DHCP setup on a Windows Server
DHCP, as you may know, is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, and there are hosts of a network, all IP information they need to communicate. IP address, subnet tree, gateway address, DNS server and WINS server addresses. For the DHCP management easier a great feature for small businesses is to help computer network configuration quickly and easily without much effort. If you use a Windows server for the file server, domain server, application server, or almost allother basic DHCP for adding all costs.
First, be early, such as DHCP, because it is very easy in the river and the feature works. First, configure the server and create a pool of IP addresses, usually this will be something similar to connect to to, depending on how many computers potentially go. How to use IP addresses that we see may have given 100 computers to connect via DHCP. Then we have the reference toServer, which will be the subnet mask, gateway and DNS addresses. Now when a client computer to connect to wired or wireless network via his computer sends a "package" basically say, "Hey, there are DHCP servers out there to give me an address?" and, of course, the server responds with a packet back: "Yes, here you can use" and now the client computer has an IP address and capable of functioning network to communicate on the Internet. The DHCP server registersWhat IP addresses to customers based on the hands of MAC addresses.
Now that we have an understanding of how DHCP speaks configuration on a Windows server. The first thing is to ensure that DHCP is installed and you can see, control Windows to configure DHCP, if not don `t have installed it. To install DHCP simply goto "Control Panel" and then "Add / Remove Programs", and on the left, select "Add / Remove Windows Components".Scroll to "Network Services", select and click the Details button. Then scroll down until you see "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (see DHCP)" and check the box to the left and click "OK" then click "Next" is and DHCP are installed on your server. One thing to remember is that if DHCP is not already installed on the server you must install the Windows CD DHCP Server.
Now that we have on our DHCP server installed we can simply configureConsole. Then click on Start, then Run and type "MMC" in the text box and click "OK" and a console window appears. Click on "File" "Add / Remove Snap-in" or just press CTRL + M and then click "Add ..." and a list of all the configured services will appear and you may want to choose. "DHCP" and click "Add." Once this is done, you can backtrack by clicking "Close" and then "OK" and you should see a menu on the left side of the DHCP console.
Double-click the DHCP on the left side and selectYour server. We need to create what is called a scope because you can actually different areas in a single DHCP server. Right click on the DHCP server running on the left and select new opportunities. This is a "New Scope Wizard to walk you through everything that is required. Choose a name for your DHCP scope and then" Next "and select the range of IP addresses that you want to use, and define the subnet mask . subnet mask default is usually 24 or length. Then you canChoose to exclude addresses, this is a good idea if you have set some devices with static IP addresses in your area. Then you'll want to choose how long you want to be on the lease, and the default is 8 days. If you are already a couple of computers, which are then connected at all times eight days is likely to have imposed. If you put down as a wireless hotspot, with many different customers connect, you probably want to eight a lease for about 8 hours instead ofDays. Next, and then click Next and scope has been created and that clients can now get a DHCP address.
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