
3 Good to Know - Learn how to protect a wireless router

To learn how to make a secure wireless router is to know three important things are: SSID, MAC address and WEP / WPA. Of course there are a number of abbreviations listed, we will discuss. There are many aspects of setting up a wireless router in a secure manner. These three things are not the only issues involved, but some of the most important.

In the first SSID

Service Set Identification is basically the name attached to a device on a network - in this case, theWi-Fi router. There, password, user ID or username. But come into play when you connect to wireless networks. On most PCs or other wireless devices, you can view a list of available wireless networks. If this list on your device is that the devices have a name connected with them on display. This is the SSID.

If you buy a wireless router, take it out of the box and plug in, the chances that the SSID will show the name of the manufacturer. ToHackers or others intent on invading the wireless network, you accept the default name in this way is accompanied by a reference on how to get into your system. Out of the box, most wireless routers have a default admin password, which is also known to hackers. With the default SSID and default password can easily access their wireless.

So if you set the router, change the default SSID and password. A neutral name like "My router is probably the best. Althoughmay be tempted into a name like "TheSmithFamily," said it offers only a couple of details, trying to get into your system. You know the old joke, right? I'm not paranoid, but even paranoids have enemies!

There is another parameter on most wireless routers to forward the name to disable. Some say you should not do this and it is a waste of time because even sophisticated hackers and "script kiddies", with powerful programs that can get on the webeasy to find these "hidden" networks. But disabling the SSID broadcast makes it much less objective as I see it. It keeps the rogue!

According to the MAC address

A Media Access Control address or mailing, as it sometimes known is the most unambiguous identification of individual network adapters. The MAC or physical address includes the identification of the manufacturer and "single number". Most wireless routers have everyone with the exception of the addresses in your list or in the wayI advise you to access all but the addresses of your list. The MAC or physical address of the Linux or Windows computer that you want to help you learn a DOS window or command prompt and type: ipconfig / all or ipconfig only address the physical research. MAC or the wireless adapter. The MAC block is 12 hexadecimal digits using the digits 0-9 and letters AF, maybe a dash or colon. Find the wireless router's configuration screen, which can be used as MACFiltering and enter the addresses of the authorized PC.

Also, do not rest on our laurels. MAC addresses are easily forged, copied or cloned. The router is also the ability to clone a MAC address to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) issued. So why bother? Now again in less than a blip on the radar of someone. Maybe I'm not too picky, or maybe I'm just looking for someone, a completely open system has to go.

Third WEP / WPA

WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy.And WPA is Wi-Fi Protected Access. WEP is the older protocol. Some people call the Weak Encryption Protocol. Here you will find stories on the Internet can be broken in minutes. EPA's new, and much more. There is a new version of WPA called WPA2.

To use WPA2, WPA or WEP in that order. If you have problems with WEP? Well, if it all - yes. It 'better than nothing, and those that can not disturb, but do great ability to hack encryptedSystem.

You are completely protected now? No, but are ahead of where you were! Sleep a little 'better!

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The role of a network switch

If you're in a place where you want to know more about your network computers and devices that you get used to, you find that one of the pieces of equipment you should look at the network switch is. Many computer networks, the use of Ethernet is to integrate the use of a network switch and there are many different reasons why he would. At the lowest level, a switch allows computers to communicate with each other. You can have two or three computers, orconnecting as many as twenty or thirty. Every computer on the network can connect computers to each other.

There are many reasons why you might be interested in the use of a switch in a shop. For example, if you work groups whose work was an integral part of each other had, you should do for them what other users have access. Instead of having to send and receive information via e-mail or chat office networks, it would instead be able to access anyother machines and see what you are watching. More than a computer with a network switch as well. With a switch you can put a printer on a network and allow each computer to access the printer itself.

Another important role that the switches in an Ethernet network, switch among them. Consider the idea of ​​five working groups on five different levels. To make things easy and simple, you would any network working group on everyothers with a switch and then you would connect the switches together. Switches allow packets for transmission so that they can identify the switch ports, data and sort them accordingly. Switch can also be used to record and store the MAC address of each device that will connect with him.

If you are considering the role of network switches, it is important to consider what level of work. So they offer to attach a physical connection between the machines, and a data link, networkdriving and traffic. Some options are calls between the different layers of the interface and multi-layer switches operate. Some parameters used for commercial purposes, you can connect and switch between different networks, some of these options may change from Ethernet, Fibre Channel and ATM-hand.

In some environments, the switches play an important role as safety should be the WAN router, when it comes to analysis modules can be connected. SomeSwitch is a firewall that is installed on the switch as Intrusion Detection.

Take time to reflect on the role played by the switch in a network that you are a part of thought. While the switches are used extensively in business, there are a lot of people who will use their home networks as well. Take time to really think about what they do and how they do it!

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MPLS VPN simplifies network management

Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) is an innovative process for the transfer of packet-forwarding performance. There are many uses of this new technology, both in a service provider and corporate network and the most commonly used today, the Virtual Private Networks (VPN). The introduction of this technology has been able to network designers networks scale better for greater flexibility. It 'more of the methods on the Internet in the past. CustomersMPLS-VPN enabled will find a practical guide for the spread of development and understanding of this product very useful. They also receive a thorough analysis of the Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture Learning and a detailed discussion of the roles and mechanisms for doing so, the arrangements for tens of thousands and as MPLS VPN, to get more support, using case studies for large guide customers and users through the development and delivery of current

This network configurationand, finally, help in configuring MPLS on Cisco devices and to be able to design and implement the guidelines and examples of options that will help them build a variety of VPN topologies.

MPLS VPN services are the most important trend in the name of the Multi-Protocol Label Switching-based VPNs emerged last year. With the development of multi-protocol Label Switching, VPNs are willing to explain radical computer network in the world. MPLS VPN received frame beforeRelay and now the preferred choice among users. Another hot trend in the past year, the company was focused on creating networks that make it a very agile and reliable choice for reliable WAN connectivity.

There are a number of telecommunications services, the introduction of the corporate network managed MPLS platform, reducing costs and increasing scalability and reliability that often were not included in legacy networks. In addition, there is less latency and packet loss of at least;simpler procurement and safety lightly and prioritization of bandwidth, the MPLS VPN domain was very popular in the industry. network engineers, quickly and efficiently the formation of this new technology for the effective delivery of MPLS-VPN on their network.

To this end, MPLS and VPN Architectures provides an extensive debate in particular about Cisco MPLS architecture. You must understand the theory and configuration of MPLS to examine issues related to networkDesign and case studies and MPLS main application, which is the MPLS VPN. MPLS-VPN architecture and mechanisms can be better understood examples of configuration, deployment and proposed design guidelines and case studies in width. This technology helps us to understand to design and deploy MPLS-enabled VPN.

MPLS VPN is reliable, secure, scalable and economical solution for the WAN infrastructure. It provides services such as the convergence of voice, dataand video on an interface and platform. It offers quality service as a value-added services and to prioritize traffic data using corporate demand for MPLS VPNs. It 's a perfect solution for business applications that are sensitive to the requirements of time and bandwidth. There are several ways to achieve the target in the event of network failure in a way that reduces the possibility of downtime. Its intranet and extranet functions to provide secure communication between partners. Finally, MPLS-VPNsimplifies network management.

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Senior Health Care marketing results with the targeted network!

We started to discuss our targeted set of networking with tips to share how important the first word you meet someone. Remember that in the first 8 seconds someone has already addressed the meeting based on how you look, dress, body language, etc., so only a few minutes ago, in this memorable first impression. Therefore, we want to create (and use!) Messages quickly and convincing 30 seconds, that the person is talking about wanting to leave to learn moreYou and your service.

If I ask you why to build networks, what would your reaction be? Some of your answers would probably be something like: the encounter with others, looking for someone who is a need for my services, if we're honest, because our census is down and my boss told me that I had. Given this, it is estimated that the average person knows about 250 people. Is known by each, in turn, another 250 people or so. This means that for every new personMeeting provides access to a potential pool of 62 500 people separated by only two degrees. Therefore, networking with a view is so powerful!

networking is focused on creating intentional relationships with each other is aimed at mutual support to achieve the objectives. In other words, you have a reason why you meet people deliberately, and defined the goal of trying to get what you want. Many think that the purpose is the networking of operations carried out roundTo go to as many networking events as possible, and, most importantly, sell. Targeted networking is different. This is the person named first. Did you consciously prepare to network? Most people are not, here are some tips to get started:

Define your goal. Before the network, you must have a sense of why you connect with someone related, and the more specific you are, the more effective the network is. If possible,to find 1-2 people that is connected with the name, and ask powerful questions to use to learn more about this person. That means you do some research before the networking event to see who will participate, and then a little 'homework on the particular person. Your goal is to help network the next stage of the relationship, or if you connect to someone, you can build a relationship with.

Say, forSo it was an event of the Rotary Auction. They find that to be the new president of the bank to be present. This is important for you, because this bank is not historically affiliated with or work with you in the past. You now have a new marketing program that financial education helps seniors to plan for the future. After the Bank together with you to conduct education programs would be really helpful. So your goal in this networking event will be to obtain these new introducedChairman and learn a bit 'more about him.

In preparation, talking with friends, go to the bank, so to ask some important questions, more to do with him, and stop practicing your conversation by the ability to connect with him soon a fantastic opportunity, this population would advantage of the bank. Note that the first network connection is not the time or place to spend a lot of information. It 's a short meeting, you must be veryintentional and memorable with what you say.

Profile. You should make a list for your marketing strategies for the year, you must create a network-based. Create a simple file and maintain newspaper articles, etc. Information on each individual on your list. Then, when the opportunity presents itself, you save time on searching for information about the person.

network events that matter. Once you start the list of profiles, begin the identification of these networking eventsThe people involved in the position yourself to be invited or do the same events.

Appearance counts. A professional image is always a good service. The type of networking event you participate in determining your suit are obvious. If this is a business networking event, a proposal that includes jackets, pants wardrobe, set sweater, etc. Save the fashion trend for the weekend. Men, women and gang jackets.

If the event argumentSpecifically, then the argument clothing. I remember a Halloween-client "dressed as Wendy's" girls and went to the Rotary. He tried, with a political figure with the ultimate aim of enticing connect him to visit the foster home. He did it to get introduced, they used 30 seconds message shiny with some powerful questions in relation to his campaign (who had done their homework), and two days later, his office has requested an appointment with him. Then he remembered fromthe event, was able to get his program, and then reach their destination, to visit him at the nursing home.

Also, remember that you never know when to present the possibility of creation of informal networks.

Consider: would you buy a Mercedes from someone in jeans and polo shirts? I would not do. I expect its appearance, quality product that sells replicate. The same applies to health services. Think of the average costs for the service. For example, aCare bed has an average cost of $ 80,000 per year. The way in which a product is selling $ 80,000 dress. What is the average cost of a home health care for service? Assisted Living? Always be ready to introduce the look of a professional who believes in and is proud of their service.

You have limited time, so that the networking activities deliberately and intentionally. With a little 'planning and organization, we see positive results soon.

Not sure whereYou should take your time, or tired of the same old same old old activities? Check in next week when we shared creative suggestions for the development of network activity can be exploited.

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Introduction to RAID 5

Defining a RAID 5 array

This wide array of uses at least three plates and strip byte-level information about the partitions. parity data about each member of the disc, so that the data array in the event of a disk failure can be restored.

Different ways for a RAID 5 array can be set

A RAID 5 array can be set up as a software RAID using special software or hardware RAID with a RAID controller.

A softwareRAID is usually either put up with stand-alone software or with software RAID, which is an operating system like Windows 2003 server configured. A software RAID uses the CPU and the memory of the computer on which it is installed. This can slow down other applications on your computer. The software also RAID vulnerable to error because of problems with the host computer. A hardware RAID uses a RAID controller takes the place so as not to load on the host computerCPU and memory.

Top 5 Suitable for RAID applications

Since RAID 5 provides better read performance benefits in writing, it is better for read-oriented applications such as web, intranet and e-mail servers use. It could also be suitable for databases, provided that there is more reading than writing. In RAID 5 are listed, as the array must write the parity data on hard drives slow.

Advantages and disadvantages of RAID 5

E 'many advantages of a RAID 5 array. Given a set of RAID-5 parity data written to each of the member drives, a RAID-5 Sustain the failure of a hard disk. The parity data allows the RAID to be restored. Another advantage of RAID 5 is that it is relatively cheap considering the amount of fault tolerance it provides. Finally, RAID 5 offers a good rate of State Disk readings. are some disadvantages of RAID 5 is that it offers slower writes parity data must also regularly reviewDate. It can also be expensive to implement because it requires special hardware.


Overall, RAID 5 offers excellent fault tolerance without wasting space. It also provides high read performance and is suitable for a variety of applications. For more information on RAID 5 array can be found in RAID-5 recovery.

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Mouse Trays - Need a mouse tray?

Complete your computer desktop items and take a mouse tray. The tray offers a flat surface to accommodate the mouse and mouse pad or mouse pads. There are many designs you've done, each of which can choose different services.

A mouse can tray to the right height, rotation and tilt can be adjusted to accommodate different types of users. Many models can be on the side of the desk or keyboard tray installed on your computer to free up desk space. It can alsofor a wrist rest to reduce hand strain and injury.

The types of mouse trays on the market

1. Clamp-on models - This type comes with a large clip that clamps on the side or on the surface of a desk computer. And 'less secure than a mounted specialist, but it is easier to install and remove.

2. Assembled Model - This model has an arm that can be fixed or below the tabletop computer. It is separated from the keyboard shelf mounted. ASome models have swivel or rotate with this type is advised to contact the user the posture or position while you restart your computer.

3. Slide-out models - This type can be discreetly hidden under the keyboard tray and slides when using them.

Useful tips to remember when you buy your own mouse pad

1. Select a mouse tray are made of durable material, and one that is made from medium density fibreboard (MDF). The material retains its shapeIn spite of heavy and constant use.

2. If you prefer a dish that varies, select a tray that rotates up to 360 degrees to give you full control over the angle and position.

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Juniper Certification Information

Juniper Networks Technical Certification Program objectives of platform-specific applications and consists of written test, hands-on field testing and debugging tests. The certification program is to have the production of young and talented IT professionals who have extensive knowledge of the Internet, able to manage different networks and are targeted specifically responsible for configuration and troubleshooting of Juniper Networks.

Juniper certification program consists of four different tracks or ballsnetworking and enterprise routing, network security, enterprise switching, and firewall / VPN, it is. wholly to the candidate to one of four ways, so that her ability to Juniper Networks in a particular subject of networking and certify to choose their knowledge.

While there are four different areas of networking in Juniper Networks who made the relevant evidence is certified, there are three different levels of competence in the variousTitle, ie associations, experts, expert. Normally, the employer Juniper certified professionals thought of as ideal candidates to fill vacancies for network designers, network operators and security service provider.

is recognized by an expert Juniper certificate, you can perform more complex tasks related to information technology, particularly in network connection. Juniper Certifications offer young IT professionals to increase their potential for success in theirJobs such as these certifications are a confirmation of the suitability of the know-how by a higher authority has taken over.

To pass the test for Juniper certifications must be proactive and use resources to study more as you would be better to bring the test on the same line as the Juniper certification exams in order to get to know what to expect when the real test .

To prepare as fully as you can controlSimulation kits designed for your knowledge and expertise on the subject, we shall only be tested in the Juniper certification exams. You should also have the possibility of a detailed analysis of incorrect answers that will make you test during the simulation.

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Entry forms in Microsoft Access

If you are new to creating databases, you may not have applied the validation rules for fields that you create. In the short term this may be a trouble-free way to take in data, especially if you used the only person here.

If you have more than one person to do data entry, but you can set validation rules for your input data. This saves time in the long run, because it provides a direct way to ensure that the data are inserted after a certainFormats, and not in the required fields blank.

conflicting data may cause communication problems and create extra work for the database administrator. ZIP codes, phone numbers, serial numbers, date, title and any other number of types of input data can be controlled. When the data is not specified the format, refer to Access the error and ask the user to re-enter data with the right format.

To ensure that the data correctly insimplest form of validation involves the application of an input mask on a field. Access provides a simple input format wizard for the process.

To start the Input Mask Wizard, select the Input Mask property, and select the button with the three points. Depending on what they were immediately before they ask for access, if the table who have worked in You save Click Yes to save the table. The Input Mask Wizard will provide a list of pre-configured input masks, for example, you can choosepower to prevent a user from a phone number in a predefined format of the data input power failure. Select the mask you want to apply. If no mask exactly matches your needs, you choose one that is similar. You can refine the mask to your liking. Click Next.

Use to adjust the input format of the form input field to your specifications. Select the wildcard characters that serve as examples of your screen and click Next to be.

Specify whether symbols (such asDashes or parentheses) are stored along with the box. Click Finish.

You can request a form, or use of certain characters. Characters can also be specified as an option. Entry forms can also be modifiers that seem to be not as data but help shape the data. For example, a modifier, all the data entered in capital letters (such as zip code, would always appear in capital letters) or lower case, along with thousands separator to convert a number ofNumbers or asterisks to replace a stored password.

You can also literal character in an input mask. A literal character is stored with the data and could be a symbol or a character string that is added to the data entered.

The input mask allows you to standardize data entry and avoid mistakes that could damage research, such as the growth of your database.

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10 multiple choice questions free - CCNA Practice Exam - 640-802

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

After studying the text books is important to test your new knowledge and how to absorb the material. Practice Exams ....

- Reinforce what you learned - the gaps, filling what you missed
- To respond to questions in order to build trust and familiarity

Here are 10 multiple choice questions for the exams you are going to do:

Question 1 # - Which of the following ways areLog in providing access to a router? (Choose all that apply)

B. Port Aux
E. Telnet

Question # 2 - Which statement is true regarding the user exec and privileged exec mode?

A. Both require the enable password
B. User exec is a subset of the privileged exec
C. The "?" works only in privileged EXEC
D. They are identical

Question # 3 - This modem has a standard rate of 28.8 and error correctionCharacteristics.


Questions # 4 - What would be the correct command to set a clock rate of DCE 56k for a serial port?

A. Router (config) # clock rate 56000
B. Router # clock 56 000.
C. Router (config-if) # clock rate 56000
D. Router (config-if) # clock rate 56k

Question # 5 - What is an example of a MAC address?

A. Az 32:6362:2434
B. BA: 281x: 8,288
C. 101:354:665:8734: ffd6: 8,023
D.A625: cbdf: 6,525

Question # 6 - What command shows that two devices to route packets between them otherwise the success?

A. show interface
B. lane
C. telnet
D. ping

Question # 7 - you design a network that must support to 200 users. They do not plan to expand the segment of the actual number of users. What subnet mask would best suit your needs? Choose the best answer.

E. 255 255 255 200

Question # 8 - what is the Ethernet MAC is to ________ Frame Relay.

Example LCI
D. None of the above

Question # 9 - the 802.2 frame is an 802.3 frame type that is longer:

A. True
B. False

Question # 10 - What is used to determine whether a client or a server connected to a NetWare?

A. spoofing TCP / SAP
How to package watchdog
C. GNS Round Robin
D. DNS RoundRobin


The correct answers - Question 1: B, C, E
Question 2 - correct answers: B
Question 3 - correct answers: A
Question 4 - correct answers: C
Question 5 - correct answers: D
Question 6 - correct answers: A
Question 7 - correct answers: B
The correct answers - Question 8:
The correct answers - Question 9: A
Question 10 - correct answers: B

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How a router works and what does it do?

We begin this review by describing what a router: A router is a network element, Internet and LAN traffic, divides the available bandwidth between a number of interconnected computers that filters packets, it acts as a firewall hardware configuration, Network Gateway , NAT server-based controls and wireless access point (in the case of a wireless router). A wireless router is essentially a set of network adapters connected internally by an intelligent switch that directs incoming and outgoingThe traffic between them.

A hardware router functions, comparing IP addresses written rules and directs the traffic packet destination IP addresses (IP addresses are always packed in packets). All Internet connections are open between two points through multiple routers over worked their way to the final destination, and all routers are packet filtering based on rules set (not necessarily the same rules) and then package in the right direction . If aThe package does not meet the criteria to be eliminated, therefore, never reach their destination.

A network router adds a new level of security, better solutions than the security software installed on your system. And 'even faster when the filtering of traffic and requires less resources than a security software for their work to be done. Most routers allow you to be able to update the firmware for new features and encryption protocols, add repair bugs, but this depends on the manufacturer, is it not aRule.

Local Area Network) network packets (Ethernet typically can not pass through a router, which means that you can not transfer files and folders between computers router is on both sides of the same, but there are some solutions, such as tunnel VPN, Remote Desktop Connection software or a router configured as a bridge between two networks.

A wireless router is vulnerable from a security model available as wired, as it can be hacked from afar, withoutphysical access to their constituents, but when a stronger security protocol and / or MAC filtering table used things are under your control. You should always read your router's manual to figure out what the best solutions available for securing your network.



Best Windows BitTorrent client

A BitTorrent client is a computer software, the protocol manages uploads and downloads with BitTorrent. The first customer, BitTorrent was founded in 2002 by Bram Cohen, in October. Many customers later were at least partly based on it. Not all customers were originally built for BitTorrent, and then with further support for the protocol. So what is the best BitTorrent client?

This is a question that I have met very often. And this isNo wonder, because we all want a client that gets the customization work can be done quickly and it's not much CPU or RAM eater. But how does the client get up in front of others? In addition to performance, the following attributes can make life easier and make a distinction between clients:

DHT - free tracker supports a system where each peer acts as a build-in tracker tracker - useful to create your own encryption protocol torrent - protection against the restriction of (slowbelow) Peer-to-peer traffic control - Support Web GUI that is to tell your customers to access from another computer RSS - Get the latest torrents UPnP port mapping - if your router is UPnP not need support forward all ports selectively download - you can select which files within a torrent you want to download Priotarization - you can assign priorities to the Super Seeding Torrents - trying to send parts of files that were not sentfirst

Below we will try to make a list of the most popular BitTorrent clients for each platform: Windows, Macintosh and Linux to meet most of the characteristics listed above.

To understand the criteria for the following recommendations, please read the introductory article.

Due to the popularity of Windows operating systems, we have a lot of freeware to fight the BitTorrent client that are best for this platform.

uTorrent Logo

uTorrent is one of thebest customer out there. With only 281 KB download size, very good CPU and RAM use, intuitive graphical interface, high performance and numerous functions uTorrent is always a very good choice. In addition, the program has a package of 52 languages ​​and many skins available.

Vuze Logo

Another highly regarded and popular BitTorrent client Vuze (formerly Azureus). What is beautiful in Vuze is that you install the plugin too many as you want. As you have uTorrent, a package of 52 languages.In addition bittorrenting Vuze allows users to view published and original DVD and the quality of HD video content. You can Torrents chat with friends and with their Vuze Network. The disadvantage is that Vuze is written in Java and requires JRE. This means more CPU and RAM, and slow response GUI. So if you want to system resources do not care about the use and want to chat with your friends and share torrents with Vuze to your best customer. But if you have aSlow PC not to go with Vuze.

Flood Logo

Deluge is a new BitTorrent client that is gaining popularity. The exquisite. based on libtorrent and easy "life was created with the intent of the disposal of user interfaces, including:, web and console. GTK + activity was developed with the client-server model with a daemon process handles all of this bittorrent . The Deluge daemon on machines without the head with user interfaces runningable to connect remotely from any platform. Deluge features a rich plugin collection, in fact, most of the functionality of the floods in the form of plug-in available, has a total of nine features in the previous article, with the exception of the Super Seeding where it's worth it, if they problems with uTorrent, try. ..

BitComet Logo

And finally, last recommended client for downloading torrent on the Windows platform is BitComet. This is not only a BitTorrent client, isHTTP and FTP client. In fact, the developers call a "software download. It's fast, easy to use and has an average utilization of system resources. Although he had some problems in the past and some followers for ignoring the "private flag" are prohibited, these problems are solved and BitComet is regaining credibility. You can re-select the language and the other 52 have to install some plugins (eg eMule). But it lacks remote control and managementSuper seeding. Conclusion:

These are the best BitTorrent client I suggest you use Windows. There are others, of course, but my opinion is: Stick to a group of people, since they are tested, accepted by all sides and periodically updated and improved.

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DFL-860 UTM Firewall security - an ideal solution for small businesses

Information technology and communications manager, responsible for the confidentiality and integrity of information for small business is - you should build a high performance and secure network infrastructure. To build a secure network infrastructure, you should have a strong protection at the entry point to the Internet through the implementation of the UTM.

UTM (Unified Threat Management) appliance is a very important device to protect your networkEnvironment against all types of Internet threats emerging markets, which are always evolving in order to get smarter the system gets weak points that can be not only on Layer 2 and Layer 3 devices such as traditional router / firewall blocks. Your system must be able to crawl deep into the application layer.

The other important system, you must have for your network infrastructure for small businesses, the ability to create a secure tunnel for remote or traveling users to your siteinternal network through the Internet, as if working locally in the office. With the limitation of human resources experts in networking and security solutions, you have to do many jobs. But with all-in-one UTM security appliance, you can build a secure network for small businesses with ease. Consider D-Link DFL-860 NetDefend - a unique solution for UTM and VPN firewall appliance.

Which product is

DFL-860 UTM Security Appliance is an all in one device - a nuclear deviceto protect for the construction of secure network infrastructure small business against emerging threats of the Internet. The device has two Ethernet ports for WAN load balancing and failover Internet connection if the primary connection fails. For your small business, you can subscribe to broadband Internet plans for both cable and DSL load balancing or failover. The DFL-860 also includes a DMZ port to set a limit of protection, if you need to host a public resource like a Web orFTP server.

Supports VPN

The DFL-860 includes integrated server Virtual Private Network (VPN) client users or sites allow travelers to tunneling provide secure remote connection to the Internet to your home network via the Internet. With Secure Tunnel you can use network resources such as office e-mail, files, or applications to access the Internet, as if connected locally. The firewall supports IPSec, PPTP and L2TP, and if youhave an external RADIUS server, you can use RADIUS authentication for VPN.

Advanced Security

The D-Link DFL-860 UTM firewall appliance NetDefend provides a comprehensive security features and allows you to manage the bandwidth, limit the policy URL and network monitoring, including e-mail alerts, system logs and statistics real-time and the good thing is that managing remotely.

Unlike traditional router / firewalls, the DFL-860includes threat management for high-performance packages on the Internet in depth scan in level 7 (application layer), including the IPS (Intrusion Prevention System), gateway antivirus, and up-to-date Content Filtering Service. This ensures a clean network against all types of Internet threats.

To protect your system from viruses, DFL-860 uses the stream-based virus scanning technology to help reduce congestion and virus signatures from Kaspersky Labs. ToThey filter the Web for eco-friendly products, the device of web content filtering services includes the implementation of various global index server and updated in real time.

Unfortunately, this Update Services ensure that your network secure is not free. You need to spend money on security trade-offs. Safety is not free, it is very expensive, but it is to protect the value of the valuable information assets.


For SOHO, you can check RV Cisco120W. RV is a Cisco 120W Wireless-N router firewall and VPN VLAN, which is ideal for small offices. The router has the wireless access point for WLAN to provide for your office. For small and medium-sized businesses, you can check SonicWALL NSA 240 Small Business Network Security. SonicWALL NSA 240 is ideal for your small business and complex environment. It includes Ethernet ports 3xGigabit; 6x 10/100 (configurable Ethernet interfaces); 2USB and PC CardSlot (for optional 3G modem).

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MPLS For Your Core Network - Good or bad choice?

All we seem now to the core networks is "MPLS" feel. It seems that the choice of fashion. But it is a good choice or bad choice?

I think if you talk about MPLS as a technology for nuclear energy, rather than, say ATM, so the answer is simple. MPLS is the standard technology for little more than point to point networks. E 'was developed with the voice / data convergence.

You're talking about MPLS, as a product of media offeredCompanies, the answer is the same. It is designed to carry different types of service for many customers in a single physical infrastructure. It is designed to minimize latency, minimize redundancy and failover times to optimize a series of solutions provide customers with the safest way is right. Also - and this is crucial - vendors have developed equipment for MPLS as a priority for some time. were the most sophisticated and fastest interfacedeveloped for MPLS. This is not because ATM (for example) had reached its limits, but because he has decided to develop MPLS as the best way.

In fact, what the customer selects a solution for their networking needs, they end up in some lead on a MPLS network, as well as leased lines, are probably more than a MPLS VPN.

The cost benefits to carriers are huge, virtualization is the way to go in the data center, and also has a huge savings in lessKit requires less fiber in the ground, and so on.

However, there are several factors at work.

The first is the bandwidth and performance. The choice of carrier is more important than the choice of technology.

IE: a smaller carrier, based on MPLS vs a carrier with a better network that has not implemented the MPLS infrastructure. Having said that MPLS is generally the best solution so that it can not be much of a choice. How many people (including myself) mightpoint to a second technology, which is almost as good.

All communications between multiple locations is becoming more and more efficiently with MPLS. The any-to-any model of the meshed point-to-point or point-to-multipoint model for other technologies. Even if your carrier offers SLAs for QoS, MPLS may be used.

To sum up - do not really have a choice as the industry choice for you, and you do not really need other options MPLS. Fortunately,is a good choice.

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The many ways you can use a scanner

The scanner is almost a necessity at home and especially in the office! If you're considering a scanner or if you already have one, this article will give you different ways to make use of a scanner device.

The management of a paperless office - the most obvious way for office use a scanner (at least for me) is to manage all your paper documents in file. Instead of filing away and hard physical labor in a bulky file cabinet, simply scan theDocuments on the computer. This is a part of the movement towards a "paperless office". There are several advantages of doing so, the liberation of physical space in your office, with the ability to safeguard and secure your documents, find documents quickly with a well-organized system and the ability to easily share documents with others, both online or e-mail.
Get your photos - digital photos is great way to use a scanner. During 'For several years, more and more people use digital cameras, it is safe to assume any old photos and memories of important and valuable. Go through and protect all your photos with a scanner. Similar benefits of document scanning, once acquired all of them, you can easily share with friends and family, and with a good photo management application, you can find photos quickly. Many applications allow you to "meta-data" to add your photos, includingFacial recognition possible! If you properly manage your digital photos, you can find all your photos with "Grandma Judy" with the click of a button. And most importantly, saves them for storage, so that many generations from now, these photos will be shared with your great-great-grandson!
Handle fax - similar to the "paperless office" above, with a scanner, you can fax functions. If you need to send all documents via fax,may instead scan the document and only via e-mail. Alternatively, if you really need to send and receive faxes, there are many services (free and paid) that allow you to "fax" via e-mail or the Internet.
Tell the kids' artwork you - For many of the children's artwork and drawings, as well as those cute holiday cards are for you, you can scan for storing and sharing with others.
Save Articles and Clips - Once in a while, you meetArticles in newspapers and magazines that you send to someone or save. You can easily cut these clips and scan your computer.

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To replace a defective hard drive

If you are having your computer at some point you had to have the hardware that dies someday very obsessed. Often many people do not know what they cease to be wrong, but only their computer to work and will not start. Oddly, when you actually try to restart the computer beeps a few times and suddenly a message ... "Operating system not found".

Fortunately for us, though, its actually pretty simple to replace a failed disk drive. Most of the time the only tool you need aPhillips screwdriver. After these steps, you can replace the hard drive in no time! So here are ...

Unplug the power cord from the back of the computer.
Once the power is removed, pull all cables and wires from your computer.
Set to enable the computer tower on a table or stand up for better access to the computer.
Locate the two screws holding the cover on the side of the computer. Some computers, like Dell, have a handle or press thethat to remove the side of the computer for you to leave without screws.
Remove the lid and set aside from the road.
If you order more than one computer hard drive, most computers come with a hard drive. Most of the time they are in a position directly under your computer CD-ROM or DVD. Use computers for older IDE drives use SATA drives and new computers. IDE is easy to see how an attack on the cable has a difficult enoughJourney to the motherboard. SATA on the other hand takes a lot of small wires. Both have also attached a form of power cable with them. This is usually a small white plastic socket for IDE, and an even smaller black connector for SATA. Once you know what you need to just go buy a new hard drive that is the same as the old disk.
At this point you can unplug the old hard drive. Do not disconnect the cable.
Install the new hard drive slot and tightencorrect.
After the new hard drive instead, disconnect the power cable from the old hard drive.
Connect this cable to the new hard drive.
Unplug the power cord last and connect the new hard drive.
Connected to two cables, you should be able to cover and replace the screws, lock the computer case.
Reattach the wires to the back of the computer, connect the power cord to the end.
Install a new copy of Windows on your computer and you should be like new. MostComputers have some kind of disc to install Windows again to you. Just click to turn on the computer, insert the floppy disk as soon as you can, and should display a message if you want to boot from CD. The Windows installation is easy enough later.

After replacing a hard drive and replace other things, like a vidoe card or modem is a piece of cake. Most of the rest only in a kind of slot does more work a breeze.

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Managed Services and MPLS

Today's businesses are more deserving of help to overcome the dilemma of running a successful business to control costs and increase revenues. The variety of services necessary for success and excess questions are almost compulsory competitive. However, mismanagement and bad planning to create a huge loss of money, time and resources. Managed Service Provider that provides support for a wide range of technologies. Gartner provides VPNGroup, the largest growth of all the experience of managed services is one such technology. The VPN technology budget has been under the group $ 6760000000 in 2006. The cost savings for small businesses to reach 27%. Another technology gaining acceptance in the absence of IP telephony. Network security, LAN and WLAN access with remote creates an environment that has the potential to overwhelm the IT department. The MSP provides an option to save small businessesthe structure and the application from scratch. The acceptance of managed services is a boost for suppliers. The study by Gartner Group shows that most of the Fortune 1000 companies are currently using or considering using managed services.

MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching) is becoming increasingly popular for the construction of these networks. Proper MPLS environment, the quality of service to the customers' needs for voice, video meeting anddata.Another benefit for customers is that a managed MPLS service free IT resources to work so that internal staff time devoted to other routers such as monitoring, help desk support and other problems for users. The scalability of IP-VPN MPLS network is infinite.

As a managed services provider needs to pay attention to the development of the network. WLANs are still to be resolved completely. As a Certified Wireless Network Trainer I have first-hand about the issuesthat in the field. My belief, however, is pessimistic that wireless is now a specialist managed service. Unlike the wired network, physical exercise almost a virtual WLAN has a particular need in terms of management, security and availability. Understanding of the theory of MPLS is the willingness to allow the MSP, its functionality and security, profitability and productivity offered online with his client. MPLS is also ideal fordistributed network, where it is impossible to have a team of IT roaming. Managed Services are small businesses have the luxury of a large IT department that can grow. MPLS offers the potential for unlimited service, IP VPN services to be quickly added without the construction phase and then in turn creates huge savings for customers.

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HP Pavilion Elite E9250t - A Honest Review

HP Pavilion Elite Pro e9250t

With a price of $ 849.99 Pavilion Elite e9250t is the best desktop from HP. You know why? Well, first because of its Intel Core runs i5-750-GHz processor with 1 MB of L2 cache and 8 MB of L3 cache 2.66. This processor is a great success and it seems perfectly with all other components. There are also 6 GB DDR3 SDRAM (3 DIMMs), works at 1333 MHz With 640 GB hard drive, workat 7200 rpm, you have more than enough space for all your information. An ATI Radeon HD 4350 with 512 MB supports VGA, DVI and HDMI. E9250t a very nice addition to the HP Pavilion Elite!

Microsoft Windows 7 takes care of all these resources, so that everything runs smoothly and without error. We have the LightScribe 16X max. DVD + / -R/RW SuperMulti optical drive as the primary drive and a maximum of 16x. DVD-ROM (reader) as secondary. You have the option of a choiceBlu-ray ROM, but additional costs. We are already connected to 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet card and used with the 15-in-1 Card Reader. The sound is generated by a 7.1-channel sound card, built into the motherboard. As you can imagine, this system is worth the price of $ 849.99. It is the HP Pavilion Elite e9250t problems?

HP Pavilion Elite e9250t Cons

Every electronic device has drawbacks and e9250t elite is no exception. We would really needBlu-ray, which in its basic configuration. We also need a wireless Ethernet card. Some speakers would be nice too.

HP Pavilion Elite e9250t Review

HP is really one of the best e9250t by HP. The price-quality ratio is excellent and performance far superior to some of its many competitors. Besides a few small missing, there is nothing wrong with that desktop. We rate 4.9 out of 5 stars.

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To create a VPN

If we pose the question: "How do I create a VPN?" There are many ways to respond. There are a variety of options and configurations on a device, and you have to make many decisions before doing so. Some of the configurations are simple, while some are much more complex.

All of them are about what you think are your current activities and future needs, will require thought. Fortunately, if the first application asShould create a VPN, you are wrong answers. You just have to find what is most constructive for you to achieve the goals that you never want to.

If you have doubts about what we do now, start small and then grow as you need. This is not a bad thing, necessarily, because the technology may or VPN, easy to expand with minimal effort, if you compare it with the old to-point or point, mostly large traditional lines that have been involved in networksWAN.

If you try to find out how a VPN before you ask why you need one. What you need to share and who you need to share? Where are these people are, how often have access to your server, and must, then you need to and fro, and access will be?

It is this need, regardless of the main site? Perhaps the first thing to do is to outline, chart, so you know what you want on the cardfirst. Start with the main computer, server or network. Here the information can be stored to be accessible from remote servers.

It could be a local or a single computer, for example. Add to exchange other offices, customers or users, or networks, and draw arrows to indicate which need this data to customers or users.

A VPN is through an area of public access is usually via the internet to think of other positions and how they connect toInternet data. You can not change or do if you create the VPN. You want people that teleworking for you to have access to? Do you have employees who have access to the road network? These are all questions that must be answered.

Once the data sharing requirements clearly defined, you can imagine the kind of security and access to the VPN. You need to decide what you want speed, security and flexibilityIf the configuration changes are needed in the future. You must also consider how your hardware and software applications to communicate.

Are they compatible? Otherwise, you must make some changes, and try to find what they are. Make an inventory of existing hardware at any location and provide information on software applications such as authentication, firewall, etc. currently in use.Once these are installed, find out who will support virtual private network and how to manage users and their access to obtain.

According to these data together, the answer to the first question: "do I create a VPN? As" The important thing to remember here is that finding a balance between functionality and ease of use they want to hit for themselves and others, the 'network access.


Windows XP Registry Cleaner - Fix your computer slow as

If your computer has a Microsoft Windows XP, chances are you've had a problem with poor performance freezeups or crashes at some point. This is especially true for older computers. Why is this happening? Now you can slow down your computer for any number of reasons, but two of the main reasons for this are spyware / malware and registry problems in Windows XP.

You've probably heard of spyware. It is a popular, if known topic these days in the media and the Internet. If you alreadynever heard of the registry, do not worry, you're not alone. The Windows registry is simply a database of the Windows operating system stores all the settings it needs to function properly. All software applications, modifying the registry to meet their needs when they are installed. In many cases, this is the problem. When you add and remove software from your computer, the registry is damaged. Files can also be lost. If this happens, it can lead to all sorts of problems,Some of them may come to you, maybe.

The typical symptoms of registry errors or corruption are high, slow and freeze. extreme cases can lead to Windows refuse to go further and show the dreaded "Blue Screen of Death" and the error HKEY. This is accompanied by sound terrible error messages the computer that got your Windows error and closed to prevent damage. Most often this happens, simply restart the computer and continue onTheir merry way. If you had the bad luck your thesis will be working on your TPS report, a presentation of a new customer, or maybe he has lost everything after the last time you saved your work. If this is the case, we are beginning to understand why errors in the registry can be a problem.

The good news is that in most cases, the Windows registry cleaned or repaired. There are software available to scan, repair and clean the registry. You can use the PC, which is necessary for repairShop or technical, but more often than not, they just run the same software, you can buy. Most of the applications registry cleaners best way to run the comb through the registration of your computer with a tooth in search of fine, damaged, missing parts or incorrect registry. When the scan is running, you are presented with some options on how to proceed. Fortunately, most registry cleaners, one is that some form of self-healing. Just click on the "clean" or "repair" andthe software do the rest.

It is not well used XP machine to the top of 1,000 registry problems that need attention rare. With so many problems, it is easy to see how your PC can start to feel a bit 'slow. The reality is that depending on what the registry experienced problems starting your computer with it, the loss of performance with less obvious error logging significantly. If your machine is experiencing this kind of behavior is a great idea to runa registry cleaner on it. Normally it takes only a few minutes, and you will be able to return to work or play with fewer interruptions and irritating delays. The computer is almost like new.

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How does the FAP Turbo?

The Forex market is where banks exchange foreign currencies. A new invention called FAP Turbo is a computer program that automated forex trading for clients. It is a currency pair in quantities and takes the guesswork out of trading buy with it. With a robot to do the work to eliminate the feeling of trading completely. It is easy to install and set up a website and video. In addition, this software system is notrequire that users do not have any knowledge about Forex. Easy from start to finish, is designed to make a profit for its users.

As long as you have a computer with online access, you can easily make a profit with this software. Setting the Turbo-FAP is easy. Step by step guidelines to be followed with a tutorial. If you have further questions, you can go to the website a video that you have access. Both the video tutorials and with creationbeginners in mind makes it easy to install for everyone.

What happens if you do not have a lot of experience in trading Forex? Not to worry. The FAP-turbo makes Forex trading easy. It has all the strategies required to make a profit by trading online. The robot is programmed with the system strategy and market research for you, the guess work of buying and selling currency pairs. The operations are purely mechanical.

Emotions can often hinder a successful business online.When you sleep, your body is not present, you can not put forth your best in a critical moment when you need a sense of proportion. The FAP Turbo can help you emotionally driven wealth and unnecessary trade. No sleep deprivation is more or feelings of losing money.

If you've been looking for an assistant to help in foreign currency, then the FAP Turbo is for you. Easy installation with video tutorials and help complete all formattedBeginners in mind. From beginners to seasoned professionals, this software is simple to understand and use. No longer will you make the mistake of allowing emotion to ride your business. Easy to do about the forex trading robot, you will not need to contain a number of strategies in your trading and advice. With the FAP Turbo to see your portfolio grow with little additional effort.

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Computer Certifications - The High End

The CCIE is the most prestigious credentials in the IT industry may hold. CCIE is Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert and the certificate really is the Rolls Royce of all computer certifications. The CCIE takes first place in the Top Ten lists several computer certificate.

However, the CCIE is the most difficult to acquire permission. You must work for a demanding test that is more difficult than sitting CPA exam or the State Bar of California,is considered the most difficult of all states.

The State of California Bar Exam has a success rate of 48.2%. No other state in the United States, the success rate. In comparison, the CCIE a success rate of only 26%. Some specimens attribute some of the difficulties of testing for the enormous amount of determination and self-motivation required.

However complain CCIE holders who collect their benefits without any respect outside the area. While boasting motherstheir sons and daughters who are lawyers and CPA, the little son or daughter said with a CCIE. Fortunately, Silicon Valley, is a different story. A CCIE holders can expect an annual salary of approximately $ 115,000 or more.

Second on the list of "demand" of the CISA certification is evidenced by the examiners. And there's good news for this group. Accountants are in high demand in an economy in decline.

As a result of phishing, spam and hacking security a majorProblem in the IT industry.

Making security certificates are required. A certificate that can be seen on many "Top Ten" lists, the Equalisation Fund. This is a high level of security certification for employees, the products with Check Point and are expected to remain secure VPN 's.

Another safety certificate which is usually in the top ten in the CISSP or Certified Information Security Specialist. The holder of the certificate to a better salary$ 94,000 per year. Only a few years of experience or training necessary to qualify and only one test must be passed.

On the other hand requires the Project Management Professional or PMP is a vast amount of skill and experience. However, once these requirements are met and the test was successfully completed, you can expect an annual salary of about $ 100,000.

The holder of one or CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management also gains a high salary. However,can for this certificate with 1500 hours of work in a team or to describe 23 hours of Project Management Training. In addition, the candidate must pass an exam consisting of 150 questions 3 hours.

The MCSD or Microsoft Certified Solution Developer is further evidence that a salary of $ 70,000 to $ 120,000 per year commands. However, a probability that the developers have skills. You must be in the range of enterprise solutions and knowledgeable Microsoftuse products and then be able to business analysis capabilities to advise the best solution for a given operation.

There are many other certificates available, which allow people who qualify for them to earn high salaries. A quick search of sites like monster or dice to reveal the most in demand and the salaries offered.

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New Computer - Old e-mail, or as back up and transfer your e-mail

If your computer is brand new, or are thinking about the future for the purchase of a neighbor of the things you notice that is to transmit system such as your e-mail from the old to the new system.

At least once a week in my work as a Helpdesk Analyst, I help a client to Outlook or Outlook Express (there are also other e-mail clients that are used, but these two are the most popular) on their new computer. Once We finished with the installation andopen the mailbox, the question is asked: "Where are my old e-mail?" The answer is simple, "on the old computer." Then, of course, the follow-up question is: "I will get the new computer? Like"

Easy or difficult

The easiest way to do this is to turn back on an external hard drive or a CD before making the transition to the new computer and copy it to your new computer in the same exact directory. The most difficult part is inIn a computer crash or an inability to access the files normally. I cover a bit 'of that in another article entitled "Got Backup? You can find on my site.

Outlook Express

With Outlook Express e-mail e-mail and folders on your hard drive in a directory that is buried deep within the operating system is stored. Rather than me type the full path, it is easier if you have Outlook Express open, click on Tools, thenOptions.

Copy / Paste

Once you're here, click the Maintenance tab and click the Store Folder button. This opens another window with the location of your e-mail. Select the path with the mouse and then right click and copy it.

You will then click on Start, then Run, and then right click in the Open box, and paste the path. Click OK.

This opens another window with the mail file. If you add a different folder in yourOutlook Express is the default folder with this. Dbx extension (Inbox, Sent Mail, Drafts and Deleted Items).


If you go to write these files to a CD, you can burn in time with your favorite CD burning program (assuming your computer has a CD burner installed on your own in).

To copy it to an external hard drive, you must now make a connection to the device to a computer, a folder on your hard drive (usually called inI backup e-mail), copy the files from your old computer to add files to the backup folder, and mail.


After copying the files to CD or external hard drive, then switch to the new installation of Outlook Express and import the messages. It would be nice if you could simply copy it to the new operating environment and do, but Microsoft is not the way you do it.

Open OE and click File, Import, Messages. This opens a new windowcalled import of Outlook Express. Select Microsoft Outlook Express 6 then click Next. Click in the circle that says "Import mail from an OE6. Click OK. Then click the Browse button and navigate and select the directory you saved it. Click OK. The next window will give you a list of all e-mail folders saved previously. Keep 'All folders "is selected and click Next.

This will begin the process of importation of all "old" e-mail address in the "new" OutlookExpress. Once that is done, all the old emails are back! Cool, eh?


The procedure to save and then import your e-mail in Outlook is similar, but different.

To begin with, the extension of the PST file in Outlook called, or Personal Folders file. Do not ask me why it's called that. Call Bill Gates and ask him.


It is' the old computer and using Outlook to open at startup, click File, then Import and Export. OpensImport / Export Wizard. Select "Export to a file, click Next. Select" Personal Folder File "here and then click Next. In the Export dialog box, Personal Folders, you can choose what you want to do. The easiest way is to keep the default selection, only the inbox, but if you want to send, and any other folder, select the top item (Personal folder) and select "Include subfolders" then, and then click Next.

The next window lists a default location
(Usually C: Documents and computer application DataMicrosoftOutlookbackup.pst Settings'your name'Local setting). I would suggest using the same procedure as for OE (see above). Then click "Finish" and let it do what it is.
Once you save the PST file switch to the new computer and import will be similar to OE.

Connect your external hard drive to your computer or insert the CD into the drive.


OpenOutlook, click File, then Import and Export. In the Export Wizard, choose this time, "Import from another program or file" and then click Next. "Import File" window, scroll down and select Personal Folder File (. Pst) and click Next.

In the 'Import Personal Folders, click the Browse button and select the location of the pst backup file, select it and then click Next. Click' Finish 'and all messages will be imported.

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Used Cisco switches, routers and other second-hand IT provides hardware, Job Done For Less

Used computers used as switches and Cisco routers to function properly and new batteries. With technology fast and hard work is constantly changing, the changes tend to occur more often in hardware than expected. The first technology upgrades, creating a surplus in IT equipment to become the no.

Many companies have recognized the value of this surplus hardware. They offer to buy or trade old and used or unusedHardware, renew them then sell them to people in need of technology. Thanks to these enterprising people, good technology is not put to waste. They make a profit, to get businesses to liquidate excess and end users get their hardware for less money.

Savings for the end user is the most obvious benefit of purchasing used Cisco switches, access servers and other devices. Get the job done for less is always good for business.

Vigilant when purchasing second-handEquipment is very important. When buying used machinery, taking into consideration established and reputable company to buy. The incumbent equipment secondary market may also provide guarantees for the end-of-Life and End-of-Support Products. This ensures that even if Cisco does not support more than one product, the service provider can help with a hardware failure.

Pre and post-sales service is another key factorpurchase of Cisco equipment secondary market. In addition to helping customers determine which products or configuration they need, companies should also be able to support the strong customer service and technical support.

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Dynamic web pages with Jaxer

Jaxer is leading the technology developed by Aptana Studio, XML uses Javascript E4X particularly manufacturers that the script for XML, a computer scripting language of European Union standards, both on the server side and client work ECMA. Just as languagse server such as Java, PHP, Ruby, and others are allowed to connect to the database file to read and write, communicate with other servers, etc.

In this era of web technology with the increaseDynamic Web site often used AJAX for reading and writing to the server and translated back and forth to the Javascript process that takes time. So, to simplify and hang architecture.Jaxer for fast communication with servers on the Jaxer developers have a standard end server architecture and shares many features with other technologies-end server, but that does not automatically save the session data is the bank common database. Jaxer server running JavaScriptmachine.This virtual Mozilla SpiderMonkey increases the power of Jaxer.

Jaxer Installation

Jaxer runs on many platforms like Mac, Linux, Solaris, Windows. It comes bundled with Apache for Aptana Studio IDE with JavaScript. It also comes integrated with apache / server to run the application with Jaxer Jaxer. Aptana Jaxer is a plugin eclipse.So can develop with Eclipse IDE.

Coding Tips

runat can be used in the script tagHave values ​​"and" and "server". Both are capable of performing server-side
a client-side Jaxer server because it is similar to javascript, it can run Firefox as Firefox does Jquery so if either side is used in this application is different to using JQuery Jaxer should work on both the client and server end.
Jaxer Jaxer Package Set consists of files> in Jaxer API that is used to perform file operations like read, write, order, text files, note that these methodsThe page can not operate on the client side because of security concerns, have only enabled the server then these methods work only in the script tag with 'runat Server'.
Jaxer true method stub can execute a method from the proxy server client on the client side using the same name setter proxy client state. In this way, the server-side method can be called from client-side onserverload load () method is = used 'tothe initial loading process, while some end servers and the loading server-side content, content for DOM client-side components as a text field, textarea, combo, etc.

So you see a really cool technology that work perfectly and can be easily implemented for the production of page more dynamic and user-friendly.

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WAN Optimization - Taking The Mystery of WAN optimization

WAN optimization, companies like Riverbed, Juniper, Blue Coat, Cisco and others, free bandwidth and the speed of programs. WAN optimization and WAN acceleration are by many companies as ways to improve the efficiency of their large networks adopted. The two things that can best WAN optimization - Disk-based compression and fixing the limits of the Microsoft CIFS protocol for file transfer - do not respond directly appointing authority.

Only here there are asome techniques, WAN optimization are usually used:

Deduplication - Eliminate redundant data transmission over the WAN by reference instead of the actual data. Working at the byte level, the benefits are obtained over-IP applications.
Compression - based on data models can be much more efficient to leave. More suitable for the stage being leased lines.
Caching / Proxy - focuses on human behavior, access to information over and over againas. Greatest leased lines stadium suitable for the stage, but also vital for Internet connectivity and VPN tunnel. Efficient use of web caching in general is to reduce the range of 15-30% on WAN links.
Protocol Spoofing - Bundles multiple requests from chatty applications into one Greatest suitable for point to point WAN connections.
optimization of latency - Send neighboring WAN optimization solutions to customer needs with the site, but all the way to the server,Indicating a depreciation to reduce back and read-ahead mechanism, the possibility for the delay in the WAN.
Traffic Shaping - Use of information controls by spotting specific patterns in the information and allow or disallow traffic special. Greatest suitable stage to stage to leased lines and web connections. It can be difficult to keep pace with ever-increasing applications in particular.
It makes assumptions, based on the requirements that the priority now on data usage - for compensation. ExcellentOption not regulated at the open Internet connections and VPN tunnels blocked.
Connection Limits - Prevents access stall in routers and access points through denial of service or peer to peer. Greatest suitable for the open Web links can also be used for WAN links.
Simple Rate Limits - Prevents a consumer to get more than a certain amount of information. The best way to get useful as an attempt to remedy stopgap before a congested WAN or Internet connectionconnection.

Companies use a wide range of applications for business. WAN optimization products to accelerate these applications of data compression and bandwidth, the elimination of redundancy of transmission, information prioritization, rationalization, the introduction of Quality of Service (QoS) and optimize WAN protocols and options. By using WAN optimization devices, the data could be improved transaction time between sites.

The network-enabled business situation, the optimization ofwide area network technology can significantly reduce infrastructure costs in remote areas by centralizing applications, servers, storage and backup in the middle of society. The productivity of enterprises and continuity are valued by accelerating applications and data backup and replication over the WAN.

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MPLS VPN solution for applications management services

MPLS VPN allows you to connect multiple sites demonstrated by the network operator. A network operator can support a different number of IP-VPN. Everyone will be a private network and independent users of other networks. In a VPN, each VPN site can send IP packets to a different location in the same. Each VPN cases with one or more VPN routes or shipping. This is the IP routing table, a Cisco deviceto do and a set of interfaces that use the forwarding table.

The router will have separate routing tables, information outside the virtual private network is transmitted and prevented similar subnet allows use in multiple virtual private networks, to more easily duplicate IP addresses. The multi-protocol router that distributes the VPN routing information across communities of expansion. Therefore, the ideal solution when it comes to MPLS networks andService management applications. This is a management system for the network defines and controls the virtual private network services for the service. MPLS VPN allows companies to deploy and manage applications on the Intranet and Extranet Virtual Private Networks. The technology offers the type of management, the flow through relation to the provision of services and service contracts, the measure of MPLS IP VPN service areasAuditing. Multi Protocol Label Switching is a new industry standard today. MPLS-VPN solution is focused on experimental and control connections, and routers that provide the customer's network service provider network la, la. MPLS-mail product only edge routers of the supplier and the customer. CE router is connected to a PE router, so your customers will be able to router traffic encapsulated and transparent to customers on board, creating a virtual private network. Customer Edge RouterAdvertising routes for virtual private networks for all units on the site. MPLS-VPN engine has access to the configuration file in the CE and PE-CE calculate significant changes to these files, the PE-needed to provide a service.

MPLS VPN is scalable with a focus on VPN technology allows service providers to plan, regulate and manage IP VPN services, service level agreements with customers. MPLS VPN integrated withMPLS-based VPN solutions from Cisco, simplifies service assurance, provisioning and billing processes, reducing operating costs and the distribution of VPN services. MPLS VPN consists of a number of websites on-MPLS network connection based available through service providers. Each site has one or more margins of the client, which is connected to one or more margins of supply. PEs use multi-protocol to communicate with each other dynamically. It does not require that the number of IPThe e-VPN are used exclusively in each other as the two PSE translate IP addresses in IP VPN units. The IP-VPN addresses to be used exclusively for the group of network addresses used for the service. Each EC will have to deal with the PSE, where it is directly connected. Therefore, the IP addresses of SPO in any virtual private network can be copied.

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QuickBooks 2011 - Requirements Computer and Office Compatibility

We all think that if you buy a new computer for office and / or the version of Microsoft - that all our software, QuickBooks 2011, including a perfect ........ this is not always the case.

Each version of QuickBooks (Pro 2011, 2011 and Premier Enterprise 11.0) has different requirements for compatibility with Microsoft Office. Not all versions of QuickBooks are compatible with Office 2010. Read all of these needs!

Premier & QuickBooks Pro 2011(No Premier Accountant Edition)

System requirements:

2.0GHz processor, 2.4GHz recommended
1 GB of RAM for a single user, 2 GB of RAM for multiple users
2.5 GB of free disk space (additional space required for data files)
250 MB hard disk space for Microsoft.NET 3.5 Runtime (if on the QuickBooks CD)
1024 x 768 screen (monitor) resolution - 16-bit color or higher
All online features / services (including access to theSalary updates) Internet access

Integration with other software:

Integrated with Microsoft Word & Excel 2002, 2003, 2007 or 2010
Integrated with Microsoft Outlook 2002, 2003 and 2007 - requires QuickBooks Contact Sync for free from websites Intuit
Compatible with QuickBooks Point of Sale version 7.0 or higher
For integration with other third-party software - the developer of the software.

Runs on the following versions of Windows:

MicrosoftWindows XP (Service Pack 2 or higher), Vista (with User Account Control turned on), (filmed with a UAC) in Windows 7
Windows Server 2003, 2008, Small Business Server 2008

QuickBooks Premier Accountant Edition 2011

System requirements:

2.0GHz processor, 2.4GHz recommended
1 GB of RAM for a single user, 2 GB of RAM for multiple users
2.5 GB of free disk space (additional space required for data files)
250 MB hard disk space for Microsoft.NET 3.5 Runtime(If your QuickBooks CD)
1024 x 768 screen (monitor) resolution - 16-bit color or higher
All online features / services (including access to updates of jobs) Internet access

Integration with other software:

Integrated with Microsoft Word & Excel 2002, 2003, 2007
Integrated with Microsoft Outlook 2002, 2003 and 2007 - requires Intuit QuickBooks Contact Sync for free from sites
Compatible with QuickBooks Point of Sale version 7.0or later
For integration with other third-party software - the developer of the software.

Runs on the following versions of Windows:

Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or higher), Vista (with User Account Control turned on), (filmed with a UAC) in Windows 7
Windows Server 2003, 2008, Small Business Server 2008

QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions

System requirements:

2.0GHz processor, 2.4GHz recommended - client or workstation
2.0 GHzProcessor (1.2 GHz for Linux), 2.4 GHz recommended (2.0 GHz for Linux) - Servers
1 GB of RAM for a single user, 2 GB of RAM for multiple users - or Client Workstation
1 GB of RAM, 2 GB RAM - Server
2.5 GB of free disk space (additional space required for data files) - Client and Server
250 MB hard disk space for Microsoft.NET 3.5 Runtime (if on the QuickBooks CD)
1024 x 768 screen (monitor) resolution - 16-bit color or higher
All onlineFunctions / services (including access to updates of jobs) Internet access

Integration with other software:

Integrated with Microsoft Word & Excel 2002, 2003, 2007
Integrated with Microsoft Outlook 2002, 2003 and 2007 - requires Intuit QuickBooks Contact Sync for free from sites
Compatible with QuickBooks Point of Sale version 7.0 or higher
For integration with other third-party software - the developer of the software.

Runs on the followingThe versions of Windows and Linux:

Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or higher), Vista (with User Account Control turned on), (filmed with a UAC) in Windows 7
Windows Server 2003, 2008, Small Business Server 2008
OpenSuse 11.2, Fedora 12, Red Hat Enterprise 5.4, CentOS 5

NOTE: Contact Sync,

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As the speed of your Dell notebook

Dell laptops are reliable and durable. Like all machines, but you can begin to slow down, if not properly maintained and cared for. Before sending your device to repair Dell laptops first attempt with the following suggestions for your Dell computer to regain momentum.

Empty the Recycle Bin

The simplest thing you can do to speed up the computer, emptying the Recycle Bin. Many files are not deleted completely but remain in the trash until it is emptied.Empty the Recycle Bin will free up hard disk space and can speed up your computer if your disk is nearly full.

To make the speed of your computer by emptying the Recycle Bin on your desktop> Trash> Empty Trash File>> Yes.

Disk Cleanup

The Dell computer's hard drive can quickly become cluttered with continued use. The temporary files, cache files, setup files and other junk files will cut down the u disk space unnecessarily. You can sharethis space by the Disk Cleanup tool, a tool built into Windows that allows you to find and remove unnecessary files.

You can use the Disk Cleanup by going to Start> Programs> Accessories> System Tools Start> Disk Cleanup. Then follow the instructions in the wizard application.

(Note: This program offers the opportunity to empty the trash, and then save the time of the previous step).

scan windows for errors

Over time, the systemFiles can be corrupted. This is especially true when programs are running afoul or turn off the computer shuts down properly. With the aging of the disk, the disk parts known to fail as "sectors". Spoiling all the details you can stay before the bankruptcy. You can correct these errors and more error-free performance Lost the hard drive and file population.

To scan your hard disk for errors, the Windows application called Scandisk. Go to Start> MyComputer> right-click the hard drive you want to check and select Properties> Tools> Error Checking "Check Now> Select" Automatically fix file system errors error. "> Select the restore bad sectors> Start.

Defragment your hard drive

Running ScanDisk is just the beginning. The hard drive is still working perfectly even after recovering bad sectors. In normal use, the files are erased and written repeatedly. This results in fileScattered harder to quickly retrieve the file. This is similar to the scattered papers on his desk, it takes longer to find what they are, if they are spread all over the place. It is much easier for the paper and folders to retrieve files if they are properly stored in an archive in alphabetical order. A tool called Windows Disk Defragmenter does just that, organize and store neatly away files and folders on your hard disk for easy retrieval.Defragment your hard disk to increase the performance of your Dell laptop, making for faster access.

The process, go to Start> My Computer> Programs> Accessories> System Tools, click> Defragment> Drive> Defragment.

If you've tried all the steps above and are still having problems, the computer requires repair. The logical choice is that, Bat Tech Computer Repairs, where qualified technicians can diagnose and solve each visitComputer problems, you can harass. A visit to Bat Tech is worth the trip, because it can easily save the costs associated with buying a new computer involved.

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Proxy Server: What are they and what are they good?

I am writing this for those of you who have never heard of proxy servers. A proxy is a server, the server acts as an intermediary between a client (you) and others. As you probably know all websites and web-hosted services provided computers called servers. If you have a site or service hosted on a (local) or external (Internet, WWW) internal network, the terminal or a computer (client) communicate with the server directly (> Computer), the requested resource (website, media hosting service.)

As mentioned above, a proxy server acts as an intermediary between the user and the server host. Instead of direct communication with the server end, communication is your first pass through another computer. The proxy server communicates with the host server in your place, receives the requested information and passes it back to you. This is equivalent to ask to talk to a frienda third party for you.

But why do this? Proxies tend to have a bad reputation because they often used to circumvent content filtering mask, firewall, or illegal or offensive material. To be honest, I would venture that this is probably quite correct. But the proxy, like many other technologies were originally developed and are still used for a variety of "noble" intentions. Proxies are often mask the identity of computers on the internal network from prying eyes on the usedInternet (security) to accelerate and network resources using the web cache, such as content filtering for inbound and outbound traffic for viruses or potential losses of scanning - in short, the proxy server network components essential.

It showed an explosion of proxy servers in recent years. Why? People are increasingly demanding and deal with them, for one, by content filters at work or school. content filters are often implemented in work and schoolEnvironments in an attempt to staff and students access to "objectionable" material or the time and resources for using "non-productive" activities to keep you chat with friends on Facebook, watch videos or play stupid. It 's easy to understand why implement these filters. For the same reason, these filters are often poorly managed or being too strict and no exceptions to block some useful (sometimes necessary) resources.

Another reason to use proxy for anonymity.E 'effort to communicate via multiple proxy on a form for your computer's IP (Internet Protocol Address - a unique identifier that can be traced).

A quick Google search for the words "proxy list" or "proxy server" will take you to a variety of sites and lists of proxies to try.

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Cisco Certification Benefits

Cisco Systems, Inc. is now the fastest growing IT sector and every day is the species reached:. Guided the tip of the certification Cisco offers three Associate, Professional and Expert. They are available in various tracks such as routing, switching, network security and service providers. Earn certification is an important part of your future prospects, therefore, extremely important to do the right thing.

Self-confidence andpersonal satisfaction: We all know what is important in our careers, but fails to provide the balance and we're a bit 'confused. Obtain certification, you will have your independence and positive thinking in yourself and your work. This is certainly a value that can cause performance and celebrate something.

Higher wages better future prospect: a merit in terms of a more interesting such as your employer, you get up to that standard, then of coursereceive the certificate, and your prospects would find their way to the top.

Responsibility and recognition: From now on, and would also cover more duties and responsibilities, where if the tasks on time and budget would have exceeded your limit all of your. Then, your colleagues and customers to recognize you and give the recognition they deserve.

Skills and knowledge: FreeAspect of certification is the information that you receive and the ability to create and develop the next level of network and improve safety. Our experts and professionals agree that an environment for yourself that are useful to create for you in the coming years. They also have difficulty getting to devise a formula for all the best academic requirements.

Everyone has their own learning experiences and tools, but have not tried CertificationsTalk forum,may be missing most of the disc.

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Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) as an FTP client does not work-

With the recent release of IE7 (basically pushed and forced upon you, aaarrrgg), the use IE6 as a FTP client such notice some changes and problems. Here are the highlights of the changes:

* The URL syntax with embedded username and password

(Dh [ftp://usr:pswd] @)

and similar syntax is no longer supported.

* The term "Login As ..." there are a few shots more involved, and a new window to open.

* In fact, IE7does not support anonymous login is not at all ... You have to open the site in Windows Explorer.


1) Continue to open FTP sites using Internet Explorer 7, but if you need to "Login As ...", as follows: Click on the page top right, then click Open FTP Site in Windows Explorer." While the site opens in Windows Explorer, click File, Login as ... Enter your user name and password, then click Log On button.

2) You can save a few clicks by opening the FTP site directly in WindowsExplorer. There are many ways of opening Explorer, like simply opening "My Computer", then enter your FTP URL in the address bar. As [], so if you like the applicant is subject, without access files ... and enter your user name or password, log press, as described above.

3) Recommended Solution - DO NOT USE IE or Explorer.

I never liked the client using Internet Explorer as FTP. As an IT manager to have the problems that caused more than one call at my deskthan any other subject. IE FTP client is pretty much the worst I can think of. So to use that? Well, there are many free FTP client to do a much better job. The first two I recommend are FileZilla and CuteFTP free trial. If you need premium technical support, and are willing to pay for this, I recommend Ipswitch WS_FTP.

Enjoy your FTP!

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As the 16-bit software on a Windows Run 7 64-bit

I live in a country where there are many older people. Many of these wonderful people have old computers with old software. But gradually, they begin to upgrade their computers and operating systems on the newest and best 64-bit Windows 7 - but they want to keep with his dear old software. Herein lies the problem!

I recently got a new Windows 7 machine for a client has said nothing. He was very happy:"Ok, now my wife to install American Greetings CreataCard Gold 5 and my Hoyle Card Games". He and his wife had the same programs for years and could not live without!

Well, as you can imagine, these two programs is not installed. Both programs are16-bit old and will not install on 64-bit operating system Windows 7. If my client had purchased a computer with Windows 7 32-bit, but was able to run their programs in compatibility modeFunction does not work on Windows 64-bit seventh

So, the guy was very disappointed, but I remained cool as a cucumber "because I want more, great, free programs virtual machines that allow these older 16-bit programs in Windows 7 64-bit is known.

These are the programs I recommend (especially # 2 and # 3):

1) DOSBox (DOSBox is a DOS emulator, and runs only 16-bit MS-DOS programs, not 16-bit WindowsApplications).

2) VirtualBox (a "virtual machine" of this system allows an unmodified operating system with all installed software run in a special environment, on top of your existing one).

3) The VMware Player (a "virtual machine", the original operating system is running legacy Windows applications on your existing operating system without that).

Enjoy your old programs continue to enjoy the brand new operating systemSystem!

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