Keep Your Identity Safe
While the internet offers many great advantages, it also increases our need for personal data protection. Many organizations that collect personal data about us, have had breaches in their security that allows this data to be accessed by persons that have no business in knowing our personal data.
Even branches of the military have had the security of their systems sometimes breached and the personal data of veterans has been leaked. It is not uncommon today to hear that a bank or an insurance companies computer has been hacked into and some of our personal data has been leaked.
When personal data is compromised, it makes it easy for your identity to be stolen. Identity thieves open credit card accounts using your good credit to get the things that they want with no intention of paying for them. Your only clue may be when bill collectors start calling about accounts that you never opened and never approved.
There are some things that you can do to protect your personal data, both on line and at home.
Never give personal information to anyone unless it is absolutely necessary. Protect your social security number. It should only be given to banks, employers and government offices when required. If the doctor's office asks for the social security number, ask them why it is needed. Stop carrying the social security card in your wallet or purse. Instead, keep it in a secure place where it is unlikely to be lost or stolen. Wallets and purses are too easily stolen or lost with this valuable piece of information.
Stop having phone numbers and driver's license numbers printed on your check. Ten to fifteen years ago, it was common to print these numbers on the check because it was more convenient for writing checks. Today, it is a good way to help an identity thief to take your identity. It also makes it much easier for someone to take your checks and empty your bank account.
Purchase a paper shredder and make use of it. All pre-approved applications should be destroyed so that someone cannot go through your trash and steal your identity. Shredders can also be used for expired credit cards.
Consider purchasing a locking mailbox. There are several models available that allow the postman to drop your mail into the box but require that a key be used to retrieve the mail. This is an excellent way to protect your identity from people that sometimes steal mail out of mailboxes just to get personal data about you.
If you will be out of town overnight, be sure that you have someone collect your mail. If you will be gone for some time, ask the post office to hold your mail until you return. If you are often out of town, a post office box may be your best solution. Mail delivered there is locked in a secure place until you remove it from the box.
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