
Remote tele-working via IP telephony

You've probably seen tons of spam e-mail or banner promising wealth while working in your pajamas at home. Hopefully only a small minority believe in this get-rich-quick, but someone here must earn money.

Working from home has become a valuable work for employees and employers. Many companies have introduced flexible working hours and have found that some tasks can be fulfilled by the home worker. The employee benefits from a more flexible hours, less time wasted on commuting and better lifestyle. The employer benefits from lower cost workstations, more productive time, overhead and less brick and mortar.

With centralized computer applications such as accounting systems and orders, after being used for a long time. Most large companies and small and medium enterprises allow some kind of secure remote access to their data networks. This is usually implemented through a VPN software> Client hardware or VPN gateway. More recently, voice applications are migrated to the remote area. major manufacturers such as Avaya, Cisco, Nortel and systems to offer IP-PBX, voice applications remotely. In particular, IP phones and IP soft Deskphones possible with the wonders of Internet access to connect employees to use their business phone system at home.

Now you can use your computer workstation connected to your company's data and networkIP phone or softphone connected to the phone company. For many employees walk or office, this is all they really need. Data entry, order fulfillment, or any task-oriented computer server can be executed. Answered calls, transfer, and the like. You can also access the voice mail company.

Now, ask yourself what you need to work successfully from home. Well, if you have an employee, you must know that the company for the jobHe left. If this is the case, then the department can help you install your remote home office.

For companies that want to offer teleworking remote employees using IP telephony, here's a checklist of basic requirements:

or access to broadband Internet to businesses and remote workers in the field (T1, cable, DSL, etc.)
Company or Website: Data Connection - Firewall w / VPN integrated or stand-alone VPN gateway appliances. Voice Connection - IP-PBX system with support for remote controlDeskphones from softphone or IP network.
or local employees (connection hardware-based): Router w / VPN or remote VPN gateway for remote VPN connection. This PC hardware and IP phones or soft Deskphone direct connection to remote data and telephone network.
Or the local employees (based software solution) data connection - VPN client software to the gateway connecting to corporate VPN remote PC. combine voice connection - IP Desktop Phone with VPN firmwareRemote access to the client system softphone or IP phone software on the PC connected via VPN.

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