Changing channels
Every so often the entire technology industry changes and 2010 is one of those years. If you are responsible for purchasing or evaluating technology products and services, much of what you learned and used to make decisions to have taken place or are in the process of change. You know your needs have changed, as everyone had to tighten their belts. If there has been little budget in recent years spent in your organization to technology, then the following things toassayed.
When in the middle of the country, local understanding and adoption of current technology often lags the rest of the nation from 18 to 36 months. Making decisions on legacy could cost your organization more current technologies, while the positioning of competitors behind with little hope of recovery. The four main areas you should begin to be understood, 64bit, virtualization, remote access and unified messaging.
64bit means double the processing speed and the amount ofMemory, but you do not have "to buy Enterprise" software. Server and related platforms and applications are now generally all 64-bit compatible. If your business application (like accounting) is compatible 64bit, this is not the year to 64-bit operating systems on desktop computers to receive, as most productivity software like Microsoft Office does not have a 64bit version.
If you have four or more servers, it is time to take advantage of virtualization. This simply means an application is running thatruns several servers in one box. If that sounds risky, consider several things that we often run on a server without worry. The difference in the virtualization is that you have to copy a second server or host on the virtual server image files or running in the event of an error. Sun's recovery in minutes instead of days for a traditional server failure. Microsoft Hyper-V is recommended, instead of VMWare for no cost and little difference in functionality. Common errors are to be avoidedonly the purchase of a server host, and without consideration of storage, a Storage Attached Network (SAN) box and not a lengthy and costly legacy Network Attached Storage (NAS) box.
Why are you that VPN? It is difficult to connect, often down, and slow. The time is now to see a demonstration of the gateway services. You can use a browser to access, personal desktop and copy files even without all the trouble. Most customers opt for Microsoft 2008 Gateway ServicesCitrix to save on licensing costs. Make sure your software manufacturer for compatibility questions.
Do you love your Blackberry and e-mail? Well, now trails the market BlackBerry versus iPhone, Windows Mobile, and the new Android devices. BlackBerry devices require additional server hardware and licenses, so they began, while the remaining mobility is questionable profitability. Similarly, managing e-mail consumes vast amounts of time for small business return. Organizations that implement InstantMessaging / presence is often a discount of 30% in e-mail immediately and get back some time for actual work done. Use Office Communicator for roaming footprint and integrated security versus freedom of clients such as Windows Messenger, lack these characteristics. Add a camera and you can do everything but reach out and shake hands.
The major manufacturers are changing, are all rushing to get more integration and hosted services forever change the relationship with customers, partners andResellers. We all have taught over the years that offer multi-vendor best-of-breed solutions and better security, but many of the major players, including Microsoft have been quietly adding integrated products such as anti-virus and backup. You can not really say if an offer is by the manufacturer, the manufacturer of the products, and no more and costs less than third-party offers.
Microsoft has changed the affiliate program at the Partner Network, so that it will soon no longerGold partner with some unintelligible answer with high competence and a majority with the same name, only the sale of software or their customers, a questionnaire. In addition, individual certifications to all specializations, such as Technology Specialist in Messaging or Enterprise IT Professional have changed, so that from 2003 MCSE no longer important. Hardware manufacturer Dell are as follows adapt, recognizing that the on-line open book 30 minutes is a test not knowingCertification. Established players spend significant dollars for their own infrastructure offers and have the teams of sales and technical staff in the latest technology for an organization, enterprise certification training. Fortunately, soon gone are the days when can a cabling contractor and PC builders themselves as experts without any qualifications or current credentials tout, customers duped by labeling the products and goods until you have no real value while wearing more logos than a race car.
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