
Training videos or hacking marketing tool

Video on how to hack a PC
I sat in my office for about 30 minutes trying to decide if I'm writing this article. I finally concluded that I, as this information is already available for free on the Internet and, in fact, was written as part of a government's contribution. This video, part of a successful sales and marketing, or maybe just public awareness and educationto sell a product called Fiberlink Extend360, literally walks through theTo be done to affect a PC on a wireless network. It is not only shown in the video, it is completely delivered.
The connection to the target PC
The video shows you which tools to use to scan for a wireless network, determine the user accounts to determine if account lockout is on or off, how to connect to the PC using the null session attachment, and how to make a compiled using the tool be used in order to win access to the target PC command.
Turn off Anti-Virus Software
At this point they are going toto explain how turning off the target PC anti-virus, all of which reference their product, but to be fair they also mention, patches and other basic security measures, and as if it were, this attack would not have been possible. Then, create a folder on the infected PC and share it.
Then connect to the shared folder from the source computer to explain how to get all of a user ID and password to obtain. Pwdump use the entire SAM, where the user accounts and the landfillHashing passwords are stored also show how to tell copy from a configuration file and how to use Cisco VPN.
Password Cracking
Then we show how a user with a password crack tool that I wrote before, like Cain. Then, they install a Trojan on subeven system so that key-logging takes place, and since the anti-virus software is disabled, will not be noticed. They install the Trojan and a connection to the machine. Thenbe sure to tell the Trojans that alerts you when the target computer is online, so you can go back and edit it some more '. However, if you were their product, that this was not possible.
The acquisition of data using a sniffer
After the video, how to hack into a wireless PC, it shows another one of the companies that CISSPs everything there is to know about the search for user names, passwords, PINs and other data by analyzing a set of sniffer output. all
I must say thatthis video tutorial on how to hack a PC is very well done. The video and the narrative is both visually and acoustically perfect and the details and measurements are accurate to hack computers. You have to explain that most of these hacking procedures by other means that their solution with the product can be countered. However, the presentation is clear sales and marketing tool.
I do not know whether to make a video presentation on how to hack a PC that is right or wrong thing to do. I also write articlesthat offer similar, though less detailed information. You could say this is just another way of promoting public awareness. It 'true, it can simply hack into a PC or a network in this way. However, doing a video of how easy it is, it may take a little 'too maybe this should be a question on the CISSP exam. The leave to you to decide.

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