The Cisco CCNP lab is one of the most difficult to build the laboratory, because it touches so many different pieces equipment. If you build your own CCNA lab, it is quite easy as three Cisco routers and Cisco switches, three are in a position good enough to be a fairly reasonable price. Certainly much less than the price for attending a training course Cisco CCNA and you get to keep the equipment in practice, as long as you want. When building a Cisco CCIE lab focusto a particular discipline such as CCIE Security, Voice, Service Provider, or storage routing and switching, which is sufficient for the purchase of Cisco equipment for the field.
Now, with the construction of the Cisco CCNP lab, you need four different modules that cover include many networking technologies. The modules are BSCI (Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks), which is basically the extension of advanced concepts of routing everything you learned in your CCNA training,next level. So the module needs a series of Cisco routers, the most comprehensive of these CCNP labs. BCMSN (Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Network), which also extends to what you learned in your CCNA training from a perspective by adding new concepts such as Switching Cisco Layer 3 switching and QoS to a greater extent. This module really gets into the nitty gritty of Cisco Switching and thus requires some high-end, more expensive switches that are capable of Layer 3 switching.
Furthermore, in a perfect environment, you need more of these Cisco switches for your lab and really completes the experience full of problems. Then we ISCW (implementation of Secure Converged Wide Area Networks), which expand as the current corporate network to remote sites and teleworkers with a focus on configuring VPN client access, and about the security of remote access methods. Many of these concepts can be found on the Cisco router to get purchased for your BSCIForm, but the possibility of extension to a VPN Concentrator or PIX firewall is nice but not absolutely necessary if you're on a tight budget. Finally, the last module is CCNP ONT (Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks) on how best to use your existing network by prioritizing QoS traffic is concentrated.
Much of it is for voice packets, time-critical packets, the QoS is applied that require attention. This module will also examine the first wirelessSecurity installation. Being both elements QoS on Cisco routers and switches for the Cisco BSCI track to be exercised to purchase the track already purchased BSCI. So now we see that to a large extent, you will be able to use the device in the first two modules to support the concepts in the last two modules. We try to find a balance between the amount of equipment, price of equipment and laboratories, which are carried out, since most people do not go over budget and can affectspending $ 30,000 for each term that covers presented in the CCNP curriculum. And that's what makes it so difficult to build a Cisco CCNP lab at a reasonable price.
CCNP Lab Approach
Now that you have an idea of what you are looking for are within your Cisco CCNP lab from a device perspective, we see how we can approach this. If you are not really strong are the advantages and disadvantages of various features of the router, you can check our Cisco CCNA Lab SuggestionsNot only are there suggestions for building a CCNA lab, but also many of the same features and advantages and disadvantages of the various Cisco routers and Cisco switches.
Well, if you are just starting their studies are available on the Cisco certification CCNA, but are happy to accommodate your CCNP, I do! Network engineers must be able to hone their skills for capacity planning. In this case, you will plan ahead for your career as a Cisco certification. So if you haveCisco CCNA level and are ready to buy a CCNA lab, but you want to make sure that it is okay to do scalable for your future Cisco CCNP studies, even in our advanced Cisco CCNA / CCNP starter kit. These are designed to provide the best possible experience from the point of view, Cisco CCNA with the knowledge that this kit as a seed for you CCNP kits. All elements of this kit can be used in Cisco CCNP lab, so money is not wasted.
Like mostThings in the world, the more you pay for the kit, features more you get to play with your Cisco lab. This extended CCNA / CCNP starter kits are great if you do not blow all the money for a complete kit CCNP now or if you are 100% sure you want to continue on the Cisco CCNP certification. But then again, who does not progress in their careers?
Common Cisco CCNP Lab Questions
IOS 12.4
12.4 IOS is a prerequisite for the router. Who says so? Why can not I use12.3? Well, I think you can, but if the page CCNP exam, using the 12.4 If the Member, I tend to listen to Cisco, because it is their test and get it at their discretion to change! What does this mean for you? 2500-2600-router and the router can not support normal 12.4. So if you have the budget to jump directly to 3640 or 2600XM series routers for your CCNP lab. They are the two best routers that support is 12.4. The 3640 is a modular router that comes with nobuilt-in Ethernet or serial port, but has four network module slots for various Ethernet, serial and voice cards can be made. 2600XM Series is an open network module slot and two WIC slots. The beauty of the 2600XM series is that there is a built-in Ethernet port is 100mb!
What can I do with my old 2500 or 2600 non-XM routers do?
Although Cisco says the new CCNP exams are based on 12.4, which does not mean that you throw all your 2500 and / or 2600 XM routerand start again. We can integrate into your new environment CCNP lab. However, you must realize that you may not be able to work every characteristic of each router, there may be some of you go to see other routers 12.3 12.4. The old adage that you get what you pay for applies in this situation. The higher your budget, the features you get. It 's like buying a car. The more money you have, the more bells and whistles to get you.
Because your kits usually have3640s and 2600XM routers?
We have the 3640 router are included, they are the cheapest way to build your lab 12.4 supports IPv6 and SDM. To support IPv6 and SDM must have 128/32 on each of these routers. Since these two waves of the future and are testing, you should be able to perform any work in the laboratory.
How many routers do I need?
Another great question! The more the better! In fact, we need to do it fairly complex to find a waypropagate, DHCP relay agents work, load balancing, route summarization, different types of OSPF stub, Frame Relay, IS-IS intra-area inter-area-routing vs. multi-casting groups of BGP and IPv6 on a dual -stack routers. Wow, that was a mouthful! So more than two or three routers is a safe assumption to build your CCNP lab. We want to see about 8 routers in your lab. You can see the available CCNP labs, we offer the Cisco-specific control. The award is part of our kit in our teaching laboratory verywell. Standard and Economy kits and you can match the best most of the concepts by following the instructions on the material you have, even if it might work well for laboratories to understand.
So if you can only afford one of these kits, do not worry, you will still tons of great experience from these kits! * Remember to ask some people to be able, any term that is covered in the book to perform. This is not for the majority of customers who are realisticSelf-learning, as it also costs more than $ 20,000 per person.
How many switches do I need?
We think four switches is a pretty good number for your CCNP lab. This gives you the possibility of different scenarios that require more switches, as trunking in multilayer switched networks, multi-cast, QoS, concepts such as VTP pruning, creating loops, and suppressed with STP, check the root bridge election, Multiple environments spanning tree UplinkFast and configureBackboneFast, EtherChannel and Layer 3-7 switching. Two Layer 3 switch and 2950 switch seems to work very well, the cost of conscience.
What is a Layer 3 switch?
Wait BSCI examination, in order to get a fresh concept. This is a switch that can also do the routing! So no need to jump the traffic from the switch, just for a router that sent it right back with the switch itself, because the target is on a different subnet. These switches will route trafficwithin the switch and save bandwidth and time! We find that in a perfect world, you will have two of these switches, but you can get with one. In this way you can see how they communicate, trunk together and so on.
Can you give me an overview of the test?
It 'easy to buy the kit to change. But in the following laboratories, you are mostly a frame relay switch connects four different areas where condensation may occur.
What is a Terminal Server and Routers Why Do I Want One?
A very nice to have a 2509 or 2511 access server / router end. In this way you will not need to keep moving the console cable from router to router, is configured as six. You can connect all the routers and switches via the terminal server and the octal cable. This does not work in your lab, but it is nice to have to use the lab much easier.
If you already have your CCNA certification, whichabove should be a lot of sense, you have done. Also, congratulations on your CCNA! You should have a very good overview of the various features of the various Cisco routers and Cisco switches. Now I just need to know which Cisco routers and switches, you must build your own buying Cisco CCNP lab.
CCNP Lab Kit Options
Well, we have Cisco CCNP labs for all four different price categories. As mentioned, the more you spend, the more bells and whistles youcan experience in your Cisco CCNP lab studies. We tend to support the Cisco Press book Cisco CCNP prefer our laboratories. Who better, to get this information directly from Cisco? The Cisco Press books are veritable laboratories for BSCI and BCMSN modules. We follow very closely to the laboratory and in the books BSCI BCMSN presented topologies. This is because you are then able to follow the accompanying laboratories. Now you must understand that their laboratories to follow closely,would easily spend twice what we pay for each of these kits.
So, from our experience we have the kit with some routers and switches cheaper Cisco Cisco, the majority of the concepts discussed in the workshops is changed. Again, the more you pay for the kit, you will experience more of the concepts of the situation. Even from our experience, we have determined a way to reduce the price of the kit was to make some routers to remove the first only for the laboratoryComplex environment with the addition of additional routers which thus introduced additional routes. Now, if we try to keep things on a tight budget, we can not see the need for three additional routers, cables and all modules Cisco is the only way we can see some lines in the tables.
It would be one thing if these routers are $ 50 each, but if you look at the router, the module, the cable and how you can easily add $ 1,000 or more, the price of the kit. IfEssence of much of this information is completed in a route summarization anyway! So again we have the most bang for the buck in building these kits. As mentioned earlier, the Cisco CCNP lab is probably difficult to contact because of all the different technologies to build.
But there is light at the end of the tunnel! You can use all these devices in your Cisco CCIE lab, so do not waste! In particular the exchange CiscoKitsA program that allows your Cisco routers and switches, Cisco has purchased an upgrade CiscoKits. Please note the trade-up program for further details. But since most of the equipment already CCIE, you can also click your way to acing the Cisco CCNP exam and then conquer your Cisco CCIE certification.
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