The Beauty of Computer Made Cards
I admit that the store bought cards are beautiful, sometimes funny and easy to buy. I also concede that most of the amateur efforts at card making are woefully sad looking. The low cost of a computer made card is a plus for the frugal minded but may make us look cheap if it doesn't please the recipient.
The beauty of a home made card is that by its very nature it shows that an individual effort was made to create a special message for a special person. No casual purchase of a grocery store card will give the right impression. Now if you can make a card just as beautiful as a commercially produced version, then you are far ahead in the meaningful department.
One way to decorate your personally made card is to use a computer enhanced photograph that you have taken. It can be a photo that shows your love in a special relationship or a picture of something that brings that love to mind. Any cute or meaningful picture can be the subject of the cover of your card. Most picture editing software contain filters that emulate an impressionist painting or a Rembrandt on canvas or wood. Edges can be beveled or faded to dark or even made to simulate an unfinished pastel. It can be shaped to fit a horizontal or vertical one fold card and overprinted with your main message. Most card making software allow the importing of personal photos to enhance your cards. Two I can think of are CardShop and PrintShop.
Inside you can print a favorite poem or even one you have made up yourself. Personal names and intimate items in flowing computer script can be a part of your poem, something that you would never find in a commercial offering. Since you compose this literature yourself, there is no doubt for whom it was meant and they can be sure of its sincerity. The right side can be reserved for personal wishes and sending of love in your own writing. This is one card that will be saved forever.
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