Trained Information Security Professionals - the order of the day
According to a survey conducted by Deloitte interviewed more than 50% of the companies listed, a loss of data in June 2005 - June 2006 with approximately 33% of the events that immediately translates into financial losses. It is estimated, reported information security breaches in the U.S. with a rate of one every three days.
Security in Computer Science - A Never Ending War
government sites are the weight of the jet in hacker activity. Recently, the U.S. Department of AgricultureWeb site has been attacked and defaced by cyber-terrorists, a critical personal data of 26,000 employees in the Washington DC area, including names, Social Security numbers and photos stolen.
Even everyday consumers are not sure. encoded in one of the most serious computer crimes of recent times, more than 65,000 users for personal information such as names, addresses, passwords and credit card information was stolen from gaming site Second Life.
It is estimated that consumers andBusiness identity theft contributed to losses of $ 2000000000000 in 2005 (Computerworld).
Perimeter Security - The best defense is a good offense.
In today's world, no company can operate without securing its computers. To protect your system, you must know the methods and tools used by hackers. In short, you must think like a hacker.
IDC estimates that spending on IT security to grow two times faster than Excel, IT spending in the coming year to 116 billion dollars by 2007.Companies in each sector a priority on the protection of data and systems. The growth in these areas is expected that the demand for specialist knowledge of the network, data security and communication of fuel.
Knowledge - the only solution
Appin Knowledge Solutions, Information Security and Ethical Hacking courses have started a technology leader in the technology of information security and ethical hacking course with particular attention to this new field of informationSecurity.
Security in Information Technology course from Appin Knowledge Solutions provide a detailed report on this field - from the basics to advanced topics such as security VPN, BS 7779 procedures, etc. Start up from the end, the focus is on what action Information security is the way to testing the safety and how countermeasures.
The aim of this course is that current trends in information security methods and knowledge of the media. They think "like aHacker approach 'encourages students and vulnerabilities of their networks to the test. Students also learn about intrusion detection, policy creation, social engineering, open source intelligence, incident handling and interpretation of logs.
Whether you are a sysadmin, infosec professional ethical hacker or a computer science student - The course provides all the necessary skill sets to the system and to protect data from illegal extortion. These courses also serve as a springboard fortop certifications such as CISSP, GIAC, CISA, etc.
Learn from the experts in the field of Security in Information Technology: Security in Information Technology & Ethical Hacking Course - Overview
(The course content can vary from course to course)
1. Introduction to information security and ethical hacking
Hackers against Cracker, Ethical Hacking Challenges for a hacker
2. Desktop and server security
As the search for security holes?, Windows Security, WindowsSecurity Center Windows Update
3. Viruses, worms, spyware
Introduction of viruses and worms, the methods of distribution, countermeasures such as Norton Anti-Virus
4. LAN Security
Encryption, authentication and VPN, Wireless LAN Policies, Intrusion Detection and Protection
5. Firewall and Security
Types of firewalls, packet filters, proxy gateways, network address translation, intrusion detection
6. Internet Security
Tools and methods to secureagainst Internet threats.
1. Collection of information
Detection of TCP port scan, TCP SYN scan scan detection, SYN, SYN / ACK scan, detect SYN / ACK port scan
2. Hacking-1
network infrastructure attacks, attacks, the operating system, applications, and other special attacks, technical attacks, denial of service (DOS), Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks, key logging, Trojan attacks
1.Attach System 2:
Phishing, Phishing attacks, sniffers, detecting sniffer running, stop sniffing attacks.
2. Data Backup
Reasons for data backup, data backup strategies, tools and methods
3. Art of Googling
Terminology, advanced technical research
Form -4
1. Penetration Testing
Definition, methods, basic approaches, the exterior and interior views
2. Criminals arrested
Cyber-terrorism, the forms ofCyber-terrorism, the factors and causes, countermeasures
3. Encryption and Forensics
Introduction to cryptography, private key encryption, public key cryptography, computer forensics, digital evidence.
proactive security measures and policies across networks, desktops and servers are an absolute must. The needs of the moment can be trained information security professionals who care about the function and operation of systems.
The application for a certificateProfessionals is irregular, and very soon become vital for businesses and governments.
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