
Data Recovery: 10 most effective means of backing up your computer

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Despite my efforts over the past week I have lost both primary and secondary systems average. After the loss of my main desktop a few years ago I swore I would never be caught without a PC operating system. As they say, "The Road to h * ll is paved with good intentions," and I was back with the proverbial pants down caught with any computer operating system as my desktop, which had been dead exhibitors sign problem in last monthsuddenly and does not turn on.

Then I went to my laptop, I was definitely lazy to be up to date and lit it. Immediately, the Windows update process started, and asked me to install Service Pack 3 for Windows XP. After successfully on my desktop, I was not too worried about any problems with the installation on the laptop. But after completing the installation, the blue screen of death, which is never a good sign with a Windows-based system.

After trying unsuccessfully for about an hour to revive it on my laptop (which is only 8 months and still under warranty), I knew I was in trouble and then look for alternatives. Fortunately, my husband has a laptop at hand, which he uses for games when we travel, and he has generously offered to install my programs and files until I could fix one of my computers.

After that I finally recognized that there was no way I could have foreseen thisSituation, I decided that I needed to s * ck it, overcome and move forward. So, I'm not having a partially customized notebook to do this until one or the other of my PC will be returned.

Despite going through similar situations before, I learned some new things on the way to data recovery and computer backup. Here are the 10 most effective tools that saved my bacon when my last computer crisis.

1 automatic backup software. I'm with 2Online Backup, Carbonite and Syncplicity. I have Carbonite back already, and I found the process tedious and confusing. So, a few months ago I started with Syncplicity, because it provides online access to all the backup files and the ability to synchronize an unlimited number of computers. However, it took a week to restore 20 GB of data with Syncplicity, and part of the data was not really back, despite what Syncplicity told me, on my behalf.However, this lack of information that can be easily downloaded on my computer from the time online. A process that makes this backup system, is that I save all my files in My Docs, so I do not hunt in Program Files, or where they are stored in the rule.

2 E-mail client software. I'm still using Eudora dinosaur for my email client. Old habits die slowly, I think. But somehow I missed some of the main Eudora folder selected for backup, so I was initiallyprovides access webmail through my hosting company e-mail, because access to this oversight with Eudora. I started to get tired in a hurry, as I had the opportunity to create additional folders in these systems, so I decided to manually configure the Eudora folders and open and e-mail, as I needed in the program. This experience has made me very tempted, all my incoming and outgoing mail servers on all domains only Gmail, online access to everything, change, coming hurricanes, floods,Tornado or a computer crash.

3 Service of bookmarks. I am a passionate researcher and collector of resources, access to my bookmarks or favorites is essential for my day to day. I was with Squidoo, but because of the frequent failures of their regular service, I switched to Foxmarks. I like that this service gives me the opportunity to access all online and have them on hand whenever I need my bookmarks menu and simply syncon any computer.

4 Managing contacts. Although I do not use Outlook for e-mail, use it for calendar and contact management. I was using Plaxo as an online backup for my contacts, but did not allow me to store my notes about each contact. I'm using Airset for several months, and periodically synchronize my contacts (with notes) and my schedule for its online service. I found it much more convenient than trying to restore a backup file to Outlook PST andrepeat that again, if my main computer is returned. Instead, I have to make some changes to my contacts and calendar Airset, and I simply sync Outlook on my desktop.

Password 5. I've been using Roboform for years to help me manage my passwords. I have my Roboform data on my Docs, so a breeze to install Roboform and copy the data folder on the new computer and allow me to other sites that a user name and password have access. Finally, something thatworked seamlessly!

Project Management 6. SmartSheet is my service project management in recent months. I like his ability to create an object and allow you to attach a document and the discussion on the item. Instead of looking for information on a project that was all I needed to do to access my account SmartSheet and there it was.

7 software licenses. Approximately 99% of the new software I downloaded and I can not install a copy on the physicalCD. So I'm sure you have the download version in a Downloads folder, a part of my Docs files that are backed up regularly. And, I make a PDF copy of the license of the software I receive e-mail software and a folder in My Docs. Finally, I bought a very cheap, recording Vault, which I store all my software license and allows the purchase of information and allows me my data to my documents. When I had to install the software on a new computer, wasslightly, recording Vault file restore, my license number of the software, and have a fully functional piece of software within minutes.

Accounting 8. I use Quickbooks for my accounting needs, and while an online version available for questions, I'm not moving. Instead, I returned after each use Quickbooks in the My Docs folder. When I needed to load the consulting clients earlier this month was all I needed to do to install Quickbooks and restore my last backup.I once had everything we needed on hand again.

9 alternate free services. Some software I use, such as CuteFTP and TraxTime not allow backups. So, I really start with all my FTP information, and my time tracking information, if my computer dies. Instead of installing these programs on your new computer, I just used some free alternatives to let me pass. FireFTP, a Firefox add-on is very good for me as my FTP client has worked, and stopped MyHours.comgood enough for TraxTime, although it requires a few steps further to run as TraxTime.

10 E-mail marketing. Although it is not a tool, I discovered that the text and HTML versions of e-mails sent, e-mail marketing. At first I was not able to get my normal mail client to run, so I read my e-mail from my webmail systems. I have 2 hosting accounts and the latest is a rather sophisticated webmail system and let me read HTML e-mails without any problem. Theothers do not, however, allows viewing HTML. Thus, the e-mail sent in HTML were only those who could not read. If you are wise and your e-mail marketing program that lets you send e-mail is in HTML format and text, do it, even if it seems to be perhaps as an unnecessary pain. You never know how the members of the list to provide your e-mail could be forced.

As you can gather, I discovered that online services have with me the largest reserves made available to help me in thisComputer crisis. My lesson? Duplicate as much as possible online systems. In this way, you have to travel to access the data if you if you have a computer crash or if you are faced with a natural disaster.

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