Collection Predictive Dialer
Collection predictive dialing offers a highly flexible and scalable open architecture, enabling the customer to integrate with virtually any debt collection software solution available. Many agencies have successfully worked with many credit and collection software agencies. In many cases, they have increased their productivity by over 500% and revenues by well over 250% over their existing collections software.
Collection predictive dialing engines in integration with leading collection agency software solutions significantly extend the capabilities of debt collection agencies by making maximum use of an extensive suite of call center automation modules. Many agencies have benefited in areas of debt collection including medical collections, business collections, consumer collections, bad debt collections, etc.
During a call run, the collection predictive dialing system dials multiple telephone lines from lists of accounts from the database system. Upon detection of a "live voice," the system connects the telephone line to the agent's headset. At the same time, the full account information regarding the called party appears on the agent's computer screen. Rapid dialing is an automatic process.
Collection predictive dialing utilizes the latest call center automation modules such as the 100% digital call center recording system that has the capability to record all inbound and outbound calls while saving only calls with customer-specific disposition codes. When an agent at any collection call center receives a call, the agent assigns a disposition code to the call. Depending upon the results, the call center recording system saves only assigned disposition codes.
Collection predictive dialing has a real time campaign and script adjustment capability that allows management to execute full control of floor activity. It can be integrated with virtually any debt collection management software.
As a result the integration with any debt collection system software forms a complete solution for a successful debt collection agency.
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