
Speak Your Heart

What does it mean to speak to the heart? And why is it important to do this while speaking in a business context?

We start with the base, give lectures and presentations in the first place: to send a message to be transmitted. If you have something to say, to convey a message, make a speech or presentation. The point is to get the message delivered.

Or is it? It 's easy to forward the message, or is it something people do with the information to be transmitted -to act?

Like you, I listened to boring speakers. They had a message, and they delivered. But if they are so boring that I lost interest and attention have been stopped within minutes of their opening remarks - or the time of the third PowerPoint slide came - I did not get their message. They handed him over, but was not received.

Someone once said: "People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care to know."

If you speak from your heart,it is clear to everyone in your audience that you are interested. Speaking from your heart means you are emotional, they say invested. It means that there are people talking about the cure.

For some reason, the same message resonates on a different level when it comes from your heart. The basic content is the same, but the tone and sound are different. I think that is why what I call emotional language.

emotional language is the non-verbalExpression of an emotional state. Love, compassion, anger, bitterness and joy are just some examples. The speaker experiences the emotion rather than talking about it. emotional language is a universal language that is understood at a deep level.

If someone who has only heard the devastating news, enters a room, the first white person they meet at once that something is wrong. 'S intuitive. You see and feel the emotional state of the person is excited.

Similarly, if youSend a message that he feels deeply, the audience will see and feel your emotional state. Your emotions will arouse their interest. We get things that no one would have said, in a way that would not have said to say. This subtle but powerful film are you and your speech more interesting.

If you speak your message from your heart a crisis gets more attractive. It 'so important to have the things you talk a lot aboutabout. However, if you're asked to talk about something that you do not feel strong, at least, care about the people you are talking about.

One of the greatest is to speak in a business context is that you should not show emotions. People will tell you to be that you do and then give you a hard time when you are excited. And yet, I'm hired to help from time to time, speakers and become more powerful and charismatic leader.

How can a powerfulSpeakers without emotions? Without emotion, it's just a bunch of words and concepts.

In my work coaching people on their speeches, I have a dramatic difference in the presentation of a person when he or she is emotionally stuck, see what they say. I have it in both their power and presence in word and in response is seen by their audience. There is a noticeable difference.

A recent example comes to mind. A coaching client was telling a story of arrivalDealing with a debilitating disease. This condition has a devastating impact on their lives. She was at a critical point and had some difficult decisions to change their lifestyle to do.

In the first version of their history have been there all the facts in the right order. As a listener, I understand exactly what happened and how it is. But the offer was flat. He remained emotionally. He was talking to me like I was in the audience, rather thanTrust in me like I'm their friend. E 'was when I told a story without the juicy juice.

My coach had questions for them to address how they felt, what was going on this - what it was like being in this state. And of course all the answers to my questions were rich in detail and emotional honesty.

After re-designing the emotional story elements that I asked, was his second version of the story very compelling. It was now emotionallyhonest and factually correct. It 'was the same story, with the same content, but now has been to speak from his heart. And what made the difference.

People expect to hear about having content - that can provide information. Everything to demand what they want to make it interesting. Do not expect to tap dance on the boardroom table, but would be happy if you're interested. Show some emotion. If you do not get pumped up for what you say is, as you canYou expect them?

Here are some tips to help you speak your heart in your next presentation:

Tell the truth. Be honest with the public.
He speaks from his head open with his heart. Tell them what you think and how you feel about it.
Talking to people as they are your friends, but as members of an audience.

These three changes in your approach will lead to much more powerful presentations. While some people resist the public inemotional honesty, most people will appreciate not only reward you with more attention and eventually, in a way that you know your message is made all the difference in their lives.

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