Create My Own Web Page And Then Make Money Using My Computer
I thought it would be difficult to create my own web page. Following some research I found that it was not as hard as I had thought.
There are a few parts to creating a web site and getting it online. I will cover a few steps here.
First you will need to register your own domain name. You can purchase a domain name from a domain registry site for around $10. It will help if your domain relates to your web page idea or niche.A lot of domain names may be taken but with a little playing around you should find one you like. Try not to let the domain become to complex by being to long or having lots of hyphens etc. You may find that you want to make money using your computer so you may look to find a more professional looking domain name.Secondly we need a host for our website. A host is like an online innkeeper who will allow you to rent/host your space online for your site. There are different companies that provide web hosting. Some Internet marketers provide free web hosting if you join membership sites or forums, although you are still paying for it in a way through your membership fee.Thirdly in order to put together a website we need an HTML editor. This is a program that will allow you to design and make you own web page. Some are very complex and include a great range of facilities.As we are just starting off there are lots of basic HTML editors that are free to download and have great features that will allow us to get a good website online. You can include pictures and flash text without too much of a struggle. You will need something called an ftp client to upload your web site to your hosting company, good news these can be downloaded for free.
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