
QuickBooks 2011 - Requirements Computer and Office Compatibility

We all think that if you buy a new computer for office and / or the version of Microsoft - that all our software, QuickBooks 2011, including a perfect ........ this is not always the case.

Each version of QuickBooks (Pro 2011, 2011 and Premier Enterprise 11.0) has different requirements for compatibility with Microsoft Office. Not all versions of QuickBooks are compatible with Office 2010. Read all of these needs!

Premier & QuickBooks Pro 2011(No Premier Accountant Edition)

System requirements:

2.0GHz processor, 2.4GHz recommended
1 GB of RAM for a single user, 2 GB of RAM for multiple users
2.5 GB of free disk space (additional space required for data files)
250 MB hard disk space for Microsoft.NET 3.5 Runtime (if on the QuickBooks CD)
1024 x 768 screen (monitor) resolution - 16-bit color or higher
All online features / services (including access to theSalary updates) Internet access

Integration with other software:

Integrated with Microsoft Word & Excel 2002, 2003, 2007 or 2010
Integrated with Microsoft Outlook 2002, 2003 and 2007 - requires QuickBooks Contact Sync for free from websites Intuit
Compatible with QuickBooks Point of Sale version 7.0 or higher
For integration with other third-party software - the developer of the software.

Runs on the following versions of Windows:

MicrosoftWindows XP (Service Pack 2 or higher), Vista (with User Account Control turned on), (filmed with a UAC) in Windows 7
Windows Server 2003, 2008, Small Business Server 2008

QuickBooks Premier Accountant Edition 2011

System requirements:

2.0GHz processor, 2.4GHz recommended
1 GB of RAM for a single user, 2 GB of RAM for multiple users
2.5 GB of free disk space (additional space required for data files)
250 MB hard disk space for Microsoft.NET 3.5 Runtime(If your QuickBooks CD)
1024 x 768 screen (monitor) resolution - 16-bit color or higher
All online features / services (including access to updates of jobs) Internet access

Integration with other software:

Integrated with Microsoft Word & Excel 2002, 2003, 2007
Integrated with Microsoft Outlook 2002, 2003 and 2007 - requires Intuit QuickBooks Contact Sync for free from sites
Compatible with QuickBooks Point of Sale version 7.0or later
For integration with other third-party software - the developer of the software.

Runs on the following versions of Windows:

Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or higher), Vista (with User Account Control turned on), (filmed with a UAC) in Windows 7
Windows Server 2003, 2008, Small Business Server 2008

QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions

System requirements:

2.0GHz processor, 2.4GHz recommended - client or workstation
2.0 GHzProcessor (1.2 GHz for Linux), 2.4 GHz recommended (2.0 GHz for Linux) - Servers
1 GB of RAM for a single user, 2 GB of RAM for multiple users - or Client Workstation
1 GB of RAM, 2 GB RAM - Server
2.5 GB of free disk space (additional space required for data files) - Client and Server
250 MB hard disk space for Microsoft.NET 3.5 Runtime (if on the QuickBooks CD)
1024 x 768 screen (monitor) resolution - 16-bit color or higher
All onlineFunctions / services (including access to updates of jobs) Internet access

Integration with other software:

Integrated with Microsoft Word & Excel 2002, 2003, 2007
Integrated with Microsoft Outlook 2002, 2003 and 2007 - requires Intuit QuickBooks Contact Sync for free from sites
Compatible with QuickBooks Point of Sale version 7.0 or higher
For integration with other third-party software - the developer of the software.

Runs on the followingThe versions of Windows and Linux:

Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or higher), Vista (with User Account Control turned on), (filmed with a UAC) in Windows 7
Windows Server 2003, 2008, Small Business Server 2008
OpenSuse 11.2, Fedora 12, Red Hat Enterprise 5.4, CentOS 5

NOTE: Contact Sync,

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