Attract More Clients Without Overwhelming Stress Using Simple and Easy Business Success Techniques
So many people, especially people who begin their business in a "helping profession," find themselves completely lost and overwhelmed when they begin to attract clients, often finding that they give away so much information or help to potential clients and customers, for so little financial return. Does this sound like you?
Do you spend so much time writing your website content, creating leaflets and posters, sending emails or talking to people about everything you can do to help them, only to find you receive a blank look, tell you they dont need your help, that your costs are too expensive and many other reasons why they do not need your services of products?
Do you wonder why other people are able to create a successful client base and business but you are not? If this sounds familiar - you are not alone, so many people who offer personal professional "helping" services to others face the same challenges and frustrations too.
The simplest and easiest way to attract clients that are ready for your help and that want to invest in themselves and you for your services, is to know who they are. So often people working in the "helping professions" are able to help almost everyone to solve almost every problem and for this reason they aim their leaflets, emails, website content, literally at anyone and everyone. This is the quickest way to attract absolutely no clients whatsoever.
Imagine you have a really complex problem with your bathroom tap, would you ask the odd-job man, the gardener that knows a little about plumbing, the electrician that sometimes helps people with plumbing jobs, your next door neighbor who is pretty handy with a wrench, or a plumber who knows what he is doing and who you know will come with all the tools, skills and expertise he needs to repair your tap?
Exactly! you will ask the expert - the plumber who knows exactly how to diagnose and repair your tap easily and professionally. Doing this gives you peace of mind and confidence in the person fixing your tap. It is the same with you prospective clients and customers, if they think you are the odd job man, the person who does a bit of everything and knows a little about everything, they are not going to have total confidence that you can help them to solve their problems.
On the other hand if they know that you are an expert at solving a particular challenge or problem for others, that you have already helped others solve similar problems and challenges and you have positioned yourself as an expert at solving these exact problems, they are going to feel confident coming to you and trust that you can help them solve their particular problems too.
Offering a wide range of services, whilst this is often thought of as a great idea, because it means and shows that you can then help a whole host of people solve their challenges and problems, is actually a very bad idea. Positioning yourself as an expert in a particular issue/challenge or problem area, and specialising in this area, will attract you far more customers than being a generalist in all areas will.
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