Why are so expensive to call 08xx numbers from abroad?

Many cheap and free audio conference call services use access numbers beginning with 08xx. The more common are 0871, 0870, 0844 and 0845 numbers. This number ranges are as non-geographical or "NGN" numbers. While by most fixed and mobile networks in the United Kingdom there is no guarantee that you will be able to join them from abroad. There are a number of reasons that are described in this article.

NGN and Telecom InterconnectAgreements
International phone carriers such as British Telecom in the UK, AT and T in the U.S., Telefonica in Spain, and the German Telekom in Germany, subscribe to agreements that kind of traffic they will pass each other. These are complex commercial and technical contracts called telecoms interconnect agreements.

All telecoms interconnect agreements involve the interconnection between "normal" geographic numbers in the respective countries. For example, youcall definitely be able to, say, a London number beginning with 0207 from any country in the world. It would not be profitable for calls to London is not supported.

Calls In reality, all numbers are starting with 01 and 02, since it is supported on almost all standard phone numbers in UK.However, calls for the 08xx numbers are often not included in these agreements. Even if they are linking the prices charged too often outrageously high.

Summary: There is noYou can guarantee to a 0871, 0870, 0844 or 0845 get in touch from abroad and even if you can, you'll likely be charged an extortionate fee for the privilege.

The overseas connection NGN rip-off
One of the main reasons why overseas telephone operators do not like to connect to NGN, is the revenue sharing model to which they rely. When you call an NGN, your phone company charges you and then the percentage of what they make on the call ofOwner (or tenant) of the NGN commission.The in the amount of commission varies according to numbers ranging from a few cents per minute over the 0871 numbers from a few fractions of a cent (or even nothing) on the 0845 numbers.

This mechanism also works in the UK, as all the operators in the UK Working in UK law and commission payments can be involved easily.The amounts tend to be very small and hence it would be difficult to apply these cost-effective if you have overseasTransactions or exchange into account is.

These costs and complexities in dealing with NGN result, many foreign telecom operators have not bothered to ties with Britain next generation networks. Those who must pay for often very high rates for calls to cover the additional costs and risks.

Summary: Overseas operators often charge rip-off rates on NGN in the UK get in touch or simply do not connect your call.

What are the consequences for the conference call?
If you are aAudio conference provider which the participants in a foreign country is a non-geographic number in the United Kingdom, ie 0871, 0870, 0844 or 0845 there is no guarantee that their connection and no way to say how much it without first call with the cost of the work requires phone company in the country you are calling from.

Please note, it makes no difference, conference call provider you use. If they do have a problem with 08xx-dial numbers, you will run into the above issues. If youRiver traffic then you need to access a service offered by local and toll-free access to foreign participants through our global virtual private network (VPN) makes available. A VPN can be thought of as a private telephone network for use by our customers only.

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