Cisco 642-691 Training Tools
642-691 BGP + MPLS
MPLS BGP + exam
Exam Number: 642-691
Associated Certifications: CCIP
Duration: 90 minutes (60 to 70 questions)
Available languages: English
Description 642-691 exam
The BGP + MPLS exam is the quickest way for currently certified CCIP (Cisco Certified Internetwork Professional) to obtain recertification. The exam tests skills and knowledge related to the configuration of BGP on CiscoRouters (BGP) and Implementing Cisco MPLS (MPLS) courses. BGP + MPLS will be taken to your DAC recertification certificate. It can also be used in place of the BGP and MPLS exams for the CCIP certification required.
642-691 exam topics
The following information is provided general guidelines for the contents to be included in BGP + MPLS exam. However, other topics may also appear on a specific delivery of the exam.
*Understand and explain Core MPLS technology and concepts
* Understand and explain MPLS VPN technology and concepts
* Understand and explain basic concepts and operations of BGP
* Understand and explain how the IGP and BGP in Service Provider networks scale
Base implementation and configuration
* Explain and implement the operations of frame mode MPLS on Cisco IOS platforms
* Explain and implement the operations of Cell-mode MPLS on Cisco IOSPlatforms
* Explain and implement BGP Route Selection Using Policy-based control of the Cisco IOS
* Explain and implement BGP Route Selection Using Attributes BGP on Cisco IOS platforms
* Explain and implement customer-supplier connectivity with BGP on Cisco IOS platforms
* Explain and implement BGP Transit Autonomous System on Cisco IOS platforms
* Explain and implement IBGP connectivity using BGP route reflectors of the Cisco IOS
* Explain andImplement BGP Confederations on Cisco IOS platforms
Advanced Configuration
* Explain and implement BGP configuration of the Cisco IOS advanced
* Explain and implement MPLS VPN operations on Cisco IOS platforms
* Explain and implement OSPF inside an MPLS VPN
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