Computer Consultants - 4 Ideas Experts Use to Fill Their Newsletters With Professional Content
Practically every online consultant offers a free or paid subscription newsletter to their clients and prospects. However we all know that it can be a huge time consuming task to personally create all of your own content. However if you don't either create of provide useful and valuable content your subscribers will not stay in contact with you nor will they remain interactive with your business with their money or their time.
So whats the other options if any?
Begin by doing some of the following;
1. Blogs: go to non competitor blogs and begin to read them, once you have a taste of what they offer invite them to contribute to your newsletter. As a matter of fact if you like what the work they do ask them to be a regular article writer.
2. Social Networking Sites: twitter and face-book are great site to find experts in thousands of fields. Most are writers and have dozens of articles that they wouldn't even have to write. Just ask them if you could use one for your subscribers with their byline of course.
3. Newsletters - sign up for and begin to follow those offered from people you have come to know, like and trust. One reason would be to just get some ideas about how to either create and or improve your own product. Another reason would be to find great article writers that you could contact for your own use.
4. Subscribers - ask your subscribers to contribute there opinions, ideas and other useful and valuable content. For example you could create a book review section in written by your subscribers.
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