
Spring Cleaning - For Your Client

It's that time of year again; throw open the windows and let in the fresh air. Time to clean out the old and get ready for the new. Spring cleaning can be an invigorating task that clears away clutter and opens up your mind to creativity. But what about your clients? How can you help them spring clean? Here are some spring cleaning ideas to get you started...

Perform a thorough check of the website. Make sure all the pages load properly and the features are in working order. Check all the links to ensure they are still active (and they go where they are supposed to go).

Go through that overstuffed email account. Sort through your client's email - delete anything unnecessary and organize the remaining emails into appropriately named folders.

Review the company policies. Does your client have an administrative manual or employee handbook? Read through it and make sure everything is up-to-date. Highlight any necessary revisions and notify your client.

Clean up the computer files. Using a remote access program, log into your client's computer and sort through their files. Delete outdated information, create folders for current documents, and get everything organized.

Renew the marketing materials. Is a new logo or color scheme in order? Now is the time to shake things up - clear out the old and bring in the new!

Backup the computer files. Now that the computer files are organized, take this opportunity to back them up!

Organize the file cabinets and workspace. You can also offer the ultimate spring cleaning service to your local clients - come in and organize their file cabinets and workspace. Throw out all the old, outdated proposals and correspondence and leave their office with the space to be productive.
Spring cleaning can be a great experience for you and your client but you have to set up some guidelines ahead of time. Because there's nothing worse than getting rid of a document, only to have to try to recreate it later!

Verify your client's system for filing and ask for permission to "tweak" it as needed.
It's also very important to check with your client to see how far back they need to keep certain documents (each industry has it's own guidelines).
Get the OK to spruce up their website, marketing materials, etc. as you go along (instead of going back to something a second time). This will save your client time and money in the long run.
Spring cleaning can be a renewing and refreshing experience. And you benefit from additional hours while your client benefits from the added productivity from an organized, uncluttered space. Use the ideas above to discuss the spring cleaning plan with your client and get started today!

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How To Become A Cisco VPN Specialist

There's quite an emphasis on security in today's networks, and that's reflected in Cisco's certification tracks. Cisco offers a CCIE Security track and the Cisco Certified Security Professional (CCSP) intermediate-level certification, but there is no real equivalent to the CCNA on the security side. Instead, Cisco offers several different Security Associate certifications.

The good news is that you've got a lot of security specializations from which to choose; the bad news is that you've got a lot of choices! In choosing a specialization, take some time to choose a certification that will be of practical use to you in your current position or in your "dream job".

One of the more popular Security Associate certifications is the Cisco VPN Specialist certification. This two-exam track consists of a Securing Cisco Network Devices (SND, 642-551) exam and a Cisco Secure Virtual Private Networks (CSVPN, 642-511) exam. To earn the Cisco VPN Specialist exam, you must hold a valid CCNA certification.

What should you expect on these exams? On the SND exam, expect to be grilled on basic security features on both switches and routers, as well as VPN 3000 concentrators, PIXes, and IDS/IPS Sensors. You'll need to be ready to configure and troubleshoot basic AAA configurations, access-lists, syslog, AutoSecure, and much more. You should also be solid with IPSec.

IPSec will also be part of your CSVPN exam. As you'd expect, you'll also be expected to be quite good with the VPN 3000 Concentrator series, including browser configuration, creating users and group, the Windows VPN Software Client, and more.

This is a demanding certification that is an excellent addition to your resume and your skill set. For the latest on this and other Cisco certifications, you should regularly visit the Learning & Events section of Cisco's website. As a Cisco certification candidate, it's your responsibility to stay current of any additions and changes to Cisco's certification paths - and it's good for your career!

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Introduction to Thomson NETg

Thomson NETg is one of a kind global learning Enterprise offering live online classrooms and a wide range of Integrated Learning solutions. Their learning offer includes high-quality instructional content, cutting-edge enabling technologies with multiple delivery options, and a full range of expert consulting services.

NETg has been around for 35 years, as a leader in learning and professional development partner of choice for innovating organizations worldwide. Their Integrated Learning solutions are designed to help other companies to unlock the potential of people in their organizations to achieve the results each company needs.

The history of Thomson NETg dates back to 1971 when the company introduced mainframe computer-based training, and by the year 2005 NETg acquired KnowledgeNet, a company leader in live and mobile learning, offering the first viable alternative to classroom-based training.

Nowadays, thousands of government agencies and leading companies all over the world rely on NETg when it comes to achieving performance improvements and important business productivity.

Such companies include a large number of industries including telecommunications, manufacturing, health care, pharmaceuticals, retailers, financial services, human services and even military operations.

NETg training area maintains two separate online catalogs, their own NETg Learning Catalog and the following KnowledgeNet catalog after its acquisition:

Technology Skills, including Cisco Technologies:, Microsoft Technologies, CompTIA, Citrix, (ISC)², Oracle Database Administration, Java Programming, Sun Microsystems Solaris, Lotus Notes Technica, UNIX, and Web Development.

Productivity Skills including Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office XP (2002), Microsoft Office 2000, Client Operating Systems, Introduction to Technology, Lotus Notes, Siebel and Web Browsers.

Project Management with the following areas: Project Management Skills, Project Management Institute.

Business and Professional Development including Management and Leadership, Communication Skills, Project Management Skills, Personal Development, Sales, Service and Marketing, HR/New Employee Orientation.

NETg training catalog includes diverse e-Learning courses such as Certification, Information Technology (IT), Desktop, Business and Professional Development, Specialty, Continuing Professional Education and Accreditation Programs offered in US English, besides other in 12 languages: German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Hungarian, Korean, UK English, Japanese, Turkish and Chinese.

For those interested in development and IT careers, Thomson NETg offers a number of courses in Cisco (39), CIW (70), Client Server (6), CompTIA (50), Database Concepts and Technologies (3), e-Business (15), IBM (85), Internet Technologies (80), IT Management (6), Lotus (33), Microsoft (356), Networking and Communications (41), Novell (50), Oracle (311), Programming (33), Reporting and Analysis (6), SAP (4), UNIX and Linux (23), Web Development (7).

Additionally, Thomson NETg provides Live Now, a virtual classroom to get Cisco, Microsoft & Project Management Certification Classes to help IT and project managers to obtain professional certifications.

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Cisco IPv6 Training - IPv6 Requesting Router (RR) Configuration

Now you the first thing that you need to remember, is that the Requesting Router or RR is in most cases located at the customer's location (premises); it's the router that the customer (Site) has either purchased or has been given to them by their ISP.

In real world situations, the RR has 2 main responsibilities; obtaining the Global IPv6 prefix information (configurable parameters) from the ISP's Delegating Router (DR); and then passing that Global IPv6 prefix information (configurable parameters) along through out the customer's location (Site) by using Router Advertisements (RA).

Now, in order for you to configure a Cisco router's upstream interface to act like a Requesting Router (DHCP client) you'll need to perform these 5 steps:

Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#interface type number

Router(config-if)#ipv6 address autoconfig [default]
Router(config-if)#ipv6 dhcp client pd prefix-name [rapid-commit]

Steps Explained:

Step #1: Router>enable

Puts the router into Privileged Exec mode

Step #2: Router#configure terminal

Puts the router into Global Configuration mode

Step #3: Router(config)#interface serial 0/0

Allows, the RR to enter interface configuration mode for the serial 0/0 interface.

Step #4: Router(config)#ipv6 address autoconfig default

Allows, the RR router's serial 0/0 interface to automatically configure its own IPv6 address(es) by using Stateless Autoconfiguration.The word "default" is used to tell the serial 0/0 interface to install a default route into the RR's routing table; the default route indicates the upstream interface (serial 0/0) and the ISP's Delegating Router's interface.

Step #5: Router(config-if)#ipv6 dhcp client pd comcast-dhcp-prefix rapid-commit

Enables, the RR router's serial 0/0 interface to begin acting as a DHCPv6 client; and also forces the interface to start requesting an IPv6 Prefix(es) from the ISP's Delegating Router. The word "rapid-commit" is telling the interface (serial 0/0) to use the DHCPv6 two-message exchange method to ask for the IPv6 Prefix(es).

Now, just in case if you were wondering, the words "comcast-dhcp-prefix" used in the command is the name of the prefix.

I invite you to visit my website were you'll find the latest information regarding Cisco IPv6 Design and Implementation Techniques.

To your success,

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SSL VPN authentication two-factor authentication

The advantage and necessity of bilateral authentication is the solid offensive and defensive strategy, the status of birds and dynamic threat from the Internet addresses of attacks man-in-the-middle and the growing list of vulnerabilities, where companies today.

As such, SSL VPN authentication is not just a security method, but actually a requirement for a tiered approach to network management and data security. With the increase of mobile and remote Workforce and consumer mobility and the demand for anywhere access to accounts, Secure Remote Access, which is legitimate, without cumbersome for users and network administrators is a necessity.

SSL VPN authentication is an effective solution for remote access headaches. offers numerous security features around the key challenges of data integrity and to protect the confidentiality of information throughout the network.

A key advantage of SSL> The VPN authentication is the ability of granular control over corporate security policies and procedures. Remote Access SSL VPN uses authentication solutions are an improvement over the traditional choices with the elimination of vulnerabilities associated with lost or stolen tokens or other PKI authentication on the Internet under attack from viruses and other malicious programs. Furthermore, eliminating the need for expensive brands are the cost barriers for large companiesdrastically reduced.

Many security products security application is easy to manage interfaces and systems, but the infrastructure is often so complicated and difficult in large networks. With two-factor authentication token without solutions, an end user accesses a secure authentication server to register a password. At this point they are then one time passwords via an alternative means Such as SMS, email or phone, Where It needs a determined a set of answersSecurity issues. After the user has successfully completed this, they are authenticated using a certificate that allows access VPN.

SSL VPN authentication using two-factor solutions grants network authentication and secure access to web applications, a token expensive and vulnerable, without hindering the security process. The ability to provide secure remote access, and enable employees, customers and IT departments to respond to and initiate communicationsecurity and confidentiality from anywhere is a necessity for companies today.



The Top 10 Culprits Causing Malware Infections

I think it is safe to assume that the places you visit on the Internet will determine which programs are installed on your PC. Let me put it this way, the software installed on your computer will have some relevance to the sites you often visit. Lets take a few examples, when you are using Gmail, chances are good that you will have Gmail Notifier or GoogleTalk installed on your PC. When you often visit or take part in their social networks, chances are good that you will have Yahoo! Toolbar or Yahoo! Messenger installed on your PC. Lets take a more practical example, users visiting most probably have packages like Microsoft Office and Microsoft Windows XP installed on their computers. It is likely for supporters of the Open Source Initiative to hang out on sites like,, or So your software preferences play a huge role in the type of web sites you visit and vice versa.

But what has this to do with malware infections? To be honest, everything! Let me show you what the top culprits of malware infections are and it will soon be clear to you what the connection is between the web sites you visit and the malware found on your PC.

Top culprit number 1: Pornographic web sites

Download Spyware Blaster by JavaCool Software and have a look at all the porn related web sites blocked by this program. It is also remarkable to see how many computers with traces of pornographic web sites in their browser history, are often infected with spyware and trojan horses. Unfortunately you will have innocent victims of malware infections, also with traces of pornographic web sites in their browser history, but only because the malware redirected them to these sites. However, people with pornographic material on their computers are not that innocent in this case, pornography does not go out looking for people, people go out looking for pornography.

Top culprit number 2: Illegal music (MP3) and movie downloading sites

These sites normally force you to install special downloading software on your computer so that you can download files from them. These download managers are often bundled with spyware and are trojan horses themselves, downloading tons of other spyware programs while you cheerfully download your illegal MP3's. They sometimes place tracking cookies on your PC to monitor your browsing habits and hijack your browser to make sure you return to their site or a site of a partner.

Top culprit number 3: Software Piracy web sites

If you love using illegal software, cracks, serial numbers or license key generators (keygens) then you most probably had to remove some malware infections in the past after visiting one of these sites. Most of the people using these cracks are normally technical wizards and know how to disinfect their computers. Many of these sites do not only contain harmful scripts but also fake cracks and key generators, which are nothing else but malware. Some crack developers create a working crack but distribute it with spyware or a trojan horse to make your PC their slave.

Top culprit number 4: Peer-to-peer file sharing programs and networks

The file sharing community is loaded with pornography, pirated software, music and movies. Is it not amazing that everywhere these guys make their appearance you also find spyware, viruses, trojan horses and all kinds of malware? The client software is also often bundled with spyware (or adware as they call it).

The culprits discussed so far are those connected with illegal and indecent activities. People visiting these sites and using these services deserve getting infected with malware. These culprits are also some of the biggest sources of malware epidemics. What flows from the mouth, comes from within the heart. The same rule applies to your computer, those nasty little programs crawling inside your computer is, in the case of culprits 1 to 4, the direct result of your own sinful actions and activities.

The next couple of culprits are caused by negligence and a lack of knowledge about how malware are distributed.

Top culprit number 5: Pop-up and pop-under advertisements

Another culprit that wants to caught you off guard. A pop-up window may appear out of the blue or a concealed pop-under window my load in the background without you even knowing it. These windows can start downloading malicious programs and install them on your computer. They can appear on any web site, not just illegal and other bad web sites. You can prevent these windows from opening by using a secure browser like Firefox with a built-in pop-up blocker.

Top culprit number 6: Fake anti-virus and anti-spyware tools

You visit a legitimate looking web site and suddenly a banner appears telling you that your computer is infected with spyware. You can scan your computer with all the anti-spyware software in the world, over and over again until you are blue in the face, but that banner will keep telling you that your computer is infected with spyware. This is because it is a plain image banner. The site never does a scan of your computer, it is a fixed message that will display on any computer, no matter how clean it is. Simply put, it is a blatant lie! They want you to believe that your computer is infected and that only their software can remove this spyware. If you download and install their software you will only find that it is spyware itself. You may end up infecting a completely clean system with a dirty program, trying to remove the so-called spyware.

A system scan is not a three second process, it takes time, so no scanner can tell you instantaneously that your system is infected with spyware. I do not believe in online scanners, rather use software with a good reputation, a local scan is much more faster. Most online scanners are no online scanners at all, you actually download the whole scanning engine and end up doing a local scan anyway. A real scanner will tell you the name of the malware and its location on your hard drive, if it does not give you this information, then it is fake. Even if it gives you this information, it still does not mean that the software is legitimate. Do not trust everything you see online and stick to well known anti-malware brands.

Top culprit number 7: Free games, screen savers, media players, etc.

No, not every free program comes bundled with spyware, but spyware (once again the developers prefer to call it adware, but it is still the same thing) is often the price you have to pay for the free software. It is normally a ploy to monitor your use of the program, to send the creators statistical data or to collect data about your online behaviour in order to send you targeted ads. If you try to remove the spyware you normally render the main application useless. Read the EULA (End User Licence Agreement) very carefully before installing the application. But everyone knows that nobody reads those tedious, long licence agreements, so use EULAlyzer by JavaCool Software to check for specific keywords and phrases that might reveal any spyware programs being installed or privacy breaching practices that may occur if you install the free software.

Top culprit number 8: Malicious web pages with harmful scripts

But you already mentioned this one in culprits 1 to 3. No, culprits 1 to 3 often have harmless web sites and it is the content you download from the sites that is harmful. But you also get web pages containing malicious scripts, totally innocent looking web sites, like a site donating money for cancer. You go to their homepage and suddenly a script virus strikes your computer. This is what an anti-virus shield was made for, that unexpected attack. Firefox is also designed to prevent harmful scripts and browser hijackers from accessing the system and taking advantage of flaws and weak spots in your operating system.

Top culprit number 9: E-mail

Virus worms spread themselves by forwarding a copy of the virus to all the contacts in your address book. Those contacts that are unaware of these worms will most likely open the e-mail and the file attached to it. But when you open a strange infected e-mail from an unknown sender, then you are guilty of double negligence. For the virus to be activated you need to open the e-mail and in most cases you need to deliberately open the file attachment too. By using a little common sense you will know that strange e-mails from unknown senders are dangerous, especially when they have executable attachments with file names ending with the "exe", "com", "bat" or "scr" extensions. Even dangerous e-mails from known, trustworthy contacts can easily be identified if the contents of the e-mail seems strange and out of character. By being careful and responsible when opening your e-mails, you will not only prevent your own computer from getting infected, but you will also prevent the worm from spreading any further.

Top culprit number 10: You the Internet user

What? Me? How on earth can I be a culprit? Well, you are an accomplice in the spread of malware if you do not have an active and updated anti-virus package installed on your computer, if you do not scan your computer for viruses and spyware on a regular basis, if you do not use shields like the TeaTimer tool from SpyBot (which is free by the way), the Ad-Watch shield of Ad-Aware or the resident shield of AVG Anti-spyware (all of which you have to pay for, unfortunately), if you spend your time browsing pornographic and illegal web sites and take part in the sharing of pirated software and copyrighted material (culprits 1 to 4), if you fail to be responsible with the software you install on your PC and the e-mails you open (culprits 6, 7 and 9) and if you refuse to use a secure web browser (like Firefox) built to prevent malware infections (culprits 5 and 8). Yes, I will go so far to say, that if you stay away from culprits 1 to 7 and 9, you probably won't need any virus and spyware protection at all. Culprit 8 is the only reason why you should have anti-virus and anti-spyware protection, for those unexpected attacks, over which you have no control.

Culprits 1 to 8 are the main sources of malware. Infections caused by them led to the creation of culprits 9 and 10, which distribute the malware even further. Do not turn your computer into a malware paradise or a malware distribution centre. Take responsibility, protect your computer against these threats and prevent the spread of malware.

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Managing Customer Expectations

In a recent coaching session an issue came to light regarding a customer compliant. Services were provided and the customer was HAPPY with the results, however the expected level of communication did not meet the customer's expectations. Luckily the customer was a personality type D and shared the disappointment.

The conversation went something like this:

Client: I was just told that our customer was happy with the quality of service that we provided but was not happy with the lack of communications.
Coach: What do you mean by "lack of communication"?
Client: He thought that we did not keep him in the loop.
Coach: So you didn't talk with him about what you were doing.
Client: No, that's not true. We talked with him every time he called, but he was always one step ahead.
Coach: What do you mean by "one step ahead"?
Client: Just about the time I was ready to call him and let him know the status, he called asking.
Coach: So was the service taking longer than normal?
Client: No, it was a normal job.
Coach: What I hear you saying is that you were performing your services normally and customer was more aggressive than your normal.
Client: Yes, I guess that is what I'm saying.
Coach: Let's go back to the beginning. When you were taking on the job, you explained your normal course of business and asked if that was going to meet his expectations?
Client: What?
Coach: When you were talking with him at the very beginning you must have said something like, "Normally it takes us a couple of hours to diagnosis the problem, obviously we will call you to let you know the severity of the problem, the cost and time to fix it, and typically we will then order the parts, communicating with you at the following stages (list) of the repair. Will that meet your expectations?
Client: No.
Coach: Ok, what did you tell him?
Client: We will call to get approval when we know what the cost to repair will be, to get approval, and again when the repair is complete.
Coach: And he was satisfied with that?
Client: Well, obviously he wasn't or we wouldn't be talking about it.
Coach: Do you think this is just an over demanding customer?
Client: No, I am lucky I learned about his disappointment. Had he been a personality type S, I would have never learned about it.
Coach: What do you mean?
Client: Based on what I have learned from you about personality types, 40% of the population are type S and they will not complain to me, however they will tell all of their friends of a bad experience.
Coach: Do you see that something needs to change?
Client: Well, I guess. How did you phrase that you used that ended with "Will that meet your expectations?"

Is this uncommon? No, it is normal. The problem with normal is that you don't create raving fans. Neutral or disappointed customers continue to shop for businesses who create raving fans. Raving fans not only continue to do business in the future, they also tell their friends about the level and quality of service. Raving fans become clients.

The key is to ask, after explaining "normal", ask if "normal" meets expectations. If the response is negative, bland or unconvincing ask what else you can do.

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Beware of e-Greeting Cards - The Newest Spyware Threat

Be very careful about opening emailed greeting cards, as many are now known to contain dangerous spyware. Originally developed as a means for spouses and lovers to spy on each other, e-greeting card spyware was designed to monitor the internet activity of the recipient, thereby sending the sender an emailed record of email activity, passwords used, etc...

Although this type of "monitoring" software is legal to buy and is intended for non-criminal use, it provides a new tool for con artists and cyber-criminals to use.

Here's how these spyware ridden e-greeting cards work: The recipient gets an innocent looking romantic email message with an attached or linked greeting card. The email appears to legitimate, and says something like "I love you", "I was just thinking about you", etc... When the card is opened or the link clicked on, dangerous spyware is silently and instantly installed on the computer as the recipient reads the card.

Once installed, the spyware begins monitoring immediately. The software runs silently in the background, and is undetected by the user or her antivirus software. It records all the emails that are viewed, as well as all passwords that are entered. It also records all chat and instant messaging sessions, and logs every single website that is visited. All this information is sent directly to the person who sent the email greeting card, be it a lover or a criminal.

If you get an e-greeting card, think about it carefully before opening it because there's a good chance that it's spyware in disguise. Even if the card appears to come from a legitimate e-card company such as American Greetings, Blue Mountain, Yahoo Greetings, etc..., this is no guarantee that the email isn't spoofed. Spammers and internet con artists have mastered the art of sending emails that appear to be from legitimate sources, and spyware e-cards can be easily disguised with fake "from" addresses as well.

It's a good idea to check the header information on any email you want to open, but may be suspicious. An email header shows the history of the email as it has traveled through the internet, and will reveal a spoofed "from" address. As all email clients are different, click on the "help" menu and search for "internet header" to see how to perform this task with your particular software.

If you are running anti-spyware software that is current with its updates and are certain that your operating system and browser are up to date with the latest security patches, your chances of getting infected by a spyware-tainted e greeting card are reduced significantly. Even having the best protection available is no guarantee that you will be able to avoid a spyware infection, though. New variations of spyware come out every day, and your protection is only as good as your latest update.

As with all potentially suspicious emails, your best defense is the "delete" key. If you don't click on hyperlinks or open email attachments within any e-mail messages that might be questionable, you cannot get a dangerous spyware infection. Because we are only human however, and the risk of spyware is so great, its advisable to include a good antispyware product in your computer security arsenal.

Some excellent antispyware products to consider are AVG Anti Spyware, Sunbelt Software's CounterSpy, and eTrust Pest Patrol.

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What is a Firewall ?

Simply put it acts as a barrier between your computer and the internet. To protect you from crackers, hackers and malware.

If your running DSL or a cable modem you should employ a firewall, as having a direct connection to the Internet can make you a target to attack.

Firewalls can be hardware or software based. With firewalls you set up ACL's or Access Control lists to allow or deny traffic.

There are three different ways a firewall can block traffic.

1. Packet Filtering- Packets are analyzed against filters in the firewall rulesets. Firewalls will drop packets that are not allowed in the firewall rulesets.

2. Proxy Service- Information from the Internet is grabbed by the firewall and delivered to the requesting service thru the proxy.

3. Statefull packet inspection- looks up criteria against a database of trusted information. To see if the packet contains anything that would allow

or deny it into the network.

Firewalls are customizable allowing you to create your own rulesets you can block IP addresses, specific protocols such as Telnet, FTP, ICMP, UDP, SMTP and
many others.

Firewalls can be customized to block specific ports, or even keywords.

There are many software firewalls availiable such as Tiny Firewall That is designed to keep hackers out of your network and block Spyware.

Zone Labs makes ZoneAlarm I like it bcause it has a simple interface allowing home users to configure it easily.

For hardware firewalls there is:

Cisco There brand is called PIX firewall.

From home users I like D-Link DI-604 this is a inexpensive firewall that works well. Best of all it fits into almost any budget.

Linksys (now part of Cisco) offers a router/firewall that supports VPN and DMZ.

There are many hardware solutions including setting up a firewall on a *nix box. I like this the best as it gives you the firewall administrator the most control. I personally like OpenBSD for any security applications I would run with Unix, as it is secure. There have been very few exploits against this platform.

I will be writing more articles about firewalls shortly.

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Who is Client Number 1?

If the governor was client number nine, who is client number 1? And how are they sleeping, clients 1-8? But listen, promiscuity has ever been thus, since time began. Some people approve.. Some people don't. Some cultures recognize and legitimize it. You make your choice..

We have to ask ourselves what exactly are we so upset about. I'll tell you. Those who reject promiscuous behavior, don't want self righteous, holier than thou, powerful people telling us what to do, what to think, and then themselves, in secret, rolling around with the animals. It's the two faces: the one face noble, moral and dedicated, with the other face lusting for sex in one form or another, the more often the better, regardless of age or gender.

The biggest events hitting the newspapers in the last 25 years aside from 9/11 have had to do with sex: priests quietly walking the hallways of schools and churches, renown clergymen preaching to us about heaven and hell on television, politicians telling us which laws we must follow or be penalized and then suffering no penalties at all, doctors and trusted community leaders in social work, youth counseling, sports, on the one hand using their knowledge to help who are trusting and easy prey.

The interesting part of this whole thing is that the US officially accepts the idea. Elections to the number 1 office in the land proves it. Actions speak louder than words. A young girl got a summer internship. An older married man having the highest power in the land saw the apple on the tree and took it.

That is the role model we have.

Was it ever any different? No. Is it different in other countries? No. Are clients 1-8 losing sleep? Yes. Will it change anything? No. Is the different than in the past. Yes. The media which always glorified this behavior while pretending not to, is more pervasive now than a decade ago, because of the internet and television. Period, end of story.

It has always been the same. Men and women of power sleep around as they always have. The media exploits it for financial gain. The internet and television stuff it in the faces of every man, woman, and child alive. It will only get worse.

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Top 10 Questions About Customer Service and Business

Question 1: Is it true that the client is always right?

Answer: Yes. The customer is always right. The customer's perception is reality.

Question 2: If the client is always right, does it mean the service provider is always wrong, even if they have been trained and well prepared for the job?'

Answer: Training and preparation is essential but it cannot prepare us for every possible situation. Things will go wrong sometimes or mistakes will be made. The service provider has to recognise this. If something goes wrong then it is important to learn from that mistake. Find out why it has happened. Speak to the customer and understand their point of view. And then change the system so that the same problem does not happen again.

There is one other alternative. Each business has to decide what type of customers it wants to deal with. It cannot possibly hope to please every type of customer. The business may decide that it cannot solve a particular customer's problem and decide that it will risk losing that customer. Poor service businesses lose customers without ever making this choice.

Question 3: Since the customer must always be put first, why is it that most organisation charts put the CEO/Chairman/MD on top?

Answer: Most businesses are thinking only of their own organisation, communication and delegation when constructing an organisation chart. They think that everything must come from the CEO or Chairman and draw the chart accordingly.

A business that is truly customer focused will put its customers first. This means drawing the organisation chart as an inverted pyramid. Customers go at the top of the chart and underneath them are the people in the front line. The CEO is at the bottom of the chart.

When the organisation is looked at in this way it becomes clear that the role of management is to support the front line people.

Question 4: Does putting the customer first imply complete capitulation to his/her whims and desires?

Answer: Not capitulation but partnership. If it's a good customer (one that you value) who asks you to jump then the only question is, "How high?"

Businesses need to remember that there is a cost involved of not resolving a customer's problem. When dealing with a problem, think about the life time value of the customer before making a decision.

Question 5: Does good customer care cost money?

Answer: Poor customer care costs money. Research shows that poor customer care is the biggest single reason for customers changing their supplier.

Good customer care may require a small investment but the returns can be enormous. Most businesses do not measure how many customers they lose. If they did, they would be able to calculate if it was worth making an investment in customer care.

Question 6: How should management go about when deciding what part of its budget it should allocate to ensure good customer care/relations?

Answer: All expenditure should be viewed as an investment and management should consider how to get the best return on the total investment. Delivering good service means giving the people who really matter (the front line) the resources that they need i.e. training, equipment, systems, support and leadership.

Question 7: What bearing does training have on caring for one's customers?

Answer: Training is essential. And it shows. Simply investigate any of the world's greatest businesses and see how much importance they attach to training. Do you think that you would be allowed to sweep the streets at Disney without training?
Unfortunately, the education system lets down our students. We teach our children maths and science and verbal language skills. But we do little to teach them the language of human understanding and care.

Question 8: Are customers the same all over the world or do culture and size of a country make a difference?

Answer: Culture makes huge differences. But care and understanding has to come from the supplier. Once a culture of care has been established within a business, that business can work with any country and any culture. When you truly care you will understand your customer.

Customers will not tolerate bad service any more from a small country than they would from a large country. If anything, the customer's perception might be that a small country should be able to give better service than a large country. Isn't that why, as customers, we often prefer to deal with small suppliers rather than the multi-national giants?

Question 9: It is not unusual for owner/managers to be obsessed with just making money and refusing to make certain improvements, such as in training, they do not deem absolutely necessary and staff to be just concerned with earning their pay and giving two hoots on how the company performs, especially if it is a large one. Is there a solution to such situations?

Answer: This is true. Some owners/managers have this attitude. It is usually very short-sighted and fundamentally wrong. But unless they are faced with extremely difficult circumstances they are unlikely to change. It's unfortunate for them and for their customers.

There is a solution to this problem and it starts with leadership. Show me a leader with vision and I'll show you great service.

There is also a problem in that there are not enough skilled customer service advisors who really understand business performance. It's okay to know what makes for good service but, unless this can be translated into financial improvement, the business owner is unlikely to change his or her view.

Question 10: What are the three most important ingredients that make a great business and why?

Answer: Leadership, communication and systems.
Leadership for the vision, the culture, the willingness to invest and for maintaining principles.

Communication with the internal customer as well as the external customer. Without communication how can we ever spread the vision or respond to our customers. And remember, communication comes in many forms. A cracked cup may say more about your business than an international quality achievement.
Systems to make things happen consistently. And when you have systems that really work you can change the system if something goes wrong. Systems allow people to perform the majority of a task subconsciously (just like driving a car) and focus all their conscious effort on the customer.

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Get Completely Safe Connectivity With MPLS VPN Online Solutions

If you need an innovative solution that would fulfill successful packet forwarding, then MPLS is your answer. MPLS is extremely valuable to both the service carrier and the enterprise network. It has many functions and one of these is for enabling the virtual private networks. The MPLS VPN is a new knowledge that lets network designers to better advance their system compared to past solutions that they have utilized before.

Nevertheless, administrators and network engineers require fast and effective instruction on this technology so as to install MPLS VPN efficiently inside their networks. Taking that into consideration, MPLS and VPN is adept to provide the type of innovation that is in-depth in its features that are significant to many firms.

The benefits of MPLS VPN are many and it comprises providing a gainful option in particular. This means that most vendors allow this online option at reasonable however exceptional costs amidst the cut-throat market of Information and Communication Technologies. It also assures reliability in the use of MPSL as backbone for webonline option as well as alternatives between several access mediums while providing its clients redundancy and reliability.

Similarly, it has dependable monitoring and notification program. A team of support staff are always ready to assist you with your issues. These monitoring resources are able to check the MPLS VPN web option around the clock. The client can link to the web solution network up to the last mile as well. This means that if any of the links go downhill or encounters any errors, it is able to notify the customer immediately and start the error resolution method along with help of the fitting network supplier.

Along the way it continues to update the client of any progress being made. It also offers connectivity consolidation with just a single loop connection to the MPLS network and obtains access to all other products and services related to internet options such as safety services, voice services and the Web of the carrier.

It is because it has many organization units that supply favorable related solutions to the network. These solutions are integrated into the MPLS VPN naturally. This assures that MPLS VPN remains an outstanding service.

The Multi Protocol Label Switching Virtual Private Network Web Options is a business service which provides manageable and safe connectivity among business sites. This MPLS technology can replace the traditional solutions with a genuine and effective MPLS VPN that is fully outsourced globally.

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Digital Signage Software - Network Monitoring, Management and Control Offer Keys to Success

Digital signage networks are enticing to marketers, advertisers and large institutions because they offer exceptional reach and wrest control away from traditional gatekeepers, thus collapsing the distance between the communicator and the medium.

So much for the highfalutin talk; let's get practical and take a journey on the road to succeeding with digital signage networks. If digital signage networks are to achieve these lofty goals, they must offer certain fundamental capabilities, including making it simple to manage content, monitor playout, detect network faults, diagnose problems, control individual monitors and override playout schedules to issue emergency messages in times of distress, such as weather events, fires and other catastrophes.

The first stop on this journey is the content management server. The content management server provides a network operations center (NOC) with access to every, or targeted, digital signs along the network. Rather than manually communicating point-to-point, addressing one digital signage player after another sequentially from a central location to distribute media and playout schedules, the content management server pushes out new media and schedules to targeted players over a LAN, WAN or VPN as instructed by someone with administrative rights -often long after that person has left for the day and is snoozing away in bed.

Depending upon the application, it may also be necessary for the content management server to accommodate hyperlocal content playback on specific monitors, which, for example, may share the same general geography. Imagine a university with a digital signage network. A content management system could serve media files and playlists for all but a single onscreen area to ensure consistency of messaging across campus. However, in that reserved onscreen space hyperlocal content regarding individual schools, colleges and departments could playback messages tailored to their needs.

The next trailmarker to success is confidence monitoring of individual signs in the network. Think of the nightmarish task of continuously making sure every sign in a network is functioning if there were no IP network connectivity. You'd need some comfortable running shoes or lots of reliable people to watch the monitors locally and report problems as they arise. A far more practical approach is to ping each monitor via the IP network at a regular interval -maybe every 30 seconds- take a snapshot of what's on the screen and visually inspect each representation when alerted to a problem from a central location in the NOC.

This leads to the next two landmarks on our journey: fault detection and diagnostics. As individual digital signage players and monitors are pinged, a range of established conditions can be inspected, such as network connection integrity, chassis airflow and temperature. Fault detection and diagnostics not only equip technicians with knowledge of what problem to look for before they even arrive at a faulty player or monitor, but also alert network administrators to impending problems that can be corrected preemptively as conditions drift beyond certain thresholds.

The penultimate stop on this quest is individual monitor control. Imagine the energy and dollar savings to be realized by an institution or enterprise with dozens, hundreds or even thousands of LCD monitors on a digital signage network if only there were a way to turn the monitors off after hours and back on in the morning. A successful digital signage network implementation will provide for RS-232 or IP control over monitors to provide just that control.

The last marker on this path is emergency messaging override. In the event of a fire, a terror situation or severe weather, emergency messaging can mean the difference between life and death. Thus, it's extremely important that authorized personnel -such as upper management, a campus police chief, or emergency response coordinator- have the ability to simply override signage playout schedules on a universal or targeted basis, depending upon the circumstance. This should be done via an ordinary Internet connection via password protected access so there is no need to travel to the NOC and thus no unnecessary delay. Additionally, the emergency messaging system should provide access and remote control of all monitors in the event that an emergency situation develops after hours when monitors are shut down and only a handful of people or at the location. Having the ability to turn on the monitors remotely ensures 24-7 communications in case of an emergency.

Taking the time and effort to ensure these way markers are accounted for when setting up a digital signage network is worthwhile. Doing so will ensure your institution or enterprise has the maximum degree of control and flexibility and elevate your chances of successfully communicating important messages to people via your digital signage network.

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Networking and Winning Entrepreneurial Strategies - Review Your Target Niche to Find Ideal Clients

Do you have trouble getting referrals (or clients)? You may want to deploy some winning entrepreneurial strategies.

Here's the first major strategy: go back to the basics. Have you ever properly defined your target niche? If so, maybe you've been watering it down, and it's time to review whom you're targeting with your marketing efforts. If you haven't, it's about time to get started.

Here are 5 factors you should consider as you define or re-define your target niche -- and all of them deal with analyzing what types of clients you already serve.

Begin by thinking of your current client list or the clients you serviced this last year. What type of clients do you most enjoy working with? Who are they? What is special about them and why do you enjoy working with them?

The second factor - What types of clients are most profitable for you to service? Not everyone is. Some sectors of your business, and maybe even some specific product lines or service lines tend to be more profitable than others. Aim for those.

The third factor to consider is what types of clients are easiest to service. Which ones are the low maintenance ones? Which ones are in and out really quick? Which ones can you find easily and service easily?

The fourth factor is the type or types of customers you most successful in servicing. Who do you do your best work with? Once again, it could be a product line. It could be a service line. It could be the nature of the client. It could be where they are at when they come to you. What specific problems they have that you can solve.

The fifth factor to consider is what unique skill set, industry experience, or expertise you have that aligns you with your customers. What's your background? For example, my background is small business - I started an employment agency from startup and turned it into a $5 million company - and that helps me figure out who my niche is. I love working with startups. I love working with people who have been in business for five years or less.

So think about your background. What skills do you have? What experience do you have to align you better with your clients? What type of clients would that align you with? And those clients will be your ideal target clients. Focusing on them is another key entrepreneurial strategy. It ensures that you'll enjoy your work -- and will get many more referrals.

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Client Contracts - Key Ingredients

The other day I was having a casual conversation with a colleague of mine who was wondering if she should be using contracts with her clients. I immediately responded YES!

I had begun using contracts the second I was in business but not on a consistent basis. My lack of inconsistency allowed for a couple of my employees to break a non-compete agreement they had with me and go to work directly for what I thought at the time was my best client. I had neglected to have that client sign a contract with me.

Now, no matter what, I put contracts together for all of my clients, no matter how short or long our engagement is. My contracts spell out the scope of the work and are very specific. I do this so that the client is very clear about the work we provide and their responsibilities in our working arrangement.

Here are some things you will want to include in any contract you put together:

1. What you will do for the client. For example: enter bills, cut checks, collate, prepare bank reconciliations for all cash account, enter credit card transactions and reconcile, record payroll entries, etc.

2. What you won't do for the client. For example a clause I always include is that we are not CPAs and do not prepare financial statements. The reports we prepare are for internal management purposes only.

3. What you will need from the client and when. For example, access to their QuickBooks file, bills and bank statements and other material pertinent to perform the work.

4. When you will provide the services. Whether a project or ongoing services, I always set an expectation of when we will work on the client's books and when the material to work on their books is needed by. I also include a statement giving us the right to terminate our agreement if the material needed is not received when needed.

5. Services outside the scope of this agreement. In every agreement, I include a paragraph titled "Request for Additional Services" which lets the client know that they can request any of our other services to be outlined in a separate engagement letter.

6. Fees. Don't forget to include a discussion of your rates, payment schedule, finance charges, interest, collections and attorney fees applicable if the account goes into collection.

7. Approval Signatures. At the end of each of my contracts I have a place for the client to sign and also for myself. It is important to have the contract signed by an owner or officer of the business.

8. Personal Guarantee Statement. Because we deal with a lot of small businesses, I request that each client sign a personal guarantee statement ensuring they will pay for our services personally in the event there is a problem with the business. If the client is not willing to sign a personal guarantee statement, they may not be the client you want to have.

Having contracts with your clients not only protects you and your company, but it can also help with collection issues as well. Be sure to look at the big picture when it comes to contracts. All new clients start out well, but they do not always stay that way.



Use Your Answering Machine to Get You More Clients

Another effective marketing tool is your answering machine.

Most gift basket business owner use it to entertain callers.

Some messages people usually use to entertain are:

"This is the Bobby's residence. Sorry we are not at home right now. Please leave a message after the tone"
"You have just reach 058 434 43433. I'm not available at the moment....."

This is not a professional way of doing business and it would not help you get more customers. You should record what you do and the service you provide. It must be used as another way to position yourself as an expert.

Market yourself with your voice

You are going to have a marketing message on your answer machine. Clients that call you are interesting in you business so they would be interested in listen to a message that interest them if you not available.

Answering Machine Script

So, instead of saying, "This is the Bobby's residence. Sorry we are not at home right now. Please leave a message after the tone". Why not say "Hello, Thank you for calling to discuss how to improve your business and get more clients. It's Anne Williams, Your Local Gift Basket Producers."

"I'm quite busy at the moment but your call is extremely important to me. So at the tone, please leave your name, telephone number and a detailed message slowly and clearly and I'll guarantee getting back to you."

"All my gift baskets are designed to improve your business and bring you more clients. You can also go to my website to immediately download a report titled '10 Way to attract more clients to your business' from"

"Thanks for calling Your Local Gift Basket Producers and I look forward to speaking with you later."

The email has a CALL TO ACTION in it; to leave a message and visit your website. So whatever you call to action may be; to sign up for your newsletter, to visit your website, call for a free consultation, or email you to set up an appointment.

Try and use your answer machine in a productive way. It can be used as a way to get and retain new clients. Remember to keep it relatively short or clients will not want to call back.

© 2006 Joyce Oladipo

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Tapping Into New Client Networks Through Joint Ventures

Being a joint venture partner has many benefits to you and your business. When you enter into a JV agreement, you agree to share strengths, creativity, and efforts for the prosperity of all parties. However, what are the main benefits of the teamwork and cooperation between partners?

Increased Revenue

Certainly the main goal in forming a joint venture is to increase your revenue. By sharing resources, your partner and you hopefully can experience more revenue streams in one or both of the following ways:

Revenue Sharing - A joint venture may be one where products or services are combined and packaged for sale to clients and customers. A package deal of services or products could result in more sales, and thus, more revenue for you and your joint venture partner. Though you would be splitting a portion of sales, don't think of it as a smaller percentage of profits, but a percentage of a much bigger piece of pie.

New Business - Your joint venture partnership could be using the talents and strengths of each other to increase each of your respective businesses. For example, you could be sharing your graphic design expertise to provide great brochures to your partner, while he gives you access to lead lists of potential customers. The result of this type of joint partnership is measured individually rather than combined.

New Networks

Your joint venture can lead to new networks of potential business partners and customers, which can benefit your business. It could bring your products or services to new channels of customers who otherwise would not know your business exist. Find ways to market to your partner's mailing lists. Perhaps provide a free sample to your partner's regular and loyal customers. But don't forget to do the same for your partner. Promote his or her business to your current customers as well.

Your combined networks could also allow you to find other ways to improve your business with other joint ventures. You could find other affiliates or individuals with strengths that could result in another business relationship. This may take time and effort outside your joint venture purpose, but sharing your partner's business contacts can be beneficial as well. Just be sure not to steal or sour any business relationship for your joint venture partner.

Joint Venture Case Example: Saving Money and Increasing Clients

As an example, John was a freelance writer who found that he could offer copywriting services to his joint partner, Michael, in exchange for free web hosting that Michael's company provided. While working with Michael, John was introduced to Joyce, who was a CPA and performed Michael's bookkeeping. John approached Joyce in a similar manner and offered his copywriting and promotional services in exchange for tax advice for his freelance business. Joyce agreed, and the result was increased business for both Michael and Joyce, while John saved heaps of money on accounting and web services.

Save Time and Money

Your joint venture is a way to combine efforts and resources. By doing so, you could save money on your own marketing budget if you share marketing costs. And you can save time by sharing the required tasks with your joint venture partner. Freeing up your time and money to focus on other ways to grow your business, or even to spend more time with family, can be one of the best benefits you enjoy.

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Choose Felicitous VoIP Service Provider and Experience Free PC to PC Calling

The popularity of online phone service has increased as it is a trendy technology that is known for comfort and convenience. This technology is equipped with Internet facility that make it more flexible and thus people feel great as they can surf the net synchronously while making an international calls. This system of making calls has been introduced to help people in long distance communication. With the ease of advanced technologies, an effort has been made by online phone technology to bring people closer through VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol). This technology allows users to share their documents and files with others on Internet that too without any payment. Through VoIP technique, the user can make free PC to phone calls worldwide. VoIP offers various value added services under which the user can get a chance to make free PC to phone calls, PC to PC calling.

This online calling process is based on digital techniques that has been helping people in their day to day lives. With such freedom of making international calls, now people can make calls whenever they want, as it has made the lives of people more comfortable. No more heavy phone bills, no more difficulties, the user can experience a hassle free communication. The user can stay connected to their loved ones at any moment. Moreover, with the arrival of resellers and wholesalers, the VoIP service has become more interesting and popular. Now people can easily switch over to this technology without thinking about the charges. Everyone wants good services and VoIP has been fulfilling it.

It accredits the clear transference of calls and messages. One can experience wonderful sound quality along with availing the services of umpteen calling features. The user can easily use VoIP for sending unlimited online text messages along with the facility of sending SMS. There are number of websites offering internet phone services-VoIP. The user don't need to spend on phone bills anymore, one can rely on VoIP technology and can save his hard earn money. Such web portals offer each and every information about the VoIP service providers. Individual service providers are offering numerous calling plans and schemes that are trying to benefit users and the providers as well.

VoIP has made communication more smooth and now people can easily make PC to PC calling to number of destinations. These days, service providers are offering online phone services at free of cost upto an extent. The contribution of immense efforts of technology has made PC to phone calls possible. So lets enjoy making free PC to phone calls and eliminate your huge bills spent on communication.

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What's Better For My Business, QuickBooks Online Plus Or QuickBooks Pro Using Remote Access?

The purpose of this article is to help a typical small business owner understand the differences between using the remote access capabilities with QuickBooks Pro and QuickBooks Online Plus. A less expensive QuickBooks Online version is also available, however that software is not considered for this analysis. I did consider a more robust version called, QuickBooks Online Plus. Before we address the differences, its first important to understand the term remote access. The term remote access has been with us for a long time and has emerged to mean, according to Wikipedia, a form of communication with a data processing facility from a remote location or facility through a data link. One of the more common methods of providing this type of remote access is using a virtual private network(VPN). The definition is further enhanced by the term remote desktop, which also according to Wikipedia refers to a software or an operating system feature allowing graphical applications to be run remotely on a server, while being displayed locally. Remote desktop applications have varying features. Some allow attaching to an existing user's session (i.e. a running desktop) and "remote controlling" it in front of the user's eyes. Whereas, according to a Google definition, online accounting relates to accounting that can be done on the World Wide Web. I agree with both definitions, however there are important differences that an owner or accountant for a small business or even a midsize business needs to consider and they are addressed below.

Generally speaking, QuickBooks Pro with remote access gives you access to your desktop QuickBooks Pro accounting program and data while the QuickBooks Pro and data resides on your server in your office or your local hard drive. Whereas QuickBooks Online Plus is a web enabled accounting package with some advantages and some disadvantages, specifically less functionality for one of the most important parts of a business namely, no inventory capabilities. To some of you this could be important and to others not so important. Simply said, the benefits and drawbacks with a general ranking of each benefit or limitation of "online accounting" with QuickBooks Online Plus as compared to QuickBooks Pro is analyzed below.

Some of the major benefits are summarized and ranked by level of importance as follows:

1. No wired network required - you can connect with WIFI from anywhere in the world that has internet access and you can connect different department or offices in multiple locations.
2. Includes up to 3 simultaneous users plus your accountant. The cost to add another 25 users is a little more than $3 per month per user.
3. Offsite daily backup at Intuit servers
4. Automatic software updates and support included in cost
5. Quicker and simpler sign in - Just press your Web shortcut key

Some of the major drawbacks are summarized and ranked by level of importance as follows:

1. Does not handle inventory and purchase orders, this rules out retail, manufacturing and distribution type companies
2. Lacks multi-currency functionality
3. Unable to open multiple QuickBooks windows in QuickBooks
4. No Company snapshot/dashboard in one desktop view

In summary, the importance of having simultaneous access from any location, allows employers, employees, owners, investors to collaborate, share and make informed and timely decisions because everyone gets the same information in real time, by simply using a typical web based sign-on. There is no time learning the remote access interface for sign on, for use with the remote software. Furthermore, your accountants can review your financials, journals, general ledgers, from their own office and answer your questions or even correct mistakes in real time. Further, you can easily outsource some of your accounting functions with QuickBooks Online Plus, as long as you set up a system to review the work product of the outsourced employee.

I am very impressed with the above mentioned benefits and for these reasons if there is not a need to account for inventories or multi-currencies then my inclination is for QuickBooks Online Plus to handle a typical small businesses accounting needs. A more detailed analysis of the functionality and data entry capabilities and performance processing will be the subject of another blog topic. Even if such analysis existed, I would recommend that you consult with an accounting professional who can best evaluate whether the QuickBooks Online Plus or remote access platform is best suited for your particular situation. When evaluating this software, its also important to determine how your employees will use the software in their to day to day activities and during a test period you should evaluate the speed in which the employees are able to enter the data and the computer/web processing(performance) speed of each relevant accounting process i.e. paying vendor bills, customer invoicing, record deposits, etc.

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What is Port Forwarding Software For?

You can get a lot of info from internet about port forwarding. But that info is all for router hardware. It is a very important way to let the service on the computer that behind your router can be accessed by users from internet. Router is playing a role of forwarding data between your computer and internet here. Sometimes, a software will do the same thing too. It will bridge communication between client and server sides. We can call this kind of software as port forwarding software.

For example, you have a computer A and VNC client is installed on it. You want to use the VNC client to access VNC server that installed on computer B. But unfortunately, computer B is located in a private LAN. That means computer A can not directly access the VNC server on computer B. The easy solution to resolve the problem is that we need to choose a computer C that both computer A and B can access. At the same time, we need to deploy a port forwarding software on computer C. The software will forward request to the VNC server on computer B and forward back response to the VNC client on computer A. This will make the VNC client think it is directly talking with the VNC server. So the software is playing the role of forwarding data here like a router. Of course, you can choose another way to resolve the problem. For example, you can choose to create a VPN here. Comparing with VPN, port forwarding software is more easily to be understood and installed.

Another advantage of port forwarding software is that it can turn none SSL software to be more safe by using SSL technology. For example, the communication between VNC client and server is not encrypted. Maybe this is risky. Because the communication data can be easily get by hacker. But we can deploy a port forwarding software with SSL function between the VNC client and server. Then the communication will be encrypted.

Anyway, port forwarding software is really helpful when you want to bridge communication between two or more sides. And the software could be more complex, for example, dynamically choose destination based on incoming ip address, content or just directly use round robin mechanism. The software will like a load balance software for this scenario.



What Are the Benefits of Taking an Internet Marketing Course?

Due to the growing popularity of the Internet many people are wanting to earn money working at home. Online business is flourishing all over the world it requires an individual to have a proper knowledge about internet marketing. That is why internet mentors have created different internet marketing courses that would help beginners in the online industry. These marketing courses help you to understand the trend in the online market.

Apparently, many online business executives fail because they do not have the knowledge of employing online marketing strategies. When you venture in the online industry you need to be aware about the latest trend for you to survive and succeed. You also need to adopt the ways to become competitive in the internet marketing arena. If you want to become successful then you need to know the online strategies from A to Z.

Several internet marketing courses are available over the internet. You can subscribe to one or more courses depending on your preference. However, you need to be careful in searching the right marketing course. Before you enroll make sure that the course that you choose is suitable to you. Do not be overwhelmed by the numerous courses available.

Before you enroll you should check the people who will conduct the course.. A mentor will not able to teach you effectively is he has no experience in internet marketing. Pick a mentor who is knowledgeable about the different methods and strategies in internet marketing. Likewise, it would be ideal if your mentor has a practical knowledge and actually running an online business. This way, he will be capable of teaching you up to date methods.

In addition, you should enroll in an internet marketing course that provides customer support services so that you can communicate with them when you have a query. Some courses are offering live chats to their customers so that they can have live discussions about some concerns and to obtain the necessary answers immediately. Choosing a reputable course can be done through checking with their previous clients so that you can assess if their methods are effective or not.

Finally, as competition on the Internet is increasing daily, upgrading yourself with the advanced marketing skills would ensure success in your online business.

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Outsource Your Intranet? It Makes More Sense Than You Think

Until recently, if a company wanted to implement an intranet, they first had to install an internal network. Next they had to install a web server and set it up to host their internal documents. This created an intranet, which is an internal network that uses web-based technology. The difference between an intranet and a traditional company network is that everything on the intranet is accessed through a web browser.

To secure access to the intranet, the company needs to install special software, set up firewalls, and install a VPN server or switch. The equipment could be very expensive and most companies had to hire or train someone to maintain everything.

As a result, intranets were beyond the reach of smaller companies. However, all of that has changed. There are now a number of service providers that offer hosted intranet solutions, which allows a company to outsource all the hardware, software and maintenance for their intranet. These service providers are sometimes referred to as intranet application service providers (intranet asp).

Why Host Outside Your Company?

For smaller companies, cost may be the determining factor. For larger companies, unless the necessary infrastructure already exists, not having to purchase new equipment and train personnel may make it more cost efficient than doing it themselves.

Advantages of a Hosted Intranet

o Hardware and software do not need to be purchased or installed

o Security measures such as authentication, regular backups and disaster recovery are already in place

o Personnel to maintain the equipment do not need to be hired or trained

o Many applications are already available from the hosting company

o Technical support provided by the hosting company

Disadvantages of a Hosted Intranet

o Data may or may not be more secure than if it was all kept internal to your company

o Possible limitations on the software you use and services you can provide

o For larger companies, it may be more expensive over the long run than hosting internally.

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Keeping Track of Your Web Site Passwords

I have a dirty secret to share with you all today: until recently, I didn't have a very good strategy for keeping track of my various Web site passwords and logins. Near my desk is a worn set of stapled sheets of paper with various notations about which username, email address, and password I have used to authenticate to its services. Luckily, I work alone, but still it bothers me that if someone were to break into my office, those special pieces of paper would probably be the most important thing to find. I know some of you use PostIt notes for this purpose, and keep them where no one would look, such as under your keyboards.

There is a better way, and I will get to it in a moment, but first I want to take you through what some of the other solutions that I have tried and rejected. Since I do most of my work on my laptop, why not just automate the credentials inside my browser? That is good for some of the sites that I use most frequently, but it isn't very secure should someone get a hold of my laptop.

Another idea is, which is an open-source collection of Web sites that federates your identity, including Yahoo, MySpace, Facebook, and others. OpenID sounds really good, until you start to peek under the covers, and realize that if a phisher ever got ahold of just one authentication of yours at one site, they could pretty much gain access to the rest of your OpenID sites. This is more 'phederated ID' and a hacker's paradise. The problem is that once you authenticate properly on one Web site, you can use your OpenID URL to gain access to anything else.

I have mentioned in previous missives and that attempt to consolidate all of your social networking logins in one place, and be able to update your status messages across the board. But it is troubling when I get emails from Quub mentioning that they have upgraded their system and "had to clear everyone's existing credentials that were encrypted with the old algorithm. Please re-enter your credentials under Settings ..."

RoboForm is another solution, which basically automates the credentials and saves it in an encrypted spot on your hard drive. That is great, but what happens if you are using a different PC?

Another way is to use some form of two-factor authentication, so called because it uses something that you - and only you - have on your possession, such as a special and unique SecurID token. I have one for my PayPal account, it cost $5 and is well worth the added protection that it offers. Basically, no one else can use my account unless they use the token to sign in.

But the issue with these tokens is that you need one for each of your accounts. There are some vendors who are trying to get around this issue by using one's cell phone as a second factor authentication tool including and Both require some integration of their tools into your applications, which isn't very good if you want to apply them universally to all of your Web authentications. FireID's solution involves using a special server that sits on my network, while PhoneFactor requires software agents to download to your desktop or to integrate into your Web applications.

So what else can you do? The service that I am trying out now is from Tricipher and called It costs $30 a year per user, and everything is done via their hosted service so there is nothing to download, other than an optional Firefox or IE browser plug-in to handle some tasks. You set up a special Web portal for your company, and then add your credentials to the various sites. It comes with hundreds of pre-set applications and works with either special knowledge questions (what was the name of your third-grade teacher) or with your cell phone. The good thing about MyOneLogin is that you can set it up and forget your passwords, because no matter where you are you can login to the portal and then to your applications. You can mix and match Web and internal apps, such as your VPN login, too, without any programming or installing any servers. And it is also a great solution if a company wants to keep control of these credentials to these sites, so when you leave you can't take your logins with you.

Look for one of my screencast video demos in the near future that will show you more about the service. And you can try it out for 30 days for free if you are interested. Maybe now I can finally toss those special pieces of paper - but first I will have to make sure to shred them!


The Urgency in Deploying Network Security Appliance For Small Business Networks

Information is a business asset, like other valuable business assets, that must be protected against any threats. In medium to enterprise business networks, the management of the information security is a must. In small business networks, generally the organizations lack of competent security experts that should manage the information security. Therefore the choice of the deployment of small business network security appliance is a must for small organizations.

In large enterprise networks, they have many layers of security protections including the endpoint security, the management of information security and policies which must be enforced to all business unit groups. Unlike large scale business or enterprise networks, in small organizations - generally they do not develop the management of information security in place. This is generally due to lack of IT security expertise which does not compare to the assets that must be protected. Any layers of security that should be deployed, depends on how critical your information assets is. Therefore, they mainly focus in securing the endpoint security.

The entry point of the private network generally where all the internet threats are coming from, the intruders or the hackers as well as the malware will start to attack the vulnerabilities they found. Therefore, small business network security should concentrate in protecting the entry point by any types of secured firewall appliances. There are many security appliances available in the marketplace you can consider to use for your organization.

The following are some of the small biz network security appliances you can consider to use for your small organizations. DSD-150 is designed for home or SOHO networks that use broadband internet connection.

DSD-150 Security appliance

D-Link DSD-150 internet security adapter is an all-in-one network security which is designed for home and small business networks. With this single device connected in the entry point of your broadband internet connection, you have a complete protection including network protection, firewall protection, virus protection, spyware protection, identity protection, pop-up blocker, SPAM blocker, and parental control - all in a palm-sized box.

DSD-150 is suitable for home and SOHO network security which has 4 computers or more. Installation and configuration is easy, DSD-150 has 2 Ethernet ports, WAN port must be connected to the modem (RJ-45 LAN port), and the LAN port must be connected to the wireless router.

CheckPoint Safe Office 500

CheckPoint Safe Office 500 is a small business network security - a total internet security appliance for small to medium sized business networks. If your organization is lack of security personnel, don't worry - trust the network security to this CheckPoint Safe Office 500 that can protect a network of up to 100 users from any types of network threats.

Safe Office small business network security appliance delivers proven and integrated security, networking and connectivity features right out-of-the-box. Safe Office offers a simple, affordable and reliable solution to keep small business networks protected and connected.

The following shows main features of the Safe Office security appliances:

Web filtering, integrate best-of-breed Web filtering using an extensive database of categories and associated URLs. You can also create web access policy and also a custom web rules to block or allow access to specific websites and URLs
VPN and remote access, this feature is suitable for your traveler workforce to connect to the business network securely via public internet.
Network access control, ensuring that both LAN and WLAN users securely sign on before gaining physical access to the network.
Integrated a wireless access point to allow wireless network connection securely that supports the Super-G and Extended Range (XR) standard, enhancing the range and network speeds of the wireless access point.
Integrated ADSL modem (optional) to support download of up to 24 Mbps. This will simplify the initial deployment.

Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances

Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances is a powerful solution for small business network security as well as for medium sized business networks. Cisco ASA 5500 all-in-one solution for your business security which combines the proven technologies from Cisco PIX 500 Security Appliances, Cisco IPS 4200 Series, and Cisco VPN 3000 Series concentrator.

Cisco ASA5500 is a built-in security solution which integrates the function of hi-grade firewall, IPSec VPN, and or intrusion prevention (IPS).

Deploying small business network security is a must for small organizations for high performance network protection against any types of Internet threats. Endpoint security appliances such as CheckPoint Safe Office 500 or ASA 5500 series are perfect security solutions for small biz.

By Ki Grinsing



Business Essentials - What's in Your Office?

In this techno-savvy age, I am always surprised when I see a high-powered business person overwhelmed, running late and still using a regular cell phone. I'll admit that when I was presented with the idea of switching to a Blackberry (TM) a few years ago, I bucked it. I also bucked having a dual monitor on my computer and a laptop with a VPN (virtual personal network). I was so used to working one way and was very efficient, so why change? But I urge you to think differently. The use of these three items has virtually changed my life.

Business Essential #1: PDA (personal digital assistant).

When I used to use a regular cell phone, I was chained to my office. I was afraid to leave except for necessary appointments as I would miss an important email. That was until I got a Blackberry (TM), which I now call my office on the road. In my car, at the grocery, in my kitchen while I am cooking, I can send and receive email. Most PDAs also have the capability of allowing you access to your Contacts, Calendar and the internet. So it is in essence a mini computer. Often I hear people say that they don't want a PDA because they will never stop working or they will become a crack-berry. For me, using a PDA is quite the opposite. If I want to get out of the office, I grab my Blackberry and feel confident. It is a choice between being chained to your desk or being chained to your PDA. If you are a successful business person, being unavailable is not an option, so having the flexibility to be out of the office and out from behind your desk by using a PDA is not only liberating, it also keeps your stress level down as you don't return to work with a full inbox.

Business Essential #2: Dual Monitors.

Hook a second monitor up to your computer. I resisted this as well, but once I got the additional monitor and started using it, I was sold. Picture this. You are drafting a memorandum and need to do research on the internet in order to get material for your document. Do you want to keep minimizing and maximizing your screen or do you want to have the internet up on one screen and your draft memo up on the other? You can also cut and paste from one monitor right into the other! Here is another example. You are working in two Excel spreadsheets and you need to analyze one against the other. What did I used to do? Print one (or sometimes both), use a ruler and do my comparison. Now I just have them both up, side by side on the two screens and viola. Easy, quick, done.

Business Essential #3: Laptop with a VPN (virtual personal network).

Get a laptop and have a VPN installed. That way, you can work anywhere with it being just like you are at the office. In essence, you can access and work on anything at home that you can do at work. If I want to get a jump start on my week on Sunday evening, I can. If I need to be at home for a delivery, it's no big deal. It's all about options. When I travel with my laptop/VPN, I use a wireless card and a car charger. Driving home for 10 hours last year after vacationing with the family - guess what I did? Worked and caught up on all of the business I missed while I was gone. This accomplished three things. First, it kept me from being a "passenger seat driver" which made my husband very happy. Second, it allowed me to catch up so I wasn't stressed out upon my return on Monday morning; and third, it made those 10 hours fly by. These are the three business essentials I cannot live without. Now that you know about them, can you?

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Repair Outlook PST File

If you are unable to open your Personal Folders file (.pst) you can suspect that your .pst file is corrupted. You may use the Inbox Repair tool (Scanpst.exe) to repair errors in the .pst file. The Repair Outlook PST File tool scans only the .pst, not your mailbox on the server running MS Exchange. The method determines whether the file structure is intact. If it is not intact, it resets your file structure and rebuilds the headers.

Scanpst.exe is installed itself when you install Outlook. It is located at below location:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12.

Repair Outlook PST File by using Scanpst.exe

1. Exit MS Outlook if it is running.
2. Double click on Scanpst.exe, located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12.
3. Now Enter the name of the file you want to scan or click Browse to search for the file.
4. To specify the scan log options, click Options, and click the desire option.
5. Click Start.
6. If error founds after the scan is complete, you will be prompted to start the repair outlook pst file process to fix the error.

A backup file is created during this repair process. You can change the default name or location of this backup file.

7. Click Repair.
8. Open Outlook by using the profile that contains the file that you repaired.
9. On the Go menu, click Folder List.

In the Personal Folder List, you may see a folder named Recovered Personal Folders that contains your default Outlook folders or a Lost and Found folder. The recovered folders are usually empty, because this is a rebuilt file. The Lost and Found folder contains the items recovered by the Inbox Repair tool.

10. If you see a Recovered Personal Folders folder, you can create a new outlook file, and drag the items into the new.pst file. Once you have finished moving all the items, you can remove the Recovered Personal Folders (.pst) file, including the Lost and Found folder, from your Outlook profile.


What Is VSAT Broadband?

VSAT broadband is similar to cable and DSL services for your computer. It is Internet service through a satellite dish that is placed on your home or business. It is another option for a high-speed Internet connection that is considered to be one of the best technologies available today.

One of the greatest advantages of VSAT broadband is that you do not need any special software, hardware or networks to use it. It works with nearly any email provider and uses a satellite dish that is like the ones used for satellite TV. A person or business can use what they have and not have to digest and learn a lot of new information before being able to use their computer.

Many people are curious about weather issues with a satellite Internet connection. Although the weather can impact your satellite TV use, this does not happen with VSAT technologies. The dish is larger, which makes weather problems almost nonexistent. The only requirement for this dish is being able to place it so that it faces the southern sky to access the satellite. The satellite coverage of the planet is also quite extensive, so that you can have the high-speed access you desire almost everywhere.

There are many other advantages to using this type of Internet connection. It is very easy to use, the connections are extremely fast, and the service is flexible and always reliable. For both companies and individuals, this is very important. You can connect to the Internet anywhere, at any time. This includes customer service, as well. It does not matter what time you have a question, there is someone available to answer it. The possibilities with this technology are endless.

VSAT broadband offers top of the line VPN encryption for the security of your personal information and data. They also offer full services for things like web hosting, net meeting, etc.

This type of Internet connection is also great for areas that are rural or are perhaps underserved by reliable Internet Service Providers. In areas like this, new Internet service capabilities are often not cost-effective. Many of these areas cannot afford to have Internet service that does not have outages. Internet services in these types of areas can also be expensive and the ISPs do not often have the latest technology to offer to their subscribers. Dial-up service is the norm in rural areas or small towns. VSAT broadband is a way to have the latest technology without having to go through a local ISP.

For companies, VSAT broadband offers a single vendor for all of their services. The convenience of this service is a great time saver for both small and large businesses. This makes paying bills easier, sending emails a quicker process, and allows for easy understanding among employees.

The cost of VSAT broadband service is comparable to other types of service. It takes only 14 days to get the service, and the installation of the dish can be done in about 3-6 hours. VSAT broadband is definitely a wave of the future.

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