Double, Triple, Quadruple Income - 10 Characteristics of Clients Who Get Massive Income Growth
Some clients accomplish stellar financial results almost instantaneously. You simply expect that they will because of who they are. They have that "there's something about them" air and attitude that causes us to believe in their financial success. You feel certainty--and so do they.
What are the characteristics found in clients who double, triple and quadruple their income within a year or some relatively short time?
1.) Inevitably, the clients who rapidly increase their income have one thing in common. They are profoundly and deeply capable of releasing and changing any behaviors that we identify that hold them back or interfere with their success. Show them their self sabotage, negative self talk, or non-supportive attitudes, and within a very short time (from instantaneously to a week or so), they have completely jettisoned it. They recognize the impediment and have completely shifted their perspective and behavior. Without doubt, this is the single most important factor that predicts the financial success of clients.
These clients have a brightness of mind that allows them to quickly recognize and shift mind sets and behaviors. They have no tendency to hold onto their self defeating ways. As soon as they are shown more effective concepts, beliefs, and behaviors, they are able to "own" and incorporate them. They have the ability to change for the better, without a long, arduous path of struggle and effort. They do not hold on or suffer with their self imposed limitations. They simply "see the light", decide to change, and BECOME the change.
Obviously this is a characteristic gained through a life devoted to growth. When growth is a primary value in life, the natural result is this gentle, easy, and painless ability to quickly move past any internal impediments.
2.) Commitment is always a factor when clients achieve major gains in income. They are able to commit to doing what it takes. They completely and predictably follow through on their commitments. They make their commitments by using the filters of reality (their real schedule, their previous commitments, their skills) rather than fantasy (wishing, wanting, unrealistic approaches).
They understand what they are committing to. They have no problem making a commitment. Without exception, they follow through on their commitments with successful results. They are committed to their success. They recognize the requirements to fulfill their commitments. They manage their time, energy, and financial resources to enable and support fulfilling their commitments. Their word is their bond.
When it comes to their financial success, they are 100% committed. Excuses, blame, justification, reneging, self sabotage do not exist for these clients. They are responsible. They commit. They follow through. It's not even a question or a doubt. If there is a VERY rare instance of a need to change the commitment, that need is immediately communicated. There is a real reason for the change and it's about renegotiating the agreement in a timely manner.
3.) Clients who massively grow their income quickly are skilled at creating their vision for what they want. They know and recognize all the bits and pieces and are gifted in pulling it together into a cohesive whole. They take the time to write their vision. They use it as a "living document" and tweak it regularly. They can "see" where they want to end up, and they are able to maintain this image as a guiding star--no matter what they encounter on the way.
Not only are they good at creating their vision, but they are often visionaries as well--being able to see beyond the limited ideas and customs we are all fed. This is not about fantastical or unrealistic imagining--and if it is, it is grounded in realistic work, planning and knowledge.
4.) One of the hallmarks of those successful in greatly increasing their income is consistency. They set a course and remain consistent and constant in those actions that propel them on their course. This includes fine tuning astutely as conditions change and results indicate--but overall,they are consistent in their strategies and actions.
They take measurable action every day, week, month, and year. They are predictable about it. They act when they "don't feel like it". They may decide to go through an initial "experimental" stage, but once committed, there is implacable action in the desired direction. They do not allow circumstances, appearances or doubts to cause them to waver. There is constancy. They keep their "eyes on the ball".
5.) Focus is a rare and critical trait. It is an uncommon skill to maintain focus in the midst of multiple demands for our time, attention and resources. As electronic "time saving" gadgets consume our time and distract us, so-called "multi-tasking" rules our day. The ability to focus becomes rare--almost unheard of.
It takes a profound effort to maintain focus on those actions that have the potential to rapidly increase our income. This requires a vigilant, constant and consistent rejection of non-productive activities (such as obsessively checking email, pointless cell phone chatter, texting, IMing). It means resisting things like mindless TV, computer games, and self abuse with substances.
You develop the ability to focus on those activities most likely to increase your income. You consistently choose not to be distracted by other activities. You devote your time and attention in a lazer beam on your identified income increasing activities. With focus, exponential income growth becomes possible.
The previous five characteristics are the foundational and requisite behaviors without which financial success is impossible. Often these are "ways of being", attitudes and expressions of character strength learned in childhood. It is possible to learn and develop them at any time in life, but we human animals are often "lazy" about doing so. The remaining skills are somewhat more "business" oriented, and may be either self taught, learned in school or developed by working with a business coach.
6.) Strategies and being strategic are critical aspects always found in those who exponentially increase their income. You won't find strategic thinking in schools (except perhaps in military schools), but without creating strategies and executing them flawlessly, large income increases are unlikely.
To create your strategy, you must be clear on the objective you want to accomplish. You must lay out in written form all the various tactics that make up your strategy. You must clearly identify and detail all the action steps required to execute each tactic. You must understand the timing and resources for each action step. You need to be able to maintain full awareness of both the overall strategy and all the smaller actions that make up the strategy.
All this needs to be effectively targeted to increase your income. Ask yourself this question as a mantra, "Will this activity increase my income?" Often you will discover that you are not spending your time on income-producing activities and can shift the attention of your activities.
7.) Right action is required to increase your income. Even with a written strategy, it is easy to get distracted by the "next big thing" and find yourself taking actions that will not deliver desired results.
The worst part is that we get sucked into someone's hype and run off chasing some other "brilliant" idea. We do not take the time to assess whether or not this new activity fits our strategy or not. We don't look at the cost in time, money and stress. We don't think about it being a suitable effort--at a future time. We don't examine it in the context of our goal to increase our income. We just irrationally jump into the new pursuit without consideration for how that will sabotage our momentum on our goal.
This can actually be the toughest of all these characteristics--taking only right actions--taking those actions most likely to increase our income. Continue to ask yourself that question, "Will this action increase my income?" Use this as a mantra to ensure that you choose right actions. There are so many "opportunities" desperately demanding our attention that it takes great fortitude of will to resist. Maintain your focus on right actions and you will accomplish what you desire.
8.) Marketing and selling skills are a must to increase your income. Often business people resist learning these skills, but they are key to the type of exponential financial increase desired. You need to be able to distinguish your product in the marketplace and to sell it to your market. You must be skilled in engaging others in such a way that they comprehend and are attracted to your services. You need to present yourself, your services and their benefits so authentically that you are comfortable and your target market resonates and responds.
You will need to overcome your own resistance to becoming accomplished here. You may be out of your comfort zone--but this is a "keystone" skill. Your success rests on your skill level. There's no way around it. If you've got all nine of these characteristics together, but lack marketing "chops", you will inevitably negatively impact your results. This can best be learned from a marketing coach or other expert. You could pay for someone else to do the marketing and selling for you, but your best bet is to become expert at the process yourself. What you want in the end is to develop such clarity about your marketing message that your target market finds your services irresistible.
9.) "People skills", i.e., being someone who is liked and respected contributes profoundly to being able to hugely increase your income. People skills include things such as being interested in others, being a good listener, having a generous spirit, being caring and thoughtful, and being authentic. With these sorts of behaviors, we are likable and liked by those we meet. When people like us, they want to help us, they cooperate with us, they send us referrals, they support our success. What happens is that opportunities simply "show up" more frequently. People know people who can help us. Think about it--don't you spontaneously want to help the people you like?
10.) Enjoyment and relaxation is the last factor on this list, but is actually a characteristic that should infuse and flavor every aspect of your quest to greatly increase your income. Without consistently enjoying every step of the process, it's a pretty "dry" pursuit--about as much fun as eating sawdust.
You may be thinking, "Yeah, sure, have fun doing this!" - but, yes, have fun doing it or else what is the point? Relaxation is a necessity to refuel your "tank". Without relaxing and playing on a regular basis, you'll soon lose your enthusiasm for your endeavors and it will be hard or impossible to continue. It's important to recognize your need for relaxation and to schedule it into your time. Don't get so single minded in your quest for increased income that you neglect your need to play.
This winds up the ten characteristics found in those clients who succeed in doubling, tripling and quadrupling their income in a short time. It is possible. Many people do.