
MPLS For Your Core Network - Good or bad choice?

All we seem now to the core networks is "MPLS" feel. It seems that the choice of fashion. But it is a good choice or bad choice?

I think if you talk about MPLS as a technology for nuclear energy, rather than, say ATM, so the answer is simple. MPLS is the standard technology for little more than point to point networks. E 'was developed with the voice / data convergence.

You're talking about MPLS, as a product of media offeredCompanies, the answer is the same. It is designed to carry different types of service for many customers in a single physical infrastructure. It is designed to minimize latency, minimize redundancy and failover times to optimize a series of solutions provide customers with the safest way is right. Also - and this is crucial - vendors have developed equipment for MPLS as a priority for some time. were the most sophisticated and fastest interfacedeveloped for MPLS. This is not because ATM (for example) had reached its limits, but because he has decided to develop MPLS as the best way.

In fact, what the customer selects a solution for their networking needs, they end up in some lead on a MPLS network, as well as leased lines, are probably more than a MPLS VPN.

The cost benefits to carriers are huge, virtualization is the way to go in the data center, and also has a huge savings in lessKit requires less fiber in the ground, and so on.

However, there are several factors at work.

The first is the bandwidth and performance. The choice of carrier is more important than the choice of technology.

IE: a smaller carrier, based on MPLS vs a carrier with a better network that has not implemented the MPLS infrastructure. Having said that MPLS is generally the best solution so that it can not be much of a choice. How many people (including myself) mightpoint to a second technology, which is almost as good.

All communications between multiple locations is becoming more and more efficiently with MPLS. The any-to-any model of the meshed point-to-point or point-to-multipoint model for other technologies. Even if your carrier offers SLAs for QoS, MPLS may be used.

To sum up - do not really have a choice as the industry choice for you, and you do not really need other options MPLS. Fortunately,is a good choice.

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