5 Fast and Easy Ways to Get a New Client Today
One of the questions I am frequently asked is, "What's the easiest way to get a new client fast?" While there is no single BIG secret there are a handful of strategies that, when implemented, can produce a new client fast. These strategies are not new but they work every time. They are:
Host a "Client Appreciation" Breakfast: Make a list of about 100 past, present and future clients -- invite them to a "Client Appreciation" breakfast. Give a 10-15 minute talk about ignoring all of the "gloom and doom" everywhere and inform your guests that there are plenty of incredible opportunities to invest in real estate. Let them know you appreciate them and their business. That's it. No sales pitch for new business, just plain old appreciation.
Call 100 Business Associates and Ask for a Referral: You have heard this many times before so you already know this, but are you actively doing it? Chances are you're not. Be clear you would appreciate some new business, and be serious in your request. The secret is to come to the table with a referral for the individual of whom you are making the request. This works like a charm -- it's the "Law of Reciprocation."
Turn Cold Calls into Warm Calls: Make a list of 100 folks with whom you've thought of doing business, gather up their contact information, then send each one a personalized letter introducing yourself. Let them know the benefits of working with you and offer your services; maybe even include a short success story from a past client. Then, follow up each letter with a call. These are now warm calls. Again, nothing new here, but are you doing it?
Contact all Past Clients: This is a no-brainer. It is easier to get additional business from an old client then new business from a stranger. Just do it!
Ask: The biggest mistake professionals such as yourself make is that you actually forget to "ask" for the business. Never assume the other person already knows you need more clients. Have you ever hired a professional you don't know because you assumed your business friend didn't need or want any more clients; that he already had a full book of business? WRONG. Very few people don't want or need any new business.
I hope these 5 simple strategies gave you a few good ideas. I haven't introduced you to anything new, but hopefully I have motivated you to get into action! The funny thing is if you implement these ideas you will actually get a new client fast. Imagine that!
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