
How to make a Ventrilo server

If you want to know Ventrilo add (or "vent"), to play or chat, your client and server are required. Any person who wishes to participate, download the Ventrilo client, but only one person needs to set up the server. The easiest way is to do a server is an outlet for rent and there are many hosting companies to choose from. Once you select the Ventrilo server hosting company and the installation is configuring Ventrilo ClientServer according to your needs.

For Windows users, an entry in the Start menu called VentSrv is downloaded to your Ventrilo server and run the program. Ventrilo Setup menu, click the options menu vent server, an application window that the server is running on all output caused by this are the console window, because the server does not open a GUI .

Click Start, go to VentSrv, and then go to edit the INI file if changes are needed toVentrilo server configuration. This is easily done with Notepad, then when you are done editing, save, and start to connect to the server. You may also need the server IP, port and password of the server you are connected.

When you choose a hosting company to rent from vent server, look for features such as unlimited bandwidth, which is important as the bandwidth of the Ventrilo server and the more customers that are connected to use the bandwidth moreconsumed.

Another feature of the charter of a Ventrilo server is to look at the features of redundant servers, as this gives you time to work more consistent, as there is a backup server. If the game is important for you to be a game-saving feature for your guild.

lease and the creation of a Ventrilo server to accelerate your games or chat. If you try to always do without the comfort of Ventrilo!

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