registries are the core files of your vista which controls everything inside your computer. Your programs, devices, settings, and all the things you do with your computer. Windows vista cannot repair registry automatically. Only professionals are able to fix registry manually and they need a lot of time to fix each of them. Do not attempt to modify or repair your vista registry by yourself, one mistake can lead to a total data loss.

Windows Vista Repair

Fortunately we can now repair most windows vista errors quickly without spending so much money. Just by using a registry cleaner program you can scan your computer for errors and repair them on a regular basis.

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Wireless Network Vlans - How to Implement Wireless Vlans

The wireless access points operate as bridges with no routing defined anywhere on the wireless network segment. All VLANs are defined on the wired switches and mapped with specific SSIDs at each access point. The maximum number of VLANs and SSIDs per access point that can be mapped is 16. The wireless client attaches or associates with a specific SSID which in turn will map client with membership in a specific VLAN.

There is an option to configure the maximum number of wireless client associations allowed per SSID improving network performance and availability. The access point is assigned a primary SSID with the 802.11 standard, advertising it with beacons on that segment to all wireless clients. There is a guest SSID defined that companies should define a VLAN policy for that group or with access control list security policies denying access to the corporate network. Guest traffic for the most part should be directed across the internet unless they have specific network rights.

VLAN membership of each wireless client is assigned considering what servers are most accessed, specific company department and security rights. Device types such as a scanner with less security won't be assigned the same VLAN as an engineering group with sensitive information and 802.1x security.

VLAN 1 is the default native VLAN and doesn't tag traffic. The native VLAN number assigned on the wired switches must match the VLAN assigned at all attached access points on that network segment. The native VLAN is sometimes assigned to network management traffic or the RADIUS server. Companies will implement access control lists at each network switch to filter traffic securing the management VLAN traffic. With most designs the native VLAN isn't mapped to a SSID except with connecting root bridges and non root bridges. Define an infrastructure SSID for infrastructure devices such as a repeater or workgroup hub and map the native VLAN allowing those devices to associate with non root bridge and root bridges.

Wireless clients configured with 802.1x authentication will have a RADIUS server configured with mapped SSIDs per wireless client. This is called RADIUS SSID control. The server sends the list to the access point where the client is allowed to associate with an access point should they be a member of one or several SSIDs. RADIUS VLAN control assigns each client with a specific VLAN and default SSID. The mapping can be overridden with the RADIUS sever configuration. During authentication the wireless client is assigned to that specific VLAN. The employee however can't be a member of any wired VLAN except that. Policy group filters or class map policies can be defined per VLAN. You should deny all infrastructure devices to be members of any non-infrastructure SSID. Wireless clients will see all broadcasts and multicasts of all mapped VLANs unless 802.1x per VLAN encryption is implemented with TKIP, MIC and broadcast keys.

Trunking is implemented to switch traffic between network segments that have multiple VLANs defined. Each VLAN defines a separate broadcast domain comprised of a group of employees with a company department. The trunk is a physical switch port interface with defined Ethernet subinterfaces configured with 802.1q or ISL encapsulation. Those packets are tagged with specific VLAN number before it is sent between access point and wired network switch. The access point Ethernet interface is configured as a hybrid trunk. Access control lists should be defined at the wired switch Ethernet interface that drops packets from VLANs not defined with any SSID.

VLAN 100 = 192.168.37.x - SSID = Engineers

VLAN 200 = 192.168.38.x - SSID = Guest

VLAN 300 = 192.168.39.x - SSID = Sales

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CCNA Certification Training: Configuring Static Routes On A Cisco Router

The great thing about CCNA certification training is that the skills you learn will truly come in handy when working with Cisco routers and switches in production networks. That's particularly true of static route configuration. While most networks use dynamic routing protocols such as RIP, EIGRP, and OSPF to build routing tables, static routes still come in handy sometimes - especially if a routing protocol configuration goes awry.

Let's say that you just added a new segment to your network and you've successfully added it to your network's routing tables. Suddenly, on Monday morning, users on that segment can't get to a network resource such as an email server, or they can't get out to the Internet. We all know what it's like to try to fix something while the phone's ringing like crazy. That's when we have to do two things...

1. Resist the temptation to tell the caller "I would fix it, but I'm too busy talking to you"

2. Apply some kind of "quick fix" that will give you time to investigate the problem

Static routes are a great quick fix. You can use a static route to get the users where they need to be, which gives you time to find out what the problem is with the dynamic routing protocol. (You must also resist the temptation to apply a static route and declare the problem fixed!)

Static routes are configured with the ip route command, followed by the destination network and mask. After that, you must specify either the next-hop IP address or the local exit interface. Both of the following masks are acceptable:

ip route

ip route serial0

Using IOS Help on a Cisco router shows the various options:

R1(config)#ip route ?

A.B.C.D Destination prefix

profile Enable IP routing table profile

vrf Configure static route for a VPN Routing/Forwarding instance

R1(config)#ip route ?

A.B.C.D Destination prefix mask

R1(config)#ip route ?

A.B.C.D Forwarding router's address

BRI ISDN Basic Rate Interface

Dialer Dialer interface

Loopback Loopback interface

Null Null interface

Serial Serial

TokenRing IEEE 802.5

Remember, you're specifying either the next-hop router's IP address or the local router's exit interface!

Configuring static routes is a great skill to have in the network room and in the CCNA exam room. Be ready to configure them in either situation!

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The Cost of Webinars

The cost of hosting a webinar can vary widely. It can vary widely not only from company to company, it can vary widely just from one company program to another. Good webinar hosting vendors offer a range of programs so that different businesses can choose those that best match their needs, niche, size, and marketing bank account.

Due to the fact that they are considered one of the cream of the crop of webinar hosting vendors, let's look at the different costs for different programs offered by Webex.

Webex were one of the first companies to get into the webinar game. As a result they have considerable experience with webinars and therefore they can be expected to have competitive pricing on relevant webinar packages.

One of their packages is the Special Meetings Plus package. They advertise that this begins as low as $59 per month. If you take this package, you can get: unlimited numbers of hosted monthly webinars from your computer to which you can invite up to 25 people each; the ability to webcam, share presentations and docs, and demo applications with your attending audience; and have VoIP or telecoms included in the price. Different other features can be added for additional cost. Webex advertises that this program is $59 per month is you pay for a year up front.

To this plan can be added a service that might be extremely important to many business owners: WebEx Support Center. With this, you can get a Technical Support Representative (TSR) who can remotely view, diagnose, and solve problems for you online. These TSRs can also transfer customer files for off-line analysis, or, with permission, control the customer's desktop to download patches and updates. You can order anywhere from one to four TSR "seats" to service you. Depending on how many TSRs you ask for and whether or not you pay for one quarter or a full year in advance, this WebEx Support Center service will cost you anywhere from $149 per month to $689 per month.

With WebEx MeetMeNow, you can pay just $49 per month or, for a one-year contract, just $39 per month to get unlimited monthly meetings that may include up to 15 people at once in a WebEx Meeting Center webinar.

For those who are afraid of commitment, there's the WebEx Pay-Per-Use program, which permits you to use WebEx Meeting Center on an as-needed basis with no minimum cost. For this, you'll pay $0.33 per minute per participant and an additional $0.20 per minute flat rate for live integration of audio, video, and data sharing.

WebEx also offers a PCNow service that permits you to access your computer and everything on it remotely. This can be highly useful for a one-on-one web meeting. This costs $12.95 per month.

Sales and promotional services, help with marketing and putting together webinars, and the Webex Training Center are all available to be had as add-on services for additional cost.

So, as you can see, the cost of webinars varies widely and your particular needs and objectives have to be taken into consideration.

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Exactly What Is Remote PC Clean Up?

Remote Computer Repair is a fast developing field in computer support which consists of fixing a computer remotely without a technician visiting your home. Remote Computer Repair can also be known as online computer repair. Computers can be fixed remotely for as long as the client carries a high-speed connection to the internet, the actual specialist has the ability to bond with your computer and simply troubleshoot all your computer problems. By doing so you don't have to drop your computer at the store thus save time and money.

One of the key parts of the remote PC repair service is the security behind it. All the remote connection links are highly encrypted providing you and your data safe. Its comforting to know that no one can steal your computer data.

Online PC repair consultants specialize in performing diagnostics using computer software that you run from your PC. Program is usually activated from your side of the computer, and will function till the problem is diagnosed and fixed. At that point, its your decision whether you remove it or keep it on your computer for future need. In either ways application can not be activated without your knowledge. Some of the most popular services that technicians perform are: adware, spyware virus, malware removal, troubleshooting web connections and wide variety of error and popups.

Online laptop repair analysts are undoubtedly very skilled and knowable at remote computer maintenance. For your convenience technicians are trained in residential and commercial operating systems.

Remote computer service is proving to be a very cost-efficient approach vs regular on-site computer repair. Most of the remote PC services charge a flat fee, versus hourly fee. In other word when hiring a remote computer technician you'll know how much it will cost you up front instead of waiting for the bill.
The typical selling point of this excellent innovative computer repair technician is that you don't have to wait for the technician to drive to your house instead you can have one connect to your computer asap thus saving your precious time.

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How to Repair Computer - Some Troubleshooting Tips

Computer problems are ones users encounter all the time. Although technological innovations have greatly advanced and the Internet has become an essential part of day to day living, computer problems seem to plague computers from all parts of the globe. You complain of slow start-up and shut-down processes, a virus in your system file, memory glitches, and other software-related issues. The list goes on and on.

Luckily, you can find different troubleshooting tips that can help you detect the problems in your computer, attack and destroy them. These troubleshooting tips are vital pieces of information that will effectively fix your computer problems.

There are several websites that offer tips on how to repair computer. This site is one of those and the tips we have for you are simple, easy to follow, and tried and tested.

Unknown to some computer users, most of the computer problems you encounter is caused by software-related matters. In order to avoid software-related computer problems, it is highly recommended that you update your applications, drivers and operating systems by having their most recent versions. Have a list of the software and hardware you've installed in or on your computer over time and search for their updates, as well as new services, patches and bug fixes available in the market. Getting updates will also help you avoid software conflict, in which one application works only when another remains unopened.

Check for viruses. This is perhaps the golden rule in maintaining the top performance of your computer; it's the most commonly suggested tip on how to repair computer and it makes sense. Viruses wreak havoc all over your system files and, before long, will damage your computer for good. Prevent this by getting antivirus software to do the tough job of detecting and destroying viruses. Also be mindful of malware. The most notorious of this kind of computer problem are spyware and adware, for which antispyware and antiadware should be used. You can also run a scan on your computer to find viruses and malware, and keep the virus definition files updated.

Uninstall and reinstall programs or applications that have not been in use for a long time. Most people have the idea that cleaning up memory and space means simply deleting programs, applications and files. It's not that simple. These things are interrelated and removing one may render the others useless. If you're not careful, you could create one messy web in your computer. To avoid this, what you can do is to keep track of the programs, applications and files that you haven't touched for a while. You must uninstall these programs, applications, and files and then reinstall them. Get their updated versions while you're at it. If you're highly adept on how to repair computer, you can individually reinstall files, so you'll be able to tell and reinstall only those files that don't cause any trouble to your computer.

With these troubleshooting tips, your computer will soon be working like new.

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Information Technology Resume Tips

I wanted to write some tips for everyone trying to get a job in the Information Technology field. My Resume writing has been proven time and time again.

I was taught by a US Army consultant to help soldiers get a job when they get out. I took those basic writing skills and made them my own. No longer are we able to set our resume to one page. If you are like me I could fill a whole resume with just qualifications and certifications. This leaves job history, education, objective and anything else relevant out of it.

I use to work as a Technology Supervisor for an outsourced technology company. I have seen hundreds of resumes come across my desk. The ones that really stand out are the ones that are very relevant to the job I was hiring for. Take for example I am hiring for a Queue Technician 2. I want them to have certain skills needed to perform the task in their daily work. I would look for things like active directory experience, help desk experience, customer service skills, and maybe a A+ or MCP. So if you are interested in a Level 2 job make sure you find out what skills are needed. Design your resume around that. Make sure to include those qualifications and add everything else in also. The more you know the better.

Tip 1:
Always state your objective as the job title you are trying to get hired on. Do not put something generic like help desk technician. Type "Help Desk Technician Level II"

Tip 2:
Use a software area in your resume. Here is my example:

Software: MS Office, MS Server 2000/2003/2008, NT Server, MS Windows (2000, XP, Vista,7), Exchange 2003 and 2007, iMail, Active Sync, Blackberry Enterprise Server, Active Directory, Citrix, Needles, Client Profiles , Peachtree, Quickbooks, ACT, Symantec Backup Exec, SAV, Retrospect, Goldmine, iGoldmine, Salesforce, SQL, IIS, Calyx Point, TCP/IP, DNS, etc.

Tip 3:
Use a hardware area in your resume. Here is my example:

Hardware: HP, Dell, IBM, Compaq Workstations and Servers; Cisco firewalls, Cisco VPN, Watch guard firewalls, Sonicwall firewalls, Linksys routers, T1, VOIP, IBM Tape drives, Dell Tape drives, SCSI, SATA, RAID, TeraStation, CAT5, CAT6, T1, T3, Fiber, etc.

Basically you want to show that you know a wide range of skills and have demonstrated profiency in these areas. Brush up your skills on Anti Virus and Anti Spyware also. This is the newest and biggest thing I deal with daily. So volunteer to help your friends rid those computer with spyware. You will learn everything from doing something!

Gone are the days of a geek!! Computer fixers no longer can be that geeky guy that has no communication skills. A technician must be able to explain in normal terms what is going to a person that has no idea how a computer works. Stay tuned for my next article.

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Keylogger Protection - How to Prevent Keylogging

Keyloggers come in two kind of flavors. Hardware keyloggers are applied via the computer's bios or else through a physical device plugged between your keyboard and the computer. Needless to say that what they are after is your personal data typed in on your keyboard. Some of the more advanced keyloggers are even capable of taking copies of your desktop.

What makes a hardware keylogger stand out from its software counterpart is its ability to record even Bios passwords. So there goes your number one computer protection. A hardware keylogger is also not dependent on the computer's operating system and cannot be detected by any keylogger protection software.

To make things worse, they can be built into the keyboard itself, so the user has no way of detecting it. The latest variation are wireless hardware keyloggers which can intercept and record the wireless communication between your keyboard and your PC.

So how do we go about keylogger protection?

The easiest - but almost impossible to implement - defense would be to deny any physical access to the computer. Visual inspection of your computer is the next thing as hardware keyloggers cannot be detected by means of keylogger protection software.

Now let's move on to a much more common type of keylogger, the software variant. Just like its hardware cousin the software keylogger quietly sits in the background, not giving you any clue that it is present and recording your every keystroke. Information you enter is all saved to a file which will then be downloaded by the attacker who will scan it for useful information. Useful in the sense of passwords and personal credentials that can be traded on the internet.

These kind of keyloggers do not announce their presence so how do you go about protecting yourself?

First of all, most antivirus programs provide some basic protection against keyloggers, but if you want to be safe I would recommend you use a dedicated anti-keylogger program. As these programs are specifically targeting keyloggers, they provide much better protection against keyloggers than the traditional antivirus programs. A good keylogger protection program should also protect you while the PC is already infected by means of scrambling all your keystrokes.

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LPN or RN - We Tell You Which Degree You Should Pursue

When considering nursing school, you may be wondering if you should seek an LPN or RN degree. LPN stands for Licensed Practical Nurse, and RN stands for Registered Nurse.

If you need to get through nursing school and get back to work as quickly as possible, a degree in Licensed Practical Nursing is your best bet. It only takes one year to complete if you are attending full time - some programs finish as quickly as 9-11 months. You do not need to have completed all of the prerequisites that you need for a registered nursing degree; all you need is a high school diploma, and the ability to pass the entrance exam for the LPN school. This may involve some college level algebra.

Then, best of all, once you have gotten your LPN degree, you can take an LPN to RN online program - while you're working! And many employers will pay for this continuing education.

Also, you will be able to figure out if you want to proceed to an RN degree. Not everybody does. Registered nurses are in managerial positions. That is a lot of responsibility, and not everybody wants to be a boss.

However, many people DO want to become registered nurses. The pay scale is significantly higher. They can rise through the ranks and get more promotions. Some hospitals will only hire RNs. There are generally more career opportunities for registered nurses.

If you are at a point in your life where you can take a two year associate's program straight through, or a four year bachelor's of science in nursing program, by all means, do it! Once you graduate with that degree, you will be able to choose from a multitude of job paths and work settings.

However, only do this if you can afford to work at most part-time for those two to four years, and perhaps even not work at all. Nursing school is arduous, and you do not want to start just to find out that you can't financially handle not working for that length of time.

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Furthering Career Prospects: Information Security Courses

One single desktop computer is suitable for homes and small businesses. However, most organisations require a number of computers which are connected through a network. Further, these organisations may have branches spread across the country and across the world and the internet is used to link all these computer systems. When a system is connected to the World Wide Web it becomes open and vulnerable to being accessed by people with malicious intent. The intention may be to steal data or harm the system or host network. An act of hacking is often meant to create chaos and cause system malfunction, crash the hard drive or use the host as a server to send out spam mail.

To safeguard against unauthorised intrusions and attacks, the entire network has to be made absolutely secure by implementing firewalls and security shields and the data has to be encrypted before being sent out. There are specialist employees who concentrate on keeping the entire network system secure. In order to do so successfully, they have to qualify and secure an appropriate knowledge base, training and certification on information security courses specifically designed to enable a person to handle these tasks. Network and system administrators must have a thorough understanding and knowledge on information security to safeguard the systems they are in charge of. Such a course gives a thorough training and will have modules on the following aspects:

• Networking Concepts Overview
• Information Security Concepts
• Security Threats and vulnerabilities
• Cryptography
• Security Management Practices
• Security Laws and Standards
• Access Control and Intrusion Detection
• Server Management and Firewalls
• Security for VPN and Next Generation Networks
• Security Architectures and Models
• System Security
• OS Security

Each of these topics covers a host of subjects related to information security from all angles. At the end of the information security course a person qualifies to work as a systems administrator or a network administrator. Anyone who wishes to pursue the course should have a good grounding in computer basics and in networking so that they can comprehend and assimilate the information in the courses easily.

There are a number of colleges in south east England and north west England providing information security courses that culminate in a degree which help find a well paying job in a large organisation with lots of scope for growth and advancement.

Online information security courses are also gaining popularity and these are one of the best ways to get a degree in information security. Such a degree could lead to acquiring a Master's or a Doctor's degree in specialised fields of cryptography and security.

As technology is advancing the instances of criminal activities are also increasing with it. This is the reason why companies need to add ample security to their information systems. Unless they look into the security system the chances are high that might face theft of precious information or damage to the system or network. This is one of the reasons why companies are employing trained personnel to secure the information system of the company. Students can take good advantage of an information security courses. This field has an ever increasing demand and therefore the chances of bagging a good job are quite high.

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