
New Computer - Old e-mail, or as back up and transfer your e-mail

If your computer is brand new, or are thinking about the future for the purchase of a neighbor of the things you notice that is to transmit system such as your e-mail from the old to the new system.

At least once a week in my work as a Helpdesk Analyst, I help a client to Outlook or Outlook Express (there are also other e-mail clients that are used, but these two are the most popular) on their new computer. Once We finished with the installation andopen the mailbox, the question is asked: "Where are my old e-mail?" The answer is simple, "on the old computer." Then, of course, the follow-up question is: "I will get the new computer? Like"

Easy or difficult

The easiest way to do this is to turn back on an external hard drive or a CD before making the transition to the new computer and copy it to your new computer in the same exact directory. The most difficult part is inIn a computer crash or an inability to access the files normally. I cover a bit 'of that in another article entitled "Got Backup? You can find on my site.

Outlook Express

With Outlook Express e-mail e-mail and folders on your hard drive in a directory that is buried deep within the operating system is stored. Rather than me type the full path, it is easier if you have Outlook Express open, click on Tools, thenOptions.

Copy / Paste

Once you're here, click the Maintenance tab and click the Store Folder button. This opens another window with the location of your e-mail. Select the path with the mouse and then right click and copy it.

You will then click on Start, then Run, and then right click in the Open box, and paste the path. Click OK.

This opens another window with the mail file. If you add a different folder in yourOutlook Express is the default folder with this. Dbx extension (Inbox, Sent Mail, Drafts and Deleted Items).


If you go to write these files to a CD, you can burn in time with your favorite CD burning program (assuming your computer has a CD burner installed on your own in).

To copy it to an external hard drive, you must now make a connection to the device to a computer, a folder on your hard drive (usually called inI backup e-mail), copy the files from your old computer to add files to the backup folder, and mail.


After copying the files to CD or external hard drive, then switch to the new installation of Outlook Express and import the messages. It would be nice if you could simply copy it to the new operating environment and do, but Microsoft is not the way you do it.

Open OE and click File, Import, Messages. This opens a new windowcalled import of Outlook Express. Select Microsoft Outlook Express 6 then click Next. Click in the circle that says "Import mail from an OE6. Click OK. Then click the Browse button and navigate and select the directory you saved it. Click OK. The next window will give you a list of all e-mail folders saved previously. Keep 'All folders "is selected and click Next.

This will begin the process of importation of all "old" e-mail address in the "new" OutlookExpress. Once that is done, all the old emails are back! Cool, eh?


The procedure to save and then import your e-mail in Outlook is similar, but different.

To begin with, the extension of the PST file in Outlook called, or Personal Folders file. Do not ask me why it's called that. Call Bill Gates and ask him.


It is' the old computer and using Outlook to open at startup, click File, then Import and Export. OpensImport / Export Wizard. Select "Export to a file, click Next. Select" Personal Folder File "here and then click Next. In the Export dialog box, Personal Folders, you can choose what you want to do. The easiest way is to keep the default selection, only the inbox, but if you want to send, and any other folder, select the top item (Personal folder) and select "Include subfolders" then, and then click Next.

The next window lists a default location
(Usually C: Documents and computer application DataMicrosoftOutlookbackup.pst Settings'your name'Local setting). I would suggest using the same procedure as for OE (see above). Then click "Finish" and let it do what it is.
Once you save the PST file switch to the new computer and import will be similar to OE.

Connect your external hard drive to your computer or insert the CD into the drive.


OpenOutlook, click File, then Import and Export. In the Export Wizard, choose this time, "Import from another program or file" and then click Next. "Import File" window, scroll down and select Personal Folder File (. Pst) and click Next.

In the 'Import Personal Folders, click the Browse button and select the location of the pst backup file, select it and then click Next. Click' Finish 'and all messages will be imported.

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