Slow Computer - How to Repair Your Slow Computer
Are you frustrated at your slow computer? Well if you want to repair your slow CPU, there are a couple of things you may want to do to speed up your slow PC.
Repair Your Slow Computer By Cleaning Your Desktop
If your desktop is cluttered with files, this could be a reason why your CPU is running slow. Every time you start up windows, operating memory is used for all your files on your desktop. If those files are shortcuts, the total amount of memory used will be small, however if there are dozens of files on your desktop, it will use up large amounts of memory for no purpose or gain.
To clean your desktop to speed up your PC, put all of your files in the "My Documents" folder. If you have lots of files, you can put them in separate folders. For the more frequently used files, create shortcuts on your desktop for easy access. By doing so, you will free up operating memory which can improve the speed of your CPU.
This technique didn't speed up your computer? Try this method:
Repair Your Slow Computer By Scanning And Fixing Your Hard Drive Windows Systems Files
The windows system is consisted of groups of program files that work together to run your PC. All activities such as word processors, email and internet browsers are controlled by these system program files. Over time, these system program files may become corrupt and damaged causing your CPU to slow down.
To scan your windows system files for errors, you must use the SFC (system file check). To use the SFC, follow these steps:
1. Close any open programs on your Desktop
2. Click on the Start button
3. Click Run
4. Type this command in the Run box: SFC /SCANNOW
5. Click the "OK" button
Is your computer still running slow? Then there may be a more serious problem hindering your system's performance. 85% of most slow PCs are associated with a damaged windows registry. To speed up your CPU, you will need to fix your windows registry.
Restore Your Computer's Performance By Using Registry Cleaners
The windows registry acts as the brain behind your PC and is a crucial component that contributes to your systems performance. The purpose of a registry cleaner is to help repair and fix all the errors that have accumulated throughout the years of use and restore your computer back to its original "out of box" state.
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