
Zinc Whiskers - What you need to know now!


whiskers of metal have long been a known problem for electronics. Over the past 10 years, the articles are zinc whiskers growing in your computer room? was used as a guide to investigate and resolve data center zinc whiskers around the world. Unfortunately, despite considerable efforts, Zinc Whiskers gone. As an industry, it was generally felt that it was the only serious source of Zinc Whiskers in computer equipment in a safe,Types of access floor panels. Services without these particular types of fields have not been accepted to a contamination of the hair. How wrong that assumption was zinc whiskers on a variety of metal components were found in all types of organizations, including: steel spikes, power line, suspended ceiling grid T-bar and wire suspension, and of course , raised flooring, skirting the heads of the base and stringers. This may seem surprising, but it is notnews.

PART I - Zinc Whisker vulnerability The real story is that zinc whiskers are discovered every day in cabinets, shelves, and the server computer and on the right. It is! Zinc whiskers can grow and computer hardware. How is this possible? It 's really easy. Computer systems are a combination of electronic circuit boards and mounted in metal boxes and cases. The choice of the metal is steel, as. Conductive, strong and reasonable cost, the steel is galvanized frequently to prevent oxidation and corrosion of zinc is still the coating material of choice because it is relatively inexpensive, electrically conductive, and provides a good surface appearance, many cases computers are galvanized; .. So, shelving, cabinets shelf supports and other structural elements. When zinc whiskers are everywhere, are not visible? Remember that zinc whiskers thinner than a human hair andapproximately 0.5 -. 5.0 mm length of time to look for them to find they are increasingly seeing the mass of a single whisker is like finding the proverbial needle in the haystack of a zinc whisker contamination when it should not be considered normal ... high failure rates - both catastrophic failures and less severe soft, the failure rate may, within 72 hours of maintenance or invasive to be done around the tip of the device .. Many factorsinclude determining the probability of zinc whiskers that are failures, but not all.:

Age of the starting material and therefore the overall length of the whiskers.
Susceptibility to mechanical damage such as scratches, friction and vibration to resolve the cause of the whiskers from the surface of the host and move freely.
The susceptibility of equipment to whisker failures.

Many people mistakenly conclude only power supplies are prone to whisker failures. Thisprobably due to lack of supply tends to occur with a strong dramatic "pop" and a system error. Unfortunately, the food is placed not only in the electronic information system. There are a number of integrated circuits (chips), leads, traces and other components. To be sure, parts of which all elements are covered and not exposed to the list of masks or plastic welding and rule.

But not everything is protected, and those exposeddoor are just as vulnerable as the power supply. Zinc whisker bridges and short circuits, exposed the circuit still has the potential to wreak havoc on a system. What happens when memory is short-circuited intermittently during the installation of criticism, and part of the Riegel clock cycle? May be damaged. Maybe the corruption is detected and corrected error correction algorithms. Perhaps the data involved is really a guideProcessor. What if the processor attempts to load and run this class corrupt? If the system fail or hang? Any engineer will agree that finding and correcting errors is a flashing of the hardest things to do. "If you can not see, can not solve the problem." Whisker failures fall into this category.

Many anomalies of the system is not registered or tracked. If the reset clears the situation, the problem as quickly as annoying, but rejectedcritical. Often do not have this on-the-plan deals with the prospects for management. Ask IT manager, if the equipment needs to be reset and they will say: "... no, why do you ask" Request for an operator if the equipment needs to be reset and they will say: "... of course all the time, why do you ask "

Thus, if zinc whiskers are everywhere and the effects on plants, as it is not known? Most people who get information from their own experience or confidenceSources. If personal experience is not memorable, you have human nature, and discount rates. When restoring a car club is more memorable than filling a cup of coffee, it was intended. A power pop is unusual and memorable. Clicking the button does not.

In the IT world, resources are usually reliable employees and suppliers. No one speaks for neither has an incentive to talk. Users will not admit Zinc WhiskerProblems because of the fear of condemnation and effects of suppliers. People should honor their contracts for the maintenance of adequate facilities for IT environments. Zinc Whisker contamination does not contribute to a suitable environment. Similarly, sellers do not speak for fear of liability. Suppliers are explicit and implicit guarantees that the equipment that produce and sell free of bugs and honor. If the device is very fragile and / orProduction of whiskers, there is a legitimate fear of legal liability.

The result of all this silence is a customer of ignorance about a very serious matter.

PART II - The range of zinc whiskers and what to do next is like

How bad it is? The evidence that zinc can influence environmental Whiskers one or more components in 50% or more of the shelves and in closets everywhere. Historically, manufacturers have approved equipment when the problems are suspected.Users tested only if the manufacturer does not provide answers. Recently, large customers were willing to larger sponsors for revisions to the system. Unfortunately shown that the results of these tests remain confidential for the reasons mentioned above. Suffice to say, the zinc whiskers are touched and affected almost all producers.

Are mustaches abound as to why there are no more problems?

Everything indicates that the zinc tend to stay Whiskersvery well connected to the host surface. Until they reach a certain length, the zinc whiskers are connected until they are freed by mechanical means, keep rubbing and scratching. Once you reach a certain length, not only can direct the release by mechanical means, but also more passive, such as through vibration or air flow. Once moved, Zinc Whiskers migrate freely in the vicinity.

Zinc whisker failures should not becatastrophic. errors and failures Bit soft, and other abnormalities can be attributed to zinc whiskers.

What is the remedy for Zinc Whiskers?

In general, the accepted treatment for zinc whiskers to remove and replace the material of the root with a pristine version. It makes no sense to replace the contaminated equipment, both from a logistical point of view or financial. This does not mean the problem should be ignored. . Zinc whiskers arecontinue to grow. Why are longer, can be more harmful.

Users can not stop, nor can they stop their equipment to meet the needs of society by the migration hardware moves and rearrangements. Users who wish to proactively problem was to develop a plan for dealing with staff training, supplier management, equipment and handling procedures.

There are many similarities with appropriate healthrealistically be applied: non-stop work with a sick patient, do not ignore the patient's condition rather than proactive steps to help the patient and prevent infection while the patient or other disgusting ..

Part III - Addressing zinc whisker contamination

The following recommendations are based on a logical argument to do nothing based neither active nor rational in the long term. Something must be done. Shown is a possible approachdeals with large whisker zinc contamination.

Users should ask:

All persons entering the site of the presence of zinc whiskers to be informed and must sign a confidentiality agreement. Violators of the NDA may affect their employment status or seller.
All employees and visitors, the rooms are equipped with all the equipment in the company touching must be trained and tested on knowledge of zinc whiskers.
All employees and visitors,Working on equipment in the room and must be trained on business management zinc whiskers tested.
When you switch to zinc whiskers management training, all employees and visitors will be required to sign the promising behavior of zinc-whisker. This promise is to force employees and visitors for the treatment of zinc whiskers and no serious action to exacerbate the problem. Their actions reflect the best interests of users and reliable data.
All furniture will be assessed for zinc whiskers. The test results will be announced on the front door and rear of the cabinet.
Identified zinc whiskers in wardrobes or markers will be shown with colored sticker. The markers are used for staff and visitors, in which the notice of pollution.
Employees and visitors are expected, because of their training and in accordance with the promise to work around the contaminated areas ofbest efforts.

Users are:

Demand so the purchase agreement, all new appliances movement of whiskers of zinc for a period of 36 months.
Work to help you with all providers to understand the problem and develop solutions for future projects.
Try to replace (either for purchase or agreement with the seller) any equipment, which should last no longer than 18 months at work.
They try to monitor and manage all the equipment that is to be expectedRetired or replaced in less than 18 months.
Make a plan to control errors.
Provide test points to monitor regularly the condition of room (s).
Have a regular cleaning program for the plant.
Set up a cleaning program for the internal rack.
Drive to locate the survey process and eliminate sources of additional root. All the furniture in the data center should be studied and tested as necessary todetermine where other sources are available.
Planning should begin immediately to conduct a thorough investigation, monitoring and recovery program, the program.:

The identification of the sources.
Sources management.
The removal of the root sources as possible.
Cleaning the data center to renew and to mitigate the potential impact.

CONCLUSION Zinc Whiskers are more common than previously thought andrecognized at the same time you can enjoy life with a mustache zinc and reasonably reliable service, but it is important to recognize and manage the state -.... Do not ignore life with a chronic infectious disease provides a useful working model once an area is a source of zinc whisker, will always be a source of zinc whiskers. undisturbed, reliable operation can continue. If the interaction with this surface is required, the zinc whiskersThe status of this material is unknown. However, if the required interaction with the source of zinc whiskers, then the staff should be informed and trained to take appropriate measures to prevent unnecessary release of Zinc Whiskers and possible damage to equipment or the wider system to prevent contamination.

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Call Accounting Software Benefits

Call Accounting Software or hardware that provides the parameters for telephony functions such as traffic analysis, toll fraud alerts, network management, applications, E911, and allocation of costs to the various levels of the company.

Historically, the software is an indispensable tool for businesses, the need to control the costs of using the telephone were. Call accounting systems generally collect and report on call type, source, date, time, duration, and digits dialed. The system stores dataand uses the information to calculate costs and generate the reports they need.

Call Accounting can typically reduce telecommunication costs by 10% to 40% Highlight misuse and abuse, the discovery of suppliers billing errors and increases productivity through improved network efficiency and work.

Environments that are not controlled prone to excessive costs for directory services, special issues, make personal calls and abroad. The implementation of a call accounting system canasked to identify the individual extensions for more accountability. In fact, just the awareness of the imminent installation of a new Call Accounting Package curbs abuse among the staff immediately brought to about 10% in circulation.

provider billing errors can be costly. A study by the Gartner Group 12-20 percent of the company Telecom bills contain billing errors and 85 percent of the approximately
The errors are for the carrier. A good accounting system can callassurance from accounting reconciliation bill.

In this age of high security measures, it is essential that a package of call accounting software to monitor suspected fraudulent and harmful. Calls to the E911, emergency services and certain calling patterns can be monitored and reported to authorized personnel. In 2002, Congress passed the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act following fraudulent activities of companies like Enron and WorldCom. CDR can be useddocumented evidence to make fraudulent conduct.

Over the years, call accounting on a single processor system MS-DOS to SQL database with browser-based solutions globally accessible work has evolved. Web browsers are already installed with the operating system or download freely available on the Internet. Browsers are popular because they can remotely access information from a public IP address or a virtual private network (VPN). Therefore, an individualThe access to their stock prices, the latest headlines to read and write call accounting reports in multiple browser tabs. Web-browser based systems allow companies to easily manage users in many locations from a central location.

Many companies are developing total communication management solution (EKS) spending strategies to address their growing community. Call Accounting is the heart of every powerful portfolio management communication.

RSI (www.telecost.com) as recognizedan industry leader in the field of communication management. The management of the portfolio of communication products include the integration of the most popular and switching network produces custom-made. CSR has granted Nortel Developer Partner status with recognition for its core portfolio of compatible products. RSI is a Cisco Technology Partner, Siemens HiPath Ready Standard certified, connect Avaya DeveloperConnection member, Misner States Mitel, Adtran Complementary Solutions Provider, ShoreTelTechnology Partner, Alcatel and NEC UNIVERGE Partner partner applications.

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Configuring a site-to-site VPN between two Cisco routers

A site to site Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows you to maintain a secure, always-on connection between two physically separate locations on an unsecured network exist, such as the public Internet. The traffic between the two positions is through an encrypted tunnel to prevent snooping attacks or other types of data transfer.

This configuration requires IOS software image that supports encryption. Used in the examplesC870-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T6.bin.

There are various protocols used to create the VPN digest, including the protocols used to exchange keys between peers, the encryption can be used to tunnel and hashing technologies to create the message.

VPN Protocols

IPSec: Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) is a suite of protocols that are used to manage IP communications are secure. IPSec provides for the exchange of encryption keys and tunnels. You can think of IPSec as a frameworkfor the implementation of security measures. When you create a VPN IPSec, you can choose from a variety of security technologies to implement tunnels.

ISAKMP (IKE): Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) provides a means for authentication of the parties in a secure communication. It typically uses the Internet Key Exchange (IKE), but other technologies can also be used. A public key or a pre-shared key used to authenticate the parties to the communication.

MD5:Message-Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5) is often used but sometimes insecure cryptographic hash function with a hash value of 128 bits. A cryptographic hash function is a possibility in every block of data and the return of a bit string of fixed size and the hash of the original block of data. The hashing procedure is designed so that changes to the data changes, the hash value. The hash value is to digest as the message.

SHA: Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) is a set ofcryptographic hash functions of the National Security Agency (NSA) has developed. The three SHA algorithms were structured differently and are called SHA-0, SHA-1 and SHA-2. SHA-1 hashing algorithm is a commonly used with a standard 160-bit key.

ESP: Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) is a member of the IPsec protocol suite, the authenticity of the origin, integrity and confidentiality of packages is available. ESP also supports encryption and authentication only pureConfigurations of encryption, but without using authentication is strongly discouraged because it is not safe. Unlike the other protocol IPsec Authentication Header (AH), ESP is not to protect the IP packet header. This difference does ESP use in a preferred configuration of Network Address Translation. ESP works directly over IP, IP protocol number 50 with

DES: Data Encryption Standard (DES) offers 56-bit encryption. There is nothing more than a security protocol, because itsshort key length makes it vulnerable to brute force.

3DES: Triple DES has been developed to overcome the limitations and weaknesses of using three different DES keys in 56-bit encryption, encryption and decryption surgery. 3DES 168-bit key length. With the use of 3DES, the data is encrypted first with a 56-bit key, then decrypted with another key of 56 bits, the output is then encrypted with a third 56-bit key.

AES: Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) was designed as a replacement for DES and 3DES. It 'available in sizes of keys and is generally faster than 3DES about six years.

HMAC: The hash message authentication code (HMAC) is a kind of Message Authentication Code (MAC). HMAC uses a special algorithm, a cryptographic hash function in combination with a secret key.

Configuring a Site-to-site VPN

Configuring a site-to-site VPNin several stages:

Phase One configuration includes the configuration of the key exchange. This process uses the ISAKMP hash algorithm and authentication method for identification. And 'one of two places where we recognize the peer at the opposite end of the tunnel must. In this example, we have established ourselves as a hash algorithm SHA because of its robust nature, including 160-bit key. Vpnkey The key must be identical on both ends of the tunnel. The address "" is out thereInterface of the router at the other end of the tunnel.

Example of a configuration phase:

Tukwila (config) # crypto ISAKMP EU 10
Tukwila (ISAKMP config) # hash SHA
Tukwila (ISAKMP config) # authentication pre-share
Tukwila (ISAKMP config) # ISAKMP encryption key vpnkey address

Phase Two configuration includes the configuration of the encrypted tunnel. In phase two build configuration and rename it to turn a phrase that identifies the encryption used to create protocolsthe secure tunnel. You must also send a crypto map, where you recognize the peer at the opposite end of the tunnel, enter the set of transformation must be used, and determine which access control lists will identify the traffic allowed. In this example we chose AES because of its greater security and better performance. The statement "set peer" refers to the external interface of the router at the other end of the tunnel. The statement "set vpnset transform-set" tells the routerparameters for the processing of vpnset use specified in this tunnel. The 'Match address 100 "statement is used to use the tunnel access-list 100, which are defined later.

Example of phase two configuration:

Tukwila (config) # crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-HMAC-SHA esp vpnset
Tukwila (CFG-crypto-trans) # exit
Tukwila (config) # crypto map 10 ipsec ISAKMP vpnset
% Note: This new crypto map will remain disabled until a peer
and a valid access list have beenconfigured.
Tukwila (config-crypto-map) # set peer
Tukwila (config-crypto-map) # set transform-set vpnset
Tukwila (config-crypto-map) # match address 100

The crypto map must be applied to the external interface (in this example, the interface FastEthernet 4):

Tukwila (config) # int f4
Tukwila (config-if) # crypto map vpnset

You must explicitly allows a checklist of traffic from the router on the LAN through the tunnel to the other router insideLAN (in this example, the router is Tukwila's inside LAN address of and other routers in the network LAN address):

Tukwila (config) # access-list 100 permit ip

(For more information about the syntax of access control lists, see the other items, create and manage a Cisco router Access Control List).

You also need a default gateway ("Gateway of last resort," as known). InIn this example uses the default gateway to

Tukwila (config) # ip route

Check VPN

The following two commands can be used to control VPN connections:

Router # show crypto IPsec SA
This command displays the settings of the current security associations (SA) is used.

Router # show crypto ISAKMP SA
This command displays the current IKE security associations.

Troubleshooting VPNConnections

After confirmation of the physical connectivity, audit both ends of the VPN connection so that they reflect.

Use the debugger to analyze problems of VPN connection:

Router # debug crypto ISAKMP
This command allows you to monitor the Phase 1 ISAKMP negotiations.

Router # debug crypto ipsec
This command allows you to see phase 2 IPSec negotiations.

Copyright (c) 2008 Don R. Crawley

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Know what CCSP certification

Cisco Certified Security Professional (CCSP) certification is an advanced level, the VPN requires prior knowledge of Cisco network design, security management, firewall, intrusion detection system. IT professionals choose this course to change your career. IT professionals with certification were considered ideal for the Cisco CCNP CCSP certification, firewall because all the basic knowledge of computer networks andSecurity. Cisco Certified Security Professional preferred candidates for job world, where are the experts hired by multinational companies in

CCNA is a prerequisite for the Cisco Certified Security Professional, because it should be familiar enough. You must pass a professional elective and three security checks required for a Cisco Certified. The tests are compulsory 642-504 (SNR), 642-524 (SNAF) and642-533 (IPS). On the other hand, is a question of choice 642-591 (Canac), 642-545 (MARS) and 642-515 (NAADS) to choose. The selection of verification is entirely up to you for your interest and fields. These tests provide a comprehensive knowledge on various aspects of computer networks, because after the transition must be a competent IT professional able to work effectively in an organization.

It is not an entry level CCNA certification because you happen totherein. CCNA certification is an entry-level, to start your career, so that the entry level of certification can be called. CCSP Certified IT Professional has several functions to perform work on a farm. It has bright prospects, more opportunities for other organizations receive. E 'in different positions as Senior Technical Support Engineer to work, consulting architect of the Enterprise IT infrastructure, technical assistance and technical support. Those who have the additional knowledgeComputer networks and computer systems in various senior positions at work as well.

Cisco Certified Security Professional salary fluctuates according to the knowledge skills and experience. In 2007 the average salary of a professional was $ 56 000 per year. The candidates' performance also helps to set the remuneration of the employee. When a candidate shows a good performance and has more than 3 years of experience, can have $ 80,000 or more per year. The content variesif someone know more, skills, or command in a field of computers because there is more benefit to society. If a career change or are interested in security issues and then Cisco Certified Security Professional (CCSP) is the best choice for you.

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CCNP, CCSP and CCIE training can take your career fangled Heights

Each sector has its own scenario of standard sand compete in the throat competitive IT, you need some sound like the CCNP certification (Cisco Certified Network Professional), CCSP (Cisco Certified Security Professional) and CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert) certifications. CCNP courses are eying enough resources for people to indulge in the IT industry.

As soon as you write your resume outs Cisco CertifiedProfessional resume connotation is increasing exponentially. CCNP courses aim quintessential know-how in individual characteristics coming to take for certification. Some of the knowledge base includes topics such as broadband technologies, networks and Quality of Service (QoS), security, virtual private networks and the installation of a network. Yet another training course demand is CCSP.

Cisco CCSP certification is the ellipseSecurity Professional certification, which devours management concepts such as VPN, firewall, intrusion detection systems, security and much more. For these certifications CCNA is a must and the mere fact that a CCSP certification, your great experience to illustrate these certifications make it more attractive and profitable. Transnational corporations and the top rated blue chip companies are mostly seen the candidates on the basis of these certificates in their attitudeProcess to take as a major driving force for individual training and training CCNP CCSP.

The first class, well-paid jobs, where you can get your hands also motivated many people to take this training and CCNP training CCSP. These certifications are quite imaginative and are useful when professionals already compete in the IT industry to improve their skills and update their technical know-how. Now we are disappointed with the most stringent and toughestCCIE certification. CCIE training is a must for those seeking certification in this particular.

A total of six modules each CCIE certification is aimed at a different. They are: - CCIE Service Provider CCIE Security CCIE Service Provider are available, CCIE Routing & Switching, CCIE Voice and CCIE Storage Networking. As the costs associated with the CCIE training very expensive, you have to hit with a training course that fits the bill and at the same time researchtends to offer guidance.

By doing a little 'complicated research on the World Wide Web, you can offer some great insights concerning in particular the choice of training CCNP, CCSP and CCIE training.

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AntiVir Pro Solution

AntiVir Pro solution is a client of false security. This program does not really work and only show a fake virus false. The virus is present the program. And you turn on your computer to the proxy settings in the way that you can not go to websites or software security download regularly.

This program will also prevent other software programs to your computer. It 'very often not able to use up what clients have installed the'already on the computer and things like the Task Manager is not running.

AntiVir Pro solution is a clone of fake security warnings to other customers. It just happens to be the latest. Visit our website for viruses, we had almost a million views for the removal of four previous guidance that we wrote. This shows how good this makes false Client Security around the internet.

Why do people pretend to these clients Security?

Money. It will never beWithout end. As long as someone out there can make money by creating threats like these is always someone who makes them. They are simply scams that try to trick the user into a software purchase. To entice you to buy all kinds of warnings include that simply are not true. At the same time, try to block you from the Internet and other programs for the force in an attempt to make a purchase.

In any case, you want to give thisDirectory data of your credit card. Not only do they charge for the software is fake, but now the credit card information and can resell ever want.

What must be removed so the best solution for antivirus Pro?

The answer to this 100% on the level of user experience in dealing with viruses and hundreds of other little things suspended. In your computer, a lab is the answer. After the computer on-line repair is better for many.Finding a good guide for removing this threat is probably the best solution for you. A good leader has to say step by step exactly what you need to remove that threat. The most important thing is to do a cool head and not let the bad guys win.

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CCNA Certification Training: Configuring static routes on a Cisco router

The great thing about CCNA certification training, the skills you learn really useful in working with Cisco routers and switches in production networks. This is mainly for configuring static route. While most networks use dynamic routing protocols like RIP, EIGRP, and OSPF to build routing tables, static routes still come in handy sometimes - especially if a routing protocol configuration goes awry.

Suppose you have just added a newNetwork segment and you've successfully added the network routing tables. Suddenly, on Monday morning, users of this segment did not get to a network resource, such as a mail server, or can not get out to the Internet. We all know how to solve groped for something while the phone is ringing like crazy. This is when we have to do two things ...

1. Resist the temptation to say, the caller: "I would fix it, but I'm too busy to talk to you"

2. Apply a sort of"Quick Fix" that gives you time to examine the problem

Static routes are a very quick way. You can create a static route to the user, where they must be the time to find out what the problem is with the dynamic routing protocol to get. (You must also resist the temptation to apply a static route and declare the problem solved!)

static routes are configured with the command ip route through the destination network and mask below. Then, you must eitherthe next hop IP address or the local exit interface. These two forms are allowed:

ip route

ip route Serial0

Help with IOS on a Cisco router shows the different possibilities:

R1 (config) # ip route?

ABCD Destination prefix

Profile to activate the IP routing table profile

Configuring VRF static route for example, VPN forwarding / routing

R1 (config) # ip route

ABCD Destination prefix mask

R1 (config) # ip route

ABCD Forwarding router's address

BRI ISDN Basic Rate Interface

Dialer Dialer interface

Loopback Loopback interface

He knew Interface


Token Ring IEEE 802.5

I remind you that you are or IP address of the router next hop or output interface of the local router!

Configure static routes is a great ability toin the area of networking and CCNA exam room. Be prepared to configure it either way!

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Computer Service advice to your list of clients create the right way

Spend your time and energy chasing one-shot deal with customer service computer? You want to get the leadership of the thumb and wondered if he would come back a few months or few years ago called get in?

If you want to list the client to establish a genuine, one can not live with uncertainty. Build your company's services around the needs of the shot-deal customer ticket one-way street to nowhere. Spending all your time andMoney acquiring customers for a transaction-shot-deal is not only economically viable way to spend your time.

If you want to list the customer to build a strong and constant, you must go to support a business model is based on annual contracts. Consider the following 3 ways to build your business computer services in the right way.

Support Contracts You Give annual income. A package of support contract provides you with an annual recurring revenuefor stability and predictability you need to survive long term. If you are a model of service agreement in place, you know where you get the call next service billable. This allows you to expand the plan was to hire new employees and upgrade their services to best practices associated with the evolution of customer industries meet.

Support contract customers assets. If you pay your customers to create the list of office equipment, highCustomers are charged on a recurring basis, create a great victory. If you ever want to sell computer services to businesses - or if you move, burns or injury to patients - they require your long-term, annual service contracts to one of the greatest assets. A potential buyer of your company certainly would not invest much in the list of one-shot-deal customers called only in case of emergency.

Do you have clients, you mustMaintain relationships. Apart from one big customer, you must be willing to work to keep them. It is necessary to maintain and strengthen important relationships in each stage of the sales cycle. This means that you have to remember the ultimate goal of bringing all the information and perspective to the client, in support of the contract. You need to know their biggest business and IT problems. Then actively engage in follow-up activities such as calls, emails andTry-to-ground projects.

In this short article, we talked about three things to think about how to build your customer list. Learn how to attract large, stable customers paying www.ComputerServiceTips.com.

Copyright (C), ComputerServiceTips.com, All rights reserved.

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Damage form of corruption is not Microsoft Outlook PST file

In Microsoft Outlook, the forms of user interface models and codes that are used to provide information, in particular Outlook items are stored display. Anything that opens in MS Outlook, a module to display information. Outlook stores the local copy of each custom form in the cache. If you provide the forum in a public folder in Microsoft Exchange or the Organizational Forms Library in Exchange server that could use MS Outlook cached version of the module. Outlook helps clients to improve performance onComputer. The cache in case of problems with Outlook forms or the form of cache, Outlook can not be displayed and you can not tag on data from PST files. This behavior of Microsoft Outlook makes all your critical data inaccessible and cause serious problems of data loss. At this point, you are required to carry out repair Outlook PST to get your important data back.

In a practical scenario, you can run into a series of questions when you open a new Outlook item oritem in the folder, can not see the object. You can also experience one of the following error messages:

"Can the selected module are displayed. Contact your administrator."


"The form required for this message can not be displayed. Contact your administrator."

Other times, MS Outlook can display an error message, but perhaps in the form of open standard, rather than open a custom form or do not open this item.

Find the form

If aThe article in MS Outlook that uses the custom message form field element class is created by the module name. If the item is opened, the checks Outlook Message Class field to decide what form should show the items will be used. Microsoft Outlook searches for the required shape. Outlook checks the following locations in the following order:

Memory: If you have a different form element to open, no matter what use, Outlook already in memory and use the form on the copy of the form, rather than new leaderone.

Cache module: MS Outlook on your system, check if you have used one before.

Current Folder: If the form is not available the cache, Outlook checks to see if the form was published in the current folder.

Personal Forms Library: If the form is not in the current folder, you run the Personal Forms Library.

The Organizational Forms Library: If the form is in the Personal Forms, Microsoft Outlook, so do not look in the Organizational Forms LibraryLibrary.

The Web Forms Library: If you create HTML-based forms and publish them on Web servers and Web services allow MS Outlook, Outlook trying to figure out the HTML version of the module.
Understand the forms cache size

By default, Microsoft Outlook is a size limit of 2048 kilobytes (KB) cache module. If you are the most maximum disk space that you do to achieve cache set, the oldest form of unused cache is removed.

Important information about forms and form-cacheFrmcache.dat stored in the file. If the problem occurs with this file may be corrupted and thus forms the PST file. In such circumstances, Outlook PST files can be corrupted and you need to sort Outlook PST repair the problem.

To repair the PST file, Microsoft Outlook offers an integrated instrument, such as Inbox Repair or Scanpst.exe known. This tool effectively remove most of the items in the PST file, in the case, if PST file is damaged due to an inner surface, such as CRC errors, file-headerCorruption and lack of enforcement.

But if the problem is not external reasons such as improper system shutdown and virus infection, Inbox Repair Tool does not help solve the problem and the need for third-party applications to repair Outlook PST file to arrive.

This software is designed to systematically analyze the entire pst file repair pst file, together with all its objects. These applications are very easy to use and does not require the sound and the firsttechnical capabilities of Outlook PST Repair and interactive features as they are with simple graphic interface.

Stellar Phoenix Outlook PST Repair is the most modern and efficient for the recovery of absolute damaged PST file in all possible scenarios of corruption guaranteed. It repairs and restores Microsoft Outlook PST file from 2007, 2003, 2002 (XP) and 2000. This software is compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000 and NT4 (SP6).

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To configure SSH (Secure Shell) for remote access to a Cisco router

the introduction of Cisco IOS SSH, Telnet remote login protocol only makes. Although quite functional, is a non-secure Telnet protocol, in which the entire session, including authentication, are unencrypted and therefore subject to snooping.

SSH is both a protocol and a software which replaces Telnet and provides an encrypted connection for remote management of a network device like a Cisco router or switch safety device.

L '> Cisco IOS provides an SSH server and SSH client. This document is only with the configuration of the SSH server component concerned.



The server component requires a photo SSH IPSec (DES or 3DES) encryption software from Cisco IOS version 12.1 (1) T or later installed on your router. Advanced IP Services image includes the IPSec component. This document has beenc2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.123-14.T5.bin.


You need a host name and domain name of your router. For example:

Router #
Router # conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. It ends with CNTL / Z.
router01 (config) # hostname router01
router01 (config) # ip domain-name domain.local

You also need an RSA key pair for the router, which automatically enables SSH. In the following example to determine how the key pair is designatedCombination of host and domain names that have been previously configured. The module provides the key length), the key length. Cisco recommends a minimum key length of 1024 bit (even if the standard 512-bit:

router01 (config) #
router01 (config) # generate RSA encryption key
be the name for the key: router01.domain.local
Select the size of the key module in the range from 360 to 2048 for General Purpose Keys. The decision to form a key larger than 512, a fewMinutes.

How many bits in the module [512]: 1024
% Generating 1024 bit RSA keys ... [OK]

Finally, you must authenticate to a server such as RADIUS or TACACS + AAA server or local user database for remote users and enable authentication for terminal lines. For the purposes of this document, we create a local user database on the router. In the following example the user "donc" has been a privilege level of 15 (maximum) was created and received aencrypted "p @ ss5678" password. (The "secret", followed by "0", the router says the following password to encrypt the plain text. When configuring the router is running, the password is not readable.) We used the line configuration mode to tell router use its local user database for authentication (login locally) in the terminal lines 0-4.

router01 (config) # username privilege 15 secret 0 donc p @ ss5678
router01 (config) # line vty 0 4
router01 (config-line) # loginLocal

SSH enabled

To enable SSH, you must use a key pair for the router. Alternatively, the version of SSH (the default SSH version 1), the timeout values for authentication, and some other parameters. The following example uses the router to the key pair you created earlier and use the SSH version 2:

router01 (config) #
router01 (config) # ip ssh version 2
router01 (config) # ip ssh RSA key pair name router01.domain.local

You can now access the applicationMake sure your router, an SSH client as TeraTerm.

Display configuration and SSH

You can use the privileged mode command "ssh View" and "ip ssh to view SSH connections and configurations (if any). SSHv1 The following example configuration of a Cisco 871 is verified with the" show ip ssh "and a SSHv1 individual content is displayed to show ssh "with". Please note that we do not allow SSHv2 on this router, making it the defaultSSH version 1.99. Note also in the production of "ssh show" command, the version 1 default 3DES. SSHv2 supports AES encryption technology robust and efficient. SSHv2 is not under the same vulnerability SSHv1. Best Practice recommends using SSHv2 SSHv1 and off at a drop-back. Enable SSHv2 SSHv1 disabled. This example is to demonstrate compatibility only:

router04 #
router04 # show ip ssh
SSH Enabled - version1.99
Authentication timeout: 120 seconds; authentication attempts: 3
router04 #
router04 # show ssh
Connection Version Encryption State Username
2 1.5 3DES Session started donc
% No SSHv2 server connections running.
router04 #

You can also use the command "debug ip ssh SSH configurations to solve.

Copyright (c) 2008 Don R. Crawley

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Wireless Router Reviews - Tips on How to Choose Your Next Wireless Router

Wireless router packed it? Tired of endless Wireless Router See? Perhaps you have access to the Internet faster and want a powerful tool for anyone, new songs and everything else for the film. Relax - This article will give you some tips on how to find the right piece of kit at the right price.

Did you know that the best wireless router is not necessarily the cheapest? I will show you the quickest and cheapest way to achieve thisflash video streaming and download the iPod faster without any problems.

So where do we start? What is a wireless router and why do I need? It is not rocket science - you can use a wireless router to connect to the internet via broadband Internet and your (yours, your partner, your family / roommates, etc.), laptop, PC, Mac, iPod, PS3, Wii, iPad, or access to anything you want to connect.

Making this happen so fast, easy and reliable is our goal, but I'm surethat no one can pack in, your name, maybe spend nab credit card information, personal information or anything else hold most dear on your computer, so we make sure that is on the cutting edge of safety should be a must . Questions that will not be answered in this article are those from a technical point of view as "how do I configure the router?" - There are many articles that if you really want.

So what is the first step? Well, I see the face of good quality coalare a must as well as some tips on the best products and where to get them. It 'hard to imagine a world without wireless router and network, but now not so long ago is the stuff that was out of science fiction, and to develop the technology faster - does not make it easy to choose the right thing.

There are many different types of routers on the market for different needs - for us now on the market / Home Office Small fire. Like many things in life there are a number ofThe prices, as required - a whole "go fast" to make the models, data security, and probably wash your car ... for a price.

can be ordered on the wave of hype, we begin to look for your use remain. If you simply want to surf or lounge on deck? Want to set up or are simply willing to wade in? If you keep a player or a business? Features such as traffic prioritization, support virtual server or VPN like it more, but mayhave a higher price (but not always!).

A basic criterion is that the functions of more than one routers are more expensive to buy, is. After all, if you have older laptops with 802.11b WLAN cards could (more than 3 years, probably) is likely to be even just a basic router. For example, Tenda Wireless-N150 can only be activated with a quick way to bog connectivity.

A little 'technical knowledge - do not worry its painless and you can ensurepennies! Older 802.11b and 802.11g devices use the bandwidth of 2.4 GHz, while the use of the latest 802.11n 2.4 and 5 GHz bands are - the band of the latter is better for network-intensive throughput such as games or streaming movies. End of bit technical.

Their basic laptop is not a major use of new router, but could with a 2.43Ghz single band N Router - is backward compatible - I'll show you a quick way to create all that in a later article - something like the CiscoE1000 can fill this niche. However, if you have a new laptop then look for one that handles both bands is a better bet (do not worry about the DLink DIR-825 can do everything for you!).

If you have a Mac, even if looking for an Apple iPad router can be a good bet, etc.


I will continue looking at security and other features you need and some do not! As we have seen, is not too hard to get up and running with a wireless router, but what about the poorto cut our kids credit cards and infect your PC? How can we stop them? I really want to leech my neighbor to leave the gang? What happens if my credit card has been lost? How do I stop before it happens?

Well, it certainly can happen - I backed up the wireless network for a friend - not long after, said his neighbor: "Looks like we better than our broadband connection right now ...". A little 'can be a long way - did not, however, a dispute by following these simple tips:-
Make a password for your wireless network - setting up the router on your device, you should ask for a password - make sure you give something that only you know and I would always follow good security tips - Google "good passwords" for more information.
Connect the router to the Internet until you have set the password!
If you want to set access control for your children, you must buy a router with access control - for example, DLink DIR-825th Access control maylimit what users can also search for specific websites, such as time of day can use the Internet (stop teenagers remain dim eyes to a whole night on Call of Duty!)
customer access is a great feature for home and small business - you can give access to the Internet (but not files) for the visitors.

Can all this be withdrawn if you follow the basic rules for connecting wireless devices, such as regular updates anti-virus, keep up to date with security patches (egWindows machine with Windows Update) and do not write the password on a sticky note on your laptop!

So, to summarize these immortal words - "Do not Panic" but do not close your eyes and you should be fine.


Want to navigate in your garden? ITunes in the kitchen? Watch Movies in the bathtub? Well done, maybe for streaming movies in the bathroom to do?

What you should look at the selection of a router with these criteria? Routers can only work asable to project their radio signals - (! unless you live in a small apartment, of course) this is a big problem when you select the router with a poor performance in this area. If access to your favorite position for rolling (garden, garden shed, etc.) is because you scrimped on features, then they could be money down the drain.

View this area is an essential component if you have some thick walls and floors between you and your surf spot you want - the key to the selection of antennas in the router (United States AntennaReader) that are either external (rods sticking out from the back of the trout) or internally - externally usually much better, but internally is looking better and better all the time. For example, Sitecom WL-341 has no external antenna, while the DLink DIR-655 is the fourth

Since it does not - probably - will see the router on the mantel, instead select the router with the best performance on the looks. What is needed is a frame if you can not get reliable access? If you have a smallResidence with plaster board then, an internal antenna to be good enough - it is essential to ensure your suppliers right of return if problems develop - websites such as Amazon and JohnLewis.com Excel in this score. It is well worth saving too little, unless they give a refund or exchange?

While external antennas can be mounted on the wall will be expensive than the router - be a better choice to locate the wireless home network equipment (or Power LineNetworking) as Netgear WGXB102 (like many other brands available) - Simply connect a cable from the router and connect it inside the wall - plug another device in your desired area, and - voila - you have wireless access.


If you want to include all wireless routers and you will see the new features touted as if they look better and make the hair grow back - only if you spend only 30 more ($ 50)! You say to yourself that will feature X or Y really Widgetsthe simplest things - but how often is it really so?

As I listed above you will see many functions - the key is knowing when to spend and when to say "that looks really cool gizmo, but I still use"
Do you really think a digital photo frame built in router? The one sitting behind the printer or behind the couch? Well, if you like having a cramp in his neck, looking at pictures of little Johhny, then maybe ...
What is the fallback connectivity when your DSL or cablegoes down? It would be a 3G USB slot for your 3G card help?
Ask yourself what I really on a regular basis - for example, gamers and features such as port forwarding utility for playing online without a way to make annoying delay
in a BitTorrent file-sharing could be built a great feature to schedule downloads video and keep the laptop on all night
VPN capabilities and access control can allow staff to work locations of customers,road or even allow you to upload the shots Orlando vacation home back when the card is coming as a Billion BiPAC 7402GX.
Connect the latest features such as the possibility of external storage devices to the router might be a good idea, if not all of your music or movies downloaded to a central location to keep telling her the PS3 in the living room, laptop in garden or just in the bathroom.

At the end of the day is not a function of slip, if you use it and the value -only to keep control. For more information about Wi-Fi router to see how a Google search. Last word - "Do not Panic!"

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Cisco / MCSE Exam Study: Creating a Roadmap to Success

Planning for success on CCNA, CCNP, Cisco and other exams much like a car trip. You must plan ahead, accept the occasional detour and just continue until you arrive. But what do you do before starting?

Create a map - for success.

If you were on one side of the country to another disk, you would certainly not alone in the car and go, right? No, you could plan your trip ahead of time. What wouldHappen if alone in the car and drove off with the hope that one day you arrive at your destination? They would never get to go there, and you spend a lot of time aimlessly.

Do not waste your study time and slow down your progress, studying for a Cisco exam without planning your trip. Plan your study time as if it were an appointment with a customer and keep that appointment. Make sure your study time is the study of quality - turn your TV, iPod andMobile If you hit a bump in the road and take the certification is not the first time in the study group, and create another plan. Study to the point of the day of the exams, you know that you are already a CCNA or CCNP and you are there just to get it officially on the site.

The road to success is not a straight line. If you click on a diagram that shows the progress of a financial company, you see, the line never goes up. there are some ups and downs, butoverall result is a success. The path to your successful career and passing the final certification may not be direct, but the important part is to start - and every journey started, you create a roadmap for a successful arrival at your destination.

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How to get to Knowledge 642-515 SNAA Cisco certification?

Exam 642-515 is a Cisco certification exams and examination as to secure networks with advanced ASA 642-515. This certification will help the product candidates to acquire skills and knowledge to describe, review, administration and configuration of the Cisco ASA Security Appliance. This test will also help candidates to improve their products, their capabilities in the Cisco ASA Security Appliance.


The following are the 642-515 exam objectives for a better understanding of candidates and they are:

1) Check and configure the AIP SSM and CSC SSM Modules
2) Check and configure the SSL VPN connectivity to secure 's the
3) Check and configure the connectivity on the secured VPS IP-sec
4) Check and configure dynamic routing switches, security appliances, as well as NAT.
5) Check and configureApplication protocol inspection, and policies of a modular application using the framework for safety

Other details of the test:

Applicants can check the register in one of the centers Pearson VUE Web site or the Pearson, with online payment of examination fee (about $ 250). The exam can be scheduled by the candidates in order of convenience from payment of examination fees. The test consists of 55-65 questions with multiple choice, drag and drop,built a tree, builds on the last type.

Language options on the candidates for the final exam to write the examination in Japanese, which may be extended by 30 minutes. Candidates who are writing the examination of the Japanese, apart from English should in the same ratio in Cisco and Pearson VUE centers in at least 15 days before the test.

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Nortel VPN Client Overview

The Nortel VPN client creates a secure VPN for users on a private network.
Once you log on and access to iPass iPass screen, now you authenticate with the Nortel VPN and iPass.
If this is to connect the first time or the PIN has been reset, you're just your user name and ID token.
The PIN field should be empty. If you are logged in before, enter your user name, PIN and ID token.
Once you are readyconnect the Connect button. You may be asked if you want to save the connection, if not the first time you connect. (Note: You must select YES)
If it is not the first time, or the PIN is not cleared, it will be simply connected at this point.
Enter a PIN between 4 and 8 digits in response. Once the pin will accept the token ID + PIN in subsequent connections to power.
Nortel VPN does not resolve the host IP address
You are at home or in a hotel?

Click Start


Type cmd in the box and press Enter (or OK)

At the DOS prompt, type ipconfig / release and press Enter

Now enter: ipconfig / renew and press Enter - Confirm if the IP address changed
If yes
IPass access again. This solves the problem?
If No

If you are at home to

Is there any other home computer (personal computer) that the router is connected?

Turn off your router / modem and turn off the laptop (in aEfforts to free IP address) you want the router / modem again.

Turn on your laptop and go back again iPass.

This solves the problem?


a. Unplug the router and plug it into a separate output.

b. Try iPass login.
If you're in a hotel

It is to complete a consent form for access?


Double-click Internet Explorer

This opens the Web page of the site (homepage)

Full forward /Consent
IPass launch.

If you do not have access to iPass Open a web browser page (click the blue icon browser Internet Mail)

Click Tools

Internet Options

Connections tab

Settings button and remove the checkmark from the box to use a proxy server proxy server.

This disables the proxy settings.

Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.

Try accessing iPass again.
VPN error code token is no longerValid
Contivity VPN Client: The token code is not valid. Please enter the new token-code information.

You receive this message if the token code changes just before you hit enter or Connect.

For the very left edge of the display window of the token, you will see a column of several small horizontal bar.

The longer the token code appears, the fewer bars are displayed.

Immediately after the code changes, there are six bars. If you see a single bar, wait several secondsTo change the code before it enters the command prompt on the screen.
Article Host
Qiuck Need a Fix, Tool, Trick or Tip? The VPN is the medical care!

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Home-Based Business Computer

Computers are now an integral part of our daily lives. Since so many people now use computers, you have a large customer base for potential customers and build your Home Based Business.

Computer Tutor Business from home

Computers are now seen in almost every home, office and commercial premises, but it would be wrong to think that any computer expert. A computer tutor can help bridge these gaps. The job description ofhome computer is a mentor for the companies to teach individuals and businesses to use their computing experience and to learn how to properly use the Internet. These tutorials are usually held on the Client to place. The key to a successful home business computer tutor can be seen with the needs of students who are your customers and communicate with them on a level that they are.

Desktop Publishing Cardshome

Are you an expert in graphic design and layout, you can start a small business desktop publishing from home. The jobs that desktop publishers are looking at General - newsletters, books, pamphlets, magazines and Internet content creation and graphic design for fonts and logos. The above services are always in high demand and will include customers and other companies that can benefit family members, as they require marketing materials to strengthen theirCompanies.

The repair of computers from home

Although companies usually need their computers for the staff have a degree in computer science, this is not the case of a home computer repair business. Here, customers usually a person who can repair, replace or clean their software and hardware quickly and inexpensively. In this type of home based business, you subscribe to the often necessary in the office or at home. You canalso offer services to the corporate network from home, as well as computer repair

Web design business from home

As the Internet continues to grow and develop further, is another lucrative business of creating websites at home. We continue to grow its customer base and, if necessary, since there is a shortage of industrial plant, the site should be presentable. Once you acquire a great experience in this field and are able to build an impressiveweb design portfolio, you can also take on the work by companies as large companies, without stepping outside the home. In this task, you have the choice of interaction with local clients with whom you can communicate either directly or through national and international companies with whom you can communicate via phone or Internet. You can also use local and international clients to work.

Home based Internet Marketing Services

This particular core business is mainly abouttechniques for effective Internet marketing services. People must be aware of the various services that are available, such as social networking, PPC, SEO and website promotion. home based internet marketing business services, you are not restricted only to customers in the business to expand into local service, but your customer base at home was based, like the right thing to work in practice.

The entire above are very profitable if you find the rightMentor / trainer for your company and work with a little 'guidance and help.

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IPv6 (Cisco) Training - Using the "IPv4 address-family command

Well, this is the first time introduced the family name to the database command Cisco IOS IPv4 "you're in for a real treat, because this article will briefly explain the command, so without further ado let's get started.

The "family IPv4 Address" command is used primarily for multi-topology routing or BGP (MTR) network administrators (like you) command for a session, the standard use of BGP routing prefixes IPv4 addresses, configure the command can.performed both in router configuration mode (Router (config-router) # address-family IPv4) or router configuration mode scope (Router (config-router-scope) # address-family IPv4).

And here is the syntax that is used when the router in router configuration mode:

IPv4 address-family [MDT - Multicast - tunnel - Unicast [VRF] VRF-name - VRF VRF-name]

And here is the syntax that you can use if your router how to configure the router scope:

IPv4 address-family [mdt -Multicast -] unicast

Thus, after inserting the required syntax and beating (pressing) the Enter key, the router is in router configuration Address Family configuration mode "or" how to configure the router address family configuration Scope "in power.

Well, let's say you use the "address-family IPv4 precedence over a router and now you must remove the IPv4 address family configuration (your) to run configuration (running-config file), and end address Familyconfiguration mode, you can both tasks by running the simple word "no" before the command like this:

For example, in router configuration mode:

Router (config-router) # no address-family IPv4

The scope of the router configuration mode:

Router (config-router-scope) # no address-family IPv4

Here are the explanations of the IPv4 address family command keywords are:

MDT - An optional keyword that can be used for IPv4 multicast distribution tree are given(MDT) address family session.

Multicast - An optional keyword that can be used for IPv4 multicast IDs are specified.

Tunnel - An optional keyword that can be used to specify an IPv4 routing session for multipoint tunneling.

Unicast - An optional keyword that can be used to specify the IPv4 unicast address prefixes (by the way, which is standard).

vrfvrf-name - optional keyword that can be used for routing and name of the VPNForwarding (VRF) instance to associate with subsequent IPv4 address family configuration mode commands.

Finally, just in case if you wonder what the message appears when a Cisco router as router mode is in "Address family configuration Router configuration, here's an example:

Router (config-router-af) #

And here's an example of what the prompt looks like router when a Cisco router to "address the family configuration Router configurationMode:

Router (config-router-scope-af) #

I wrote this article for you quickly understand and use the keywords that are associated with the "family IPv4 Address" command, if after reading this article you are thinking that this was not enough information, and you need more, I suggest to my website that you have the techniques to find the latest information about Cisco IPv6 design and implementation.

To your success,

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Capture streaming videos

Streaming video usually work with two files. These files contain the actual video file to the Web server and the boot files, data on the server address and other information that are stored for transmission of video files.

demand streaming video delivered to a client (user computer) on. The video will be downloaded into data packets that the media / video player recognizes that allows the player to show videos, even though the videoThe file is not downloaded completely. These data packets into a buffer, from which the video player reads the data and converts and displays saved in video format. If your Internet connection and bandwidth is fast enough to buffer all data transferred from server to client 's video playback without a hitch. Otherwise, if the buffers are not fully utilized and not enough data, video playback is choppy. Data that are streaming videos that have been converted and are shownnot cached on the computer 's client This makes it impossible for users to store video files for viewing at a later date.

There are programs on the Internet and on the market that captures the user or streaming video during playback and save to make it possible to file. Every program does this through various methods. There are programs that detect the user in the region on the monitor screen as he or she would have chosen to collect and keep asking.There are also programs to define the user, video player for streaming video will be used to allow, so that the Capture program to save the video played by players. Other programs cover functions as video recorders and can record the weather and time of when to start and stop recording, streaming video.

video capture programs also allow users to play the video format that you want to choose to save the video. Like other software programs on the video captureMarket can be purchased or freely by the developers. There are trial versions of many of these programs on the Internet, the user record and save streaming video, but to have only a limited extent.

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Do not store the entire IT staff - Just Get? Tough stuff with the Managed Network Service

The new technology is great for business. It allows users to become more efficient, offers cost savings, and keeps the company from its competitors by offering better service to customers. experienced administrators know that technology is more advanced, more difficult is it to work properly. Managed network services can provide the necessary support.

The companies expect to design consultants for the implementation and their training for new recruitsTechnology. They are also used for the purchase of annual support contracts for producers, support for software or hardware. What is usually left to the IT staff the knowledge and the ability to know how the system works. What organizations are the starting point to discover that the constant support of a higher level of knowledge and experience as an internal IT staff are usually required.

Therefore, it is hosted on a great movement in the directionInformation Technology Services. The providers of hosted applications have an excellent point in their marketing, which requires advanced knowledge to support advanced systems.

What is not discussed often, which means that applications outsourcing of the internal network of a company as a more reliable and safer when operating at a higher level than before. It requires great skill and experience to be able to today's advanced LAN and WAN support, especially if they are exportedconverged applications such as voice and video on it, and then to fix everything.

Because of this expansion, operational requirements, many organizations have started with a managed network service, to help them maintain their advanced data networks in the best conditions. One is tempted to hand off responsibility for the entire network of a large organization to take care of the problems will require a commitment. Unfortunately, because many of these organizations provide remoteAssistance only when it is time for the design, implementation, or when a person is on site for local solutions to problems have to do is not able to.

Most companies prefer a local network managed service providers work, for many of the same reasons that the use of local companies for other services are in contract. For good quality of services operated by local suppliers, it is better to find out what they are really good, and ask if they collaborate with other local providersfor various aspects of support. Another alternative is to contract with a local supplier, and sells local services offers on-site for the largest service provider.

Think of these local suppliers as an extension of the organization's IT staff. manufacturer support for the products is still important. The manufacturer of the thicker support includes product updates, telephone and / or email technical support and product replacement, both within a 4 hours or the next business dayPeriod of time. This is a necessary part of maintaining the availability of the system.

The intervention of Managed Network Services Provider for further assistance, please check their references carefully to ensure that all the costs, benefits and expectations agreed in writing in advance. Also, make sure that there is the possibility to cancel the contract within a reasonable period of time to cancel.

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Remote access to desktop

Remote access software, and customers are very nice tools to promote mobile computing. Using remote access software, and ensures your customers that you are something else, even if you move or if circumstances prevent easy you found in your desktop.

What is Remote Access Software and help customers to increase productivity? The basic idea of using a remote access server and client suite is for you to be able to navigatethrough files and even run applications on the desktop, even if you take away from him. This can save you travel on it, move the files manually from computer to computer or from computer to handheld devices, whenever you need company to go forward.

Another case in remote access software and customers very useful when you are sick or when you stay at home and yet to beat a deadline. You can continue the work from itscomputer work from home computer -. Or if you're in a business meeting or simply pass a red light waiting while driving or sitting in a train - and you want to look at a file on your hard all need to do is to open the WAP browser your cell phone or a remote access client installed on your phone and you can search the files for free, until you get the file.

How does the SAR for a customer? E 'are some of the proprietary software and remote access client that can be purchased online or at your favorite computer store. There are also Web-based services, the fee for a service offering remote access. Once you get a hold of this software or client-installed on computers that you are able to function even if you are physically away from him. After completing the installation, create an account on the software and protect with a password.

The next stepAfter installing the client on the phone. Once installation is complete, configure the Access Point Name or APN from your phone to the web full capacity. When this is completed successfully, you can easily access your desktop using the client remote access to your cell phone or WAP browser. You can now search for files from folder on your computer while you're away from your and your cell phone.

In addition to software and remote access Customers, another new technology of great value, which should get is the ability to make calls over the Internet. This is called Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP. One major and one of the most popular companies that offer VoIP services is nothing more than Skype.

VoIP clients like Skype work much like your regular IM client. In reality, there is much difference between now Skype> Client and instant messaging services like Yahoo Messenger, Windows Live and AOL Instant Messenger. With suitable adjustment of the configuration of these clients, it is possible for you to make a call to someone or landline phone number of your mobile computer, headphones and a reliable Internet access. For a better experience with VoIP, webcam is often to simulate the face-to-face communication.

VoIP can work as vice versagood. A person can be anyone a VoIP call to a computer with his phone until the party has called VoIP account and the client is installed on a computer in his. The phone calls to be used, location, VoIP, too.

An example of a cell phone is a smartphone with Windows Mobile suite installed. This phone can be installed with Skype and allows users to make phone calls to makea user's computer that uses the WAP client Skype. The service is free, unlike the computer-to-Skype calls through your computer did.

In Europe, Skype is currently marketing its own mobile phone called 3 Skypephone. 3Skypephone from the 3 network is connected. Using the 3 network services, and paying a fee, a user 3Skypephone almost unlimited VoIP calls to other Skype users do with a computer or other3Skypephone.

VoIP calls on mobile phones much cheaper phone calls urgently for making calls when you are traveling and the other party can not be reached from landline or mobile. There is another way of communicating that is open to you if you really need to get in touch with the person you are calling.

Another advantage of this technology to make cell phone users is their message, that even if flat rates are valid, it is certainly cheaper to make a VoIP callinternational calls. It 'also cheaper than the activation of your account phone service international roaming. These savings are critical when you need to travel abroad frequently and you must call the Ministry of the Interior or the family home.

The ability to scroll through the files on your desktop wherever you are of inestimable value for the use of commuting to work can be saved. The same can be said for VoIP calls. These tools are both importantsavings in time and make sure to use the travel time wisely.

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Web-based FTP client FTP Based Vs

Traditionally, interaction with an FTP server and to forward all done using FTP clients such as CuteFTP, FileZilla, etc. These are all examples of software-based FTP client. Basically, they allow you to upload and download files from the server, be it a website or simply file off-site storage. The only downside is that they like everything else, must be installed. Normally this is not a problem, but remember, if you're away from home and need to your website in an AccessEmergency, the hotel or cybercafes can not let you install the software on their computers! Ideas are the first sparks of a web-based solution has come, as every computer has an Internet browser and can go online!

The rise of Web-based FTP applications has been fueled mainly by the need for mobile applications. Consumer hunger for applications for handheld devices like the iPhone and Android continues to grow and many other developers, webmasters and bloggers to do the job, etc.while they are away from their primary computer.

Initially designed to connect to the FTP server works have been some concerns about the safety, of course, employees of the higher level as a developer and senior management were concerned about the use of a Web-based FTP program with potentially sensitive data and valuable work. This was fast from the developers who gathered online Web-FTP integrate options into their Web client secure connection are launched. Thishelped allay fears about the safety issues, and soon many companies began to operate from office locations in relation to electronic data. Of course, the advantages are numerous. It may be that management wants a presentation, and instead of giving up a USB drive or some other form of media, you can simply send to their corporate servers, all ready to go. This method is much more reliable if you remember to take your work on CD or external hard drive, and is oftenas safe!

The fact remains that you have not sent any information to third parties. How do you know that the basic FTP client that you are using does not send a copy of all data to an unknown location, or access the information you have entered the server to access the FTP site is via the web-mail ' administrator? The simple answer is that you do! E 'is therefore essential, reports on various websites based on FTP, the most familiar are read, soYou can get any nasty surprises.

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Configure DHCP on a Cisco CCNA dynamic - Part 2

Step 1: The first step is the router to provide the service on Cisco

Router (config) # service dhcp

This command allows the relay service and the Cisco router features on the router.

To remove the command, use the same command without the beginning

Configure the DHCP pool name

Configure the name of the pool and use the following command in global configuration mode:

Router (config) # ip dhcp pool name

This commandcreates a name for the IP address pool service and puts you in how to configure the pool at the command prompt # dhcp-config.

Configure the address pool subnet mask, and next step is to create a subnet mask for the address pool you just created. This pool contains the valid range of IP addresses that DHCP to assign the customer service:

Router (dhcp-config) # network network-number [mask | prefix]

The prefix length specifies the number of bitsform the address prefix. The prefix is an alternative client to enter the network mask.

Setting the domain name for the client, the domain name for a client provides the client with the domain.

Router (dhcp-config) # domain-name domain

Set the IP Domain Name System server to the client when the client to query DNS IP servers when they need to resolve host names to IP or URLAddresses.

Router (dhcp-config) #-server-address [dns ... address2 address5]

Specifies the IP address of a DNS server is a client. A single IP address is necessary, but it is possible to 8 of them.

Configure the default router for the client, the client must route from the network and the router must know the IPaddress of the default gateway or default. The IP address of default router is in the same subnetDHCP client.

Router (dhcp-config) # default-router address [address2 ... address8]

Specifies the IP address of a DNS server is a client. A single IP address is necessary, but it is possible to 8 of them.

Set the Address Lease Time The default lease time for each IP address assigned by a server per day. This is the time of the location address is invalid. To change the value of the lease for an IPAddress:

Router (config-dhcp) # lease {days [hours] [minutes] | infinite}

Dynamic configuration DHCP on a Cisco router Part 2

For the CCNA, you need sound understanding in relations with the router configuration Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) on a Cisco subnet an IP address to one or more

DHCP Configuration Example

Router (config) # service dhcp

Router (config) # ip dhcp poolCCNA

Router (dhcp-config) # network

Router (dhcp-config) # domain-name COMMSUPPORT.LOCAL

Router (dhcp-config) # dns-server

Router (dhcp-config) # default-router

Router (config-dhcp) # lease 5 2 3

above configuration to assign the client an address in the range of and not, the server will also tell the customer that the domain namecommsupport.local that the DNS server is on subnet, use a gateway known as the address and keep for 5 days, 2 hours and 3 minutes.

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What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?

A virtual private network (VPN) may be a remote access or site-to-network site - the case, you need a special VPN software and hardware to build anything. For example, users need a desktop software client for each distance, dedicated hardware (a concentrator or secure PIX firewall), a dedicated server for dial-up network server for use by a service provider VPN for remote users and network access and policy managementCenter.

There is no single path that leads to a VPN, the need is why most companies find a solution to them. Most VPNs, however, use the Cisco VPN technology simply because it is the most common devices for the networking world.

But what are some of the hardware required in addition to the VPN software? A component is called a concentrator. This device is particularly suitable for remote access, with encryption and authentication techniques and advanced. With high availability, performance and scalability, this piece of hardware, modules, and the throughput of September can. VPN Concentrator sales ability to work in contexts of small businesses, as well as in large firms with up to 10,000 remote users.

A VPN router is optimized for scalability used, routing, security and service quality. This device is generally based on> Cisco IOS Software VPN - there are many different routers for network applications. I use it as a small business corporations.

If you set up a virtual private network, you're also going to need a secure PIX firewall. A) PIX (Private Internet Exchange Firewall also comes with dynamic network address translation, proxy server, packet filtering, firewall and VPN functions into one. A Cisco VPN always uses this type ofHardware set up a SSL VPN, even if a PIX usually do not use Cisco IOS software, but an efficient operating system, which is great for a good performance.

VPNs are used to connect offices and work with them on a private network for various purposes. The type of software that you implement depends on the nature of the network build. Most of the networks with a Cisco VPN client software and Cisco for compatibility reasons. It does not matterwhat the client using VPN, SSL should be set up as efficiently as possible and work to correct safety measures to protect the dissemination of data.

Things have changed in recent years, with companies forced to deal with the global markets and offices in various locations around the world. With segments of the modern enterprise often spread over different locations, the most important technology is the Virtual Private Network. VPNEnable companies, internal communications, which are fast, safe and reliable to maintain. The VPN technology and modern machinery, to give companies the opportunity to do economically. Without the ability to communicate reliably with a VPN, the company would not be good Sun

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How to build a wireless router, the connection Keeps Dropping

On Black Friday last year I decided to take a new wireless router. The Wireless-N support is obviously a selling point pleasant, but the main feature for me was to select boosters. I like to work on my laptop in different rooms around the house and some are very far from my wireless router. The booster interval helps transmit the signal further and faster than a standard router, leading to a better experience anywhere in your home or office.

The router I ended up buyingwas the Cisco Linksys WRT160N /. I had a Linksys router for years and property has always had a good experience with them.

A Linksys router for wireless Internet

After a quick and easy installation, I was running wireless, or so I thought. After a few minutes my wireless connection started my problems. The connection would be around a few minutes covered and then return after a few seconds. This was annoying and made the whole routeruseless.

Once the wireless router drop the connection at regular intervals, is a common problem. You may experience this problem after many months or even years of good use of the router. Of course there is always the possibility that something is wrong with the router. However, there is an important step that can solve the problem and the router back on track. It worked perfectly in the above scenario and has worked for me many timesPast.

The first thing to do is check if you have the latest firmware of the router! If not, then you should upgrade immediately!

In simple terms, the word program firmware or software that controls hardware. The best place to find the latest firmware the manufacturer's website. In this case, I went directly to the Linksys website and searched for it. To install the latest firmware, you need to log in, you check in your router adminPanel (usually via a web browser) and then with the section that you can upgrade to go. After updating the firmware, the router will restart and then hopefully things are in good shape. I write this, after hours of uninterrupted wireless connectivity.

There is a further important steps that we believe to be the most reliable Internet connection Warranty: visit the computer manufacturer and make sure the latest drivers forThe wireless card. Even after updating the firmware, you must make sure your product is not responsible for the problems. So go ahead and download and install the latest drivers for your wireless adapter in your computer. This step is important as the firmware update so do not be lazy and ignore it.

Happy surfing ...

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