Zinc Whiskers - What you need to know now!
whiskers of metal have long been a known problem for electronics. Over the past 10 years, the articles are zinc whiskers growing in your computer room? was used as a guide to investigate and resolve data center zinc whiskers around the world. Unfortunately, despite considerable efforts, Zinc Whiskers gone. As an industry, it was generally felt that it was the only serious source of Zinc Whiskers in computer equipment in a safe,Types of access floor panels. Services without these particular types of fields have not been accepted to a contamination of the hair. How wrong that assumption was zinc whiskers on a variety of metal components were found in all types of organizations, including: steel spikes, power line, suspended ceiling grid T-bar and wire suspension, and of course , raised flooring, skirting the heads of the base and stringers. This may seem surprising, but it is notnews.
PART I - Zinc Whisker vulnerability The real story is that zinc whiskers are discovered every day in cabinets, shelves, and the server computer and on the right. It is! Zinc whiskers can grow and computer hardware. How is this possible? It 's really easy. Computer systems are a combination of electronic circuit boards and mounted in metal boxes and cases. The choice of the metal is steel, as. Conductive, strong and reasonable cost, the steel is galvanized frequently to prevent oxidation and corrosion of zinc is still the coating material of choice because it is relatively inexpensive, electrically conductive, and provides a good surface appearance, many cases computers are galvanized; .. So, shelving, cabinets shelf supports and other structural elements. When zinc whiskers are everywhere, are not visible? Remember that zinc whiskers thinner than a human hair andapproximately 0.5 -. 5.0 mm length of time to look for them to find they are increasingly seeing the mass of a single whisker is like finding the proverbial needle in the haystack of a zinc whisker contamination when it should not be considered normal ... high failure rates - both catastrophic failures and less severe soft, the failure rate may, within 72 hours of maintenance or invasive to be done around the tip of the device .. Many factorsinclude determining the probability of zinc whiskers that are failures, but not all.:
Age of the starting material and therefore the overall length of the whiskers.
Susceptibility to mechanical damage such as scratches, friction and vibration to resolve the cause of the whiskers from the surface of the host and move freely.
The susceptibility of equipment to whisker failures.
Many people mistakenly conclude only power supplies are prone to whisker failures. Thisprobably due to lack of supply tends to occur with a strong dramatic "pop" and a system error. Unfortunately, the food is placed not only in the electronic information system. There are a number of integrated circuits (chips), leads, traces and other components. To be sure, parts of which all elements are covered and not exposed to the list of masks or plastic welding and rule.
But not everything is protected, and those exposeddoor are just as vulnerable as the power supply. Zinc whisker bridges and short circuits, exposed the circuit still has the potential to wreak havoc on a system. What happens when memory is short-circuited intermittently during the installation of criticism, and part of the Riegel clock cycle? May be damaged. Maybe the corruption is detected and corrected error correction algorithms. Perhaps the data involved is really a guideProcessor. What if the processor attempts to load and run this class corrupt? If the system fail or hang? Any engineer will agree that finding and correcting errors is a flashing of the hardest things to do. "If you can not see, can not solve the problem." Whisker failures fall into this category.
Many anomalies of the system is not registered or tracked. If the reset clears the situation, the problem as quickly as annoying, but rejectedcritical. Often do not have this on-the-plan deals with the prospects for management. Ask IT manager, if the equipment needs to be reset and they will say: "... no, why do you ask" Request for an operator if the equipment needs to be reset and they will say: "... of course all the time, why do you ask "
Thus, if zinc whiskers are everywhere and the effects on plants, as it is not known? Most people who get information from their own experience or confidenceSources. If personal experience is not memorable, you have human nature, and discount rates. When restoring a car club is more memorable than filling a cup of coffee, it was intended. A power pop is unusual and memorable. Clicking the button does not.
In the IT world, resources are usually reliable employees and suppliers. No one speaks for neither has an incentive to talk. Users will not admit Zinc WhiskerProblems because of the fear of condemnation and effects of suppliers. People should honor their contracts for the maintenance of adequate facilities for IT environments. Zinc Whisker contamination does not contribute to a suitable environment. Similarly, sellers do not speak for fear of liability. Suppliers are explicit and implicit guarantees that the equipment that produce and sell free of bugs and honor. If the device is very fragile and / orProduction of whiskers, there is a legitimate fear of legal liability.
The result of all this silence is a customer of ignorance about a very serious matter.
PART II - The range of zinc whiskers and what to do next is like
How bad it is? The evidence that zinc can influence environmental Whiskers one or more components in 50% or more of the shelves and in closets everywhere. Historically, manufacturers have approved equipment when the problems are suspected.Users tested only if the manufacturer does not provide answers. Recently, large customers were willing to larger sponsors for revisions to the system. Unfortunately shown that the results of these tests remain confidential for the reasons mentioned above. Suffice to say, the zinc whiskers are touched and affected almost all producers.
Are mustaches abound as to why there are no more problems?
Everything indicates that the zinc tend to stay Whiskersvery well connected to the host surface. Until they reach a certain length, the zinc whiskers are connected until they are freed by mechanical means, keep rubbing and scratching. Once you reach a certain length, not only can direct the release by mechanical means, but also more passive, such as through vibration or air flow. Once moved, Zinc Whiskers migrate freely in the vicinity.
Zinc whisker failures should not becatastrophic. errors and failures Bit soft, and other abnormalities can be attributed to zinc whiskers.
What is the remedy for Zinc Whiskers?
In general, the accepted treatment for zinc whiskers to remove and replace the material of the root with a pristine version. It makes no sense to replace the contaminated equipment, both from a logistical point of view or financial. This does not mean the problem should be ignored. . Zinc whiskers arecontinue to grow. Why are longer, can be more harmful.
Users can not stop, nor can they stop their equipment to meet the needs of society by the migration hardware moves and rearrangements. Users who wish to proactively problem was to develop a plan for dealing with staff training, supplier management, equipment and handling procedures.
There are many similarities with appropriate healthrealistically be applied: non-stop work with a sick patient, do not ignore the patient's condition rather than proactive steps to help the patient and prevent infection while the patient or other disgusting ..
Part III - Addressing zinc whisker contamination
The following recommendations are based on a logical argument to do nothing based neither active nor rational in the long term. Something must be done. Shown is a possible approachdeals with large whisker zinc contamination.
Users should ask:
All persons entering the site of the presence of zinc whiskers to be informed and must sign a confidentiality agreement. Violators of the NDA may affect their employment status or seller.
All employees and visitors, the rooms are equipped with all the equipment in the company touching must be trained and tested on knowledge of zinc whiskers.
All employees and visitors,Working on equipment in the room and must be trained on business management zinc whiskers tested.
When you switch to zinc whiskers management training, all employees and visitors will be required to sign the promising behavior of zinc-whisker. This promise is to force employees and visitors for the treatment of zinc whiskers and no serious action to exacerbate the problem. Their actions reflect the best interests of users and reliable data.
All furniture will be assessed for zinc whiskers. The test results will be announced on the front door and rear of the cabinet.
Identified zinc whiskers in wardrobes or markers will be shown with colored sticker. The markers are used for staff and visitors, in which the notice of pollution.
Employees and visitors are expected, because of their training and in accordance with the promise to work around the contaminated areas ofbest efforts.
Users are:
Demand so the purchase agreement, all new appliances movement of whiskers of zinc for a period of 36 months.
Work to help you with all providers to understand the problem and develop solutions for future projects.
Try to replace (either for purchase or agreement with the seller) any equipment, which should last no longer than 18 months at work.
They try to monitor and manage all the equipment that is to be expectedRetired or replaced in less than 18 months.
Make a plan to control errors.
Provide test points to monitor regularly the condition of room (s).
Have a regular cleaning program for the plant.
Set up a cleaning program for the internal rack.
Drive to locate the survey process and eliminate sources of additional root. All the furniture in the data center should be studied and tested as necessary todetermine where other sources are available.
Planning should begin immediately to conduct a thorough investigation, monitoring and recovery program, the program.:
The identification of the sources.
Sources management.
The removal of the root sources as possible.
Cleaning the data center to renew and to mitigate the potential impact.
CONCLUSION Zinc Whiskers are more common than previously thought andrecognized at the same time you can enjoy life with a mustache zinc and reasonably reliable service, but it is important to recognize and manage the state -.... Do not ignore life with a chronic infectious disease provides a useful working model once an area is a source of zinc whisker, will always be a source of zinc whiskers. undisturbed, reliable operation can continue. If the interaction with this surface is required, the zinc whiskersThe status of this material is unknown. However, if the required interaction with the source of zinc whiskers, then the staff should be informed and trained to take appropriate measures to prevent unnecessary release of Zinc Whiskers and possible damage to equipment or the wider system to prevent contamination.
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