
Calculate your real gain

Every entrepreneur is always looking for a profit. They are careful to avoid the tax costs and expenses to exceed revenue. In the financial world is the income, what you get after deducting our sales or sales of our costs and expenses. Sometimes entrepreneurs go beyond ethical reasons, to avoid losses and stay in the black. They do this in many ways. An example of this is to maximize their revenues by setting unreasonably high prices and product services. Some businessmenManufacture or provide low quality products and services to reduce costs alone. And when it comes to falling costs of commission, have mistakenly salaries and employee benefits, tax evasion tax evasion to pay the costs of environmental protection and immoral and unjust.

Computing is a beneficial thing to learn that every entrepreneur wants. To know this is to learn basic accounting. So how can we calculate the profit? He says that the accounting profitrevenues minus costs and expenses. For a production company and merchandising, net income is equal to sales minus the goods sold and expenses. For a service company, is equal to sales minus costs and services. Operating costs include joint administrative salaries and benefits, provisions, marketing expenses, taxes and licenses, insurance, energy and communications, supplies, repairs and maintenance and others. Taxes and licenses are recorded as public expenditure. In aThe credentials can be found to calculate your company's net income or net loss in the profit and loss. Income statement is also known as an explanation of the operation.

Corporate profit is a reward for doing good in business. There is a price of a good entrepreneur, he has received. But why even this evil businessmen reward of profit? Because they are independent and professionally controlled and kept in the profit and loss account show more profit? We are amaximum false or a miscalculation? Entrepreneurs good, in fact, to reward the company. Our accounting is not really bad, but there are only a few important factors to consider. Everything about businesses should be omitted, with the real profits come.

Returning to the basic equation is equal to the net cost of net income and expenses. Revenues are earned total sales of products or services. It should also be in other revenues of such interest exists,Income from rents, investments and others. In addition, the starter was evident as the protection of the environment, love, full of tax remittances and offers products and services of quality, customer satisfaction and customer feedback, high and low for replacement workers and salaried employees, and others. These benefits are difficult to market, but not impossible to estimate, represented in our statement of profit or loss.

Costs and expenses, aspreviously, the costs of products and services and expenses to be in business. The costs should also be seen the evil deeds, such as damage to the environment, tax evasion, by providing low quality products and services, customer statements negative ', the lack of honesty and integrity unfair payment of compensation for employees and other . All these factors are operative and should therefore be considered and recognized the profit true. Therefore, our accounting regulatorsStandard equipment and to begin that are truly and deeply enjoy the company account. Thus the reader of the profit and all other statements must finally be able to know whether a particular business or enterprise to do good or not.

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