
Cisco IPv6 Training (IPv6) Router Prefix Delegation - What is IPv6 prefix delegation?

Now to quickly respond to your question, Prefix Delegation (PD) is used as a procedure (mechanism) that is used to automate the transmission of IPv6 prefixes (address blocks). Prefix delegation is described in RFC 3769 and is usually used by ISPs for the transmission process of IPv6 prefixes (address blocks) to support its customers.

the version of Cisco Prefix Delegation (PD) consists of three terms, a Customer Edge (CE) router, Provider Edge (PE) router and a AAAServer.

The Customer Edge (CE) router, RR) is also known as the requesting router (acting as a DHCP client and is located at customer sites, but the task of interest in IPv6 prefixes (address blocks) Provider Edge ( PE) router.

The Provider Edge (PE) router that is also a router is known Director (DR), acts as a DHCP server and is located at the premises of the provider's responsibility to validate the authenticity and the profile ofRequest Router (RR) with a AAA server, and also places in a route system of the provider on behalf of the requesting router (RR) for the delegated prefix.

The reason why the delegation router places the route in the routing system on behalf of the applicant ISP Router (RR) for prefix delegation is to avoid the need for a dynamic routing protocol between the delegating router (DR) and requesting router (RR). So in other words, with the version of CiscoPrefix Delegation of the DR and RR are usually directly connected to each other, and only in certain circumstances, be appropriate to configure a DHCP relay router between the DR and RR, so that they can communicate.

Now, in case you're wondering if the AAA server, the DR position is connected to the ISP server that the hands actually IPv6 prefixes and hands over the IPv6 prefixes in the DR radius, so that the DR can then pass the IPv6 prefix (address block)Information on the RR.

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