Setting expectations of your customers
Would you like to be the agent that rave about the customers? Have you long to be assessed on all your hard work? You want your customers were less demanding? You can have all these wishes come true, simply by managing the expectations of your customers.
Do not Be A "Yes" Man
One of the biggest challenges, such as a realtor is that you probably have a people-pleaser. You want to say 'yes' every wish. Do you want to never let the customers down. Youjust need to get everyone you want to do so. As a result, you will promise more than can reasonably deliver. If this happens, you are either working themselves to the bone in order to happen anyway, or leave at the end of the customer down. Both results are not optimal.
Setting expectations
People are either happy or unhappy with a level of service they receive, whether it did or did not live up to their expectations. Let's face it - if they promise the moon andthe stars are not going to be happy, if you only provide the moon. Well, if you had promised them, only the peaks and gave the moon, then they are amazed and surprised - delighted in fact. We can determine how a client reacts to our services, giving them a reasonable (aka easily accessible to us) set of expectations.
Give them a list of services you provide. Tell them your policy for the collection and call again. Give them a timetable for a sample copythat the dates it contains move out. Train them to understand when you are available and if you do not. Explain the process of buying or selling a property to them in detail. Tell them what is expected of them and what they can expect to be treated for it. If you are the expectations of customers for them, then they do not have the ability to set those expectations elsewhere. There is no place for them seem to be, without being overly demanding unreasonable.
Another advantage of telling people in front and in writing what it is that they expect if they can work with you is that you will not be able to shoot yourself in the foot because they have more promise. When you sit down to write until the expectations of those pages, you will do so in a quiet environment and no one in front of you asking for your help. You can reasonably and rationally, if it is shown what they can offer service. In an emergency, a few points in the written list canso you throw them in the latest "wow" factor. Then you can elaborate leaves the site to your customers, without fear, what you have just themselves in.
The Bottom Line
The end result is that your customers expect not know what they are until you tell them. They do not know what you did when you tell them. Set the expectations of your customers at a reasonable level and exceed it. Do this consistently and you will get your repeat and referral business watchgrow exponentially.
Thanks To : computer consulting
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