Going Mobile
"Out in the woods or in town, all the same with me when I'm riding is free, the world is my home when I'm mobile." Going Mobile, The Who (written by Pete Townshend).
Nearly four decades ago, as Roger Daltrey sang that song from the classic album "Who's Next", the atmosphere in the country was "her thing". Youth is all free thought, and make their way to find yourself. This was a powerful concept that the time in question the status quo and pioneering worka new way. As we pull at the end of the first decade of the new millennium, the yearning for freedom from holding it as a way to survive, not thrive just took. Advancing mobility strategies have gained a whole new meaning, and even small companies can not ignore.
I do not think it's a great piece on the acceleration of the point of technology in the information revolution as a fundamental role in the way we do business today. How many of you may, without yourE-mail or your computer? Everything we do is touched by technology, even the local mom and pop grocery store. Manual registration which has not been used long ago has now been replaced with a secure point of sale system of databases on the network.
The network evolution has brought the desire back to a moment of freedom. So if the possibility of adding mobility to the network was valid, he began to use many Fortune 100 companies, and why not if you have the sameThe experience on the road or at the client than you would in the office. In a further step, such as workaholics, burn the night still in office? Why not do the same work, their homes, to add to their commercial success with some quality time with your family? Historically, the cost of mobility technologies many were too prohibitive for the average SMB organization necessarily, but as these costs has been the adoption rate if you. Well StreetWarriors and telecommuters are so common that they are almost the norm in every organization.
We see the key technologies that started this revolution. Without doubt, the starting point began with Mobility cell phone. You could make a call without answering, sitting at his desk, and suddenly sales professionals has been more agile. Could be reached almost any time and any place. Then came the development of e-mail, business letters sent quickly replacedby the U.S. Postal Service, courier or express mail. These technologies offer new ways to get in touch with colleagues and customers within seconds.
This has led to some flexible solutions for mobile employees, but as far as mobility for PC? Wireless Access gave workers the tools to break their ties with their cubes and let them roam around the office. But who wants to stop, why not go completely out of the office? remote-access technologies such as virtual private networks(VPN) and mobile Internet, allowing the office to travel, if the employee is covered. On the road, visiting customers or at home, the ability to be productive to take another leap forward. So what? How would the elimination of phone tag? The introduction of instant messaging, which was originally a device for home users and AOL changed the game more. The workers now had the chance to see directly with employees and managers, and their status. Someexpansion of key client organizations as a way to increase their retention of key accounts, which require them to have direct access to or services.
The logical extension of this progress would be to combine them. Enter the BlackBerry and other smartphones. Now allows a user to small handheld device and receive calls, check e-mail with mobile connections to corporate Exchange server search, use the Internet and mobile instant messaging. Thislower walls of the office door is open the world of "Going Mobile" for everyone - workers, managers and entrepreneurs. With the proliferation of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system the company was another networking tool. VoIP provides simultaneous ringing of an employee in the office and the phone, and the ability to do that are your office phone anywhere with an Internet connection and the ring as if he were sitting at a desk in theOffice of the Company. If you use Internet fax, now add the fax was able to move with the worker. This sealing material contracts and other confidential documents sitting in the tray of the fax and provided greater security and ease of transfer.
So the revolution was in full swing. A study by Arizona-based HR Association WorldatWork found a job that in 2008 more than 17 million employees with a range of at least one day per month worked, about 40 percent since 2006including companies of all sizes and shapes.
For the most part, it all started as an option for enterprise companies. First, the costs were way out of progress by small and medium enterprises on the budget. With the constant pressure to bring these capabilities to the SMB market, after all, were valid, and now in many cases are considered the norm. Look at the development of mobile phones. First, the big "brick" phones in the early '90s, which were very expensiveto acquire and use on a monthly plan. Now it is easier for those who are not mobile phones. Any other technology, the above went through a similar reduction in costs and increase availability, so that they are used in the SME sector. In many cases, including my company, these technologies are the key to attracting and retaining the best talent and differentiate you from the "mass". While they are available, more than a few companies are still reluctant to accept this,Buck did the water was not always so. But the reward for those who can be dramatic.
Along with the benefits, but there are potential pitfalls. Joe Cogliano of the Dayton Business Journal recently wrote about a law firm in Ohio is grappling with some of them, including the jealous people who remain in office, Supervisor mistrust, lack of recognition and visibility for telecommuters and the challenges of team building . Add in the possibility that the loss ofCompany data, unauthorized access to networks and the loss of sensitive information. For many small and medium-sized enterprises, compete and win on the road and driving requires a car faster. Add some or all of these tools can dramatically change the perception of 'organization, the progressive side, which can be very attractive. Spend the time to fully understand and plan for the inclusion of mobility, understanding what he wants to give you, and how to change the wayThey work. If you ignore it, you can only listen to your customers to sing another, the classic "Who Are You?"
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