
How to get to Knowledge 642-515 SNAA Cisco certification?

Exam 642-515 is a Cisco certification exams and examination as to secure networks with advanced ASA 642-515. This certification will help the product candidates to acquire skills and knowledge to describe, review, administration and configuration of the Cisco ASA Security Appliance. This test will also help candidates to improve their products, their capabilities in the Cisco ASA Security Appliance.


The following are the 642-515 exam objectives for a better understanding of candidates and they are:

1) Check and configure the AIP SSM and CSC SSM Modules
2) Check and configure the SSL VPN connectivity to secure 's the
3) Check and configure the connectivity on the secured VPS IP-sec
4) Check and configure dynamic routing switches, security appliances, as well as NAT.
5) Check and configureApplication protocol inspection, and policies of a modular application using the framework for safety

Other details of the test:

Applicants can check the register in one of the centers Pearson VUE Web site or the Pearson, with online payment of examination fee (about $ 250). The exam can be scheduled by the candidates in order of convenience from payment of examination fees. The test consists of 55-65 questions with multiple choice, drag and drop,built a tree, builds on the last type.

Language options on the candidates for the final exam to write the examination in Japanese, which may be extended by 30 minutes. Candidates who are writing the examination of the Japanese, apart from English should in the same ratio in Cisco and Pearson VUE centers in at least 15 days before the test.

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