Client Retention 101 - What Happened to Your New Client?
One of my favorite programs is 3rd Rock from the Sun. It's a television show about aliens who come to earth. The other night, I watched the final episode where the chief alien, 'Dick' was going to take 'Mary' (his human girlfriend) back to his planet. In the final scene you see Dick leading Mary to their 'spacecraft.'
After watching this episode, I thought about our clients. Especially the ones that come for one session and then we never hear from them again.From our side, that first session seemed to go just fine, even very well. We started to build rapport and assist our client with our modality.
And yet, why didn't they return for another session or book a followup treatment?
We can start to wonder:
* Was the session not what they expected?
* Did they not like me?
* Was I not good enough... are they seeing someone else now?
* Were they abducted by aliens? (Smile!)
Every Practitioner, new and experienced, can question why clients do not return or come back for our services. It's frustrating especially when we can give our heart and soul (and sometimes extra time) into that first session to really impress them!
We can also begin to doubt our ability to heal and this can affect our confidence when talking about what we do. While there can be many reasons a client does not return after the 1st treatment or even the 2nd appointment, I want to cover some easy solutions to have in place to ensure client retention.
1. Set Realistic expectations.
One reason that clients do not return after their first appointment is they did not have realistic expectations to begin with. If they are thinking their problem or challenge will be solved in that first session, your client might make the conclusion that your services do not work or do not work for them.
One solution is to talk with them before taking them on as a client and ask a few specific questions about what they are needing and share what they can expect in your treatments and sessions. I highly recommend you offering a 15 minute "F*ree Consultation". Please note: this is not a f*ree full session, but a brief phone call so you can assess their needs, make a connection and communicate reasonable expectations when working with you.
2. Check in with your new client.
Sometimes your client will have a quick question that arises from a treatment. They might have symptoms arise, such as tiredness after an acupuncture session, soreness of muscles after a massage. Sometimes different emotions or memories arise after an EFT or hypnotherapy session.
Your client does know what these signs mean nor if they are 'normal.' And many (believe it or not) will not pick up the phone or email to ask you. You might be losing clients because you're not checking in with them to address these questions or concerns.
To remedy this I recommend setting up a quick check-in after they see you the first phone session or visit to your office. This doesn't have to take a lot of your time. You can send an email asking how they are doing or make a brief 5 minute phone call to let them know you want to see if they have any questions.
I promise you they will be pleasantly surprised to receive your check-in phone call or email. And you're giving your client an opportunity to connect and communicate with you and handle any questions as they arise.
3. Create Simple "Keep-in-Touch" Methods.
People are busy and get easily caught up in their lives. Having a gentle reminder or two that you're there to serve and assist them (and their family and friends) is essential.
Adding your client to a newsletter, either a paper one or an email newsletter. Letting them know of your blog or Facebook group or fan page. Sending a Happy Birthday card or Holiday card. Even emailing them or sending them a recent article you have written on a subject of interest. Invite them to a free teleclass or workshop.
These are all ways to keep the contact and connection with your new clients active. You don't have to do all of the above, just choose one or two and be consistent.
Remember you don't need hundreds of new clients! You just need to have a group of satisfied clients that know, like and trust you and will refer others to your Practice.
When you take simple steps to keep in touch with your clients and put into place procedures that will foster communication, your Practice will steadily grow. You'll have less clients 'dropping off the face of the earth' and your confidence and reputation as a professional Practitioner will increase too.
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