
Who is Your Ideal Client?

You're probably thinking, "I know who are my customers, why do I determine who my ideal client is and why should I care?"

Many of us how we can develop our business, we have to accept any job that comes our way. Some of it pleasant, rewarding and fulfilling. And some are not so pleasant, perhaps extremely unfortunate. In my experience, if you are busy working while you do not enjoy it, you'll never have the time or space for work that brings you joy.

Forsome of you, the idea of turning away work is appalling .... I understand and I want you to think about it anyway. If you are busy, while you are not enjoying it, how can your company as a creative expression of who you are? It can not. They are smothered and suppressed, if you spend your time and energy to the work that you will not meet.

Working with clients from reducing the cost and time, creative energy, motivation and inspiration. The decision to create the ideal work, a customerdynamic synergy that supports:

* Motivation and inspiration

* A sense of accomplishment and fulfillment

* An appreciation of and connection with your customers

* A sense of energy and enthusiasm

To attract your perfect customers for you, you must first identify who they are.

Let's do an exercise. Make a list describing 10 Characteristics or qualities of your ideal customers are. For example, some of the characteristics of my ideal clients are:

* Responsible for (they takeResponsibility for their success or failure)

* Try Creative (willing to step outside their comfort zone and something new)

* Fearless (they think, dream and act big)

* Original (they are positive, reliable and open)

You may find it easier to create a list of features when you use the following sentence, and fill in the field:

My ideal client is _____________________

Once you have your ideal clients have realized 10 trains, you will noticeit easier to say "No" to the clients that do not embody the traits are not the ideal choice. And you will find that you will begin to attract the clients you want.

Success is not magic or hocus-pocus, it is easy to learn how to concentrate. If you do what you want to concentrate on what you want comes to you. By identifying customers who are your ideals, you will notice that they are easier to find and easier to win.

Remember, like everything else, are only good ideas, good ideas, if we do notTo take action and use your pro-active.

Just do it!

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