
The importance of client-server technology

Used in almost all automated library systems, client / server technology is the computer architecture. Technology client / server computer architecture for separating the functions of the application into two or more parties. Client / server technology divides functions into client (requesting) and server (provider) subsystems with standard communication methods (such as TCP / IP and Z39.50). To facilitate the exchange of information betweenthey share the tasks. On the desktop computer and the client presents the data manipulated. Store and retrieve protected data the server acts like a mainframe. The machines can perform their tasks, their best performance.


The main features of client-server technology is the sub-

or due to differences in their performance of tasks between client and server can be differentiated from each other.

o The client andServer function normally on different platforms.

or one or more servers can be connected to customers.

Or customers can be connected to multiple servers simultaneously.

or the client or server can be upgraded without mutual interference.

Either the author of the request for customer service contact forever.

In a client / server environment to a client PC almost as follows:

operation screen or

O menu or command Interpretation

O Data Acquisition

help the development or

or Troubleshooting

A server can be anywhere along the separation line and a broad spectrum of customers. Only the user interface has been moved to a customer at the other end of the database can be distributed end.

In addition to the area there are at least five points:

Before Distributed Presentation: The server and the client partly handle the presentation

According Remote presentation:> Client manages or controls the entire presentation

Third distributed logic: the server and the client partly handle the application logic

Fourth Remote Data Management: The server processes or controls the entire database

Fifth Distributed database: The server and client to manage the database management

In a library, there are two major applications for client / server

1) In an automated system such as the libraryArchitecture to facilitate the use of this system, a vendor designs a system that uses client / server technology to access multiple servers to improve productivity and bring together several lines of product.

2) In order to link heterogeneous systems as an approach in order to facilitate transparent access to a developed supplier, part of the client and server systems for a system to help others, transparent access to her.


The benefits of client / server Computing are as under

1) Despite the amendment of the application of inheritance, is much easier to implement server / client

2) Rapid Application Development and new technologies move like object-oriented technology

3) To develop and support that is a long-term cost benefits

4) support the new systems is easy, new hardware, such as document imaging and video teleconferencing Add

5) For each application, the software tools you can implement more than one manufacturer
> Client / server technology proved to be very effective and feasible in a mainframe environment.


The company has implemented client / server technology for the following concerns-

O between the client and server, where there are many levels of complexity and compatibility issues

or Since you have to maintain the architecture of the old mainframe system () and client-server new building will cost in the short term quick ascent

Or there ismany layers of complexity and compatibility issues between clients and servers.

or increase costs in the short term, since it will be necessary to keep the old mainframe system () and the new client-server architecture development.

O software tools, such as competence and safety management are not mature as the mainframe counterparts.

With these tools, or need time to master.

or cede control of a centralized IT environmentinformation system departments can go back.

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