
Getting Started with Exchange 2010 has begun

As most know, Exchange 2010 is the latest version of the mail server from Microsoft. I wanted to write a short description of the software and outline its functions.

Like its predecessor, Exchange 2010 requires that you make on an x64 platform. 32-bit processing is slowly but surely a thing of the past. In 2010, however, we must work with Windows 2008 SP2 or 2008 R2. One of the most important decisions you must make is whether to choose the Standard Edition or Enterprise. Thisdepends mainly on the number of stores you need. Standard 5 supports stored on the server, where 50 + Enterprise you can do. Regarding the client side, CAL's concerned, you have the 2008 Enterprise CAL, when you see the UM I want is. However, there is a limitation in the software. It 's just the issuance of a license. This means that you still have the ability to access the UM, but will not be licensed properly. Keep an extra element of Microsoft has decided is theJET EDB database. It has in the past that Microsoft has started with SQL Server database to house the Exchange said. This is not the case.

If you've ever worked with storage groups to restore in Exchange 2003 or 2007 you will not find these in 2010. How well are not in a position of routing groups. All Exchange 2010 routing of sites and services is made. So you must ensure that the properly configured sites front pagewith Exchange. It 'important to Exchange 2010 work properly. As for Microsoft Exchange 2007 public folders from trying to emphasize. Your goal is to eventually replace them with its SharePoint product.

Another important feature of Exchange 2007 and 2010 is its ability to reject e-mail at the gateway. The Edge Transport server to configure ADAM and Active Directory Lightweight services to query AD. This provides a list of valid e-mail address and pressthem on the edge of the network. If the Edge server detects that someone is trying to send within the organization and the user does not exist is immediately deleted. This saves memory and processing power internally so that you do not deal with spam.

In addition, Exchange 2007 and 2010 will have the opportunity to create direct access to files UNC paths. Thus, in OWA, when a user needs a file on a network drive, can not catch acumbersome VPN client. Outlook remains largely the same route in 2007 and 2010. It 's basically RPC packets encapsulated in HTTPS packets. This allows you to traverse the firewall without opening additional ports. Therefore, allow users to access their e-mail from Outlook, wherever they may travel.

One of the main new features of Exchange 2010 in my opinion is the availability of groups of database or DAG. This is essentially the same as CCR in Exchange 2007. Aboutwho tried, CCR, LCR, or SCR white configure Exchange 2007 to be the process throughout. Microsoft makes this DAG in 2010. It allows 16 copies of a user's mailbox for redundancy and disaster recovery to maintain. It does so through a process called log shipping. Where 1MB files created and then played in the database. To be able to maintain a backup server in another location for disaster recovery or two Exchange servers running next to eachothers.

Another interesting feature in 2010, is the fact that the Client Access server or your client redirects to the CAS server's database, which hosts the mailbox. It is no longer necessary to specify the location of the server in Outlook. The CAS analysis of AD and forward them automatically. Thus there is no hard coding. This makes the transition much easier for failover.

How many of you know that Exchange 2007 uses a graphical interface is simply a front-end for Microsoft's command line utilitycalled EMS or the Exchange Management Shell. Everything you do in the GUI is converted into a command and executed against your server. I personally would say there are about 90 percent in the GUI functionality in contrast to EMS. However, EMS certainly makes the process much easier if you apply an environment at the same time on multiple objects need.

As with Exchange 2007, is still the same five roles Edge Transport, Hub Transport Server, Client Access, Mailbox and Unified Messaging. Withinthese five roles, only the Edge Transport server must be installed separately from other servers. Everything else can be done in a field. Although this is not recommended for performance reasons. The reason why the server is Standalone Edge is designed to sit in your DMZ or at the border of the network. Absorbing hit list so that the internal servers are not affected. It has features such as aggregation of lists, which resulted in external Outlook client rules, so you can applythese rules before the message to everyone in your network.

The hub server is still the same as Exchange 2007, internal routes and maintain compliance with the rules of messages. You can also install a command against him anti-spam September In this way, if you are not using an Edge Transport server, you can order directly receive mail outside. Although this is not recommended by Microsoft.

The CAS server or client-server to interface with internal andexternal customers. As I said before that automatically redirects the client to Outlook, so there is no need to encode the mailbox server. It also accepts connections from smart phones, OWA, etc. It 's basically your interface with the client to the Exchange infrastructure.

If you want to make the infrastructure to monitor Exchange 2010, Microsoft has a plugin to your System Center Operations Manager or SCOM. This is a replacement for Microsoft MOM, which allows you to monitor your server.

InExchange 2010, you will not see SCR, LCR or CCR. They were replaced by DAG or the availability of groups of database. This is a replica of the configuration database is much easier. DAG is also possible for data residing on multiple servers. You can also buy different DAG. This is a great feature, because if half of the users in a group, and DAG, it goes down, not even the other half hit. Other benefits include the reduction of time again because they do not restore all users "Data only from those of the DAG. You can also swap the separate policies for different DAG. So if the management is in a regular and users in a different position to change the rules that apply to them. This is a great way to reduce risk by spreading the load.

With regard to the standard business software, and both go for the same disk installed. It 's just a different license key quote, which determines what version is installed. It 'also upgradeable.You can go from test to standard corporation. You can not get back by the company to default or in court.

be to install Exchange 2010 domain and forest functional level must 2003rd In addition, any site that contains Exchange 2010 must 2003SP2 2008 domain controller or domain controllers. It is recommended that the DC domain 2008r2 running, though.

EAS is still using Exchange or Exchange Active Sync for mobileDevices. In this way, your contacts, calendar, e-mail, etc., are all tightly integrated with your Windows Mobile devices.

A common mistake that people have, Exchange Enterprise Server, enterprise software must be installed. Or that the Enterprise Server software can not install on a standard Exchange. Both are mistakes.

If you start the Exchange installation, you should seriously consider how to configure the array. Exchange is a read / writeintensive application. Therefore, you should keep your operating system, log files and database of all separate on separate arrays. If this is not possible, then you should do at least yoru operating system files, and access to an array, and database files on another. The reason is simple. Log files are text-intensive files and the database is read-intensive. Separate these two from the speed of disk I / O.

Memory requirements in Exchange 2010 have been more or less unchanged. Start yourServer with 2 GB of memory and 5 MB for each user's mailbox. I personally recommend that you have 4 GB at a minimum. RAM is cheap these days that the advantage that most of them, depending on cost.

Although the Exchange databases can be very large, we do not recommend going over 100GB. This may be too cumbersome to reduce work and server performance.

If you want to remotely manage your Exchange server you can use management tools. Youis higher or on Vista SP2 and Server 2008 SP2 or later installed. You may not have to remotely access the Exchange server, all changes.

As for the layout of the site, you should also plan on a global catalog server in each site that contains a mailbox server. This is recommended by Microsoft and reduce WAN traffic.

Exchange has also established a new set of permissions to which they relate, such as RBAC or Role Based Access Control. From this you get 5Roles for the management of Exchange Infrastructure. She is a business management point of view, only the organizational management, destination management, records management, synchronization and management GAL.

Another thing you should consider before installing Exchange 2010 is to ensure that the domain is configured correctly. You can control how NETDIAG DCDIAG and tools to do this. To install Exchange 2010 must be a member of the Domain Admins, Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins.You want to add the link on and list of trusted sites in Internet Explorer. Other parts of the software, the drive installed are.NET 3.5, should be, Windows Remote Management 2.0, PowerShell V2, the 2007 Microsoft Office Converter Pack filter. While the role of mailboxes, you must also have AD Services remote management tools.

Before starting the installation, you have the wiring diagram / ps delete it if not to make the contents of C: windowstemp, copy theThe files from the CD to the hard drive and run setup / ps. You set / PrepareAD / organization name: MyCompany where "my company" may be replaced by the name of your organization.

You must then prepare the conditions following these commands.

ServerManagerCmd-install RSAT-Web server add-ServerManagerCmd ServerManagerCmd-install Web-ISAPI-Ext ServerManagerCmd-install Web-Metabase ServerManagerCmd-install Web-Mgmt-Console installation Lgcy ServerManagerCmdWeb-Basic-Auth ServerManagerCmd-install Web-Digest-Auth ServerManagerCmd-install Web-Windows-Auth ServerManagerCmd-install Web-Dyn-Compression-install ServerManagerCmd ServerManagerCmd Net-http-enable-install RPC over HTTP Proxy Once this is complete restart the server. You are now ready / mode: install / roles: H, C, M, H, C, M and CAS hub install Mailbox role.

After installation, restart the Exchange Best Practice Analyzer, or BPA.

To installthe Edge server, you want to make sure that you are running 2008 Standard with SP2. You can need.NET 3.5, 2.0 remote management, PowerShell V2, AD LDS (can be installed on ADLDS ServerManagerCmd-i). Working for the Edge server in a DMZ you have to open ports 50389-50636. Then run the new EdgeSubscription-filename "c: tempEdgeSubscriptionInfo.xml" Copy the file generated on your hub server, you can import it into the GUI and start-EdgeSubscription of EMS. You can verify this, once importedverify that it works correctly with the help of test-EdgeSubscription of EMS.

Personally, I recommend using a RBL to block spam from entering your organization. Spamhaus is an example. These queries the server connection on a blacklist of IP blocks and the communication, if you can find the list. This feature can drastically reduce spam.

Another point that must be addressed is the purchase of a SAN certificate for Exchange server. Exchange transferred through a secureWith the mentality of default. Here is a link to OWA or Active Sync will be very painful if you try to issue your own SSL certificates.

A further improvement of security in Exchange 2007 and 2010 is that all systems of communication is encrypted and secure. TLS is used internally for all server communication server. RPC is used for Outlook clients to communicate with the server. SSL is for all external client communications, including, OWA, ActiveSync, etc. configured

OpportunisticTLS is a new feature, find your Exchange Server will not attempt long to send via SMTP by default. Before you encrypt a STARTTLS command to use TLS to communicate with other external SMTP server. If the other server does not support this is still uncertain about communication.

Yet included in Exchange 2010 is the possibility of using a journaling mailbox to keep track of all your e-mail. This is required by some organizations. Note that this function can yourprocessor utilization and memory by 25 percent. You must make sure that the server has a lot of resources before you use this function.

One of the requirements as stated above is that Exchange 2010 should be executed, Active Directory 2003rd Although 2008 is recommended if you with Cisco Unified Messaging 4.2 (1) or less, the 2008 is not compatible with Active Directory.

If so, the Active Directory infrastructure upgrade recommended that a virtualMachine with Microsoft Hyper-V or VMware. Set the virtual machine, an additional domain controller and make it a global catalog. So if the update takes the worst thing that you have data that is intact, if you downgrade to have. Do not forget to unplug it before upgrading. If you need your back, you can use Ntdsutil to take advantage of roles.

If you want to create reasons for a clean installation of a domain, you can always move with the ADMT utilityUsers, groups, computers, service accounts and trusts.

When migrating from Exchange 2003 and 2010, the summary is as follows. First you have Exchange 2003 with Service Pack 2 Active Directory domain and forest functional levels must be at least 2003 and has a global catalog is 2003 Server with SP2. AD Tools installed LDIFDE 2008 to upgrade the system. Update your Exchange Scheme. Transfer of OWA, ActiveSync and Outlook Anywhere on the CAS server. Install / upgrade-HubServer. Transfer the flow of mail to the Hub Transport server. Installing the Mailbox server and DAG, if necessary. Move the public folder replicas with pfmigrat.wsf or PFRecursive.PS1. Move mailboxes. OAB rehome. Move public folder hierarchy. Transfer the public folder replicas. Delete 2,003 public and private companies. Delete routing group connectors. Delete RUS with ADSI Edit. Uninstall Exchange 2003.

When migrating from Exchange 2007 to 2010, the process is a bit 'less. Check Exchange2007 server running SP2. Make sure your domain and forest functional level is 2003. global catalog server is 2003 SP2. Using instruments LDIFDE to update the schema. Prepare schema. CAS server. Transfer of OWA. Install Hub Transport. Transfer the post to the Hub Transport. Use your AddReplicatoPFRecursive.Ps1 public folder replication to move. Move mailboxes. OAB rehome. Transferring public folder replication. Eliminate the public and private transactions. Uninstalling Exchange 2007.

With Exchange 2010 or 2007Want to see your co-existence of time as small as possible. The longer you mix different versions of the problems you are for asking.

If you have Exchange 5.5, unfortunately, there is no direct upgrade at this point. You must first click on Exchange 2003 SP2 to 2010. With regard to Lotus Notes, Novell Groupwise and Sendmail, the path is advisable to install a clean environment and then import the data to work with tools. There is no upgrade path.

Databaseavailability groups or DAG are a very important feature of the new Exchange 2010. It gives you the opportunity to 16 copies of users 'mailboxes' get. You can also use different database to fail over to different servers and what kind of priority. The requirements for the DAG Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition, two network cards in the mailbox servers, Exchange 2010 Enterprise, a witness file share. It is advisable to put this on the Hub Transport server. But technically it can be on any file server. E 'is very easy to install, how to create a share and then change the permissions managed and cared for.

steps to create a DAG, add members, and check the DAG

New DatabaseAvailabilityGroup-name-ExchangeDAG WitnessServer ExchangeHT WitnessDirectory "c: FSW-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIPAddresses - verbose

Add-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer identity ExchangeDAG-MailboxServer ExchangeMB-Verbose

Add-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer identity ExchangeDAGMailboxServer-ExchangeMB2-Verbose

Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup ExchangeDAG status identity

To view the network settings will

Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork identity ExchangeDAG

We can then copies of the database with the following

Add-MailboxDatabaseCopy identity ExchangeMB2 ExchangeMB-MailboxServer

Then check the status

Get-status MailboxDatabaseCopy

To test the health

Test ReplicationHealth

Exchange 2010 consulting

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