Small Business - Get More Customers - call to ask the right questions about your network
Let me tell you a few questions about your networks.
Measure the results? Do you know what results you have every week and managing the results in order to get it without? Do you have any changes to what you're doing what you say, how you say it, and if you say it to? Or do you just continue to do so, expecting the same things over and over again that it get better? Most of the people .... .... at least until they wake up one day and find .... it does not work.
And what do thePeople do?
Many end networking, or maybe stop networking, where they have been networking.
Let me make a suggestion. No matter what you do ... in your marketing and networking should be encouraged, only part of the network, you can afford to listen to it, just because it does not work? This is an absolutely safe, said NO!
Marketing is one of the things that you do not do can not afford to. So, in most cases, you should questions every time you do it andthen you will find the answers.
Good questions can be
What do I expect from this activity? Or what you need from this activity this week? Is it a client, every time you do it, or a client for every 10 or 20 activities? What do you do if you do not reach these levels? There must be a next step to fix this or are you just continue to do the same things and expect different results .... Madness! TIP: The decision not to do it, should not one of theDecisions ... unless you can replace it with an activity that is already, or can generate more for less expenditure of time or money. A choice to STOP marketing activity, if not with one that is replaced even better, is a nail in your company's coffin. Marketing is a MUST-DO activities in a company. Or perhaps I should say that a little differently, which should produce results Marketing one of the things that must happen, no matter what ... every week. What is yourIt is just another choice, but the results are not an option.
Let's assume that you have set a goal of $ 500K for this year.
How much a customer is worth? If you do not know you should .... ... because this is one of the greatest opportunities for growth for your business. Once you know what a customer is worth, is the next logical question: "How can I increase the value that the average customer?"
You can decide whether a higher value to client, or you may godecide to get more of the same type of customers or even customers back more and more .... Purchase repeatedly get to buy more frequently or more each time. These are all things you should do as an entrepreneur.
In fact, entrepreneurs, you know that your job is not done out there, what do most entrepreneurs .... in the private sector, but work on the business. That is, we want to say you are a chef that has a restaurant, your successdoes not come home from work in the kitchen. Their success only come when the design of the business results you want.
Ask yourself if you work in the kitchen, what would you pay for a substitute cook for you? Would it for $ 20 - $ 30/hour for a short to cook, or a few hundred for a top chef? Now answer this, what would you be worthwhile IF, during the development of the industry you made that $ 500K, or one million U.S. dollars? So, one step back and make the business you want, and find the answers toall these questions I asked.
Back to the questions.
Let us assume that an average customer is worth $ 5,000 and $ 500K, you had done for the year, obviously you will need 100 customers for the year, or 2 people per week. It does not sound like a difficult number to me.
Well, if you take 10 people this week ... Buy as many of them? If your answer is "1 sale in 10, then you need to meet with 20 people this week will be. If you reply 5 of 10, then you need to know only 4 people.... easier this week, a whole series. In both cases, we know what we need to do this to happen and we're going to make that happen each and every week.
Back to our networking .... How many networking events, you go every week? And how many sales you get from the networking events? Are you delivering the 20 week, or 4 in the week, or whatever was your request?
When it comes to the marketing of any kind, networking, direct mail, newspaper, "cold calling" ... it isimportant to precisely understand how much of each activity, it is necessary to supply your needs, we just worked out.
If it does not work at that level, then there are only a few possibilities:
Change what you say, how you say it, and who you say it to.Change to do as much of this work you to the required number of ads weekNotice / get something there? One of the options was not going to stop doing it. You have to adapt what you say, how you say it, and who you say it observed, whilethe number of leads per week. You need to know exactly how many leads each activity, provide each week.
What I usually see at work helping with the customer, they grow their marketing answer is that we have a reasonable expectation set for an activity and the level of activity. It usually takes them several times, where they began. Simply because they do not know what to expect in the first place, so that they only wanted "a little bit of this and a little of it." But oncethey begin the pursuit of results, and tweaking what they say as they would say it, who they say it, a little tweak usually results in the outcome of a further 2-5 times, because they now control.
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