
Double, Triple, Quadruple Income - 10 Characteristics of Clients Who Get Massive Income Growth

Some clients accomplish stellar financial results almost instantaneously. You simply expect that they will because of who they are. They have that "there's something about them" air and attitude that causes us to believe in their financial success. You feel certainty--and so do they.

What are the characteristics found in clients who double, triple and quadruple their income within a year or some relatively short time?

1.) Inevitably, the clients who rapidly increase their income have one thing in common. They are profoundly and deeply capable of releasing and changing any behaviors that we identify that hold them back or interfere with their success. Show them their self sabotage, negative self talk, or non-supportive attitudes, and within a very short time (from instantaneously to a week or so), they have completely jettisoned it. They recognize the impediment and have completely shifted their perspective and behavior. Without doubt, this is the single most important factor that predicts the financial success of clients.

These clients have a brightness of mind that allows them to quickly recognize and shift mind sets and behaviors. They have no tendency to hold onto their self defeating ways. As soon as they are shown more effective concepts, beliefs, and behaviors, they are able to "own" and incorporate them. They have the ability to change for the better, without a long, arduous path of struggle and effort. They do not hold on or suffer with their self imposed limitations. They simply "see the light", decide to change, and BECOME the change.

Obviously this is a characteristic gained through a life devoted to growth. When growth is a primary value in life, the natural result is this gentle, easy, and painless ability to quickly move past any internal impediments.

2.) Commitment is always a factor when clients achieve major gains in income. They are able to commit to doing what it takes. They completely and predictably follow through on their commitments. They make their commitments by using the filters of reality (their real schedule, their previous commitments, their skills) rather than fantasy (wishing, wanting, unrealistic approaches).

They understand what they are committing to. They have no problem making a commitment. Without exception, they follow through on their commitments with successful results. They are committed to their success. They recognize the requirements to fulfill their commitments. They manage their time, energy, and financial resources to enable and support fulfilling their commitments. Their word is their bond.

When it comes to their financial success, they are 100% committed. Excuses, blame, justification, reneging, self sabotage do not exist for these clients. They are responsible. They commit. They follow through. It's not even a question or a doubt. If there is a VERY rare instance of a need to change the commitment, that need is immediately communicated. There is a real reason for the change and it's about renegotiating the agreement in a timely manner.

3.) Clients who massively grow their income quickly are skilled at creating their vision for what they want. They know and recognize all the bits and pieces and are gifted in pulling it together into a cohesive whole. They take the time to write their vision. They use it as a "living document" and tweak it regularly. They can "see" where they want to end up, and they are able to maintain this image as a guiding star--no matter what they encounter on the way.

Not only are they good at creating their vision, but they are often visionaries as well--being able to see beyond the limited ideas and customs we are all fed. This is not about fantastical or unrealistic imagining--and if it is, it is grounded in realistic work, planning and knowledge.

4.) One of the hallmarks of those successful in greatly increasing their income is consistency. They set a course and remain consistent and constant in those actions that propel them on their course. This includes fine tuning astutely as conditions change and results indicate--but overall,they are consistent in their strategies and actions.

They take measurable action every day, week, month, and year. They are predictable about it. They act when they "don't feel like it". They may decide to go through an initial "experimental" stage, but once committed, there is implacable action in the desired direction. They do not allow circumstances, appearances or doubts to cause them to waver. There is constancy. They keep their "eyes on the ball".

5.) Focus is a rare and critical trait. It is an uncommon skill to maintain focus in the midst of multiple demands for our time, attention and resources. As electronic "time saving" gadgets consume our time and distract us, so-called "multi-tasking" rules our day. The ability to focus becomes rare--almost unheard of.

It takes a profound effort to maintain focus on those actions that have the potential to rapidly increase our income. This requires a vigilant, constant and consistent rejection of non-productive activities (such as obsessively checking email, pointless cell phone chatter, texting, IMing). It means resisting things like mindless TV, computer games, and self abuse with substances.

You develop the ability to focus on those activities most likely to increase your income. You consistently choose not to be distracted by other activities. You devote your time and attention in a lazer beam on your identified income increasing activities. With focus, exponential income growth becomes possible.

The previous five characteristics are the foundational and requisite behaviors without which financial success is impossible. Often these are "ways of being", attitudes and expressions of character strength learned in childhood. It is possible to learn and develop them at any time in life, but we human animals are often "lazy" about doing so. The remaining skills are somewhat more "business" oriented, and may be either self taught, learned in school or developed by working with a business coach.

6.) Strategies and being strategic are critical aspects always found in those who exponentially increase their income. You won't find strategic thinking in schools (except perhaps in military schools), but without creating strategies and executing them flawlessly, large income increases are unlikely.

To create your strategy, you must be clear on the objective you want to accomplish. You must lay out in written form all the various tactics that make up your strategy. You must clearly identify and detail all the action steps required to execute each tactic. You must understand the timing and resources for each action step. You need to be able to maintain full awareness of both the overall strategy and all the smaller actions that make up the strategy.

All this needs to be effectively targeted to increase your income. Ask yourself this question as a mantra, "Will this activity increase my income?" Often you will discover that you are not spending your time on income-producing activities and can shift the attention of your activities.

7.) Right action is required to increase your income. Even with a written strategy, it is easy to get distracted by the "next big thing" and find yourself taking actions that will not deliver desired results.

The worst part is that we get sucked into someone's hype and run off chasing some other "brilliant" idea. We do not take the time to assess whether or not this new activity fits our strategy or not. We don't look at the cost in time, money and stress. We don't think about it being a suitable effort--at a future time. We don't examine it in the context of our goal to increase our income. We just irrationally jump into the new pursuit without consideration for how that will sabotage our momentum on our goal.

This can actually be the toughest of all these characteristics--taking only right actions--taking those actions most likely to increase our income. Continue to ask yourself that question, "Will this action increase my income?" Use this as a mantra to ensure that you choose right actions. There are so many "opportunities" desperately demanding our attention that it takes great fortitude of will to resist. Maintain your focus on right actions and you will accomplish what you desire.

8.) Marketing and selling skills are a must to increase your income. Often business people resist learning these skills, but they are key to the type of exponential financial increase desired. You need to be able to distinguish your product in the marketplace and to sell it to your market. You must be skilled in engaging others in such a way that they comprehend and are attracted to your services. You need to present yourself, your services and their benefits so authentically that you are comfortable and your target market resonates and responds.

You will need to overcome your own resistance to becoming accomplished here. You may be out of your comfort zone--but this is a "keystone" skill. Your success rests on your skill level. There's no way around it. If you've got all nine of these characteristics together, but lack marketing "chops", you will inevitably negatively impact your results. This can best be learned from a marketing coach or other expert. You could pay for someone else to do the marketing and selling for you, but your best bet is to become expert at the process yourself. What you want in the end is to develop such clarity about your marketing message that your target market finds your services irresistible.

9.) "People skills", i.e., being someone who is liked and respected contributes profoundly to being able to hugely increase your income. People skills include things such as being interested in others, being a good listener, having a generous spirit, being caring and thoughtful, and being authentic. With these sorts of behaviors, we are likable and liked by those we meet. When people like us, they want to help us, they cooperate with us, they send us referrals, they support our success. What happens is that opportunities simply "show up" more frequently. People know people who can help us. Think about it--don't you spontaneously want to help the people you like?

10.) Enjoyment and relaxation is the last factor on this list, but is actually a characteristic that should infuse and flavor every aspect of your quest to greatly increase your income. Without consistently enjoying every step of the process, it's a pretty "dry" pursuit--about as much fun as eating sawdust.

You may be thinking, "Yeah, sure, have fun doing this!" - but, yes, have fun doing it or else what is the point? Relaxation is a necessity to refuel your "tank". Without relaxing and playing on a regular basis, you'll soon lose your enthusiasm for your endeavors and it will be hard or impossible to continue. It's important to recognize your need for relaxation and to schedule it into your time. Don't get so single minded in your quest for increased income that you neglect your need to play.

This winds up the ten characteristics found in those clients who succeed in doubling, tripling and quadrupling their income in a short time. It is possible. Many people do.

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Extension of the Radio Coverage Area in WLAN

I will show you Methods for WLAN extend of radio coverage area. Range of access point depends on power of its transmitter.
Different versions of WLAN standards have different ranges.

Different radio signals and other wireless networks could interference with yours WLAN signal. This could cause decrease in radio coverage.
Different obstacles especially steel reinforcing could even cause complete loss of signal called black spot.

Radio Coverage of one access point (BSS) is often not enough for many situations.

There are available different methods for extension of WLAN radio coverage:

1) Use access point in repeater mode - wireless distribution system.

When you use wireless distribution system or access point in repeater mode, AP is not connected to backbone. Its connection to backbone is over root access point. Its Ethernet port is connected to backbone. In repeater mode, Ethernet port on the AP does not forward traffic.

So you have repeater AP, connected to root AP, and if client connects to repeater AP, range is extended.

Repeater mode disadvantage is decrease in bandwidth - because AP needs to receive and send packet on the same channel.

2) Increase power level of access point.

You can extend radio coverage area of access point by increasing AP power level. Transmitted power of access point is directly proportional to the radio coverage area. So if you increase power, radio coverage area will be larger.

Government regulates the highest power level for radio devices. Maximum power level is 100 mW. Usually power on access point is reduced, because of interference. If you make proper site survey, you can use maximum possible transmitted power.

Here is procedure to set up optimal power level on AP:

- Set maximum power on AP.

- Decrease power on AP until you get high and consistent bandwidth

You could also start from lowest possible power level. Then you increase power level until you get maximum and consistent bandwidth.

3) Distribute access points optimally.

You can increase radio coverage area by doing proper site survey. Distribution of access points is very important factor of the radio coverage area.

You'll be amazed, but to many access points can reduce bandwidth. They can make congestion and interference.

If you want to make maximum radio coverage, position access points to have 15 % overlap between. You can cover very large area with minimum cost, if you distribute access points with minimum overlap. Stations can move freely and make roaming between access points, if you put same SSID on all access points in area.

Make proper planning, and right access point distribution, and you will with minimum coast have optimal results.

4) Use of secondary access point with non-overlapping channels.

Use of secondary AP in access point mode with non-overlapping channels, can make your radio coverage much larger.

Use this method only if you can connect this second access point to backbone, or wired part of the network. Disadvantage of this method is that wired network has to be reachable to second access point.

Advantage of this method is, that it is easiest to implement. It doesn't require much of configuration. Just a basic configuration on second access point.

Use non-overlapping channels, when you configure this 2 access points. If you use close, overlapping channels, interference could happen. This leads to poor connectivity and lower bandwidth.

Make sure to have just right distance between to access points. If they are to close, you can have congestion, and you are also loosing radio coverage area.



5 Fast and Easy Ways to Get a New Client Today

One of the questions I am frequently asked is, "What's the easiest way to get a new client fast?" While there is no single BIG secret there are a handful of strategies that, when implemented, can produce a new client fast. These strategies are not new but they work every time. They are:

Host a "Client Appreciation" Breakfast: Make a list of about 100 past, present and future clients -- invite them to a "Client Appreciation" breakfast. Give a 10-15 minute talk about ignoring all of the "gloom and doom" everywhere and inform your guests that there are plenty of incredible opportunities to invest in real estate. Let them know you appreciate them and their business. That's it. No sales pitch for new business, just plain old appreciation.

Call 100 Business Associates and Ask for a Referral: You have heard this many times before so you already know this, but are you actively doing it? Chances are you're not. Be clear you would appreciate some new business, and be serious in your request. The secret is to come to the table with a referral for the individual of whom you are making the request. This works like a charm -- it's the "Law of Reciprocation."

Turn Cold Calls into Warm Calls: Make a list of 100 folks with whom you've thought of doing business, gather up their contact information, then send each one a personalized letter introducing yourself. Let them know the benefits of working with you and offer your services; maybe even include a short success story from a past client. Then, follow up each letter with a call. These are now warm calls. Again, nothing new here, but are you doing it?

Contact all Past Clients: This is a no-brainer. It is easier to get additional business from an old client then new business from a stranger. Just do it!

Ask: The biggest mistake professionals such as yourself make is that you actually forget to "ask" for the business. Never assume the other person already knows you need more clients. Have you ever hired a professional you don't know because you assumed your business friend didn't need or want any more clients; that he already had a full book of business? WRONG. Very few people don't want or need any new business.

I hope these 5 simple strategies gave you a few good ideas. I haven't introduced you to anything new, but hopefully I have motivated you to get into action! The funny thing is if you implement these ideas you will actually get a new client fast. Imagine that!

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The HP LaserJet 4000tn Printer

Businesses today rely on computers and printers. Without them a workplace cannot function correctly. Having a reliable printer at work and at home keep the business cycle moving. The HP LaserJet 4000tn is a printer that can be used both at work and at home, with the HP toner 27X producing results for the most demanding of clients.

Monochrome technology characterizes this printer. It comes with a one hundred megahertz processor, ensuring that a good print job is always on the way. The laser technology and processor are very new technologies and are cutting edge in making a printer work faster and better.

This printer has dimensions of approximately 15 inches wide, 13 inches tall, and about 19 inches deep. It is slightly heavy, weighing in at just over thirty nine pounds. This machine is meant to be used as a stationary printer, not as a traveling, or moving, printer.

When fully optimized to the settings of your computer, this printer can print about twenty five pages per minute. Otherwise its average speed is about seventeen sheets per minute. The resolution offered by this printer is twelve hundred dots per inch.

Printers nowadays need memory and storage space on them. These items make faxing and emailing documents possible from the printer and scanner directly to your computer. The storage size of the 4000tn is eight megabytes, however, it can be raised to a maximum of one hundred megabytes. This is a lot of storage space! If you want, you can also have a hard drive installed that contains 3.2 more gigabytes.

The types of papers that can be used with this printer are numerous. Normal paper, card stock, transparencies, labels, and even envelopes can be printed on. A duplex mode can also be used, printing on both sides of the page. 8.5 inch by 14 inch size legal paper is the largest area paper that this printer can handle.

There are a total of three paper trays on this printer. At one time, as many as six hundred sheets of paper can be put into the paper trays. Fifty sheets go in the back tray, two hundred fifty sheets go in the small tray and about three hundred go in the large tray. With thicker paper, fewer sheets will fit in each tray.

The printer scanner system must be connected to the Internet if there is the possibility of faxing or emailing documents. A wireless connection can be installed. Otherwise a normal Internet cable can be hooked up to the printer.

This printer works with Windows 95/98, Windows 3.1, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2000, DOS 5.0, and OS/2. The total duty cycle for paper for this machine is 65,000 sheets of paper. A one year warranty is provided by the manufacturer in case something should happen to the printer.

The box includes everything that is needed to keep the printer up and running. A power cord and installation software are provided, along with a training and use manual. In order to run, the 4000tn needs at least one hundred volts of power.

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2010 Top Ten Software on My Macbook Air Laptop

My top ten software I will be depending on for the new year 2010. Every year end, I will evaluate and budget what software or tools I need for the next year.

Let start off ending the year 2009 with Time Machine, a backup utility that introduce with OS X 10.5, to backup my whole year of works that store on my machine. Since it invention, backup is no longer a hassle. I still keep my Carbon Copy Cloner to clone hardisk and other stuffs that Time Machine cannot do.

Adium an almost all-in-one instant messaging software that is always turn on, on my Air laptop. Without Adium, my thirteen inch screen will be invaded with all brands of messaging windows. Adium allows me to combine all my different brands accounts into one and skinning it user interface greatly reduce and reclaim my viewable screen property for better use by other applications.

Sociallite replaces Nambu. Socialite keeps all my social networks in one place, one login, one view, keeping it neat and tidy. If you have a thirteen inch screen like me, you will appreciate an application like socialite to manage and organize your friends and give you an overall view of what is going on among them.

In the era of Web 2.0, I am getting more and more dependent on internet, it is very important to me now that what tools allow me to work online safe and fast.

I used to use Rapidweaver daily for rapid deployment of websites. It is a very easy and fun application, but with limited blogging capabilities. Recently I change to Ecto, a weblog client on my Air laptop that allow me to draft my blog post offline and post it later on my WordPress based websites. I still use Rapidweaver for rapid deployment for website that do not need blogging.

My new favorite application is Text Wrangler. An easy and powerful text editor that now replaces my Dreamweaver and other text editors. Text Wrangler let me read web files like HTML, PHP, etc with ease and speed. It also allows me to edit and save online through FTP client, like Cyberduck.

Cyberduck is now my favorite FTP client. So easy to use and have variety of options to configure your login style. I can use it to login to my MobileMe account (formally known as.Mac) and all my FTP sites.

I love iPhoto! It is getting better with newer version. It now have face detection and geotagging but this is not what i use most of the time. iPhoto allows me to upload photos massively to my MobileMe Gallery, Flickr and Facebook. It saves me lot of time on uploading, tagging and managing them.

No more Final Cut and it complicated features to create a five minutes video. iMovies that come with OS X, let me rapidly create video and export directly to my YouTube account or export to my mobile phone. No more like the bad old days to go through codec setting to optimized video export. With iMovies you just concentrate on your creativity.

iBank helps me manage and keep track of my money. Before using iBank, I was using Microsoft Money through Parallels Desktop and that is a troublesome thing to do. iBank also has widgets for the Dashboard that allow me to update my record without opening the application. iBank now simplify my financial management.

Lastly, Viscosity, my newly acquired OpenVPN client. This award winning VPN client keeps all my internet activities safe from preying thefts and allow me to access websites that are blocked by my ISP. My internet speed is much faster and stable now.

My ten software are Time Machine, Adium, Socialite, Ecto, Text Wrangler, Cyberduck, iPhoto, iMovies, iBank and Viscosity. Not enough? Here is the Christmas bonus. Little Snapper, a web snapping utility that let me quickly snapshot websites for future reference or make comment to it. This is also another tool I will be heavily using in the new year.

Here are my top ten software plus one Christmas bonus, I will be using for the year 2010 on my 1.6Ghz Macbook Air Laptop.

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Dear Client - You Are Fired

We all know that if you are in the business of providing a service and you do not meet the customers expectations or standards you probably will find yourself fired. In fact, I'm sure we've all been in situations where we are the clients and have decided to terminate a business relationship that no longer suits us for a myriad of reasons. However, what if it is a client of yours that is making you disheartened? If you feel that the issue is not something that can be resolved, it can be perfectly acceptable to fire them. A client who is making your life miserable can suck the life right out of you and sometimes it is best to just let them go.

It is always good sense to have a contract with each and every client stating what will be done, when and for how much. This can help you out a great deal when dealing with difficult clients. However, be aware that this same contract means you also can be liable for what you have agreed to do. Think carefully before pulling the plug in the middle of a project. You may be required to refund all monies if you break a contract and risk litigation if you are not careful to act in a professional way.


~ Keep careful track of all missed deadlines, not just missed checks. You can justifiably push back your deadlines if you do not have the information needed to complete a job and if it goes on long enough then you can let your client know that this job is not going to be completed due to this lack of diligence on their part and your other obligations.

~ If you have already completed a job and the client contacts you for another, you can simply state that you have too much on your plate right now and refer them to another company.

~ Try to collect all monies owed before you fire a client. It is just easier and prevent the client from seeing little reason to bother paying if you have already fired them.

~ The best way to terminate a client is in writing. Email is not the best way as it can turn into a heated exchange fairly quickly. Face to face and by phone has two very big drawback. First, we sometimes do not chose our words as carefully as we should and second there is no record of what took place. With a letter you have a hard copy to back you up. When writing this letter ensure that you do not use accusatory language, be apologetic but do explain why you cannot work with them anymore. Of course there is no need to list every problem, pick the worst 2-3 and stick with that. A good example is for the annoying, needy client who calls every 10mins you can state something like "It is important to us here at XYZ that you receive all the attention you deserve, unfortunately due to our busy schedule, we are not able to devote enough time to your needs."

~ If the client was the one to breach the contract be sure to include that in your letter. Again, list the issue in a non-argumentative, point of fact way.

~ Do not speak badly of the client to others as this is unprofessional and you will just damage your own reputation.

~ Be honest and do not lie about being ill, moving or closing your business. Chances are somewhere, sometime down the road you may come across this client or someone who knows them and that kind of embarrassment is not a welcome addition to anyone's day or professional reputation.

~ A common practice by many is to raise your rates to make working with you unappealing thus allowing the client to fire you instead. In addition to raising rates many start to bill clients often and for everything. For example you might tell a client who wants just that little thing changed (for the fifth time and it is not included in your initial contract) that this will be billed at $XX. Even if you client doesn't fire you, they may clue in, reduce the number of additional requests and become less of a problem or at least you will be well compensated until the project is completed.

Regardless of the reason, telling someone who has been paying you for your services that you no longer wish to work with them can be difficult. Hold your ground, be professional and don't reconsider if contacted by a client. Remember, you and your business can often benefit from letting go of the clients who are a problem. It opens up your energy and time for clients who energize you rather then drag you down.

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What Are the Advantages of Business Broadband?

With the advent of the internet in our lives, technology has transformed into nothing less than a drug because of its uses in our lives. Businesses also heavily depend on high speed internet in order to carry out their daily procedures. But, the internet requirements of businesses are a little different from normal users.

For a home user, a 2 Mb line is more than enough, not only for high speed browsing, but for heavy downloading, online gaming, speedy video streaming as well as voice/video chat. They can also afford rare disconnections or degraded service due to heavy load or some other reason.

On the other hand, a business firm has to run various machines and perform various communication tasks all at a time, so even a bandwidth of 8 Mb is sometimes not enough for them. They can never afford disconnections, as they have continuously running processes, which can cause heavy losses on shutdown. Apart from that, high bandwidth requirements are needed in order to connect various servers and offices and to arrange video conferences and online meetings. These unique requirements gave birth to what we call business broadband.

A business broadband connection provides various functions in a higher quality package than the normal broadband connections for home users. These functions include a better speed, a softer hand on download limit, a more professional customer support, scalability, security and a wide range of other services that are, without a doubt, the requirement of the current competitive business world.

One of the primary reasons why a business broadband is more suitable over a normal one is due to the high quality customer support that is provided by the providers. This requirement is very critical. An outage on the internet may cause a loss of millions of dollars if not fixed on time. But, when it comes to business broadband connections, this customer support often comes as a paid service, but is worth the money. An SLA (service level agreement) is signed between the business firm and the provider, which states the exact time period, within which an outage issue would be resolved.

Another really important and critical issue for a business is its security. If the network of a business firm is not secure, it can easily be damaged by a virus, or in a worse case, be hacked by an intruder, who wants to gain critically secret information about the firm for any evil reason. Business broadband provides a high level of security so that such a situation never arises. Facilities like VPN are provided so that the users the remotely login to the system securely.

Speed is the basic factor on which the quality of internet relies upon. Since a business cannot afford degraded speeds, especially on peak traffic hours, business broadband provides a dedicated line with unlimited downloads in most of the cases, so that the business processes are never affected.

All in all, a business broadband, as the name shows, is built, keeping in account the unique requirements that a business firm has.

Plantronics discovery

Robust DGD150PWW DDS-4 Backup Tape by Sony

According to the findings of the business analysts, to excel in the respective business market, the organizations are dependent on their user and financial data. This means that availability of data is extremely important for every organization. Therefore the organizations must have a backup of their data to recover from any disastrous situation created due to data loss or theft.

Sony always comes with new innovative ideas and solutions to better serve its customers. Technological expertise of Sony has enabled the small sized DDS-4 tape cartridge to hold greater data amount of 20GB (native). Sony's exclusive helical scan process allows high density recording in a cost effective manner. Part number of this tiny Sony DDS4 tape is DGD150PWW.

Sony DDS-4 tape has been optimized for outstanding durability, smooth tape-to-head contact and low ownership cost. The durability and media performance level of DDS-4 DGD150PWW backup tape has been raised with the incorporation of Sony's exclusive high-cross linkage (HCL) binder. The HCL binder assures tape longevity, and raises the resistance of tape media to bear the pressure of repeated use.

When the tape is being rolled onto the reel, the torque elevates along the diameter. The torque also affects the performance during the fast-rewind and forward searching processes. Therefore to overcome this problem, Sony has re-designed lower sheet, hubs and the lower shell of the DDS data tape cartridge. Redesigned lower shell has enhanced the robustness of the DDS-4 backup tape. That is why the recording media of DDS-4 DGD150PWW backup tape offers exceptional resistance to any kind of deformation caused by external stress.

Sony uses two textured sheets into which the tape reel is sandwiched. These textured sheets enable smooth and fast winding of tape reel. Sony has used a special hard plastic material for making the lid of DDS-4 tape cartridge. This provides protection to the tape against mechanical shocks or bumps. The tape reel of Sony DDS-4 DGD150PWW cartridge comprises of 2 coated layers. One is the non-magnetic layer and other is the ultra fine magnetic layer. Non-magnetic layer assists in stable tape traveling, as it makes the surface smoother. The other magnetic layer increases the strength and frequency of output signals.

Strong output signals are very helpful in high density recordings. DDS-4 drive can record compressed 20 GB information on small sized DDS-4 DGD150PWW backup tape. High speed DDS drives feature helical scan mechanism. DDS tape drives do not linearly record the data on the tape reel, but instead it diagonally records the data. Therefore the helical recording system of DDS tape format assists in ultra high density recordings at an affordable price. Magnetic particles' size of Sony DDS-4 media is many times smaller than other backup tapes. The smaller size results in greater storage capacity, uniform tape surface and reduced tape thickness.

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Different Types of Broadband Connections

Broadband internet is relatively a new concept used, in place of dial up connections. Broadband internet is faster and offers a host of advantages in them. The speed is usually faster than a dial up connection, which facilitates in watching many online live shows and movie downloads etc.

There are various types of broadband offered nowadays. ASDL, SDSL, cable, wireless, satellite, LLU etc are some common types.

ASDL is the most common types of broadband used. This is delivered through the already existing BT telephone utilising a special router or modem. This also facilitates in receiving and making calls, with the same single telephone line, even when the internet is on. They use special filters called micro filters to get clear and un-interfering voice calls.

An SDSL is another type of broadband which is more or less similar to an ASDL connection, just that ASDL is faster downloading data and a bit slower uploading data, when compared to an SDSL connection, which acts vice-versa. Also SDSL requires extra telephone line, so as to not interfere in the voice calls. This is more commonly used in businesses that have lots to upload and send.

LLU is another way in which ASDL and SDSL can be provided, without having to use BTs' exchange systems. Otherwise they are similar to the SDSL and ASDL providers.

Cable is another option, wherein the cable operator provides internet connection. This needs a special modem which is attached to the cable TV box. Another type of broadband connection is the wireless connection. This is more common in the rural areas where ASDL and cable connections are not available. Here, a small antenna is placed outside the house, which gives signals to the computer point placed inside, and this is connected to the computer. A telephone line is not required in this type.

Similarly a satellite connection is also used in places where ASDL or Cable connection is not available. This is usually the last resort, and needs a satellite dish. In a one-way connection, data can be received, but nothing can be sent. In two-way connection, data can be sent and also received from the same connection. The latter is expensive to install apart from having monthly subscription charges as well.

The laptop users mostly opt for the wireless internet connection, because the advantages are more when compared with the other types of connections. This wireless connection helps the user to be online or they can also send and receive data easily and quickly, where this is not possible in the ADSL and SDSL connections. The trend has now changed towards data card. After the arrival of these data card, there is no purpose of using the modem and bunch of wires to connect with the internet. It comes in a plug in format and also it is highly portable for the users to use.

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Exploring the Many Flavors of DSL

When a person decides upon the type of broadband service to use, they normally consider their options to be limited to cable, satellite broadband, and a digital subscriber line. Many people might be surprised to learn there are several variations of DSL service. The availability of some may be limited, depending upon the area of the country in which you live. Today's article will provide a brief description of the most popular flavors.

ADSL (A stands for "asymmetric") - This is the variation that is used predominantly by residential customers and small businesses. It offers a much higher data transmission rate for downloading packets than uploading, which is appropriate for most users. ADSL is further separated into two additional flavors: RADSL and VDSL.

RADSL (rate-adaptive) - This is an offshoot technology of ADSL that was designed by a company called Westell. Software is used to identify the highest speed of transmission for each individual user given the limitations of that user's phone line. Once identified, the rate can be altered to minimize network impact.

VDSL (very high bit rate) - This variation is a relatively recent technology that dramatically increases the transmission speed of packets sent over very small distances (i.e. 1,000 feet or less). To compare, a normal DSL connection can transmit up to 8 Mbps while a VDSL connection allows data to travel at up to 55 Mbps.

SDSL (S stands for "symmetric") - SDSL connections provide users with the same transmission speeds for uploading and downloading information. This flavor of DSL is commonly used by businesses and far less frequently by residential customers. Because businesses have more rigorous upload requirements, SDSL is often preferred.

SHDSL (symmetric high-speed) - This is a variation of SDSL that has an identical top transmission speed for both uploads and downloads. The technology seeks to address a number of technical issues that are beyond the attention of most residential and small business customers.

HDSL-2 (high bit rate) - This version is very similar to DSL and was designed to address the lack of compatibility between the hardware and software of disparate providers. With HDSL-2, information packets can travel along a pair of copper wires up to a distance of 12,000 feet.

IDSL (I stands for "integrated") - One of the limitations of a digital subscriber line is that the transmission speed is influenced by the distance a customer lives from his or her provider's central hub. IDSL was invented to help customers who live far from the hub enjoy reasonable transmission rates. However, the service is still considered slow.

It is likely that new technology will continue to expand the menu of DSL flavors that customers can take advantage of. What's more, the bandwidth offered by each flavor is likely to increase over time. Indeed, most experts would agree that the technology that drives broadband internet access is still in its early stages.

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Attract More Clients Without Overwhelming Stress Using Simple and Easy Business Success Techniques

So many people, especially people who begin their business in a "helping profession," find themselves completely lost and overwhelmed when they begin to attract clients, often finding that they give away so much information or help to potential clients and customers, for so little financial return. Does this sound like you?

Do you spend so much time writing your website content, creating leaflets and posters, sending emails or talking to people about everything you can do to help them, only to find you receive a blank look, tell you they dont need your help, that your costs are too expensive and many other reasons why they do not need your services of products?

Do you wonder why other people are able to create a successful client base and business but you are not? If this sounds familiar - you are not alone, so many people who offer personal professional "helping" services to others face the same challenges and frustrations too.

The simplest and easiest way to attract clients that are ready for your help and that want to invest in themselves and you for your services, is to know who they are. So often people working in the "helping professions" are able to help almost everyone to solve almost every problem and for this reason they aim their leaflets, emails, website content, literally at anyone and everyone. This is the quickest way to attract absolutely no clients whatsoever.

Imagine you have a really complex problem with your bathroom tap, would you ask the odd-job man, the gardener that knows a little about plumbing, the electrician that sometimes helps people with plumbing jobs, your next door neighbor who is pretty handy with a wrench, or a plumber who knows what he is doing and who you know will come with all the tools, skills and expertise he needs to repair your tap?

Exactly! you will ask the expert - the plumber who knows exactly how to diagnose and repair your tap easily and professionally. Doing this gives you peace of mind and confidence in the person fixing your tap. It is the same with you prospective clients and customers, if they think you are the odd job man, the person who does a bit of everything and knows a little about everything, they are not going to have total confidence that you can help them to solve their problems.

On the other hand if they know that you are an expert at solving a particular challenge or problem for others, that you have already helped others solve similar problems and challenges and you have positioned yourself as an expert at solving these exact problems, they are going to feel confident coming to you and trust that you can help them solve their particular problems too.

Offering a wide range of services, whilst this is often thought of as a great idea, because it means and shows that you can then help a whole host of people solve their challenges and problems, is actually a very bad idea. Positioning yourself as an expert in a particular issue/challenge or problem area, and specialising in this area, will attract you far more customers than being a generalist in all areas will.

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4G - Your Ticket to a Workday on the Beach

Toes in the sand, drink in the hand. How amazing would it be to spend your workdays that way? For most east coasters or west coasters, this is actually a possibility for three or four months out of the year. And if you live in South Florida or Southern California, it's a year-round possibility. Now, all you need to do is two things: convince your boss you should be able to work from "home" and purchase a mobile broadband card.

The first part really shouldn't be all that hard in these economic times. Think about it. For each person that's not using energy and supplies in an office, the more money the office saves. Your boss should be willing to let you work from home, provided that you can maintain your duties as if you never left. With modern technology, that shouldn't be a problem. Most offices today do most communicating through inter-office e-mails anyway. You can still get your work done and receive those e-mails from home - or better yet, from the beach. And it's all thanks to wireless internet.

As long as your superior can get in contact with you at any time, you shouldn't have any issues staying in sync with the office. You've already got a cell phone. Now, all you need is a mobile card. With constant access to the internet, it doesn't matter if you are at home or in paradise on the beach. The office will never know. A good wireless signal will keep you in touch so well that it will seem like you were right there in the office, anyway.

Here's how it works. Mobile wireless cards are compact devices that you plug into the USB port of your laptop. Most cell phone providers that offer mobile cards use a network called 3G. This same signal is used for voice and internet access on their phone products as well. However, some independent providers of mobile cards offer access to the WiMax network. It also uses a wireless signal, but runs on more updated technology. Speeds are about three to four times faster than its predecessor, 3G.

Not only will you be helping your boss out with his budget, but you'll be helping yours out, too. You can find mobile cards from cell phone companies for about $30 to $60 monthly. Those same non-cellular phone providers that offer access to the faster access often have comparable prices. That's right. You can get more speed for your money if you search out a WiMax provider. Not to mention that you can eliminate your home internet connection. Since the wireless signal is so strong, you can just use it at home as well as when you are out and about getting your work done.

With that kind of access, you should already feel that cool ocean breeze across your face. As long as you aren't distracted by the beautifully sculpted bodies that constantly pass you by, you should be able to get work done and enjoy your freedom from the confines of your old office walls.

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Web Conferencing: More Pro Than Con

Web conferencing has been growing in popularity among companies in recent times. It's not hard to see why. Talk to any corporate executive and they will tell you with a smile that "web conferencing helps my business." It's enough to make you curious as to just what they are smiling about. Is web conferencing really that great an advantage over having face-to-face meetings? Surely a group of people couldn't interact as well over an Internet connection compared to being all in the same room? To settle the matter once and for all, let's take a look at the various pros and cons of web conferencing.

We should start out by defining what web conferencing is. Basically, web conferencing refers to the conducting of a group conference where the participants are in separate locations but are connected to each other through the Internet. Various communication technologies may be employed in a web conference, including screen sharing, email, text chat, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). In less technical terms, web conferencing allows a group to view the same information at the same time, and allows them to discuss things with each other through text or voice protocols. With so many options available in a typical web conference, it is no longer necessary to physically meet distant clients or colleagues under regular circumstances.

Now, if the Internet were not available, and web conferencing thus impossible, you would have to finance a business trip, or several, to allow a conference to take place between business people based far away from each other. Clearly a business would be incurring some travel costs, which a web conference would do away with. So just how much can a web conference save you? Well, consider the cost of airline tickets, hotel rooms, and personal expenses--not to mention the hidden cost of having your employees unavailable to you during the duration of the trip. It all adds up to a huge expense and a loss of much valuable time. In comparison, a web conference comes off as more efficient and economical.

So as you can see, web conferencing has the advantages of providing versatile communication services and allowing you to save on costs. Incidentally, it will also save you from experiencing the stress and hassle of international air travel. In the age of the Internet, it is possible to bring people together via the web. Why not make use of the advantages that can give to business? All in all, I would say that web conferencing turns out to be very much an improvement over physical conferencing.

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How to Install a Wireless Modem in a Desktop Computer

For a more convenient way of connecting on the internet, wireless modem is a good addition to your growing technological gadgets. You can connect this to your desktop and relocate your desktop anywhere in the house without worrying about LAN connections. Also, this provides easier networking when you have multiple computers at home. You can dispense with the wirings that can be cumbersome when you have kids at home.

First of all, you need to find a good modem brand. There are a lot of reliable brands out there and you can have a myriad of choices. The more features, the more expensive. A good entry-level modem is already enough choice for home use. This already has security functions in addition to easy networking and connecting to other computers.

Your desktop should also be wireless ready. That means it has to have wireless card installed in it. Otherwise, you will have to connect it to the modem using LAN cable still but that totally defeats the purpose, doesn't it? The newer brands of desktops already have built-in wireless cards.

Step 1: If you do not have one installed yet, install wireless adapter network. Afterwards, you need to attach the wireless antenna to the modem. This usually comes with the package when you buy the modem.

Step 2: It also comes with a wireless USB modem. Connect this to the USB port of your computer and then connect that power adapter to the power slot of the modem you are using.

Step 3: If the USB modem lights up, this means it is already picking internet signals. You should configure the settings now. For configuration settings, closely refer to the manual that comes with the package. You can log in on the official website of the brand of modem you are using. They have also provided the details such as username and password so key this to enter the site. If there are no username or password indicated, try the default ones like "admin" but if it still does not work, contact their customer service.

Step 4: There are a few Internet connection types for you to choose from but choose Dynamic IP address setting as this already immediately connects to the ISP server and get IP address from there. Key in the details asked by the computer such as Static IP address, IP address, Subnet Mask, ISP gateway Address and so on. You can find those in the manual.

Step 5: After you input the necessary information, click the button Finish. You have just finished installing your wireless modem.

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Link Building Strategies

Everyone now wants good organic search results for their business. There are many factors in this equation for online success. In this paper I will be covering ways of gaining more inbound links. The importance of the websites linking to you. The quality of your inbound links as well as some link building tools that you can use on your own.

Gaining more inbound links.

Link popularity is one of the ways search engines determine how much of a authority you are on the Internet. Think of a website linking to you as a vote. The more votes you have the more popular you are. It is not only that a website is linking to you, but also the importance of the website linking to you.

What do I mean by this?

If I have linking to me, this is huge. If I also have mom and pops dairy store linking to me this does not carry as much weight with the search engines.Its like saying "I have a letter of recommendation from the President of the United States" versus saying "Joe at the tire shop sent me." Do you see my point?

The goal is to find quality link partners.

One method of doing this is using Google. For instance when I research on the Internet and want to find out who is linking to a particular site I type this into the Google search field:

Type this:
Then hit ENTER

Google responds to my query with something similat to this:

Results 1 - 10 of about 15 for link:

Then Google will list all the websites linking to [!]

Why is this beneficial? You can analyze what links your competiton has. I then create an Excel workbook and get usefull information from there sites like email addresses and contact information and then send them a email asking if they would like to exchange links. With my website information.

Nine time out of ten the answer is yes. As I was saying earlier look for quality links, quality sites and websites related to your field.

You can also purchase links online from several companies. If you visit their website you can see that purchasing links with a high PR value can be expensive.

What is PR value? This is how Google calculates the importance of the website.There are hudreds of variables they use to calculate this value.

Just do a search on Google for "purchasing links"

There are several tools availiable online to help you automate this process, some can even recommend more link partners for you!

The above steps if followed correctly will result in more trafic to your website and better rankings over time. Dont give up.

Good luck with your link building campaigns!

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Don't Try to Be All Things to All Clients

Don't try to be all things to all clients when marketing your public relations and communications services.

Your business success depends upon answering these three major questions:

o What key characteristics do you want in an ideal client?

o In what specific markets and industries will you seek your ideal clients?

o What specific services do you want to offer your clients?

Your marketing materials -- especially your website -- should reflect your answers to these questions.

At first, seeking specific types of clients in specific markets sounds simple. Most PR firms don't have the horsepower or desire to deliver a full spectrum of services to clients of all sizes in numerous markets. Even agencies with extensive resources will wisely limit themselves to a few core markets and types of clients. And they narrow things further by specializing in the services these markets require most.

But public relations professionals are -- by nature -- "can do" people. They thrive on solving difficult problems and handling crises of all sorts. They enjoy a challenge.

These professional strengths, coupled with a can-do attitude, may cause some PR professionals to cast an excessively wide marketing net. As a result, they attract a hodge-podge of potential clients who don't fit their ideal.

I'm not saying you shouldn't expand your comfort zone by targeting new markets or learning new skills. On the contrary. Strategic growth is necessary for survival. You must keep asking yourself

o What can I do to serve my clients better?

o What additional services do my clients need that I can provide?

o What services do I provide that need stronger marketing?

I benefited when a good client asked me to write a financial grant request; something I'd never done before. I explained that while I had every confidence in my abilities as a writer, my repertoire didn't include grant writing. Therefore, the client would probably be better served by working with a grant specialist.

Regardless, the client wanted me to handle the job. This project served as my grant writing training ground. The final product succeeded on two fronts. It enabled my client to land a product development grant from a large education foundation, and it gave me the confidence and experience to add grant writing to my list of services.

While this project turned out well for everyone, I've had prospective clients consume excessive amounts of my time, energy and knowledge then disappear without engaging my services.

You can prevent time-wasting inquires from prospects who don't fit your ideal by using your company's website and other marketing materials to clearly and completely describe your firm's services, markets and desired clients.

It is vital that you aim for specific clients in specific markets; clients who you'd enjoy working with and who need the services you provide. Otherwise, you'll waste your time and resources by spreading yourself too thin and attracting clients who will ultimately cost you dearly.

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Are Reverse IP Address Searches Legal?

There is a lot of information that is considered private, and this includes IP addresses. IP addresses, while used to identify your computer in any online activity, are not listed in pubic directories the same way that information about landline phones is, which means that reverse IP address searches are considered illegal.

While you cannot legally look up someone's IP address, there is other information you can find out about them, legally and free, without a reverse IP address search. A large amount of online communication goes through an email server, which means that a trace route will be attached to the message listing IP addresses and emails of every place a digital letter goes. Though an email address can potentially tell someone a lot, they will have to at least know this piece of information before they can learn more.

Though reverse IP addresses may not be permissible, reverse email lookups can potentially provide you with the same degree of detail. A reverse email lookup searches server directories and lists all information registered to the account. Not all server directories are public, however, so those that are more likely to list personal information, such as work or school service accounts, are not usually available through a reverse email search.

The idea of a reverse email lookup is fairly simple, but the complication comes in with the sheer number of email servers. Also, most people have more than one email address, which makes it even more difficult for reverse email lookups (or, for that matter, reverse IP address searches) to find private data. Ultimately, what it comes down to is that while your IP address is a major identifying point and is frequently linked with your email address, the information available through a reverse email lookup is up to you.


Client Attraction - Five Strategies to Attract More Clients

Have you been looking for some fresh strategies to start attracting more clients? This article will show you five strategies to shine and attract more clients.

Attracting clients to you is a conscious way of marketing your business, instead of constantly searching and feeling the neediness for the next new client, start implementing strategies that will attract clients to you.

1. Position yourself as an expert - do what needs to be done personally and professionally to position yourself as an expert in your industry. Learn what you can, attend other people's events, and know all of the cutting edge information.

2. Be authentic - be yourself in everything that you do. People want to see and connect with the real you, tell people about your failures, your struggles, and be seen as a person. If you only put out your perfections some people will be intimidated by you.

3. Share information - give some of your knowledge away so people have a chance to see what you know and how you can help them. You can do this through blogging, writing articles, and your Ezine.

4. Come from a place of service - instead of thinking what you can take from your clients, think how can you serve them. People can pick up on neediness, if we change our thinking to a service mindset and let go of fearing where the next paycheck will come from, attraction can take place and clients will soon be looking for you.

5. Connect with your purpose - be sure to live in your purpose and relate all of your business happenings with that in mind. If you get presented with a great business opportunity but it is not aligned with your purpose, say no. This way you will leave room for more things that really do fit with your vision. Saying no to some things, means saying yes to what really matters.

Overall, be sure to get aligned with where you really want to go in your business, let go of fears and beliefs that are not serving you, and be courageously authentic in all that you do.


Financial Fitness - Client Attractions Strategies For Personal Trainers

Financial Fitness

What would you say if I told you that you have the potential as a personal trainer to earn 40, 50 or even in excess of £60,000 per year?

If you're thinking 'That's impossible!' then you're right, for you the likelihood of reaching anything near these sums is impossible. You may as well stop reading this article right now and save yourself the bother of even contemplating the material.

If, on the other hand, you think to yourself ' Yes, that's for me' then read on and pay close attention, because what you read over the following pages is GUARANTEED to take you closer to realising your financial potential - BUT ONLY IF YOU ACTUALLY USE THE INFORMATION. You'll get absolutely zero benefit if all you do is read this article.

You see, unlike many other 'marketing experts', I'm not going to tell you how to design your business cards, how to write press releases or how to 'close the sale' with your prospective client. At least, not yet anyway.

As interesting as some of this information may be, I regard all of it as being of little importance to the Personal Trainer who is trying to build his/her business. Why? Because in order to be able to use these marketing tools you need prospects who are receptive to them in the first place! Therefore, this article (and those that follow) aims to teach you how to develop the marketing skills to attract clients to your services, keep them long-term and create parallel revenue streams from your business that will bring in money even when you are not working.

Understanding your competition

Every month I have the great pleasure of lecturing to trainee personal trainers and sports therapists at one of the UK's top training establishments. At the start of the lecture I often ask students 'What makes you so special? What would make me, as a potential client, seek out your services?' The answer always makes me laugh, not because of its content but because of the naïveté of the response, 'Well, I'm trained as a therapist, personal trainer, I can give nutritional advice and rehabilitate injuries. I'm an all rounder who can deal with almost any client that is presented to me'. Sounds good? Sure, but consider this; this person is part of a class of 20-30 individuals, a new class starts every 4-6 weeks and there are 18 training establishments around the country for this one company alone!

Let's face it; competition for your services is fierce. In the above example we see that one company alone is producing over 2500 new trainers to the industry every year. All with the same training as you, same skills as you and many living and working in the same area as you. So you see, simply marketing yourself on the strength of your certifications is a fairly limited endeavour which is guaranteed to see your marketing material buried amongst that of your competitors, leading to frustration for you and confusion for your prospects.

So what should we be doing? How do we differentiate ourselves from our competitors and create successful businesses that yield enough income to produce the financial freedom we desire?
The answer lies within you!


You are unique. This is a proven FACT. It is indisputable. Regardless of the training, lifestyle and education that another person receives, they will never be the same as you. They will never have your exact philosophies, your drive, your ambition, your life force.

Why then, with this uniqueness do we tend to gravitate toward the grey 'sameness' of our industry competitors when it comes to marketing ourselves? Why will 9 out of 10 trainers carry similar business cards, print similar flyers and write similar websites? Quite frankly, this is marketing suicide!

You see, when prospects are faced with products that are all similar, the tendency is to go either with the cheapest or the one that looks the best. What does this mean to you? Well, your hourly rate had better match (or be cheaper) than that of your competition or you will need to spend more than your competitors in order for your materials to look better than theirs.

In truth, neither of these strategies is acceptable, at least, not in the long term. I mean, who wants to have their hourly rate determined by their competition? What if they drop their fees to undercut you? Will you drop yours again to match theirs? As you can see, this strategy is flawed and should be avoided at all costs. NEVER let your competition determine your value.

What about paying for glossier, flashier marketing materials? That works right? WRONG! You can have the nicest looking, glossiest, all the 'flashes bangs and whistles' marketing materials and still never get the client response you desire. Why? Because 'Image marketing' simply doesn't work. Not on the small scale anyway. Leave this stuff to the big gyms or you'll be trodden underfoot by the running herd of new members they've just created - at a huge cost.

Quite simply, there will ALWAYS be someone out there with more money to spend on marketing than you so you'll always be playing 'catch up' to someone with deeper pockets. Obviously, this isn't a sound way to market your business. You'll go broke in no time!

The answer to creating a memorable, client-winning marketing message lies within how you present yourself to your target market. You do have a target market right? If you don't, you're committing the first cardinal sin of marketing; failing to identify the end user of your service. This is like firing a shotgun from a hundred yards and still expecting to hit your target every time. Sure, you may hit the target on occasion but it'll be a haphazard process that you won't be able to reproduce. Conversely, having a specific market to aim your promotions at is like shooting with a sniper rifle. Every time you take a shot you know it'll hit the right target and that, my friends is what marketing is all about!

You see, when you direct your efforts toward a specific target market you can do so much more than simply market your services. You have a great opportunity to establish yourself as a specialist. An expert. And let's face it everyone prefers dealing with experts, even when the cost is higher. A good example of this is seen in the world of medicine. People will pay through the nose to see the top orthopaedic or heart surgeons because they perceive that the service they receive will be so much better and yield better results.

Why then should well-trained personal trainers settle for marketing themselves as 'Personal Trainer'? This title tells your prospects nothing about who you are, what you do or how you differ from your competition. Instead the well trained fitness professional needs to capitalise on their strengths by marketing themselves as an expert in one area.

For example, if you have an established clientele of tennis players (or even have a strong background in the sport yourself) you could market yourself as a 'Tennis Conditioning Specialist'. Doing so identifies you to prospects who may have never hired a 'Personal Trainer' to help them with their sports preparation. See the difference? Who would YOU rather hire?

If Tennis isn't your thing you could just as easily create a niche for yourself in any of the following areas:

* Corrective exercise

* Performance enhancement

* Kinetic Chain Specialist

* Strength Conditioning

* Ante/Post natal fitness

* Back rehabilitation

* Core conditioning

* Golf conditioning

* Sports conditioning

* Or ANY area where you have specialist knowledge or interest

Now, I'm not suggesting you simply create a title and market yourself as an expert in an area. Doing so would be unethical and unprofessional and besides, you'd soon be found out by your client (I know of several PT's who marketed themselves as specialists in various areas who were later caught out when the athletes they took on realised that they didn't really understand their sports at all. Not only did they not keep the athletes as clients but they also lost many clients when word got out that they were 'faking it').

Instead, try to build upon your existing knowledge by:

* Attending workshops, seminars and lectures in your area of interest.

* Buying books, magazines and periodicals to stay at the cutting edge of your field.

* Seeking out those who are already earning a living from your chosen specialisation and get them to mentor you. If they won't (they may see you as direct competition) then PAY them for a series of appointments and learn from them that way instead.

* Giving small presentations to other fitness professionals or members of the public. This means that you really have to learn your stuff to a high degree but it also confirms to others that you are the expert you profess to be.

Make no mistake; creating a unique market identity (UMI) is one of the most important things that any entrepreneur can do to gain marketing momentum. This simple yet highly effective step will assist you in creating specific marketing messages that sing out to prospects that are looking for specific help within a specific area thereby positioning you as an 'expert' within your field.

And let's face it; when was the last time you heard of a poor expert?

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Medical Billing - Getting Clients

Well, you've set up your medical billing company and you're all set to do business. Except there's one problem. You don't have any clients. So the question is, how do you go about getting them? Since nobody knows you even exist yet, they're not likely to come knocking on your door. Well, hopefully, after you've read this article, you'll have several good ideas for how to build up your medical billing client base.

Typically, what this is all going to come down to is advertising, obviously. But how? Years ago, you didn't have nearly the number of advertising methods that you have today. The Internet has opened up a new world to businesses from all over.

So let's start with the Internet. The first thing you're probably going to want to do is put up a web site. Even though you are dealing with the offline world, most businesses today do have an Internet presence. It is therefore important that you establish your own Internet presence.

To do this, the first thing you need to do is get a domain for your site. That should be easy enough. You have a company name, so use it as your domain name. If by some chance your domain name is taken, see if you can purchase it from the owner. If they're not willing to sell, then pick a name that is close enough as long as it contains the name of your company within the domain name itself.

After you have your domain, you need to put up your site. If you don't have your own web design team, then hire somebody from an outside company to do the design for you. It doesn't have to be fancy but it should be professional looking. Make sure the site has all the information about your company, what it does and how you can handle the medical billing needs of anyone.

After the site is up, you're going to want to begin promoting it. There are a number of methods to promote web sites on the Internet these days. These methods range from paid to free ads. Do your homework on this. Ask around for what the experts feel are your best options. We're not going to endorse any particular form of Internet advertising in this article.

Over time, you will begin to see your client base build. But the Internet shouldn't be your main focus. The traditional forms of advertising still apply, even in this highly technical world that we live in. This means don't forget to register with all the medical agencies in the United States. There are a number of them to choose from. If anybody needs a medical biller, each agency will recommend them to the closest company in their area. You'll get more than your share of work. Also, don't neglect newspapers, radio and television.

Getting clients, if you're a medical billing agency, doesn't have to be like pulling teeth at a dentist's office. If you take advantage of all the mediums available, there is no reason why you can't run a more than profitable medical billing business.

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Enjoy High Speed Internet Access With Mobile Broadband Deals

Internet has ushered in a revolution in the world of technology. Gradually, it has become a necessity because o lot of manual work has been simplified with help of it. With the introduction of mobile broadband deals, users can easily use this medium for both purposes- professional and personal.

Mobile broadband deals, have enabled users to enjoy the incredible world of Internet at an incredible speed. Earlier users have to content themselves with dial-up connection because there was no other option. People got fed up of the slow speed of Internet which was very annoying. It hampered the speed of work. After this, broadband was launched which made things a lot easier for users. With continuous advancement in technology, now broadband connection has become mobile, which can be easily availed in the form of mobile broadband deals.

This feature provides users to access websites from any place, this giving users a huge flexibility as they are no more tied to wires or cables or a fixed place to be precise. With this feature, users can access e- mail and various other important applications like word, excel, PowerPoint, on the devices itself. The high speed broadband connection enables users to manage their work online in comparatively less period of time. With the help of mobile broadband deal, users can also opt for a service provider and enter into a contract with any of them after getting familiar with their terms and conditions. The main players in this field are Orange, Three, O2, T-mobile which provide fantastic services to users. To avail their services, people have to enter into a contract with them which can vary from 12 months to 24 months. The service provider will provide a USB modem or a USB modem stick and users need not worry about the cost as users will get it for free as a part of the deal. Users can also get freebies like free gaming consoles and other gifts like a car charger, mobile phones. Users can also avail free rental line and cash back offers which may vary from one service provider to other. Thus, it is a win-win situation for users who opt for any of such fabulous deals.

The mobile broadband deals are a huge blessing for users as they can get to surf Internet at an amazing speed and also get free gifts that come as a part of the deal.

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Giving a Business Client a Gift Basket From the Company

When searching for the right gift to say thanks to a client consider a variety of options before spending the money in order to accomplish the desired customer result. Sales professionals and business owners who want help finding the right gift for a clients may find the best solution for various situations can be a company gift basket. Many business leaders and sales people give gifts to their customers each year as a token of appreciation and as a subtle reminder to think of their organization the next time the client wants to place a similar order.

The easiest route to take for gift baskets is to get one that someone has already put together. Shopping for a gift basket that is already put together for a on the web is easy and in many department stores during a holiday season. Typical gift baskets that can be purchased include edibles such as candy, cookies, crackers, wine, meat, cheese and so forth. Also flower arrangements can be bought at a local florist or ordered over the internet at anytime. However these gifts are gone after only a few days. They may be appreciated, but will these gifts be remembered months later when the client wants to place a new order? Non-seasonal gift baskets are harder to find unless shopping is done at a specialty shop or gourmet store.

Although food baskets are nice, a client can get too many during the holidays or from competitors during the sales cycle. To insure remembrance, plan a special gift basket and find someone inside or outside the organization to customize it and arrange it in a nice container. If the container is a reusable item for the person receiving the gift basket, then it makes for an even better gift as they continue to use it! Company logo items used in a custom gift basket make an excellent reminder to the client every time it is used. These logo items are often practical gifts that will last for months to come. Often these types of gifts include mugs, calendars, clips, magnets, pens, or notebooks with the company name as the gift-giver imprinted on it along with the website and possibly a phone number. A miniature gift basket can be made by placing several small items in a mug and then wrapping it in cellophane, tying a bow around the top, and adding a gift card or business card. These types of baskets are nice-to-have and do have the desired company reminder aspect. Often customers will appreciate a gift that is both practical and helpful.

For a sales person who is looking for a meaningful appreciation gift to give clients during the sales cycle or when shopping for a holiday season, consider something to go along with the typical company logo item that reminds the client of their willingness to help grow the customer's business as well as their own. Business books are often appreciated by professionals so they make a great addition to any gift basket. Often a custom gift basket can be built around the message of the book(s) being considered. There are so many business and improvement books to select from. When considering the best business book to give, think about complaints or concerns the recipient has expressed in the past and look for a title on that subject. The client will appreciate that their problem was remembered and that a solution may be provided in the gift. When saying thanks with a book for improving client's business, the message is conveyed to "remember me because I want to help your business grow." This additional message of business aid is often received with extra gratitude above what a gift basket alone gets. A salesperson should always include their business card in the book to be used as a bookmark. This way if the book is passed around in the client company, so is the salesperson's name and contact information.

Many business leaders and sales people give gifts to their clients and customers each year as thanks for business and as a way to build future relationships. Sales professionals and business owners who want help finding the right gift to may find the best solution for various situations can be a company gift basket.

TIP: If looking for book ideas, check out article "Ten Book Options to Use for Business Gifts."

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Jewelry Store Security Tips to Avoid Costly Losses

Jewelry stores are one of the most difficult places to secure because its valuable contents are highly portable, making them an attractive target to potential thieves. If you own a jewelry store, here are important security tips to provide maximum protection for your merchandise regardless of where you're currently setting shop.

Store Layout

Security should always be taken into consideration when you are designing the layout of your store. Display counters must be as far away as possible from the main entry and exit points of the store. The distance between these two points is equivalent to the time you can buy for yourself in order to apprehend the thief or other necessary courses of action.

Never place the cash register or booth in a location that will have you facing away from the door. You must always see people coming in and going out of the store because their appearance and movement might alert you ahead of time regarding potential trouble.

Securing Entry and Exit Points

During operating hours, make sure that your entry and exit points lead through metal detecting archways. This will discourage potential thieves from carrying the usual array of weapons with them. At night, these must be additionally secured with alarms that are connected to your security insurance provider or local police station.

Surveillance Systems

Your jewelry store will be more secure if it is equipped with a surveillance system. Surveillance cameras with motion detecting sensors and floodlights must be installed not only within the store premises but outside as well to detect possible signs of trouble. The best locations for your cameras are those that can get a bird's eye view of the area without being easily reachable and prone to attacks of vandalism.

Surveillance cameras must allow for remote control or operation as well as web access. It must also be connected to a DVR system for remote monitoring. The best DVR systems will have sufficient disk space for your needs and save files in formats that are easily playable in your desk PC or laptop.

Manned Security

While automated security equipment is undeniably helpful, it is never a sufficient replacement for manned security. Always have your store guarded by professional and experienced security personnel.

Access Restriction

First and foremost, make it a strict store policy to keep all jewelry display cases locked. If you are taking out a sample for a client's perusal, be sure to lock the display case immediately. It's a tedious process but it could save you thousands of dollars in terms of theft and loss.

Plantronics discovery

Keep Your Identity Safe

While the internet offers many great advantages, it also increases our need for personal data protection. Many organizations that collect personal data about us, have had breaches in their security that allows this data to be accessed by persons that have no business in knowing our personal data.

Even branches of the military have had the security of their systems sometimes breached and the personal data of veterans has been leaked. It is not uncommon today to hear that a bank or an insurance companies computer has been hacked into and some of our personal data has been leaked.

When personal data is compromised, it makes it easy for your identity to be stolen. Identity thieves open credit card accounts using your good credit to get the things that they want with no intention of paying for them. Your only clue may be when bill collectors start calling about accounts that you never opened and never approved.

There are some things that you can do to protect your personal data, both on line and at home.

Never give personal information to anyone unless it is absolutely necessary. Protect your social security number. It should only be given to banks, employers and government offices when required. If the doctor's office asks for the social security number, ask them why it is needed. Stop carrying the social security card in your wallet or purse. Instead, keep it in a secure place where it is unlikely to be lost or stolen. Wallets and purses are too easily stolen or lost with this valuable piece of information.

Stop having phone numbers and driver's license numbers printed on your check. Ten to fifteen years ago, it was common to print these numbers on the check because it was more convenient for writing checks. Today, it is a good way to help an identity thief to take your identity. It also makes it much easier for someone to take your checks and empty your bank account.

Purchase a paper shredder and make use of it. All pre-approved applications should be destroyed so that someone cannot go through your trash and steal your identity. Shredders can also be used for expired credit cards.

Consider purchasing a locking mailbox. There are several models available that allow the postman to drop your mail into the box but require that a key be used to retrieve the mail. This is an excellent way to protect your identity from people that sometimes steal mail out of mailboxes just to get personal data about you.

If you will be out of town overnight, be sure that you have someone collect your mail. If you will be gone for some time, ask the post office to hold your mail until you return. If you are often out of town, a post office box may be your best solution. Mail delivered there is locked in a secure place until you remove it from the box.

Tools Wireless Networking

Mobile Spa Business - Bringing the Business Right to Clients

Mobile spas are starting to proliferate and operate actively in most markets. Conceptualized and developed on the principle that clients are more at home and comfortable having spa services provided right at the coziness and privacy of home, mobile spas are truly patronized well. In fact, mobile spas are most in-demand in busy markets across the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe.

Clients are ultimately enjoying and taking advantage of mobile spas. For them, day spas that are brought to the comfort of their own homes are really a pleasure. No wonder, mobile spas have been welcomed by the market with warm and amiably open arms.

If you are an entrepreneur and you want to enter into the day spa business, or if you are already into spa operations, you should consider getting into the mobile spa business. Because clients are raving about the idea and the concept, you can always be sure you will have a huge demand for your spa services. There are other logical and appealing reasons why you should take your spa business right to the doorsteps of clients.

* Mobile spas require little cost. Because you will not pay higher rents for business sites and establishments, you will not incur much for operating expenses. Utility bills, maintenance, premium-rate insurance, and business tax implementations can be waived or at least significantly minimized.

* There is much flexibility and freedom. You will work on your own schedule and not be boxed within set hours and enclosed areas. There is an ongoing excitement everyday because routines are broken down. Everyday, you could take your business to different places.

* The business income could become unlimited. Because your mobile spa is your business, your efforts will dictate your profitability. In other words, your earnings and revenue potential can be limitless, depending on the number of calls and service orders you receive.

* Business risks can be somehow limited. Your mobile spa can be a part-time business if you like to retain your present job for security purposes. Once you establish your clientele and have your own niche and a bunch of loyal patrons, you can decide whether you will like to go full time or maintain the part-time status.

* You can realize several tax advantages by claiming legal business expenses from your gross income. Thus, your supplies, vehicle expenditures, and home office supplies can be declared as official business expenses.

* Lastly, there is a potential for total career satisfaction. When you get into the mobile spa business, you are outright building a business based more on your level of efforts, skills, and expertise. Try putting up and operating a mobile day spa and experience for yourself why many clients and entrepreneurs are all getting more into it.

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Client Satisfaction Surveys and Online Customer Surveys - Part 3

This Article is Part 3 of a series of articles on the subject of client satisfaction surveys. Part 1 covered the early planning stages including project goals and reporting deliverables. Part 2 examined selection of a survey methodology, with emphasis on the availability and quality of the records list. Part 3 focuses on the use of online customer surveys.

Once it is established that there is an adequate email records list for conducting client satisfaction surveys online, it must be determined whether an online customer survey is still the best choice over other methodologies such as mail or telephone surveys. This decision will often rest on a choice between telephone and online customer surveys, although mail surveys can the best choice in certain cases. The survey vendor should be able to provide helpful advice in making this selection. Key decision factors include project budget and customer relations.

Generally, client satisfaction surveys that focus on b2c relationships have similar pricing for telephone and online customer surveys. These types of surveys might include retail customers or service providers such as accounting, personal banking, auto repair, or mortgage lending. The common thread is a non-enterprise product or service where the end user is typically an easy-to-reach survey participant. For these kinds of client satisfaction surveys, the best choice can often be a telephone survey due to higher response rates.

Cost Considerations and Online Customer Surveys

But where client satisfaction surveys are of a b2b nature (such as enterprise products, services or software), and/or the end user is a corporate executive, online customer surveys can often result in lower pricing than telephone surveys, and similar or better response rates given the difficulty of reaching the respondent by phone. In addition, given the ongoing business relationship with most enterprise products or services, the customer might have a strong interest in timely participation in online customer surveys. In the end, each business relationship is different, and should be examined based on its own set of circumstances.

Customer Relations and Client Satisfaction Survey

Cost issues aside, another key consideration that is often overlooked in designing client satisfaction surveys is the overall impact on client relations. At its most basic level, this means considering the type of methodology most customers are comfortable using. For example, if there are ongoing email exchanges between the company and its customers, online customer surveys might be a natural choice. On the other hand, if customers rarely communicate via email, then blanketing them with email invitations to online customer surveys might not be the best choice even if email addresses are readily available.

Another element that is often overlooked is whether reaching ALL customers should be considered for client relations' reasons, even though sampling of a portion of the customers is less costly and/or adequate from a statistical standpoint. Put a different way, it can sometimes benefit client relations to ask customers for their feedback on how you are performing. In some cases, such as alumni surveys, it might be politically incorrect to survey only certain alumni to the exclusion others. If that is the case, online customer surveys can often provide the least expensive method of reaching all of the participants while placing your corporate brand in front of them.

Determining the best survey methodology is not always an easy decision. The starting point is typically the availability and quality of the records list. However, this alone is not necessarily the determining factor. Cost considerations and client relations must also be considered. For many client satisfaction surveys, this will boil down to a choice between telephone surveys and online customer surveys. Frequently, the price points are similar when the product or service is delivered b2c instead of b2b. But where enterprise products or difficult-to-reach executives are involved, online customer surveys are often the least expensive option for conducting client satisfaction surveys provided the participants are comfortable responding online. Lastly, and often overlooked, are client relations' considerations, such as allowing all customers to participate instead of a select group.

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Around the World in an Internet Minute

The speed of the way we communicate has morphed into an internet monster. Today we can virtually work in anywhere on the planet. Hotels, planes, cell phones - anywhere we can get our WiFi fix. Yesterday's news is today's fish warp. Our gratification is instantaneous, but like anything, be careful what you wish for. There is always a downside to hyper-productivity.

From Tortoise to Virtual Hare.

It's hard to comprehend that it was only a couple of years ago when present day technology had yet to evolve, and business folks alike carried serious stress about meeting specific deadlines, worried about finishing work on time before departing on vacation, or were hesitant of traveling, not because of the fear of flying, but because of the anxiety that their future destination would not contain the necessary accommodations needed to get work done and lost productivity. Offices were tense, and businesses were limited.

Looking back, it would give any business savvy worker cold sweats to wonder how they could get their present job done efficiently. In America there's a saying that we "live to work," and with that accompanies the ideal that we have the divine right to work whenever and wherever we are.

Welcome to the land where those concerns have become extinct, and a new species has staked its claim on planet earth. It's the virtual office.

Cars, Online Trade Shows and In-Flight WiFi... Oh My!

The Internet has indeed become elastic, stretching its reach into various places once deemed impossible, but now a reality. In this day and age, we have wireless Internet in our cars and on our phones; a tool that has acquired so much attention in the past couple of years that it has actually turned into a major problem. The Internet application on cell phones has only added to the controversy of cell phone use while driving, and Congress has created a law banning such use, officially putting that application in "time out" indefinitely.

Even traveling business people have the Internet in literally every country they travel to, allowing them to stay connected to the office from their "business away from home," thousands of miles away. Everyone has jumped on the WiFi bandwith. Hotels that aren't connected lose business. Today it is as essential as in room telephones and bathrooms.

We recently took a business trip to New York. Just before returning to Los Angeles, we had a rush project that "couldn't wait." We finished what we could in our room on the laptop, took a cab to Newark; connected to the airport WiFi to "kill 2 hours"; reconnected on the plane via gogoinflight, finished the job; emailed the completed files; then kicked back to relax for the duration of the 6 hour flight. A short time later, the client emailed from her Blackberry that they received the files, reviewed them and thanked us. Just another day at the "office!"

The Internet "Fix"... Good or Bad?

The Internet has come along way from the confinements of a cubicle to expanding its power to the farthest borders of the world. Not only has it offered its services to help strengthen and, but it has also allowed people to stay connected. It's funny how you can't imagine a world without it, but yet there was once a time when it didn't exist at all. Looking back, it must have been an anxious time, not being connected 24/7 - or has this ultimate Internet fix made us more nervous and less laid back with even more stringent deadlines? Makes you wonder.
