
Who is Client Number 1?

If the governor was client number nine, who is client number 1? And how are they sleeping, clients 1-8? But listen, promiscuity has ever been thus, since time began. Some people approve.. Some people don't. Some cultures recognize and legitimize it. You make your choice..

We have to ask ourselves what exactly are we so upset about. I'll tell you. Those who reject promiscuous behavior, don't want self righteous, holier than thou, powerful people telling us what to do, what to think, and then themselves, in secret, rolling around with the animals. It's the two faces: the one face noble, moral and dedicated, with the other face lusting for sex in one form or another, the more often the better, regardless of age or gender.

The biggest events hitting the newspapers in the last 25 years aside from 9/11 have had to do with sex: priests quietly walking the hallways of schools and churches, renown clergymen preaching to us about heaven and hell on television, politicians telling us which laws we must follow or be penalized and then suffering no penalties at all, doctors and trusted community leaders in social work, youth counseling, sports, on the one hand using their knowledge to help who are trusting and easy prey.

The interesting part of this whole thing is that the US officially accepts the idea. Elections to the number 1 office in the land proves it. Actions speak louder than words. A young girl got a summer internship. An older married man having the highest power in the land saw the apple on the tree and took it.

That is the role model we have.

Was it ever any different? No. Is it different in other countries? No. Are clients 1-8 losing sleep? Yes. Will it change anything? No. Is the different than in the past. Yes. The media which always glorified this behavior while pretending not to, is more pervasive now than a decade ago, because of the internet and television. Period, end of story.

It has always been the same. Men and women of power sleep around as they always have. The media exploits it for financial gain. The internet and television stuff it in the faces of every man, woman, and child alive. It will only get worse.

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