3 Good to Know - Learn how to protect a wireless router
To learn how to make a secure wireless router is to know three important things are: SSID, MAC address and WEP / WPA. Of course there are a number of abbreviations listed, we will discuss. There are many aspects of setting up a wireless router in a secure manner. These three things are not the only issues involved, but some of the most important.
In the first SSID
Service Set Identification is basically the name attached to a device on a network - in this case, theWi-Fi router. There, password, user ID or username. But come into play when you connect to wireless networks. On most PCs or other wireless devices, you can view a list of available wireless networks. If this list on your device is that the devices have a name connected with them on display. This is the SSID.
If you buy a wireless router, take it out of the box and plug in, the chances that the SSID will show the name of the manufacturer. ToHackers or others intent on invading the wireless network, you accept the default name in this way is accompanied by a reference on how to get into your system. Out of the box, most wireless routers have a default admin password, which is also known to hackers. With the default SSID and default password can easily access their wireless.
So if you set the router, change the default SSID and password. A neutral name like "My router is probably the best. Althoughmay be tempted into a name like "TheSmithFamily," said it offers only a couple of details, trying to get into your system. You know the old joke, right? I'm not paranoid, but even paranoids have enemies!
There is another parameter on most wireless routers to forward the name to disable. Some say you should not do this and it is a waste of time because even sophisticated hackers and "script kiddies", with powerful programs that can get on the webeasy to find these "hidden" networks. But disabling the SSID broadcast makes it much less objective as I see it. It keeps the rogue!
According to the MAC address
A Media Access Control address or mailing, as it sometimes known is the most unambiguous identification of individual network adapters. The MAC or physical address includes the identification of the manufacturer and "single number". Most wireless routers have everyone with the exception of the addresses in your list or in the wayI advise you to access all but the addresses of your list. The MAC or physical address of the Linux or Windows computer that you want to help you learn a DOS window or command prompt and type: ipconfig / all or ipconfig only address the physical research. MAC or the wireless adapter. The MAC block is 12 hexadecimal digits using the digits 0-9 and letters AF, maybe a dash or colon. Find the wireless router's configuration screen, which can be used as MACFiltering and enter the addresses of the authorized PC.
Also, do not rest on our laurels. MAC addresses are easily forged, copied or cloned. The router is also the ability to clone a MAC address to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) issued. So why bother? Now again in less than a blip on the radar of someone. Maybe I'm not too picky, or maybe I'm just looking for someone, a completely open system has to go.
Third WEP / WPA
WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy.And WPA is Wi-Fi Protected Access. WEP is the older protocol. Some people call the Weak Encryption Protocol. Here you will find stories on the Internet can be broken in minutes. EPA's new, and much more. There is a new version of WPA called WPA2.
To use WPA2, WPA or WEP in that order. If you have problems with WEP? Well, if it all - yes. It 'better than nothing, and those that can not disturb, but do great ability to hack encryptedSystem.
You are completely protected now? No, but are ahead of where you were! Sleep a little 'better!
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