
Thin Clients

Primary computing models

- Non-managed desktop: Registered users have their own desktop system. Users / system administrators to manage each individual system, including installation and upgradation of software and OS.

- Administered Desktop: With this model, the system administrators can install and manage applications on desktops of users from a central remote location.

- Thin Client / Server-based: In this model, the processing takes place on one or morecentral servers. Users can access these applications locally and remotely, with a standard browser, mobile device, desktop or thin client device.

Basic types of thin clients

1. Basic
2. Robust
3. Flexible
4. Mobile
5. Legacy

Basic Thin Clients

- Provides server-based computing
- Can remote logs of Microsoft / Citrix run / etc on a centrally managed server remotely with the user's desktop, which is on displayServer.

Robust Thin Clients

- Provides all the features of the basic thin client with a browsing terminal, which give access to the Internet or Web applications.

Flexible Thin Clients

- Provides all the features of the basic thin client and robust client together with the possibility of applications are run locally.

Basic types of thin clients:
1. Standalone
2. Wireless

From these two dominate standalone machines. Thereare also new, more powerful types of thin clients that provide some onboard memory and faster processing. Wireless can be as individual machines within the given workspace mobility.

Advantages of Thin Clients

1. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
2. Efficient and easy administration
3. Simple application deployments
4. Security
5. Efficient use of server resources
6th thin-client lifecycle is longer (7-10 years)

Disadvantages of ThinClients

The big disadvantage is that the thin-client setup is not for heavy processing applications, only light applications can run on thin clients. For example, companies that offer high-performance applications such as CAD, CAM, multimedia applications, etc. can be better with a complete PC-based system to use.

Thin Client Network

The network servers, thin clients used should be robust, modular, with serious computing power and bit errorTolerance. In addition to thin-client devices, which requires on the desktop, server-based computing can sit four elements:

1. An operating system
2. Efficient network protocol
3rd Client Management Software
4. Central application

Thin Client Network Protocols

The most commonly used protocols ICA (Citrix), RDP (Microsoft) and X (Linux / Unix). Microsoft RDP protocol allows the use of Win-terminals.

Thin ClientBoats

There are two ways in which a thin client to connect to the server. They are:
1. Thin clients can boot either directly from the server and then connect to it or
2. Boot up from locally installed mini disk and then connect to the server.

Run after connecting to the server login screen of the operating system on the server is displayed to the user.
Used applications on thin client servers

Easy to use, notmuch computing power will not be used on thin clients. Heavy processing applications such as Maya, 3D Max, etc., can not be used on thin clients. You can not deploy any application on thin client 's end, because there is no storage device / CPU on the client' s end. What do you want to use, you may do so only on the server.

Thin Clients & Remote Offices

Internet connection, a router and a hub to the main data center connected to the remote offices to enableAccess to the same network services, databases and applications, as they do in the corporate headquarters to. Because thin clients do not need expensive equipment, network, configuration and support their branch offices can be set up within hours.


If all documents and files of all users stored on the same server and on the same storage device, a user can access or read the files of another user - No
- To access another folder, the system administrator shouldUser special permission, otherwise it is not possible to access them.
- For any other folder on the server should access an NTFS file-storage system, the FAT32 standard, it is not possible.

Thin clients vs. single-server

The number of thin clients that can be a single server, depending on
- The server hardware configuration
- The programs / applications that are installed on that server.
With load-balancing technology with additional serversIn addition, a single server from reaching critical levels.

Advantages of using thin clients
1. Flexibility
2. Functionality
3. Performance
4. Adaptability

Thin-client technology has been sponsored and carried out small-to medium-sized companies in the dot-com burst size to reduce their IT costs.

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