
Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) as an FTP client does not work-

With the recent release of IE7 (basically pushed and forced upon you, aaarrrgg), the use IE6 as a FTP client such notice some changes and problems. Here are the highlights of the changes:

* The URL syntax with embedded username and password

(Dh [ftp://usr:pswd] ftp.domain.com @)

and similar syntax is no longer supported.

* The term "Login As ..." there are a few shots more involved, and a new window to open.

* In fact, IE7does not support anonymous login is not at all ... You have to open the site in Windows Explorer.


1) Continue to open FTP sites using Internet Explorer 7, but if you need to "Login As ...", as follows: Click on the page top right, then click Open FTP Site in Windows Explorer." While the site opens in Windows Explorer, click File, Login as ... Enter your user name and password, then click Log On button.

2) You can save a few clicks by opening the FTP site directly in WindowsExplorer. There are many ways of opening Explorer, like simply opening "My Computer", then enter your FTP URL in the address bar. As [ftp://ftp.sitename.com], so if you like the applicant is subject, without access files ... and enter your user name or password, log press, as described above.

3) Recommended Solution - DO NOT USE IE or Explorer.

I never liked the client using Internet Explorer as FTP. As an IT manager to have the problems that caused more than one call at my deskthan any other subject. IE FTP client is pretty much the worst I can think of. So to use that? Well, there are many free FTP client to do a much better job. The first two I recommend are FileZilla and CuteFTP free trial. If you need premium technical support, and are willing to pay for this, I recommend Ipswitch WS_FTP.

Enjoy your FTP!

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